Local Government TV

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Trump and the Politics of Fear

NorCo's GOP is hosting the St. Louis couple who brandished firearms at protesters on June 28. They will be at Fairview Park in Palmer Tp on September 17.

Law-and-Order Trump is stoking fear again. In 2016, it was Mexican rapists. Now it's Antifa, blacks and Communists. This won't work in the cities. It may in the 'burbs and rural America.


  1. Law and Order, Peace and Security, and Family Safety are important to residents in every community. Rich, poor, and in between, doesn’t matter. People are moving out of New York City in record numbers. There, real estate values are down an estimated 40%. Same in other cities across the nation.

    The Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA thuggery has been allowed to get out of control, while many local politicians simply ignore or watch. Mob rule threatens everyone. Many will choose candidates they believe most likely to effectively restore decency to American life.

  2. Only a fool would watch what is going on in the cities of America and not prepare for when it may be at your own door.

  3. Are saying that people should not fear what is going on in america? Are saying that Trump has engineered the looting, arson and hatred of white folks that we see everyday?

  4. Trump is headed toward a landslide victory and a Nobel peace prize.

  5. I'll be there in support of the 2nd!!!!!

  6. "Trump and the Politics of Fear". Trump is in North Carolina without a mask speaking to an enthusiatic, cheering crowd of 15,000 while Slow Joe is in his basement wearing a mask and speaking in ominous tones of the dire situation this country is in.

    Got this headline backwards Bernie. Should be "We have nothing to fear but fear itself".

  7. Ah, the McCloskey's. What type of Americans are we promoting? These two D-bags never met a person they wouldn't sue, including his father! POS personal injury lawyers. I'll stick with George Will as my consultative hero.

  8. @6:56 AM
    Even D-bags are covered by the Second Amendment.

    George Will - “the loneliest guy in the New York Times lunch room.”

  9. I'll be interested to see if the McCloskey's discuss the issue of regionalization that was one of the more interesting speeches of the RNC. The McCloskey's argue that the once in power, Democrats will aggresively promote implementation of fair housing policies, bringing low income housing to America's suburbs and integrating suburban school systems. This is a very interesting and compelling political issue. Trump is smart to promote issues such as this to affluent suburban females, a key demographic in many swing states.

  10. I see the GOP operatives are on early making sure to sow the seeds of their far right brand of Americanism. I hope the people of the Valley are wise enough to see through the charade of parading two individuals who brandished weapons publicly as a form of "law and order" or self protection. As a firearm owner myself, I remember being taught in my youth that this was THE LAST THING you do. It's more in line with the vigilantism we have been seeing from the far right that has come out to play under Trump's reign, which if history is any indication, could turn into another para-police force as we have seen in many failed states over the years.

    Our county is very important in the election, so more stunts like this are to be expected to stoke fear, divisiveness and try to turn people further to the right. Dangerous times and dangerous people are in play. We are seeing the many closet fascists and authoritarians amongst us show their true colors over the past few years.

    I have been in New York, Philadelphia and Washington in the pst several weeks for work or family matters and the trope being sold about new urban decay as a threat to the suburbs is an absolute joke and political stunt. Its actually more quiet and somber due to the virus and economic issues surrounding it. Don't believe the lies and propaganda being hawked by the far-right.

  11. Themes of strength in the face of threats have always been effective politically but the use of photos or videos of that couple "defending their property" has to be some sort of joke. Both people appear to be pampered physically unfit individuals who also have no idea how to properly handle firearms and take a defensive position that would give them even a slim chance of survival in a fight with dangerous attackers. If some political marketing professional suggested that this couple is an example of how to best visually portray stalwart defenders of property and Second Amendment rights, the Trump campaign needs to find a new consulting firm. This is an embarrassment.

  12. These people are no heroes. Read up on how they’ve treated other people in their own neighborhood. They clog up the courts with nonsense-suits drawing attention to themselves as litigation lawyers. I think they hope Trump is going to hire them as one of his many bottom-feeder lawyers.

  13. 3:57: Are saying that people should not fear what is going on in america? Are saying that Trump has engineered the looting, arson and hatred of white folks that we see everyday?

    Yes. Trump's campaign is funding BLM and other Antifa groups so he can appear to be the Law & Order president. WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE!!!

    Trump is a fear monger. He built his whole campaign on that premise. "Build the wall", "They're rapists" "they're drug dealers". etc...

    Now, you sheeple will believe that he only lied about the Coronavirus to stop widespread panic.

    I don't know which will kill you first, the coronavirus or the Kool-aid you're drinking. I just prefer that you get whichever one kills quicker. Unlike trump who only pretends to be pro-life...I'm not.

  14. The one time Trump should have stoked fear-- The Pandemic. Trump claims he did want people to panic so he misled them to keep calm. By that logic never ever should the weather service warn of impending hurricanes, tornado, pending floods or tsunamis. Nor the fire service to warn people to evacuate in California. After all we wouldn't want people to panic.

  15. CORRECTION.. Trump claims he didn't

  16. The GOP reeks of fear--not from the protestor-boogeypersons, but of what's looming in the election. You can do only so much in American politics with 45% support. Enjoy your last few weeks of the illusion!

  17. so, you insinuate that the people in the cities are happy with the destruction by BLM and antifa. Or do you believe the dem line that it is white supremacists creating all the destruction and chaos. Are you saying only the suburbs fear violent unrest?

  18. 9:38, I insinuate nothing.people who live urban lives are well aware the threat of violence is minimal to nonexistent. Trump is unable to persuade city dwellers with fear-mongering. But he is scaring people elsewhere while continuing to divide and polarize us.

  19. Much ado about nothing. Fomenting division and hate/fear of others. Shameful GOP tactics that will fail in the end. Biden no bed of roses but Trump a wannabe dictator. I choose democracy over fascism.

  20. This is a time when crime statistics are overpowered by actual video evidence. One cannot watch the recent videos of innocent people dining out at restaurants who are accosted without provocation. There have been several from various cities. The most recent I’ve seen from an attack in downtown Pittsburgh. That stuff should shock everyone. Our major news media has been hiding plenty of these events. Check YouTube.

    The tourism industry in many cities has been destroyed. Businesses closed, hotels and restaurants empty. I wouldn’t set foot in many of these places that have allowed the mobs to continue. Not worth it.

    The entire effort behind BLM, Etc. Is to intimidate and create fear. Places that allow this are being scorned and abandoned. The ruination of these cities is a failure of those Mayors and Governors who hold responsibility.

  21. People are moving out of the city - NOT because they're afraid of over hyped violence claims, but because of COVID. When you are living in the city, you're exposed to more people and limited on where you can go and what you can do.

    Rather than live in a small apartment thats close to their employer, they'll move out of the cities, to have more space in a home with access to parks and can now telecommute to their jobs.

    The only thing Lehigh Valley residents should fear is their home values skyrocketing and the potential increase in taxes.

    The elderly MAGA types will absolutely hate this because they've already taken advantage of the schools and don't want to pay for anything that no longer benefits them directly, so they'll wet their pants and cry "socialism" or whatever catchphrases they've learned to parrot from Tucker and Hannity.

  22. Trump has literally spent weeks on the defensive, first with the REPUBLICAN Senate report confirming that his campaign did indeed work with Russia (NOT A HOAX - who knew?!?), then the resuscitation of the comments about McCain and military KIA's and now the Woodward recording. Next week will surely be another.

    Clearly his supporters won't waiver at this point - simply too stubborn or more likely emotionally fragile to admit that they've backed an incompetent, unqualified loser who has not risen to the occasion.

    They'll wave their flags, wear their hats, parade their boats and publicly out themselves as dim witted rubes who got played for suckers by a guy who has made a career out of being all hype with no substance. In a way I feel sorry for them and what sort of reckoning they'll be dealing with in November.

  23. Nothing really captures what and who the Republican party is and what it represents than a fat, doughy white guy in a pink polo shirt holding an AR-15 on the lawn of his McMansion with his wife next to him improperly holding her gun.

    Morons celebrating the idiots among themselves.

    Republicans Presidential candidates have won exactly one popular vote since electing George HW Bush in 1988. Yeah, yeah, Electoral College is what counts, but the Republican Party is simply dying and is doubling down on simply appealing to White, Elderly, Rural, Lower Education voters in a country where those demographics are slowly, but surely fading into non-relevance.

    Once Trump loses in November, we will likely see 12 years of Dems in the White House, if not longer if Republicans can't successfully rebrand. House and Senate could ebb and flow a bit, but very likely they'll have 2 years of White House, House and Senate. The Radical Socialist Paradise is coming.

  24. I cant believe the local libertarians will allow themselves to be upstaged. Where's the crazy west easton constable going to have her rally where she can tell people how she defended herself with a gun against a black neighbor, or pulled a knife on BLM protesters?

  25. Blacks? You wish. He has higher approval among blacks than previous GOPers, and that approval rose dramatically after antifa and blm started burning and looting and murdering in blue cities. Trump may lose from the white vote while having made astounding gains among blacks and Hispanics. You sound silly when your TDS causes you to veer from facts. Biden is the demonstrated racist. His votes over four decades clearly document this. Nice try though Bernie. If that's the best you have, it's no wonder Biden's double digit lead in PA is gone. Although, Wolf has been Trump's most reliable and effective campaigner, anywhere. Wolf brought Trump back from dead. And now he's closing bars at 10! Bingo! There go more blues taking the red pills Wolf is passing out in truckloads. Can't wait for the next unscientific, authoritarian edict. Each one earns more Trump votes.

  26. George Will is only happy when we're about to start another war. He's been cranky pants since droning Barack The War Starter was kicked out of public housing. Neoconservative chicken hawks don't like peace agreements and troop withdrawals. It's why they hate Trump. It's really funny when they turn Dems into hawks. It's like watching the hypnotized be made to act like morons and bark and fart on command.

  27. Criminals reside in the cities , so yes it wont work. Truth about the Marist hurts when you promote violence , looting and riots when the educated people for a free and law and order America stand up to the hate and racism the other promotes. The Killing of a free America needs to stop. I don't like Trump, but in no way ,shape or form can I vote for the extremist in the country that are destroying us from within. Getting very reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the late 20's and 1930"s . We saw how that turned out.

  28. Re: panic, the amnesia caused by CoViD-19 is the most under-reported story of the dempanic. When Trump halted flight from China, he was ripped (especially by Biden) for being xenophobic and draconian and attempting to cause a panic. They and you screamed "viruses don't know borders!" You know who you are. Nancy Pelosi went on to urge SF residents to relax and visit Chinatown. DiBlasio urged NYers to chill and live life and he made movie recommendations. When Trump pulled the panic button, he sent Democrats into a panic about panic. Meanwhile, there was no panic in Dems telling kids they'd die from touching swing sets and sliding boards - or go to school with a .00001 chance of dying. Please own the overdose and suicide epidemics you created. No panic about wrecking lives and businesses to the point where people off themselves, right?

  29. Isn't a bail violation for them to leave their state of Delusion?

  30. Politics of fear? That label could also apply to the Democrat strategy in selected cities. By allowing the violent elements of BLM to burn and loot cities, immediately releasing arrested persons back out to the streets, they are creating fear that without changing to a new administration in Washington, the chaos will continue to worsen. As if it’s Trump that is weak on law and order! Unbelievable.

  31. "Even D-bags are covered by the Second Amendment"

    Yeah, and there is no law against giving a 5-year old a can of gas and a book of matches.

    Watching these two boobs swinging around their guns was embarrassing. Any responsible gun owner cringed watching these two. like it or not this is what most liberals picture when they think about gun owners.

  32. “BOH: I insinuate nothing.people who live urban lives are well aware the threat of violence is minimal to nonexistent.”

    Chicago, NYC, Washington, Philadelphia, Portland, Seattle, etc., etc., etc. Am I missing something?

  33. Not only is Trump scaring people so is his news network - Fox News. They are spreading lies faster than a California wildfire and they are doing it 24 hours a day. Simply PATHETIC! I pray for January 20th so that a new administration can clean the swamp of the swamp things and make those 1% pay their fair taxes.

  34. I have been at my gun gun range almost every day since May except for vacation. Well I’m back now for 2 Nd week . Police trained in our range . I won’t tell you who they were but — they suck wind. It’s not their personal fault because they didn’t really have a firearms coarse till after they were 24 years old.
    For a few hours I could fix them like I did in U.S.Army ,no difference. But- Shit might hit a fan shortly ,everyone is expressing it. . I will train an Law Officer on marksmenship to a level they can’t get at the academy free of charge like I have some Federal folks. The issue is that if illections in this country don’t go the way someone wants it ,there’re is going to be troubles. Gun dealers are saying 40% of all firearms sold between June 1 - July 30 were first time firearm households. This means the public is scared , there scared. Scared and not trained. That’s why I have been busy at my range. Everyday a family shows up. They open a box and don’t know what to do. This nation is full of nice people that can’t defend themselves. I post this to warn you.

  35. "People are moving out of the city - NOT because they're afraid of over hyped violence claims, but because of COVID."
    I was gonna copy and paste a few things until I realized the same person was posting these half ass comments. Trump 2020!!! See you at the the Sept 17 rally. PS I've been training a few in safe firearms handling and shooting. As have others I know. Unfortunately new gun owners are making it harder to find ammo and decent priced ammo at that. Support the 2nd!! Gun control is hitting your target.

  36. @7:14: Buying a gun give you the license to kill!

  37. You're projecting again with this post....

    Trump is funny, the Q&A with the fake news is of stand-up quality. His calling-out of the fake news is a welcomed relief from their constant psych-war on the viewers.

    There are folks out there with rolls of masking tape stoking more fear, although taping all the clean chairs does make me giggle.

  38. Talking about fostering fear, Why they have been encouraging a fear of Trump for 4 years, and he has not enacted any policies detrimental to american citizens. He has not hurt anyone.

  39. Genuinely curious where all of these cocksure Trump 2020/Trump Landslide commentors are getting their optimism from?

    Discounting the sunshiney posts shared on your Facebook feed, why do you expect a historically unpopular President to be reelected? Not interested in what the 2016 Polls said or the Shy Trump Voter cliches/crutches, they'll have no bearing on the outcome in November 2020.

    Trump literally squeaked by in 4 states that gave him 75 EC votes in 2016. The fundamentals between 2016 and 2020 have changed. Trump is no longer an outsider, he's the sitting President of the last 4 years. Biden is not the same candidate or choice as Hillary was. Biden is not repeating her mistakes by ignoring/taking for granted PA, MI & WI. Minority/young voter turnout was down in 2016, mostly attributable to Hillary's unfavorables. Independent/moderates were fatigued with 8 years of Obama and broke heavily towards Trump late.

    I 100% get how/where certain "Conservative" voters love Trump touching all of their special spots, but those policies and judicial choices don't stroke the majority of the population centers of this country the same way. Some love how Trump "pokes the bear" that is main stream media, but when the majority of the country gets their news from those main stream media outlets, it comes across differently - crass and juvenile at best. My guess is greater than 50% of this country prefers to see quiet competent "above the fray" type leadership versus in the slop slap fighting engagement. Again, clearly that style does appeal to some voters, but it is highly unlikely a majority of voters.

    Similarly, betting on a "Law & Order" groundswell of support is the dog chasing its tail. Police reform and Black Lives Matter movements in general have a majority of support in the country with its primary detractors already being Trump supporters in the first place. What or who exactly is Trump trying to court into his camp here that wasn't already there?

    Election results in 2018 as historically expected did not go well for the incumbent President's party. What has changed since 2018 to 2020 that points to a different result this time around?

    Demographically, Trump's 3rd biggest voter group in '16 after "White men" and "Non-college graduate" was voters over 65. Actuarial tables dictate Trump has already lost a few 100,000 voters since 2016.

    So, Trump won 2016 because of 70,000 votes in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin. Considering 125,000,000 citizens voted (about 5 million fewer than 2008), 70,000 is a razor thin margin. How does Trump win with expected higher turnout from minority and younger voters, a natural lean against incumbency from independent/moderates and the literal attrition of his own older voting base?

  40. Yes Mr O'Hare there is fear in this presidental election. Fear that more babies will be killed after birth under the disguise of approved abortion. Fear that law and order will be a thing of the past. Fear that bringing our Troops home is a bad idea. Fear that the second amendment will be radically changed. Fear that the liberal courts will continue to rule against the constitution. Fear that more illegals will enter our country and receive free health care, social security and jobs. We need to fear the lack of patriotism toward our country and flag. We need to fear that our youth will not have the opportunities that we have enjoyed. Sad that this had to be written on 9-11 when we should not be fearing, but remembering the suffering occurred not so long ago.

  41. 11:48 needs a dog. So much fear. How can you get out of bed in the morning with all those worries? You poor thing.

  42. This is a sick thing for GOP to do. But I'm not surprised.

  43. @11:48 "Yes Mr O'Hare there is fear in this presidental election. Fear that more babies will be killed after birth under the disguise of approved abortion. Fear that law and order will be a thing of the past. Fear that bringing our Troops home is a bad idea. Fear that the second amendment will be radically changed. Fear that the liberal courts will continue to rule against the constitution. Fear that more illegals will enter our country and receive free health care, social security and jobs. We need to fear the lack of patriotism toward our country and flag. We need to fear that our youth will not have the opportunities that we have enjoyed. Sad that this had to be written on 9-11 when we should not be fearing, but remembering the suffering occurred not so long ago."

    Maam, stop letting your husband frighten you. None of the above will happen if Biden is elected. Abortions won't increase, friendly policemen won't disappear, laws will still be enforced, the 2nd amendment will still be there - its not the end of the world no matter what he tells you.

    People still love our country and our flag and all that it represents. It just doesn't love far right policies that only work for a small segment of the population as a whole. Your grandchildren who you undoubtedly love will have opportunities to succeed in life, but much like when you were a child, those opportunities will be much different than the ones your parents and grandparents enjoyed.

    I hope that makes you feel a little bit better. Now tell that husband of yours to share the remote or change the channel to something other that FOX News. It'll rot your brain!

  44. `2.32 p.m. never mind the dog, beware of the owner

  45. @4:08 PM September 11---------Fairly lengthy missive you had going there. I do believe Trump be in your head really bad. Hope today is a better day. Love you.

  46. 11:43 AM you're a fool...

    I've left the Democrat plantation, I KNOW Trump will garner at least 20% of the black vote, maybe more like 30%.
    Ditto the hispanic vote >40%.

    And wait until Trumps October Surprise!!!

    The landslide is real, and palpable. Just get ready to lose, bigly!

    But Joe could do well in the debates--yeah right.

  47. Palmer Township tells Snover and her NRA/ 2nd amendment goons to go elsewhere. No welcome mat here.

  48. President Trump Has Brought peace to the Middle East!!!

    No shit, Saudi Arabia is next, Saudi Fucking Arabia....

    You wouldn't know that if you watched CNN or MSNBC...

  49. Careful 2:55, the Party will have you "resettled" to a different facility when they win, I'm mean force, victory this November.

    I wonder when they'll all start wearing those fashionable armbands to go with the hats.

  50. I've left the Democrat plantation, I KNOW Trump will garner at least 20% of the black vote, maybe more like 30%.
    Ditto the hispanic vote >40%.

    Yeah, keep watching Faux News. They'll have him leading by 90% in every demographic by election day. As if you were ever a Democrat. ROFLMAO

  51. If Trump gets anywhere near 20% of the black vote he'd be the undisputed WINNER of the 2020 election!
    Not to mention all the black republican (and women!) candidates brought on-board in the down vote.
    Nancy could be out of a job! How sweet would that be!

    Ratings don't lie--Fox News Network wipes the floor with CNNMSNBCNPRCBSABCNBCAPBloom. Why? They actually tell both sides of the story, for you to decide. CNN just can't be taken seriously. They did 2 minutes about the Israel & UAE/Bahrain/Kosovo Peace agreement/Recognition of Israel's right to exist. President Trump deserves 2 Nobel Peace Prizes! Maybe Pres Obama could give up his affirmative action NPP.

    Tucker Carlson RULES! He makes utter fools of the un-objective corporate news media every weeknight. Watch and learn, watch and learn.

    One things for sure, we'll know soon enough.

  52. Im a conservative Republican, WHO the hell in the NORCO party thought of this! What a stupid move!


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