Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thode: New LV Covid Cases and Test Positivity Have Dropped Substantially

Numbers cruncher Steve Thode has been following and reporting on the Covid-19 data since the inception of the pandemic. Here's his latest report.

The 14-Day COVID-19 New Case Rate has dropped substantially in both Lehigh and NorCo.

The number of new cases in the two counties combined has dropped by 50% in less than a month as illustrated by this chart:

In the last 14 days, Lehigh has reported only 143 new cases out of 6,008 new tests.

That's a positivity rate of 2.38%.

In the last 14 days, NorCo has reported only 124 new cases out of 5,323 new tests.

That's a positivity rate of 2.33%.

The 14-day case rates and positivity rates are the lowest for both counties since the pandemic began.

Statewide, the positivity rate for the last 14 days is 3.05%. That's also a new low.


  1. Doesn't look good for biden unless covid accelerates in September. Walk in voting much harder to tamper with. Good bye Joe, we gotta go, me oh my oh!

  2. Now that numbers are low wouldn't it be great to know how those ten positive people yesterday might have contracted the virus? Contact tracing should keep confidentiality but be shared on the overall findings.

  3. Meanwhile, the CoViD dempanic created a cottage industry ....


  4. @7:09 - Yes! It's finally all turned around now after 9 months of Trump working incredibly hard at stopping it. Everyone is absolutely going to reward him with their vote in November for the bang up job he's done. We should all praise him for his hyper focus and diligence at ridding this country of COVID.

  5. What an amazing magician Trump is. Covid-19 has disappeared - like magic! It only cost more than 170,000 lives and the individual states acting on their own, to pull off his trick.


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