Local Government TV

Friday, August 21, 2020

McClure v. Social Workers

Allentown City Council members Ce-Ce Gerlach and Josh Siegel have both promoted the notion of defunding the police or at least diverting some of the money allocated to public safety to fund social services. They both participated in rallies chanting "Get down or Lay down and "F--- the police." They should talk to NorCo County Executive Lamont McClure.

In NorCo, CYF workers had a hissy fit when McClure ordered them back to work. They were all going to die horrible deaths from the Covid, they said. They paraded before County Council and even attacked this blog for exposing them as hypocrites who had to be called back because they weren't doing their jobs. Police officers were.

In the three months these entitled workers have been back, not a single soul among them has contracted Covid-19. But guess what? They are
asking to telecommute again. Through Council member Tara Zrinski, they noted their own children are going to be at home a lot more because schools are going to be partly online. Zrinski even hinted there could be a mass exodus if these workers don't get what they want.

After all, some of them have Master's degrees.

"I'm not inclined to do it," said McClure. "I have empathy for these folks, but I also have a sworn obligation to make sure that the vulnerable children who are in abuse homes are taken care of.

Council member Kerry Myers backed McClure. "We cannot neglect what our responsibility is."


  1. Goes he not like his employees? Ms. Zirinski hears the concerns.

  2. Never did a more spoiled and entitled group walk Northampton county

  3. Tough call. I have a couple employees who are in a terrible spot with child care. They're good people I don't want to lose and I'm accommodating them with partial work from home schedules. They can be trusted to work, however. That's the key factor.

  4. It is sad that the vocal few will always be complaining of something and find a proponent in the wing nut Tara. I worked many years in Human Services and they don't represent or have never represented the bulk of the dedicated workers. I would imagine that many areas of their lives have not been curtailed outside their work hours. Somehow the workers in other areas of the county (thinking of the aides at Gracedale who have dealt with childcare issues as they performed up close and personal services) have continued on. Rumor is the disgruntled social workers are jealous of some of their teacher friends that are bragging of full salary and limited work schedules in the coming school year (again this attitude does not represent all teachers).

  5. If they cant do the job, they should be laid-off.

  6. The most vulnerable need a social worker willing to protect during all times just like nurses and physicians and police. That is their job. Unfortunately it can't be done from home. So get a job you can do from home and let those who really want to work apply for their position.

  7. 7:27, I appreciate your comment. I don't think much of what is often called the soft sciences, especially when compared to the hard sciences like chemistry, physics and bio. That is my bias. I know few who have ever really benefited. I know many who have been ill served. But I admit my experience is limited and admire many of those who devoted their life to social services.

    McClure had been willing to allow these employees to work from home but they did not. They deny this and call me a liar, but I know what I saw.

    I also know that historically, this group of employees has been the most arrogant and entitled group of county workers.

  8. Bernie - Your description ‘arrogant and entitled’ applies to the majority of Americans at this point in history. Much of what we observe is ‘childlike’ more so than just Democrat or Republican. Poor parenting, too!

  9. If they don't want to work they can leave. You don't hear Corrections, 911 Center, Juvenile workers complaining about having to work.

  10. Tara Zrinski is barking up the wrong tree. Who is handing the child care now with the children HOME ALL DAY? I don't see an issue. Tara is all about non issues and will jump at any chance to get her name in the paper. Vote Ann Flood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Zirinski also claims to be the voice of the LGBTQ community. She and the other self-appointed" have no faith in people, they disdain the unwashed masses. She claims her position is the moral and just position. Sher doesn't even understand how to get the actual charter of the county amended. She is a lazy loud mouth.

    She is a fraud and hopefully the good voters of the state house race will toss he rut.

  12. Bernie, you should look into this. She like many of the new ineffective progressives think if you scream loud and try and shame people that is how you get things done. She is am example of the new ineffective legislators of the left and right that alienates and will accomplish nothing but noise.

    I agree with the fraud part. She is a phony jumping on any cause she thinks will get her votes.

  13. OMG!! I was tipped off to this Zirinski deal. I looked into it and it is appalling. She has posted on her Facebook that the county council has done great harm to the LGBTQ community by a recent vote. She and in a very inappropriate posting by the Register of Elections in Northampton county have stated that the county council should be ashamed of themselves. The Register is in charge if the ballots and she is publicly damming one she is charged with?? She must resign.

    Zirinski claims all on council but her are homophobes. she must create a new department.

    I have called a few people I know and have been filled in. This is sad. She even attacks the integrity of Mr. Myers an African American elected official as well as others and has called on the LGBTQ community to protest the county council. Council may have to censure her. She is the shameless self-prompter I have been told about. I will get more information. I will ensure that HER OPPONENT IS made aware of her outrageous behavior.

  14. It’s hard to tell where the county execs butt ends and Bernies head starts.
    The daunting mounds of paperwork the social workers are required to complete is overwhelming. These workers are also required to travel extensively, in some cases far outside the Lehigh Valley. I don’t see how the comparison to Gracedale or the prison are comparable.
    Many of the bureaucratic tasks are mandates of the state.
    If you looked closely, because of low pay, most warehouse jobs pay better, and the situations they are exposed to day after day, it’s clear why there is a constant flow of attrition.
    Lay them all off? Go right ahead, you cant hire enough to staff fully or get them to stay, where is the concern for that?

  15. You poor baby. I suggest you go to those warehouses. Given the current economic climate, the county would have zero difficulty filling those jobs.

  16. Anon 4:53, we all know Bernie's nose ends up as far up McClure's ass as possible. He even attacks council members who dare ask questions.
    If you want an honest and accurate account of Northampton County news go to the WFMZ news website.


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