Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Every Aurora Cop Involved in This Mess Should Be Fired

Totally disgusting! These idiots should have realized there was some mixup with a license plate reader, but instead pulled a gun on and hand-cuffed four children.

And you idiots in Black Lives Matter LV, this is police brutality and systemic racism. Note the difference between this family and the drug addict to whom you bowed.


  1. A link to an article would be helpful for those of us who use Bernie O'Hare exclusively for our news... I used Google and figured out what you are referring to.

  2. Laying in a parking lot screaming for their mother. I read the bike was recovered months ago. Hard to watch.

  3. I'm not a violent person and don't own a gun. I've never received a warning or parking ticket in my life. But if someone did that to my children, I would want to hunt them down and beat them to death with my bare hands in front of their loved ones. Cops and their loved ones shouldn't be puzzled about why so many hate cops. This is why. A few cops are awesome. Most cops are mentally unstable, and use their careers to ventilate their anger. After two decades of bizarre hero worship following 9/11, people are starting to wake up to the dangers of the militarized police state. Put me on the jury for the civil case. I'll vote to bankrupt the entire city.

  4. This is what happens when you have top down polices and protocols. Officers may be fired if they don't follow the protocols, and fired if they do.

  5. I can justify the gun drawn by the first officers on the scene. The car was confirmed as stolen by dispatch, so cops were acting in accordance with policy.

    Handcuffing children face down on ground? No justification for that, even if the car had been stolen. None at all. It appeared one officer was holstering a taser when the family was on the ground. Would he have tased a child if they didn't comply? Something that will be asked in a deposition.

    Get ready to write a big check, Aurora.

  6. Yep. Moms don't put handguns in their baby strollers in Disney World either.
    Better to be safe than sorry.
    I failed to see any of the ones handcuffed physically abused.
    They could have been placed in separate police cars after cuffed and searched for weapons... until confirmation obtained or discovered a mix up. But were they abused?
    Those that haven't dealt with these situations really need to be educated before commenting. Not knowing all the facts, I'll allow due process to play out. And if it was whites would this be news? Because it happens. At night in the rain......

  7. If these people were white, it would never have gone that far. That's the point.

  8. "Hard to watch."

    This really upset me.

  9. "A link to an article would be helpful for those of us who use Bernie O'Hare exclusively for our news."

    Please do not use me exclusively. Try to check several sources.

  10. Blame the policies of the department.

  11. Training and procedure under examination
    Chief Wilson said in a statement that drawing weapons is in the department's policy when police believe a car has been stolen.
    "We have been training our officers that when they contact a suspected stolen car, they should do what is called a high-risk stop. This involves drawing their weapons and ordering all occupants to exit the car and lie prone on the ground. But we must allow our officers to have discretion and to deviate from this process when different scenarios present themselves," Wilson said. "I have already directed my team to look at new practices and training."

  12. I like your statement, "If these people were white, it would never have gone that far. That's the point." Your statement about BLM and bowing down to certain individuals goes a little too far. We are honoring the fact the lives of blacks are being cut short for ridiculous shit. Will we ever see white people killed by police for selling loosey cigarettes, taillight out, walking in the neighborhoods, etc. or for just breathing. IT HAS GOT TO STOP! Everyone argues police kill more white people than blacks. BUT how many whites are killed by police unjustly! I think if that were happening there would be hell to be paid!

  13. Yep. Moms don't put handguns in their baby strollers in Disney World either.
    Better to be safe than sorry.

    Cops answering the Disneyland call put the baby face down in cuffs, did they?

  14. Terrible, and it happened on the same day Norman Bledsoe died.


  15. "But were they abused?"

    If you handcuff my innocent kids face down on the pavement while they're shrieking in terror, I'll consider it outrageous abuse and you better watch your six for the rest of what remains of your miserable life. Hard to support LEOs when this shit happens.

  16. Unarmed white people are also killed by ill-trained police as well. Look up the shooting of of Daniel Shaver, a man who was flat on his face when shot by police in a hotel hallway back in 2016.

  17. Bernie, my comment was IT HAPPENS to whites also, I've been there when its rained and they were placed on the ground. As far as the baby stroller comment, do you think young children, kids.. aren't given drugs, guns, ... to hold??? Question. Why are juveniles given drugs to run for dealers? Well? Lot of your readers are naive or don't want to believe not all people are good.

  18. 1:29
    Congrats on the find. You only had to go back 4 years to give an example of an unjust white-boy killing.

  19. Have we learned nothing from the Allentown incident?

    I think we should wait for the full body cam or other video to come out before drawing conclusions based on selectively edited news footage.

    I don't like seeing kids cuffed and on the ground either, but I'd have to think that a suspected car theft falls into a high-risk stop for the police. It sounds like they were just following procedure, and they're already adjusting their procedures to prevent it from happening again. That seems reasonable.

    And to those who don't think it would happen to white people, guess again. A couple of months ago, you could have watched multiple live TV shows following police officers across the country. You would see that the cops pretty much follow whatever procedure is in place for the offense suspected, with race not being a factor.

    Unfortunately, the mob got such shows taken off the air. Having them remain would likely have been a much better learning tool for all involved.

  20. Did nobody but me notice that the police were looking for a stolen motorcycle?

    My eyesight isn't what it used to be, but I'm confident I can distinguish between a stolen motorcycle and an SUV.

  21. Handcuffing little kids and forcing them onto a hot pavement and people on this blog are making excuses for that?? Our society is losing its humanity bit by bit. The same people that condone this police behavior would still approve of the dogs and hosing and beatings of the freedom marchers and counter sitters in the 50's and 60's. That is some racist shit and you need to move to a totalitarian country that still condones that kind of abuse. Your kind are preventing us from moving forward.

  22. Yeah. They were supposed to be looking for a stolen motorcycle but instead tortured some innocent little kids. Fire every single one of them!

  23. I wonder if it is ok to chant "F--k the police" over that incident?
    Where are the good cops speaking out against this?


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