Local Government TV

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Barack Delivers Devastating Trump Takedown at Dem Convention

The headliner at Night Three of the Democratic National Convention was supposed to be Kamala Harris. But what she and three night's worth of speakers were completely eclipsed by the devastating take-down that Barack Obama delivered against his successor. A full transcript is at CNN, and below are some selected passages:

"I have sat in the Oval Office with both of the men who are running for president. I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.

"But he never did. For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.

"Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't. And the consequences of that failure are severe. 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever. Our worst impulses unleashed, our proud reputation around the world badly diminished, and our democratic institutions threatened like never before.

* * *

"[Biden and Harris] believe that in a democracy, the right to vote is sacred, and we should be making it easier for people to cast their ballot, not harder. They believe that no one -- including the president -- is above the law, and that no public official -- including the president -- should use their office to enrich themselves or their supporters.

"They understand that in this democracy, the Commander-in-Chief doesn't use the men and women of our military, who are willing to risk everything to protect our nation, as political props to deploy against peaceful protesters on our own soil. They understand that political opponents aren't "un-American" just because they disagree with you; that a free press isn't the "enemy" but the way we hold officials accountable; that our ability to work together to solve big problems like a pandemic depends on a fidelity to facts and science and logic and not just making stuff up.

"None of this should be controversial. These shouldn't be Republican principles or Democratic principles. They're American principles. But at this moment, this president and those who enable him, have shown they don't believe in these things."


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It was an awesome speech by an awesome American. He will go down in history as one of the finest and greatest tow time presidents to ever hold the office. He makes you proud to be an American.

  3. Well, reason #1 to not listen to Obama: he can't even get it right that we are a republic, not a democracy.

  4. We have republic not a democracy. He should know that.

    Barack himself was the one who started all the racial bullshit. And undermining the credibility of our voting system, which is being attempted on a large scale.

    Voting has always been easy in this country, but more important it was pretty secure, except for the democratic strongholds of Chicago etc. It is Barack and his cohorts who have undermined this country in their quest to fundamentally transform the nation.

    If these radical Marxists take over the country it will truly be the end of it.

  5. Just from reading your coverage of that speech I get a whole lot of psychological projection displayed by Obama. It’s been very common with his followers. You know, an individual describes what he/she has been doing all along, then accuses another person of the same offense. Not everyone can be fooled by this tactic, but the number of those can be has risen to a dangerous level.

  6. I miss the past presidents who were intelligent and tried to do their best for the nation, instead of themselves.

  7. Shocking lack of self-awareness by Obama, and your analysis indicates you haven't learned a thing in four years. Obama is the reason we have Trump.

  8. He laid it out as clearly as can be. We need an overwhelming turnout to show what this country really stands for. We are better than this. Failure to rid the oval office of the stink that is the Trump administration will mean the collapse of what generations before us have fought for. I wish this was hyperbole, but its not.

  9. It isn’t news to me that Trump is a buffoon. He is crass, crude, demeaning, and definitely doesn’t display presidential behavior. I KNOW all of this, Barack, Hillary, Kamala, so why keep telling me? Why not tell me WHY Biden is the right choice? How did he display leadership when working with you? Grace under pressure? Ideas? What is his platform? How will he combat Covid (and stop with the Ebola nonsense that was over in America before it started)? I have a lot of trouble with this ticket, mostly due to Harris, who eviscerated Biden during the debates, but is now “proud” to stand by his side. This election is about the VP, rather than the presidency, because neither Trump, nor Biden will make the four years.

  10. So the prior President accuses the current President of showing no interest in doing the work? I’ve been on this Earth since the end of WW2. I have never seen such an active, involved American President as Donald Trump. Trump, who only wanted the job because he became afraid of our nation’s future if his predecessor’s vision continued on. Trump, who decided to take no salary, yet produces more stability and growth of this nation in 3 years than the guy before achieved in 8. Tough choice, huh ?

  11. You're funny, Bernie!!!

  12. "I have never seen such an active, involved American President as Donald Trump"

    You must like to golf a lot.

    1. Rounds of golf compared to lavish White House parties featuring music industry and Hollywood elites, routinely hosted by BO?

      And I remember BO spending ample time on the golf courses as well.

      Pretty amazing isn’t it, that a two term President who cut his political teeth wooing the downtrodden in Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods, never returns there and currently resides in multi-million dollar palaces in predominantly white populated neighborhoods of Georgetown and Martha’s Vineyard.

      No sensible person gives any credibility to BO’s silver lined tongue anymore.

      All you need to know is that BO offered no support of Biden until he had to.

  13. I deleted 12:089 bc I am unable to find a link or any other indication that the quite attributed to Obama is something he actually said. I believe it is disinformation.

  14. I can't stand the Dems or the Republicans. The only logical choice is Biden. He is a mature adult who will work seriously
    and hard. He will try to make reasoned decisions to awful tough problems. He will work with others and try and take into consideration all Americans.

  15. "Obama is the reason we have Trump."

    Not really. We have Trump bc Hillary was a bad candidate with high negatives. Even last night, she turned me off. Biden is not Hillary, and Trump is having a difficult time making his usually shit stick.

  16. I was with him until he brought up "peaceful protesters." The fact is that terrorists and rioters took over in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NY, etc. and that's when the Feds got involved. And I have not seen any national D player call this out.

    And before the "anyonebuttrump" cabal responds, he's horrific.

    We need to hold everyone accountable, not just the side you don't like. And if your only response to D hypocrisy is "What about Trump?" then you're part of the problem.

    Both parties suck.

  17. I’m not a Trump fan but our economy during Obama-Biden was awful.

  18. "Well, reason #1 to not listen to Obama: he can't even get it right that we are a republic, not a democracy."

    I don''t think anyone seriously thinks we are a direct democracy, thank God. We do directly elect the people who govern. No one disputes we are a representative democracy.

  19. "Barack himself was the one who started all the racial bullshit"

    Really? Who knew??? And here I though slavery and segregation started all this "racial bullshit" that annoys you so much. Have fun voting for Trump, you racist asshole.

  20. In the past Barack Obama complained that the Constitution is a “charter of negative liberties”. That’s because the Constitution was intended as a limiting document, to curtail the power of the federal government vis-a-vis the states and the individual. The founders intended at the time to limit the reach of the federal government, and built the Constitution accordingly.

    In his presentation yesterday he praised the representative nature of our government and the amendments which freed the slaves and extended voting rights to them as well as the amendment that granted voting rights to woman ... However, he did not say anything about the Bill of Rights which placed limits on governmental powers ... In this area he played safe preferring to center his focus on the negativity of his successor and raising Biden up as the potential savior of Democracy,,,, Harris last night saying that there is no vaccine for racism ... To which I respond, perhaps none that she can see in the combative secular world .. But there is a solution to so-called systematic racism in the message of the creator ...God loves you, even if you aren’t sure that he does. Even if you don’t really know him yet. Even if you know him but have been resisting him or living in rebellion against him. He still loves you, and he very much wants you to know that.

    From the Bible ---

    Galatians 3:28 ESV
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

    John 7:24 ESV /
    Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

    Acts 10:34-35 ESV
    So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

  21. @7:54
    The DNC just spent 3 days being "crass, crude, demeaning, and definitely" didn't "display presidential behavior" to tell us how Trump is "crass, crude, demeaning, and definitely doesn't display presidential behavior".
    You have Schumer who lied to us for three years about Trumps ties to Russia.
    You have Cuomo who sent Covid patients into nursing homes, causing NY to have 20% of all Covid deaths telling us how Trump bungled the pandemic response.
    You have Bill Clinton who was impeached and is now the face of the Epstein Pedophilia scandal talking about integrity.
    You have Hillary who was defeated and hasn't let it go, has scandal after scandal on her shoulders and was behind the Steele Dossier, still whining about not being picked on the playground.
    You have Obama who led a spy scandal against the current President.
    All of them telling us how corrupt our current President is.

  22. RE: 331. He needs a saliva test after his ludicrous post. Inane.

  23. Anon 754 you just made my point - all that you said is correct. That does NOT mean Trump is "good." He's just beyond terrible. And so are all the others.

    Both parties suck.

  24. "The most active, involved president"??? Holy hell what show have you been watching for 3 1/2 years? Golf, golf, golf, and did I mention golf? He can't even be bothered to read a security briefing. It just shows how deeply his cult is inoculated against the truth. "Economy under Obama/Biden was awful"? Really? After pulling us out of the great recession and taking unemployment from 10% to 5%? You need to look at actual economic indicators since 2009.

  25. Spot on ! Trump could learn so much from Obama including how to be a human being.

  26. And now Ex-Trump Advisor - Stephen Bannon adds to the confusing state of affairs ...

    If this stuff keeps going on ,,, Biden whether he is up to the job or not could just stay in his basement bunker to rest up for important events ... Something that Hillary could not do in 2016 causing some personal embarrassment. Not the first time in American History a Presidential Candidate did not campaign much ... McKinley a Republican from Ohio .. His VP was Theodore Roosevelt ,,, campaigned from his front porch .. Across the nation surrogates were used to send out his message,

  27. Indeed, BOTH parties suck.

  28. 9:18

    I'm hurt that you are all knowing and only commenting on this blog. You are a fountain of truth who needs to get the message out!
    You are so blinded by your hate to realize neither party cares about our country. Its about getting reelected and staying in power at all costs. Take a look at all the spineless Rs who have lined up behind trump at the expense of their own principles. Dems cannot stop beating the current administration to lay out a platform and a plan for the country. Politics is about distracting the masses from what is important so the folks in control can take care of their own interests.
    Funny how the specter of our national debt just disappeared overnight? What you mentioned above is just a distraction.

  29. I can agree with 9;43 AM in that ‘both parties suck.‘ But, only to the extent that our Congress (House and Senate) is full of corrupt politicians, Democrat and Republican. Money laundering, secret deals to pay family members, funding of campaigns by foreign front groups and phony non-profits, etc. It’s all right out there.

    Now, between Biden and Trump, which candidate is most likely to clean-up that den of tax revenue thieves?

  30. Obama had an amazing opportunity to unite us all. He had the orator skills. He did just the opposite and divided us. He made racism worsen instead of working to make it better. He had a chance and I wish he would have used that chance instead of dividing us

  31. I think Obama and other liberal blacks have served as Judas goats for the black race, regarding the black holocaust of abortion used to cull blacks at a rate eight times that of whites. The worst racists are the ones who support an industry that murders black children (and sometimes sells their body parts). Bernie, you are one of them. I'm certain your brother still speaks to you. But I'm certain he understands and is saddened by the racist you are, in deed. I read what you say about race. But I watch what you do. It's evil, racists and unpatriotic.

  32. Our system breeds these politicians--together both dems and republicans will ruin this country in the near future

  33. Through the whole speech I kept thinking of that man being dragged from his truck beaten and kicked in the head.

    But when Obama said, speaking of the Trump administration,

    ..."it will tear our Democracy down if that's what it takes for them to win"

    That was a psychological projection, after learning Obama "unmasked" Trump and used the power of the nation's anti-terrorism laws to spy on Trump and destroy the democratic process in the last election, along with the democrat machine orchestrating the past 4 years of-Benghazi on steroids-with

    RussiaGate, UkrainePhoneGate, Hunter's obfuscation, Impeachment, convid-19, the purposeful destruction of the economy and collusion of the Democrat Governors, BLM beatings, burnings, looting and murders, a bogus 2020 primary, ect.

    Because of the DNC, Trump gets my first Republican vote, even if he shoots someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue.

  34. 1. Why would Donald Trump want to keep the policies of Barrack Obama going? The idea here is that people vote elected officials out of office or in this case the other political party because they do not like the current policies. What policies did Obama want continued? The billions to Iran? The weaponing of the IC community against the media and the citizens of the US? The “redline” in Syria, Fast and Furious, The failed Middle East plans. Kids in cages? I mean I could continue but it’s fairly obvious these are the continued failed policies of the Obama Admin that no one wants.
    2. This is much to blame for the Democrats as it is Trump. They refuse to agree on anything he says. He pardoned Susan B. Anthony and yet Dems still found issue with that. This is just typical political pandering that sticks to no one.
    3. Trying to blame the 170,000 deaths from COVID solely on Trump is hilarious. There is video after video presser after presser from High Level Dems in Congress and Governors laughing off the virus. No one in any level of government took it seriously. This is a local issue more that it’s a Federal Issue. Trump didn’t tell Cuomo to keep COVID patients in their nursing homes. And to try and claim the millions jobs lost because of Trump. Please, Trump wanted to keep things open as much as he can. I’m pretty sure it was people like Dictator Tom Wolf who was too busy crushing the economy and even to this day refuses to budge and help the restaurants out.
    4. The mail in ballot ordeal is a shame and not because of Fraud. It’s a shame to try to get 50 different states with 50 different laws in one of the biggest election years in the history of the country to try and figure this out now. It’s going to be the hanging chad ordeal x 1000. If you can protest in person you can vote in person. It’s that simple.
    5. Peaceful protesters………this is a flat out lie. I’m sorry have we seen Portland the last 100 days? It’s a zoo of upheaval and riots. I for one believe the military should be called in order to protect the people and property because when the property gets destroyed because of the “peaceful” protestors, I wonder who is going to ask to pay for it. Oh wait they already have governors begging the federal government to bail them out with money to fix the damage done. I truly feel sorry for those in these cities who’s businesses have been ruined not only because cities shut them down due to COVID now still refuse to protect them from “peaceful” protestors.
    Everyone fawning over Obama and his “eloquent” speech last night, yet if just going thru old articles or tweets from the blue check mark brigade is rife with criticisms of their now great “deity” . This was no Devastating Take Down this was typical Democrat rhetoric of oh but this guy is so much worse than us. Yet when asked for the true vision of the future the Dems stare blankly into the sky and say “Anything but Trump.” Thanks that’s big confidence there.

  35. the difference between Obama and Trump is: Trump is who he is and dont care what you think. Obama is a sneaky behind the scenes manipulator and treasonous conspirator.

  36. Per presidential historian Michael Beschloss (nine books), no president in US history has excoriated his successor, as was done last night.

    I believe him. It speaks volumes about the character of Barack Obama, and his lack of class. Even in a crazy Trump world, I'm grateful that a classless piece of shit like Obama is in the rear view window. To his credit, he delivered PA for Trump in 2016.

  37. Awesome. Just read where tonight we'll be honored with the speech of multi millionaire Hunter Biden on stage. A recovering drug addict who married his brothers widow until he fathered a child with a stripper. Oh, the same guy who got kicked out of the military for drug abuse and somehow made millions of dollars in the Ukraine and China without any interference or payback due to his daddy.
    This dais of speakers is unbelievable.

  38. The situation Americans face now, the lock-downs, the loss of jobs, the ruination of local economies, the endless investigations, the looting and rioting on our streets, media lying, etc. has been programmed in advance. All part of a devious plan to create so much confusion and fear in the minds of ordinary citizens, they will willingly seek relief by voting against their own best interest.

    Fellow readers, our nation is under an attempted takeover. It’s true. Like you, I never thought it possible during my lifetime. But, the evidence is all around us. A nation ruled “ by the people, for the people” stands in the way of a global elite who wants to fully control us. This is the dream of greedy, mega corporation strongmen and their paid-off politicians. Too many of those representing us in Congress are foolish enough to believe they will be free from all the tyranny that awaits we little people.


  39. Sounds like a lot of people are suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.

  40. Count me into that group, Bernie. Obama ain’t running . . . but he will be working the strings!

    (and you know it)

  41. Easy rules om politicians. The politicians O'Hare loves are bullshot artists. The ones he attacks are good people. It has been obvious for years. Consider the source.

  42. You are deranged so you would know.

  43. Bernie, if you're truly in favor of either party, you are deranged. That our expectations for honesty and decency have virtually disappeared is tragic.

  44. Peaceful protests.....and that is just an out and out lie. Yes there have been peaceful protests and no one has a problem with that. But to lie and state it's peaceful. If the press would print it this country is in great turmoil not because of our President but because of the sick narrative being shared that is false and driven only by hopes of power

  45. The biggest difference between trump and President Obama is that President Obama earned the respect of many Americans and has both gravitas and class.
    Obama never claimed to be perfect and he has his faults.
    trump feels money gets you respect and you can buy class.
    He will never achieve the respect and class that President Obama has and that is why he hates
    President Obama with such a passion.

  46. Too me oboma last night looked as if he had been beaten by the ugly stick of Truth before he took to the podium. Now lets get back to the current run of federal indictments the Durham investigation is getting set to unleash and put in the public spotlight of the fake news.

  47. Are Hunter's new kids coming? Awkward.

  48. See a lot of Q-uacks are fired up.
    Was not a huge fan of Obama, but only because he campaigned as a progressive then led to the middle of the road. The short memories of the Q crowd though, are amazing. They seem to forget what a deep economic hole "W" put us in with a cut in taxes while going to war, a first in U.S. history. I may not have agreed with all the moves he made, maybe we should have just let all the banks go bankrupt, but he did bring this country back from the brink to help people keep their jobs. And he got Bin Laden. He described T-rump in very accurate terms and the truth makes the Quacks writhe and spit as if acid has been thrown on them. The most truthful thing I have ever heard Cadet Bone Spurs say: "I take no responsibility". Got that right.

  49. It’ll be interesting to see if Biden is taped tonight, or will he be live? If live, I can only imagine how the DNC leadership will breath a sigh of relief if and when he gets through his speech without showing his signs of dementia. If taped, how many takes did they have to do?

  50. 9:00 PM, I was wondering the same thing. Will a highly-rehearsed and edited version be shown? We’ll soon find out! So far, the viewership numbers of the Democrat Virtual Convention have been dreadful. Too plastic and nasty in tone according to those who stopped watching it after the first night. I’ll be anxious to compare this event with the Republican event next week.

  51. 9:00,
    Dementia is far more likely with Trump, which is why you and his followers try to deflect it onto Biden.
    Do you need reminding he didn't know he was the president of Puerto Rico, his pronunciation of "Uni-ed Shates of Amehica," he said he "met with the President of the Virgin Islands" (that only has a Governor, because Trump is the President of V.I.), and the "sacrifice of the furniture - and future - of our children," among the numerous muddle-brained things he's said. Far to many to list them all here.
    But, it's great he can remember, "Person, woman, man, camera, TV" with "extra points" for keeping them in order.
    Amazing. Such a stable genius.

  52. Most of the commentators in this blog must have been living in a parallel universe from 2009 thru 2016. I don't remember the Obama years as the National political and economic tragedy that most here note. From 2009 until 2016 we were in a Bull Market that has continued thru this bombastic imbeciles term. If any of these people ever left the slate belt, or wherever the rock is they crawl out from under to travel, they would realize the high regard President Obama was held in throughout the World. I think most probably don't like him for a reason I find repugnant, but I will leave unsaid.

  53. No Obama Derangement Syndrome here. I just thought he was a smug man who looked down on the working people. And our party didn't go nuts for four years trying to impeach him for a hoax. That was a sign of true derangement. We didn't hate Obama the way the Dems have hated Trump from day 1. I don't recall nearly every Republican boycotting Obama's inauguration like the Dems did against Trump. And a Speaker of the House tearing up a President's State of the Union Address? Uh, derangement on steroids, anyone?

  54. Obama years. They were the bomb:

    Crawled along at 2% GDP growth
    Dumbo-dropped billions in cash to biggest terror sponsor on Earth
    Deadly unenforced red lines in Syria that revived ISIS
    Stayed in two wars and started four
    Drone-executed American citizens without trial
    Record black unemployment
    Established immigration cages for kids
    Ripped by Amnesty Int'l for not keeping kids safe from traffickers
    Gun running scheme that resulted in border agent deaths

  55. When John Durham finally finishes his investigation of the Russia hoax, I believe we will definitively find out that President Obama ILLEGALLY spied on tens of thousands of people he felt were against him.

    For this reason the Obama Presidency will be retroactively impeached by the House, and found guilty by the Senate.

  56. I lost several jobs, had to change primary care physicians 3 times and my taxes increased during the obama years but other than those issues things weren't that bad.


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