Local Government TV

Thursday, August 20, 2020

NorCo Elections Office Needs Another $620K

Northampton County Council is expected to vote tonight on an increased budget in the elections office. Much of the money will be spent on postage for mail-in ballots, which have been mandated by Governor Tom Wolf. Although the state has promised to reimburse the costs, the county will be forced to front the money. In addition, Registrar Amy Cozze notes that the cost of printing the ballots has skyrocketed.

In the primary, there were 47,000 requests for MIBs. Cozze had projected there would be 100,000 requests for the general, and has 47,000 requests so far. But she noted she's receiving calls from voters who now have second thoughts and might decided to vote in person.

If a voter receives a MIB and decides to vote in person, he may do so but must bring the ballot and the envelope to his local Judge of Elections. At that point, the MIB will be spoiled and the voter will be able to vote in person.


  1. It's one of the basic functions of government. Sure wish we hadn't blown money on needless facilities that are essentially pyramids to executives.

  2. Don't trust the machines either.

  3. Yep. 23,000 ballots thrown out in April Primary in Wisconsin and on and on and.....
    One of the most important, if not, MOST important election in history, and Dems want to change things with a couple short months to go yet. Riot in person, Vote in person.
    Excuses are not getting old. They are old.

  4. 8:27 This is Pennsylvania, what do you care about Wisconsin?
    How many did they "throw out" in PA?

  5. So 9:06 AM is narrow minded?

  6. O'boy there will be turmoil at the Polls. People who have a mail in ballot, but decide to vote in person. They may not bring the mail in ballot to their polling place and cause arguments regarding their right to vote. Be prepared to stand in line longer. May need police at each polling station to remove them. Vote early and often!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. 9:06 - stop and think about if. Based on the 2016 Election Result, dishonest operatives only need to corrupt 1 or 2 state results to steal the election. Especially, if involves states with lots of Electoral College votes. Pennsylvania can prove as pure as driven snow, straight-up in every way. Pennsylvania is not really needed to fix a National Election. Funny business in a few other places, like Wisconsin, can create an undeserving, and fraudulent winner. Making our American system a loser.

  8. Go to the Polls People. Get off your lazy back ends.


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