Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Biden's Lead in Pa is Now 44,930

As elections officials continue to process mail-in ballots, Joe Biden now has a 44,930 vote lead over Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. Biden has 3,362,873 votes (49.76%), while Trump has 3,317,943 (49.09%). At this point, 53,185 MIBs and an estimated 200,000 provisional votes must be counted. Most of the MIBs are from Philly and Allegheny. In addition, returns from 10 Philly precincts are still uncounted.   


  1. Clear victory in PA, and no automatic recount. Someone tell the Angry Orange Goon. If he wants a recount, he will have to justify it AND pay for it, and he will not gain anything. My guess is he won't even after all the noise he has made.

  2. It's the process. Can we all stop bashing our president. Give it up. You've had four years of it. If all votes matter you should want the legal process. Could be your candidate next time.

  3. Agree with 8:20 - let the votes be counted, there's no hurry at this point, just get it right. Only regret is that they should have started the counting of MIBs a day or two earlier knowing the volume they were going to end up with.

    Bernie - what is the deal with 10 precincts in Philadelphia not counted yet? How does something like that happen?

  4. I do not get the deal in Philly. This is from the state website. I think that Philly should have had all precincts in right away. It could that it did and the state site is not recognizing it for some reason.

  5. The recount of a close tally is one thing. Unsupported allegations of fraud are quite another.

  6. Bernie-
    I think Philadelphia is still working through their "Elections Return Board" legal proceedings. These meetings can be found HERE ON YOUTUBE


  7. From what I gather Trump's legal actions have brought things to a grinding halt till certain legal determinations are made.

  8. The strongest election lawsuit is the claim Bokavar (sp?) had no right to personally change the Rules of Pennsylvania Elections without a vote of approval beforehand by the Legislature.

  9. Philly ON THEIR WEBSITE just updated (at 12:50 PM) all divisions (1703 / 1703) have been counted.

    Biden- 573,785
    Trump- 128,123

  10. Thanks, LVCI. A NorCo official told me this afternoon that there's a lag between when a county provides information and when it appears on the state system.

  11. "The strongest election lawsuit is the claim Bokavar (sp?) had no right to personally change the Rules of Pennsylvania Elections without a vote of approval beforehand by the Legislature."

    If you are referring to the 3-day extension for MIBs, that came from the Pa Supremes. Under the Election Code, courts have the express authority to make changes in the event something goes amiss. What bothers me about the 3-day extension is it creates a presumption that a late arriving ballot was mailed on election day, even if there is no postmark. I could see the US Supreme Court rejecting these late ballots. I would insist on a postmark.


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