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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Democrats Have High Percentage of "Inactive" Voters

Yesterday, on the basis of statistics maintained by Pennsylvania's Department of State, I told you there are currently 8,748,726 registered voters in the Keystone State. This includes 217,849 in Northampton and 239,619 in Lehigh County. But this number is deceptive. It includes both active and inactive voters. If you subtract inactive voters from the total, the number of registered voters becomes smaller.

What are inactive voters? These are persons who have not voted over the past five years and who have failed to respond to inquiries about their registration. Though still eligible to vote, they might be required to produce ID or verify their address at the polls.

Statewide, 442,563 of 4,125,889 Democrats are inactive. That's 10.7% who have failed to vote for at least five years. In NorCo, 11,229 (11.3%) of 99,253 registered Democrats are inactive. In Lehigh, 11,365 (9.8%) of 115,862 registered Democrats are inactive.

How about Republicans?

Statewide, 252,464 of 3,376,463 registered Republicans are inactive. That's just 7.4% . In NorCo, 6,580 (8.4%) of 77,532 registered Republicans are inactive. In Lehigh, it's 5,347 (6.5%) of 81,677. Though Democrats still have a numbers edge, it's hardly overwhelming. Moreover, it appears they lack the enthusiasm of the GOP.


Anonymous said...

Hard to believe that democrats do not find Mr Biden inspirational! I mean where are their heads? They'll show in November when it counts.

Anonymous said...

Enough Dems, plus independents, plus moderate Republicans and actual thinking conservatives will be more than enough to compensate for those inactives.

Now lets all sit back and enjoy 30 posts from the 3 or 4 delusional, overconfident old men who will say things like "Trump 2020", "Sleepy Joe" and "Radical Socialist Agenda".

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:49, Hope you are right.

Anonymous said...

Other than getting a “win” for your preferred political party, convince this Conservative Independent why it’s time to vote for a Liberal. Thank you.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Because he is not a nonstop liar, will restore dignity to the office, will stop the endless division and chaos and will rehab fractured relationships with our allies.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bernie. But, I’m never convinced solely upon sweeping generalizations. Anyone else care to contribute more?

Anonymous said...

Conservative Independent - does Trump behave or act Presidential in any way? Lead with dignity? Seriously, put him up against either Bush or Reagan (all TRUE Conservatives) and honestly what does he look like to you? At least George W was able to gather and rally the nation as a whole after 9/11. Whether he made mistakes going into Iraq and Afghanistan is certainly debatable, but he at least demonstrated that he cared about the entire country, not just the group of voters who put him in office.

Without a doubt, Dem's have behaved poorly the last 4 years and have gone out of their way to harass Trump, but Trump just simply sails from one self inflicted gaff, controversy, tweet and low level scandal to the next.

Trump is basically like the hot girlfriend you have, who is chronically late, has massive mood swings, flirts with other guys at the bar in front of you, starts fights and runs up your credit card. In the end, she looks great, the sex is fun, but she just has too much baggage to deal with.

Biden is just the local librarian you hook up with for a short term rebound til life settles down for you a bit.

Anonymous said...

Inactive voters?

Heck, the Dems have an inactive candidate.

Anonymous said...

@8:35 - Rationalize your personal second vote for Trump anyway you want, but there is no silent majority/Shy Trump voter coming to the rescue this year. They never existed in the first place. It was a large "Undecided" group that disliked both Hillary and Trump and broke towards Trump after the Comey letter.

I'm sorry you've been branded a murderous racist nazi sexist homophobic toothless redneck which is certainly a lazy stereotype of the typical Trump voter, but make no mistake you are happily sharing a bed with that group in order to have Trump as your President.

Anonymous said...

Excellent explanation, 8:35. I did vote for Trump in 2016 and will do so again. I just can’t see a Biden/Harris ticket as an improvement to my life. Even beyond Biden’s obvious health restrictions, his interactions with Ukraine, Iran, and China are still not clear. Harris being “one heartbeat away” doesn’t give me a good feeling either. She was totally rejected by her own party during the Primary.

Anonymous said...

I love when people say Trump lies......ummm name a politician who doesn't? Stop pretending like ANY of these politicians are worth their weight. Oh good they are fake prim and proper I guess that makes you feel good that people like Pelosi and company can curtsy while they are slitting your throat. This makes it better because they are good at lying and at least they are holding dignity to the office! Oh save us sacred politician how would we ever survive if we didn't have dignity for the office!

Anonymous said...

9:16 - Conservatism and Republican are not necessarily the same thing. My version of Conservatism believes in less government control over my life and a strong belief in the Constitution and the Rule of Law. I’ve voted against many Republicans over time and will do so again in 2020. I’ve also voted for Democrats, but these two? Definitely not.

Trump appeals to me because he can be both Liberal and Conservative depending on what he believes to be in best interest of the greatest amount of people. He’s actually the Middle-Left/Middle Right both parties always claim they’d like to see.

Anonymous said...

Harris 2020!

Anonymous said...

Sharing, but not happily. Have you ever been married? Lol. Also curious is your incongruous use of stereotype and typical in the same sentence. You just can't help yourself and you haven't learned a thing in four years. BTW, when polled in '16 I lied and answered undecided. That's what 10% of Rs and Is regularly do.

Anonymous said...

The Obama campaign did an exceptional job in 2008 and 2012 registering new Democrat voters. Like him or not, Barack Obama was unquestionably a historic candidate and his presence on the ticket, primary or general, drove unprecedented registration. Is it really surprising that a lot of those newly registered Democrats did not turn out in the past 5 years when Mr. Obama was no longer on the ballot? Will they turn out in this election to vote against Trump for a candidate that does not have Mr. Obama's historic bona fides? That's the only question that matters in this election.

Anonymous said...

@10:12 - agree to disagree on your assessment of where Trump lays on the political spectrum, or at least who he caters to exactly. His stances and actions on immigration, racism, abortion, tax cuts are/were hardly middle of the road and it costs him in the polls and how he's viewed. I know much of the above thrills the FOX News viewers, but like it or not over half this country doesn't subscribe to that thinking or opinion.

Bernie O'Hare said...

" love when people say Trump lies......ummm name a politician who doesn't? "

Most do, but not so blatantly as Trump. Nor are they as thin-skinned, venal and mean. He is a disgrace to his office and to this country. He makes me ashamed to be an American. We are better than this.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for TRUMP only because I believe Biden is being used to get the votes to win. I give the Dem's 6 months maybe a year before they throw him out saying he can no longer do the job. God help this country if Harris becomes president. I truly believe this is the plan. socialism will kill this country.

Anonymous said...

"thin-skinned, venal and mean. He is a disgrace to his office and to this country. He makes me ashamed"

You just described President Obama, 6 ways to Sunday.

The most corrupt occupant of the White House EVER...

You may deny these as yet undisclosed facts, but they will soon be known:

President Obama illegally, and without predication, spied on thousands of Americans and others, using NSA contractors to get dirt on his enemies, and any opposition to his policies, particulary Iran.

Grand Juries have been empaneled, indictments will follow...
Laugh all you want, it's Trumps October surprise.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden really isn’t who the Democrats want to be making decisions in the White House. If he gets there at all he will not be a manager of anything. This is almost like running a cardboard cut-out for President.

Anonymous said...

You lie for Living?

Anonymous said...

Hard to know what your point is, 12:23. I assume it refers to the previous post. Do you, or anyone else, actually believe Joe Biden has enough physical or mental capacity remaining to effectively handle all of his first term? Perform adequately as the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth?

We’re about 7 weeks from the election and I still do not believe Joe Biden is all there is to consider Before then. Something, or someone else, is part of the plan. It would be nice to know what that is. If anything, Kamalla Harris could be the real goal for the White House.

Anonymous said...

People will not change their minds on who to vote for. For all you who want biden harris. Remember you voted for them when they take away your freedoms and they Take control of your lives and they take away your choice. And they take away guns from the non criminals. Don't complain because you asked for it