Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

NorCo Expected to Process 2,700 Provisional Ballots Today

Northampton County elections officials will process about 2,700 provisional ballots cast in the Presidential race today. Republicans are hoping this will turn the tide in a race in which Democrat Joe Biden leads Republican Donald Trump by 1,315 votes. 

A small army of Republicans and Democrats will be able to challenge ballots, and then the Elections Board will decide on Friday. When I get the time and precise location, I will update this post.  

Under the state Elections Code, when a provisional ballot under this clause, the ballot envelope is marked "challenged" together with the reason for the challenge. It is then set aside for review by the Elections Board.

That review will take place Friday, although I do not have a time or place at this point. Decisions by the Elections Board are subject to review by the Court of Common Pleas if a petition is lodged within two days after the Board's decision.

A provisional ballot is discounted if (1) the voter failed to register; (2) already voted; or (3) is a naked ballot with no secrecy envelope.

A provisional ballot will be partially counted if a voter lives in the county, but his vote in a state Representative race could be discounted. 

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