Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Zrinski and NorCo's Elections Chief Distrust the Voters

Tara Zrinski, a member of Northampton County Council, is running for the state house seat being vacated by Marcia Hahn. But she distrusts the voters she hopes will elect her. Amy Cozze is Northampton County's openly gay elections chief. She also distrusts the voters she is supposed to be serving. All of this became clear by a decision made by County Council last week and the ruckus that followed on social media. By a 7-1 margin (member Peg Ferraro was absent), they approved a referendum in which voters will be asked to amend the Home Rule Charter to prohibit the County from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or identity. Zrinski was the sole No vote.

Council members John Cusick and Kerry Myers sponsored this measure. Cusick explained that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or identity was banned by the Supreme Court in June, and NorCo has adopted policies consistent with that decision. The County's 43 year-old Home Rule Charter, however, is based on the language of the Civil Rights Act. "I feel that it's important that we add this to the Home Rule Charter and that we ask the voters to affirm what the Supreme Court did,' argued Cusick. "I believe this is something that, in 2020, they will support."

Myers agreed. "We need to have faith in the people of Northampton County," he asserted. He later invoked his inner John Lewis, "Sometimes you gotta' get in good trouble."

Zrinski, who spoke four times and repeated herself, unsuccessfully attempted to have the referendum tabled. "The voters don't get to have a second pass at what has already been deemed by the Supreme Court," she declared. She also said she spoke to members of the LGBTQ who think it's a terrible idea to let the voters weigh in. "This is a tactic to undermine the Supreme Court ruling," she charged, which impugned John Cusick's motives.

Zrinski was contradicted by members Lori Vargo-Heffner and Ron Heckman. They also spoke to members to the LGBTQ community who had no problem letting the voters decide. ""I am going to trust the will of the people of Northampton County."

After the meeting, Zrinski continued to gripe on Facebook about the measure, and this is when NorCo's Voter Registrar Amy Cozze decided to signal her own views on an election matter she is required to administer. "I don't look forward to knowing how many people in Northampton County think I don't deserve equal rights because of my sexual orientation," she complained.

Under Northampton County's Home Rule Charter, nothing prevents the chief elections official from weighing in on matters in which she has either a personal or political interest. Perhaps it should. Cozze's remarks about an elections question she will be administering creates the perception and perhaps the reality that she will run elections in a way designed to favor herself and her party. Even worse, it is an indication that she, too, distrusts the voters she serves.


  1. You cannot include every federal and state law in a home rule charter. Common sense should prevail. This is simply a case of window dressing. Let's include the bill of rights in the charter and all the state laws too. Someone is imply sucking up to a certain segment of voters. what happens if the voters turn this down?

  2. Not a matter of can she, more a matter of should she. Poor judgement on Cozze part. That is worrisome for a person in her position.

  3. I'm voting against whatever these assholes favor. They should be afraid of this voter. I dont like them and I dont think anyone gets special privileges. Democracy is a fickle bitch. I also don't trust our county election idiot because she's a lunatic who doesn't trust me. She needs to resign and get a sign and set something on fire and feel better. Idiot. This will be a crooked election in NorCo. We need international obseververs to watch this radical. Election is tainted.

    1. Take a chill pill. You obviously slurped up the infectious trump drivel about voter fraud. If he loses its voter fraud. It he wins its voter stupidity.

  4. 5:43. It’s Meds time, your a little goofy

  5. There is no law that prohibits elections officials from taking positions on issues or being partisans. For example, Florida's current GOP governor was its Chief Elections official. But this is inappropriate. The Register of Voters should be under the same restrictions as judicial employees and should never speak out on any issue being decided by the voters. Cozze's remarks might also violate the county's social media policy. I get that she may have strong opinions, but should not express them publicly. When she was first named Register, I remember her telling me she would refrain from speaking out on issues. I think that was a wise decision. Her comments on Zrinski's page was not.

  6. Did County Council ever hear of the Career Service Regulations? They can do something about this right now. They don't have to bring it before the electorate. Simply submit the regulation they want approved to the Personnel Commission for their review and recommendation. The Commission will approve the "regulation, send it back to County Council for approval. Upon Councils approval it becomes a part of "the career service regulations". They can also make it a "law" by adopting an ordinance and making it part of the "Administrative Code". What are they going to do if the voter doesn't approve the ballot question? Are they going to completely ignore the Supreme court Ruling? Of course not. They should stop this nonsense and step up to the plate, take responsibility, do the right thing and stop cluttering the ballot with questions that have already been decided.

  7. Exactly, Cozze, as an NC employee, should not be making comments per policy. She should be fired as any other employee would be. Check the records. That will be playing favorites on its own if they don't enforce the policy.

  8. Idiots, can't go against the Supreme Court.

  9. I am not sure whether her comment violates social media policy. As someone who asked for and received nearly $1 million from that Council, she is biting the hand that feeds her.

  10. Imagine an election official who publicly states her distrust of the electorate. How is this person still employed? All her work on the primary is officially in the toilet. She simply cannot be trusted and has already done great damage to the legitimacy of the upcoming election. Trust runs both ways. I don't trust her; not even a little. She did this to herself. Independent observers are necessary to protect the election from this zealot. She gets props for warning everyone what she's all about, though.

  11. As a conservative I will be voting for this. Everyone should be treated the same, and I think it's great that the voters will be able to weigh in. As far as Zrinski and Cozze, I am disappointed more than angry. There will always be haters out there, but I think they will be surprised at the support this gets. They need to be a little less negative about the folks out there.

  12. Unfortunately, Cozze seems to have a chip on her shoulder and poor self-control. She is unfit for that position which must be non-partisan and non-political. The weak-ass Board of Elections should censor her or recommend that she be replaced. Cannot trust her judgement.

  13. Well I'd say a bit of Karma is at work here. After Zrinski and other activists badgered every board in the Lehigh Valley to include express language in their own non-discrimination clauses, it's about time someone had the decency to actually ask the voters what they thought.

    The bottom line is that counties and other boards can't supersede state law, and it's not within their powers to try to do so. Instead of changing the HRC or any other board bylaws to mirror state language that can change, the HRC and bylaws of other boards should instead be altered to reflect that the county (or other board) adheres to state anti-discrimination laws. That way, the county and other boards never have to waste time changing something that they have no control over, and it's clear to everyone that it's not in the county's (or any other board's) authority to change.

    That said, I'd much prefer voters having the opportunity to weigh in than having a few self-deluded elites virtue signal with meaningless (because state law takes precedent) changes on their own.

    Regarding Zrinski, perhaps she fears that voters could make a mistake. She'd have to be aware of that possibility, since voters put HER in office.

    As to Cozze, she needs to resign or be removed. Whoever serves in that position shouldn't let their feelings known on any issue that could come before the voters. Doing otherwise erodes public confidence in the office, and public confidence in fair elections. That Cozze fails to understand that makes her unfit for office. It's a shame, because I had held her in such high regard up to this point.

    In Lehigh County, I'm not sure what party Tim Benyo belongs to or how he feels on any issue. I believe he's served both Republican and Democrat administrations, partly because he is perceived as impartial on issues and candidates. That's the way it should be.

  14. Anon 9:52 said:

    "Imagine an election official who publicly states her distrust of the electorate. How is this person still employed?"

    The only way she is still employed is if the person employing her has the same distrust of the electorate.

    It's that simple.

  15. She does not report to the Elections Board.


  16. In Lehigh County, I'm not sure what party Tim Benyo belongs to or how he feels on any issue. I believe he's served both Republican and Democrat administrations, partly because he is perceived as impartial on issues and candidates. That's the way it should be.”


  17. What is the process for removing her? I saluted her performance in the primaries. I want her gone, now. It doesn't take much to destroy public confidence. She just proved that. There's too much at stake in November.

  18. The great irony is no one is asking the voters for lifestyle permission, they are asking for permission to change the charter. Zirinski and Cozze need to take a civics course. Of course Zirinsi is just being the female progressives' Tuump. A pure Narcissi.

  19. 11:59, I do not consider this a firing offense, but a mistake borne out of inexperience. She administered an outstanding primary, but I think her comments were inappropriate and somewhat foolish.

  20. Of course we knew that she does not report to the Elections Board. So what good are they? They should at least censure her and recommend to the administration that she be removed from office. You don't think it is a firing offense, but she can no longer be trusted to maintain impartiality in the most sensitive job in our democracy - maintaining the integrity of the voting system. She has surrendered that honor with her rash and self-serving comments.

  21. Interesting slice if Irony pie here. So the same people who want to make sure that people get to vote, are now trying to control exactly what the voters are deciding on. How is that different from any kind of voter suppression? Maybe they should try putting only candidates they approve of on the ballot. See how that goes over

  22. As for Cozze's comments, they were definitely inappropriate, but at least she was being honest.

  23. The Election Board should censure Cozze. This is what happens when a political operative is promised a job by an Administration.

    AS to Zirinaki she is just a shallow opportunist. She thinks she is the smartest person in the room. It is unfortunate that she has told all these groups that she has any influence with anyone. Most serious people see her as a clownish figure who screams a lot and accomplishes little other than misrepresenting her so-called accomplishments. Her latest scream fest video at the Bethlehem post office has been making the rounds online. She is just nuts. Hopefully her deceptions' will not be rewarded with a seat in the state house.

  24. "You don't think it is a firing offense, but she can no longer be trusted to maintain impartiality in the most sensitive job in our democracy - maintaining the integrity of the voting system. She has surrendered that honor with her rash and self-serving comments."

    Had she spoken in favor or against someone running for office, I'd be more upset. But here's what's disturbing. In most jurisdictions, there is no law prohibiting it. I am aware of no law in Pa, either, except at the polling place. But she should have expressed no opinion bc this is a ballot question. And it was very foolish to condemn the seven members of County Council over their vote, especially right after they gave her money. You can't burn bridges unless you want to be a blogger.

  25. What exactly is the problem? this is necessary to change their Charter. It is not a vote on sex. Why all the agitators looking for press? Once again Zirinski plays for the cameras and makes something out of nothing. Cozze must decide if she still wants to be a politician r a neutral Registrar.

  26. its not even on the ballot until next year, she made a comment on facebook to her friends and this troll pulled it and wrote a story.
    She is doing a great job and her opinion has no bearing on the electorate who dont even read this stupid blog for your stupid comments

  27. It was forwarded to me by someone who thought Cozze’s public comment was inappropriate. I agree. She did a great job in the primary, but comments like these are indicative that her success might be short-lived.

  28. ” her opinion has no bearing on the electorate who dont even read this stupid blog for your stupid comments”

    Her opinion betrays a disdain for the voters she serves and this stupid blog has a lot of readers who vote.

  29. She is doing a great job and her opinion has no bearing on the electorate who dont even read this stupid blog for your stupid comments

    Since you say the electorate doesn't read this blog, you aren't part of the electorate, because you obviously read it. So, STFU. You don't vote.

  30. I found it interesting that Adrian Shanker's view is a concern regarding "tyranny of the majority." I think he's right, there is no need for this change so why go through the drill?

    By the way, "tyranny of the majority" is also why we have the Electoral College instead of the popular vote for President.

  31. I am aware of the danger of a tyranny of the majority, but frankly think it inapposite precisely bc of the S Ct opinion. if the LV is full of gay bashers who support discrimination, the S Ct's ruling still stands. Hence, no tyranny of the majority.

  32. "When she was first named Register, I remember her telling me she would refrain from speaking out on issues."

    I am absolutely shocked a politician didn't keep their word.

  33. Since McClure hired her, do you really think he will fire her. Look at the PD lying and the Solicitor getting a DUI, and on and on. However, if it were any other employee, they would be fired. Look at the other employees who had to fight to get their jobs back. McClure plays both sides of the coin for those who can do something for him and those that can't.

  34. I think the members of council have good intentions even if it was a move to far. The problem is Zirinski has thrown them under the bus and accused them of coming from a bad place. How can she ever build a working coalition with other legislators if everything is about her and putting herself on a pedestal and pissing on others.

    Cozze is another story and may just be full of herself after everyone kept telling her how great she was. Personally I think she is still very political. For the Registrar of elections to attack the county legislature is crazy. Is she an activist or Heed of Elections? She needs to pick a a lane.

  35. This isn't about about distrusting voters! Its about not putting things on the ballot that are already settled law. This is not needed! Putting A measure on the ballot Questioning if certain individuals should be protected from discrimination when they are already protected does not help the cause. Should we put Women's rights on the ballot? What about people of color? No... Their rights are Aleady established and so are the rights of people to be protected based on their sexual orientation. What point does this serve?

  36. At one time Plessy v. Fergusson was settled law. Think about you armchair social media leaders.

  37. Didn't a majority of Northampton county voters vote for Trump in 2016?


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