Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Why Allentown City Council Really Should Censure Josh Siegel

Perhaps the political will is lacking. Perhaps they're just too damn nice. But Allentown City Council would be within its rights to censure member Josh Siegel. Here's a resolution I drafted, with a little help.

WHEREAS, as sworn officials they took an oath to uphold the Allentown Home Rule Charter and Constitution of the United Sates ; and

WHEREAS, On July 11, 2020 an incident involving Edward Borrero, Jr. and members of the Allentown Police took place outside St.Luke's Hospital Sacred Heart Campus. As a result of a 23 second video surrounding the incident taken by a passerby, a mob protested that very night. It included Councilperson Joshua Siegel, who made baseless allegations of police brutality aimed at Allentown Police and demanded defunding of the police; and

WHEREAS, Councilperson Siegel not only participated in the protests, but also engaged in blocking streets on July 11-12, causing motorists to make illegal U-turns, causing drivers to drive the wrong direction on roadways; placing them at risk of striking other vehicles and innocent pedestrians; and

WHEREAS, during mob protests that occurred on July 11-12, Councilperson Joshua Siegel provided the Mayor’s personal cell phone number to an already angry mob. As a result, Mayor O'Connell was deluged with numerous calls over a period of several days. Moreover, Mayor O'Connell was exposed to potential violence. One unidentified person told Mayor O'Connell, “I know where you live and I like flames;” and

WHEREAS, according to data maintained by the FBI, seven police officers have been killed by ambush so far this year. And

WHEREAS, Councilperson Joshua Siegel's willingness to dox the Mayor, combined with his demand for the names of the officers involved in the July 11 incident, results in a greater likelihood of ambush-style attacks on Allentown police; and

WHEREAS, during the mob protests that occurred July 11-12, Councilperson Joshua Siegel was heard by several people shouting “F--- the police;” and

WHEREAS, in an effort to be transparent, Allentown Police Chief Glenn Granitz conducted an internal review of the July 11 interaction and also requested District Attorney Jim Martin to conduct his own independent investigation; and

WHEREAS, on July13, Chief Glenn Granitz publicly released a nine minute video of the July 11 incident involving Edward Borrero, Jr. and members of the Allentown Police that took place outside St.Luke's Hospital Sacred Heart Campus. It showed Borrero vomiting multiple times, dropping his cellphone and staggering on the street, presenting a danger to himself and others. It shows two police officers at the hospital on an unrelated matter placing a spit mask on Borrero for the safety of medical personnel; and

WHEREAS, On July 15, 2020 a Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting was held virtually, inside Allentown City Council Chambers. During the meeting, protesters gathered in a courtyard located between the Allentown Police Department and City Hall. During the entire meeting, protesters banged on windows and used a megaphone in an attempt to disrupt the meeting. After the meeting, Councilperson Joshua Siegel joined the group in the courtyard and participated in a bow to Edward Borrero, Jr. who was arrested by the Allentown Police on charges of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Disorderly Conduct – Engaging Fighting and Public Drunkenness, Councilperson Siegel publicly apologized to Mr. Borerro, undermining the Allentown Police Department. and

WHEREAS, By his actions on July 15, 2020, Councilperson Joshua Siegel has placed the City of Allentown in a position of admitting liability in future litigation; and

WHEREAS, on July 17, after investigation, both District Attorney Jim Martin and Chief Granitz concluded separately that there was no basis for believing that criminal action or disciplinary measures were warranted against the officers involved with Borrero; and

WHEREAS, at a July 29 meeting of Allentown City Council, Councilperson Joshua Siegeal admitted to publicly releasing Mayor O'Connell's private contact information to an angry mob. “I f---ed up,” he vulgarly acknowledged; and

WHEREAS, at that very meeting, Councilperson Joshua Siegel told his colleagues, "I am not a hypocrite. ... I respect you as my colleagues. I respect you as professionals  who I will work with. ... I want to be your friend." 

WHEREAS, just three days later, in an online meeting on August 1 with “allies”of the Black Lives Matter movement, Councilperson Joshua Siegel publicly disparaged other members of City Council by stating they “clearly don't either have a conscience or frankly don't care and they're fine with continuing to have police officers put their knees on the necks of Allentown citizens. They're fine with continuing to maintain an institution of policing that at its very core is designed to oppress people of poverty and people of color and keep them silenced and on the streets and keep them from speaking their minds.“ and

WHEREAS, by his actions, Councilperson Joshua Siegel has lost the respect and trust of his fellow Council members, betrayed his oath of office, and has shown himself unfit and unworthy to hold the position of Councilperson in the City of Allentown, PA. And

WHEREAS, Councilperson Joshua Siegel has actually hurt the Black Lives Matter movement and Allentown's minorities by his unethical conduct.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that City Council hereby censures and reprimands Councilperson Joshua Siegel for conduct that negatively reflects on this body, this city and the police officers of the city that put their lives on the line each and every day they report to work.

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED THAT Councilperson Joshua Siegel is hereby removed from all Committees on which he serves for the remainder of this year.

Updated 9:20 am:  Blogger Michael Molovinsky reports that a petition is circulating online, calling on both Council members Josh Siegel and Ce-Ce Gerlach to resign.


  1. Bernie for Allentown City Council!

  2. I like to write about politicians but would never want to be one

  3. How do you have a city council person when you cannot trust them with confidential information...ie the mayor's private phone number?

    The releasing of that information is such an egregious act, whose only purpose was to intimidate and threaten the mayor by mob proxy.

    Any dealings with that government workers or the general public has with this council person, they will need to think, will he use their private information against them, like he did against the mayor?

  4. Bernie, in an election year with the president, Congress, and all the state rep seats up there's got to be more to write about in the Lehigh Valley than your extreme dislike of Josh Siegel. With a law degree, you should know that the right to protest in the public forum is protected by the First Amendment (which does not extend to cover the feelings of motorists or people who don't like colorful language, that personal phone numbers can be obtained by simply visiting the White Pages, and that officials can disagree on whether an incident was justified without running afoul of any statute of which I am aware. As for this carefully crafted graphic-- I'm amazed you have the time-- these before/after statements were made in between the announcement that Siegel and Gerlach's colleagues decided to act disrespectfully of them by introducing the censure. After enormous pressure, the censure has been removed from the agenda. I hope you'll stop stirring the pot and allow Allentown City Council to focus on bigger issues.

  5. I am not criticizing him for exercising his First Amendment rights. I am criticizing him for doxing Ray O’Connell and endangering him and his family. I criticize Siegel for opening the city up to liability. I criticize him for hurting the movement he claims to support. I criticize him for his dishonesty and hypocrisy.!and in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been weighing in on Trump and the goofy state House races.

  6. What a twat. Allentown elected him, they get to live with him.

  7. "Bernie, in an election year with the president, Congress, and all the state rep seats up there's got to be more to write about in the Lehigh Valley than your extreme dislike of Josh Siegel."

    Anonymous 11:57: Those of us living in Allentown are thankful that LVR reports on these types of important issues in Allentown. LVR was exposing Ed Pawlowski 5 years before the FBI ever appeared in Allentown. While the Morning Call was praising Pawlowski, LVR ran article after article exposing Pawlowski for his self-serving, corrupt practices. Before any other news source jumped in, LVR was coining the term Fed Ed with that priceless picture of him sitting on the throne dressed like a king, reporting hard to believe facts. You accuse LVR of an extreme dislike of Josh Siegel. I have some news for you, Siegel is becoming universally disliked in Allentown right now, because he is being exposed for who he really is and every day residents who pay attention don't like what they see. I say that the LVR articles on Siegel are extremely newsworthy and I for one am very grateful that LVR is paying attention to what is happening in our great city yet again.

  8. Replace them both like king fed Ed by appointment like fed Ed's cronies still seated in chambers.


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