Local Government TV

Friday, August 21, 2020

Biden Vows to Overcome "Season of Darkness"

I've listened to Vice President Joe Biden many times over the decades. I always thought he was a good orator. In night 4 of the Dem Nat'l Convention, however, he delivered the best speech I ever heard him make. In fact, it even eclipsed the speech given by Barack Obama on Wednesday.

"“I’ll be an ally of the light, not our darkness,” he said, drawing a stark contrast between himself and the current occupant of the White House. The incumbent has enabled not just the Covid-19 virus, but a pandemic of fear and hate that appears to have infected many of my Republican friends.

“[M]ake no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America,” promised Biden, but can we ever again be united?

I hope so, and believe Biden is just the person for the moment.


  1. You have gone as senile as Sleepy Joe. The guy has done nothing in 40 years as a public trough-feeder. Except to give his lecherous no-talent son a cushy job. Speaking of lecherous, how about senile Joe's inappropriate touching of women and children? That's your frigging hero? From his now cotton-candy hair plugs to his neon teeth, this 78 year old has-been phony is your knight in shining armor? He and his far-left puppeteers will ruin this country. But what do you care? You have been underperforming all of your life. A phony politician like Biden is sure to be your idol.

  2. Agreed, Bernie.
    It was a great reminder of what is expected from a president, rather than the buffoon now in the oval office.

  3. If Slow Joe leaves the basement, he will then see the light, the darkness will fade, and he will introduce himself to the real world. Or continue to stumble through the twilight of his life. Forty seven years of non-achievement.

  4. Biden has been in Washington for near 50 years, he has been running for president for 30 years. He, I believe, was leader of the senate at one time. The only thing I recall he supported was gun control in the 1990's.

    He is the ultimate establishment candidate, that is very comfortable with exporting jobs oversees and putting American workers on government assistance. If elected he will be the protector of those who have ruled this country for over 40 years. An interventionist foreign policy, a global view, that puts the United States as just a piece of the global government.

    He will not serve out his term and others will take the country into a really dark place.

  5. " ... Biden is just the person for the moment."

    He's a senile racist with grabby hands who's been in Washington for 47 years. Seriously, 47 years. But now is his moment? LOL. I can't believe I get to read this shit for free. Thanks for a great start to the day, Bernie. You get points for being a good soldier.

  6. Joe Biden is a compassionate, decent person who struck just the right tone last night. I don't agree with some of the things that he's done in the past, but I know for certain that his intentions are what he believes are for the good of the country as a whole. Trump never makes a decision without thinking "what's in it for me?" The list of corrupt people who he has surrounded himself on it's own should negate his re-election. I would ask all those Trumpers to try to imagine if Obama had had so many of his close friends and political appointees charged with criminal acts what their reaction would have been? Trump himself was found to have defrauded his own foundation and his "university" DURING HIS PRESIDENCY. It's time to wake ourselves from this national nightmare and let the world know that the U.S. hasn't lost its collective mind.

  7. I'm watching the DNC and I'm impressed by the young, intelligent and diverse speakers. I'm trying to remain open minded about the idea of possibly voting for Biden, but he looks confused and befuddled on television, like he should be in a nursing home. This is the Democrat's chosen candidate? an old, rich white guy who looks like he is out in left field. In a little more than 2 years he will be 80! Say what you want about Trump, he is sharp, aware and vigorous..on top of his game.

  8. The doom and darkness is comming from the liberal socialist rioters. Trump 2020

  9. BOH: you nailed it. Joe is the pick, and he also pays taxes in a timely manner and does not adore Vladimir the Red.

  10. Joe delivered a great speech, until he perpetuated the lies of Charlottesville AGAIN. To base an entire campaign, an entire movement, on a lie perfectly frames what has happened with the Democratic party since Trump announced he was running.
    Anyone that reads what Trump said about Charlottesville will know Joe is lying. And anyone that supports that lie is working against racial unity for one sole purpose... POWER.

  11. I'm looking forward to the Republican Convention. Nazis, KKK members, skinheads, gun-toting Yahoos, QAnon believers, and every fringe nut group, or individual in attendance.
    I'll be helping Trump's ratings, because I love a good clown show. I hope the My Pillow guy shows up to sell his bogus cure for Covid-19.

  12. Very difficult what to make of his appearance. The whole week has been carefully staged with restricted camera shots. I’m not even sure his speech was done live, meaning unedited. It was a nice speech and he came across well. Problem is, it had very little of any substance and specifics.

    I honestly do not believe Biden can perform ‘on the fly,’ unscripted and immediately challenged. To negotiate with world leaders and corporate titans, a successful negotiator is the person who can drive the conversation in his/her desired direction, then quickly put to rest all questions. It is undeniable, Biden has been kept well-hidden and scripted. I believe that’s because he struggles when confronted in real time. I do not expect his handlers will allow him to participate in a live, face-to-face debate. Plus, the major news media will throw him softball questions and gush over whatever response he gives.

    However, he didn’t hurt himself last night. Looked and sounded fine.

  13. I'd like to challenge all your readers to go back to 2016 and read a transcript of what Trump campaigned on from his Rebup nomination acceptance speech.
    Read what he said he would do and decide if he has kept his word. There was only one major item in his speech that he made no progress on. Eliminating Obamacare. (although, he did try to get his Repubs to get it done).
    A President that does what he says he's going to do. Crazy concept.
    Now, look at Biden's acceptance speech last night. What is he going to do? All I got was he won't be Trump.

    1. He said what he was going to do and did it. The issues are what matters and he held to his word. That's a trait I want in my President

  14. I want to see if Trump's dementia can be held in check long enough for him to make it through his speech without butchering it because he can't read. Maybe if his speech writers use little words, or phonetically spell every well known American location we won't wonder where places like "Yo,Semite" are.

  15. Was that speech delivered live, or was it taped? He used to give a compelling speech. Last night was troubling.

  16. Vote democratic--the country will look like your major cities in no time

  17. Well, he has had a lot of time to practice that speech.... A LOT of time..hidden away, while the President is tasked with running this country amid a constant barrage of criticism.

    FYI, I do not like everything about Trump.... Not at all....

    BUT.... he will get my vote. I wanted a businessman in the WH, and voted for Perot. I am in an industry that has to fight China for every scrap that we can. The left wants to put a wind mill and electric car in every "pot", reducing the use of oil and gas and even coal. The US needs to export these products, and put people back to work in this industry both for US consumption, and as the third world develops further, they will NEED these US exports.

  18. I guess I missed his vision of the future in his speech. Basically, Errr Ummm Trump is bad.....Errr Ummm I won't be Trump. Thanks Joe your 47 years of previous government "service" has set you up for success.

    If you think Joe is the guy to lead the nation moving forward I have a bridge to sell you.

  19. "Whatever one thinks of the merits of NAFTA, it is important to get the history right. The trade deal was negotiated by a Republican president and passed with mostly Republican votes. Bill Clinton certainly pushed hard for its passage, even over the objections of many Democrats, but you cannot assign all of the blame — or give all of the credit — for NAFTA to Bill Clinton."
    Yes, Biden supported NAFTA at the time, but it seems the Republican Party forgets it was founded, supported, and passed by their party. This was one view among others that I did not share with Clinton but to his credit he was the only president in recent history to actually balance the budget.
    As much as I hear of the senility of Biden the Trump supporters memory loss or ignorance of the past is astounding. Every time a Democrat is in office there is constant braying about our country's deficit. When a Republican is in office trillions are given away to the wealthy with promises of drippings down to the classes below them and how if we just give the billionaires just a little more of a break it will benefit us all. And the drippings drop and the stocks go up until the debt comes due 5 or so years later and lo and behold; time to elect a Democrat to clean up the mess as the Republicans screech about how Social Security, the U.S Mail, and any other government agency which may be helping out the middle class or poor are bringing our country to its end.
    Facts are Facts, opinions may have alternative opinions, but Alternative Facts as much as they are espoused by the Far Right are not reality.

  20. Never though I'd see Ds become the elitist, politically homogeneous party of the rich, and Rs become an unwieldy big tent of of everything from Q wingnuts to evangelicals to libertarians to log cabins to never Trumpers. With much respect to Will Rogers, "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Republican."

  21. Thanks for enlightening me with a light filled weekend. The light of God has been shining down on America since 2016 except for the klown sideshows darkened by the Democrat circus trying too hamper America's return to greatness.

  22. C-mon Man!

    Some clever kids that went to over priced schools got together and by committee wrote that speech.

    Biden didn't write that speech. Biden didn't know what it said until it was put in front of him.

  23. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/08/21/dnc-features-convicted-murderer-who-squeezed-victims-testicles-pliers/

    Yep. Democrat is the American way to go.

  24. Advice for Biden, If you get out of the dark basement, you will feel better, or at least take some vitamin D. anyone without seeing and feeling the sun will have a very dark view of the world. It is called depression.

  25. Too bad the Bloomberg fly didn't hang around to land on Joe's face. That distraction alone would have thrown him off the teleprompter and heading back to his bunker.

  26. Wish he would have told us the corn flake story or the hairy leg story in his speech. Really makes Old Joe relatable to the electorate.

  27. 2:21.
    Breitbart.com. Really? Can you give us a link to The Crusader next time?
    Biden's speech really has all you Trumpsters worried. It's been almost 4 years since you saw someone act and speak like a President of The United States of America should.
    Can't wait to see how the "nobody-can-see-my-school-transcripts" President does at his convention.

  28. guess the right wing needs a diversion
    LaPierre has been using members money for his own use and his buddies instead of supporting gun rights
    Falwell is punking and making evangelical dogma a joke.
    Bannon is charged with ripping off the right wingers wanting a wall.
    So going after Biden gives them something to do.
    Otherwise right wing folks might notice how they are getting fleeced.

  29. 9.18
    "I'd like to challenge all your readers to go back to 2016 and read a transcript of what Trump campaigned on from his Rebup nomination acceptance speech.
    Read what he said he would do and decide if he has kept his word."
    try trumps own words
    " there will be no lies. We will honor the American people with the truth, and nothing else."
    strike 1
    "I have no patience for injustice. No tolerance for government incompetence"
    strike 2
    "The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its citizens"
    strike 3

  30. 4:40 PM

    I guess you missed those links to WaPo, NYT and Psychology Today in that Breitbart article.

  31. Season of Darkness

    We now know the punchline to all this spring and summer antics they cooked up. This was the marketing slogan these lightsellers thought up...a Season Of Darkness.

    Their obvious contempt for us is justified if you swallow this bullshit.

  32. 5:56P
    1. I'll give you that he embellishes alot. No argument there. He's fought against one of the worst lies since before his election. Something called Obamagate. And they continue the lie over and over. So yes, he lies as much as the rest of them.
    2. No patience for injustice, like the fake collusion scandal and BS impeachment. When a politicians family becomes multi-millionaires due to political connections (Hunter Biden), someone should investigate. When 33K emails get erased from an illegal server, it should be investigated. If it was you or I, we'd be in jail.
    3. Trump has pulled us out of never-ending wars and set a line in the sand with his actions against Iranian General Solemani. Haven't heard a peep from too many regimes since then, have we? NKorea hasn't done much either. All the media blowhards telling us how dangerous he'd be, and how many wars he'd start, putting us in danger. We're in the safest time militarily in decades.

    So yes, I believe he's held up most of his bargain that he campaigned on.

    1. We don't sign our names because of the threats and violence that happens if you don't support Biden

  33. So many anonymous comments. Why can't any of you sign your name? It is hard for me to take people who think they need a grenade launcher to carry around in Wegmans seriously. All these riots and civil unrest are taking place while Trump is President. It may get worse after Biden is possibly elected.....but then it will be all you white supremacist nazi wannabees storming state houses. and firing randomly in the air to boost your testosterone levels. The thing you folks never seem to realize is that many of us "libtards" you have such disrespect for have are own firearms. We could all try to get along, but your crazy 30% of the voting population wants to tell the majority what to do. That's not how it works, so get ready for a crushing disappointment in November. Oh, and I sign my name.

  34. Chris, Based on the anonymous comments I've seen, Biden was quite effective.

  35. Chris Casey, and others . . .

    What we are witnessing is the true, and growing, Silent Majority who can no longer watch this nation be overthrown by hard Left radicals, Socialists/Marxists/Communists who are attempting to bring down America. This effort to takeover America has very deep roots. We KNOW the attackers have within their support system, the Obama Administration. Joe Biden was aware of everything planned, even participated.

    Your preferred political party has been co-opted as the method of delivery for the fall of America. Your loyalty to your present political party is misplaced. This isn’t that same political party I, too, was once involved with for many years. This group has sold out American families to China for profits that came on the backs of oppressed people.

    The rot happened slowly, but we still have politicians in place from both major parties in Washington who continue to support the abuse of our hard earned tax dollars to feather their own beds. Corporations, too, like Amazon, Nike, now Goodyear and others on the same list.

    Your problem with anonymity of posters is curious. I don’t let that get in the way of knowledge to be discovered, either discarded or used. It’s all helpful to my understanding.

    Have you noticed America’s combatants try hard to remain anonymous, too? They dress all in black, cover their faces, throw things out from a crowd, and cold-cock others from behind. Others hide within our branches of government. They wear suits and ties.

    Please just consider anonymous posters here, and elsewhere, to be the real Peaceful Protestors. We deserve the right to be heard, too. It’s the American Way!

  36. Anti Biden folks need to pause, take a deep breath and have another look at King Orange of 5th?
    . Hair ? intelligence ? Racism ? Integrity ? Morality ? Credibility ? Sexism ?
    The man in the Oval Office is a full blown sleez and bullet proof to so many of you.
    Take another peek at Putin’s Pal.

    1. Your hate for him perhaps blinds you to what Kamala wants to do to our country. Miss the message due to your hatred.....the don't be surprised when your America is changed forever.

  37. Did any non profits get money? Any churches? The list is very hard to read. Thanks.

  38. Yes, let's look at Trump's opponent. Hair? Cotton candy plugs. Intelligence? Claimed he graduated near the top if his class in law school. Actually near the bottom. And he is now so senile he can't remember where he is or what office he is running from. Rascism? How about his flip comments about Indian-Americans or that if you don't vote Democrat you aren't black. Integrity? Using his office to get his son a cushy do-nithung job despite no experience. Credibility? Just look at his 48 year career in politics that accomplished nothing. Sexism? Mr. Hands loves to stroke women's hair and squeeze young girls. Oh, and of course the rape charge is forgiven by the "Me Too" movement. Biden is a phony and a puppet of the far left.

  39. 7:27. You are a Trump kool-aid drinker, a cultist if will. You are turning to the conspiracy theorists who confirm your worst fears even if they are not real. That's what is tearing this country apart. A reality tv host has taken control and all his cult followers think he's real. He doesn't give 2 shits about you. He's in this to enrich himself and he doesn't care how much chaos and destruction he creates. It's all about HIM. How many times have you seen him straight up lie and you dont care? How many times has he been personally charged with fraud (Trump University, his "charitable"foundation)? How many corrupt friends (CONVICTED of crimes) does he have to have before you wake up from your drunk, Trump stupor?

  40. Biden read a bland speech that is standard political platitudes. No substance because the democratic agenda is to destroy our history & create a Marxist based socialist country. Certainly don’t want to reveal that to the blue collar democratic base who will flee to Trump.

    So simply bash Trump for everything including COVID. Meanwhile Biden berated Trump for stopping flights from China as this wasn’t necessary etc. Biden is a huge hypocrite that will be exposed for his 47 years of racism & feathering the family nest while in power. Virtually zero accomplishments. It was Trump that did jail reform for the blacks. It was Trump that created opportunity zones. It was Trump that is bringing back the manufacturing jobs that Obama/Biden conceded to China. It was Biden that hung out with the KKK leaders like his Buddy Sen Byrd.

    That speech was a joke & he got credit for simply coming out of the darkness of his basement & being able to read? Bernie has lowered his standards in complimenting this achievement.

  41. 5.56
    "I'll give you that he(trump) embellishes alot.--Kinda like the Titanic had wee bit of trouble crossing the Atlantic.
    ". Something called Obamagate"
    well here is trump's claims
    "Obamagate. It’s been going on for a long time. It’s been going on from before I even got elected, and it’s a disgrace that it happened, and if you look at what’s gone on, and if you look at now, all this information that’s being released—and from what I understand, that’s only the beginning—some terrible things happened, and it should never be allowed to happen in our country again. And you’ll be seeing what’s going on over the next, over the coming weeks, but I—and I wish you’d write honestly about it, but unfortunately you choose not to do so … You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours."
    Yep that's almost Sarah Palin level word salad.
    Note trump does not name any crime.
    "No patience for injustice, like the fake collusion scandal"
    "the report makes very clear is that Trump's campaign chairman was a) working with a Russian intelligence officer b) seeking to share proprietary campaign data with him and c) attempted to sway public opinion about which country actually had meddled in the US election."

  42. 7.27
    "What we are witnessing is the true, and growing, Silent Majority"
    "So, assuming the people who paid for the ad and the people who developed the campaign aren’t Navajo, where are the “Navajos for Trump” referenced in the ads?"
    "Kolvet assured this reporter there were some real Navajos behind the ad campaign, but it might take him a while to produce them"
    yep really silent or as it is said "sure Jan"

  43. 9.49
    " Using his office to get his son a cushy do-nithung job despite no experience."
    that is just hilarious given ivanka and jared.
    "A California court ordered President Trump to pay $44,100 to Stephanie Clifford, the adult-film actress known as Stormy Daniels, to cover her legal fees regarding her nondisclosure agreement."
    I am sure evangelicals must be proud of him.

  44. 10.39
    ' It was Trump that created opportunity zones.'
    "billionaire Wayne Huizenga Sr., has long planned to build luxury apartment towers on the site, part of a development dubbed Marina Village.

    Those planned towers, and the superyacht marina itself, are now in an area designated as an opportunity zone under President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax code overhaul, qualifying them for a tax break program that is supposed to help the poor"
    " But less than two weeks after the email was written, the Trump administration revised its list of census tracts that were eligible for the tax break. New to the list? One of the downtown Detroit tracts dominated by Gilbert that had not previously been included. And the area made the cut even though it did not meet the poverty requirements of the program'
    Yep trump cares about helping the poor

  45. 9:51 - This is 7:27. Thank you for reading my message! Seems you are not in agreement. I suggest you vote for Biden.

    For me, the first priority this November is to “stop the bleeding.” That is, regain law and order to this nation and make families feel more secure. People are seeing a little too much reality in major cities throughout the nation. They are well aware that New York City is being rapidly destroyed by high taxes and declining quality of life. The streets of Manhattan are mostly empty, huge office buildings mostly vacant, retail shopping shut down, and the tourism industry wiped out. It’s mostly due to bad city and state management. You could say, the people elected politicians with the wrong philosophy.

    Are you still with me, on this point?

    Now, whose Presidential Administration is more likely to repair and rebuild those mismanaged cities sooner? More importantly to me, keep the same destruction from happening right here in the Lehigh Valley. We have the means to delay the decline for at least 4 more years, I think. Vote carefully!

  46. 10.39
    " It was Trump that is bringing back the manufacturing jobs "
    Where are they?
    How many new facilities came back from overseas?
    trump says a lot of things most of them untrue.
    Somehow a new dawn of US manufacturing is just in trumps mind.
    software developers have a word for it.
    It is called "vaporware"

  47. 1:49. Duh, a bit of a difference Trump hiring his daughter and son-in-law, who both had good, professional jobs beforehand and did not need the money, to Slow Joe hiring his good-for-nothing druggie son, known for blowing money at strip clubs, to a job that paid millions for doing nothing to benefit this country. And as far as the sexism accusations against Trump, Stormy Daniels was a porn star who had consensual sex with him and signed a non-disclosure agreement, probably for money, and then violated it to make more money. Hardly an angel. Trump would admit he was a playboy. We all knew that going in. But he treated his ex-wives well enough that they do not hate him. He has children and grandchildren who love him. He has treated his daughter as an executive. Hardly sexist. Evangelicals have a saying - hate the sin but love the sinner. Not sure what sin Trump committed by having consensual sex, except perhaps out of marriage. But he defends causes important to evangelicals, and that is what matters. Kind of like Biden, an avowed Catholic who defends abortions. That actually IS a sin in the eyes of his church.

  48. 2:10 -

    Manufacturing jobs have been created. Can’t give you a number without research. Perhaps Trump should have included the old Obama gimmick. He can begin to say “ 3 million jobs have been CREATED or SAVED. That way, he’s clear no matter what he wants to claim. You can’t ever know how many jobs have been ‘saved’ across an entire nation.

    Bringing jobs back from China takes time. We have several in Congress who have been bought off by laundered money from there, the Ukraine, and other places. It’s hard for some of our politicians to walk away.

  49. Obviously, attempts to attract Trump's myrmidons are to no avail. There is nothing he can do that will cause them to see the light. Many of them are just as ugly as he. You can rant about "Sleepy Joe" and other such nonsense. Biden is appealing to Republicans who believe decency matters. People like Charlie Dent, Sen. John McCollister, Sen. Chuck Hagel, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich. I doubt GW will be voting for him, nor will Mitt Romney. These folks all realize that the current occupant of the White House is a disaster and that Biden would be a real President.

  50. 1.49
    "his daughter and son-in-law, who both had good, professional jobs beforehand and did not need the money'
    yup they worked for trump.they traded on trumps name for all they got.
    Ivanka got Chinese trademarks based on only her work ? her dad did not figure in the deal?
    sorry that dog don't hunt.
    BTW if they do not need the money why do they get paid by the RNC--donations from hard working folks who support trump?
    Don jr has his girlfriend grabbing 15 grand a month as a "consultant"
    The term is grifter and hopefully folks will remember that when donating to the RNC.
    yep your hard earned money will pay for the girlfriends pedicure.
    As to evangelicals
    "he defends causes important to evangelicals, and that is what matters"
    so when evangelicals claim that "moral values" are important in a candidate they are full of shit and political power is the only thing important to them.
    ask falwell jr he has been making "religious values " a running joke for quite some time.
    "they agreed to open a hostel. Falwell ponied up $1.8 million.
    Why did Falwell (who was nearly 50 at the time) and his wife invite a 21-year-old hotel pool boy to travel with them on multiple occasions, and then put up seven figures for him to open up a hostel in Miami Beach that Politico described as a “cesspool of vice”?

  51. "Manufacturing jobs have been created. Can’t give you a number without research."

    I can. Manufacturing jobs in Pa are down 4% since Trump took office. Jobs are down 600,000, just in Pa. Your claim is false. https://www.inquirer.com/politics/pennsylvania/trump-pence-pennsylvania-manufacturing-jobs-fact-check-20200813.html

  52. 2.10
    "Manufacturing jobs have been created."
    you mean nowhere in America --Fox has not found a company that says we are closing the Chinese plant and moving those facilities to the US because of patriotism?
    so the claim about all those jobs are just a myth.
    "Bringing jobs back from China takes time"
    Yeah and trump is going to put out a better and cheaper national healthcare plan.
    Charlie Brown will get to kick that football also.

  53. @4:33 Isn't Don Jrs girlfriend a former FoxNews anchor? Didn't she make $8M salary at FoxNews? So you're saying a consultant job on the campaign at $15K a month ($180K/yr) is a significant pay cut.
    So your point is?
    As for religious values, if abortion is a topic, which candidate stands out in defense of babies? Which party is pushing for abortion options post-birth?
    Trump may not be the vessel YOU think is the right one to defend evangelical causes, but he surely does defend religious liberty and anti-abortion support more than Biden, Jerry Falwell or not.
    I really don't know what this post is trying to prove.

  54. @4:49
    Your TDS is showing. It took only a few seconds of a google search to find facts, rather than Trump Derangement Syndrome rantings. Here is a pretty good start with maps and real numbers.


    And I think both Dems and Repubs are on board with bringing our pharm industry back to our shores, rather than rely on China. So I would guess whomever is in the White House next year, will see another increase in Manufacturing/Factory jobs that the past admins of Clinton, Bush and Obama all said were lost forever.

    Seriously, how can you post such garbage. Stop listening to CNNs article about the "myth" you quote. Numbers are numbers and CNN twists every number against Trump and continues to lie, that's why viewership is down to record lows. Find independent sources and take a TDS remedy.

  55. @1:26
    You reference Manafort. No doubt Trump campaign had connections to Russians. Also no doubt DNC and Clinton had connections to the Russians. So Manafort gets indicted and convicted. Why no convictions in the DNC? They paid a foreign entity who used Russian contacts to drudge up a story that proved to be mostly false, used it to get a FISA warrant and manipulated at least one piece of evidence that got an FBI agent to plead guilty.
    So Manafort was wrong to give polling data, but the entire DNC use of foreign agents gets off scott free?
    Makes one wonder, why?
    Foreign powers play roles in all our elections, just like the US plays roles in their elections. Is it right? Probably not. Does it happen? Most definitely, and from all the research I've done on it, readying independent reports, both the Dems and Repubs are equally dirty.

  56. 8.16
    "t Don Jrs girlfriend a former FoxNews anchor
    'who was being pushed out of Fox for allegedly sending dick pics of her boyfriend to her fellow co-workers--hardly proper office behavior.
    Again the evangelicals that claim that moral values are required for a candidate are full of crap as they support a president with less than stellar moral values.
    evangelicals talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

  57. 4.49
    trump was not president in Nov 2016.
    not surprising cherry picking given the authors background.
    the author is from
    "TPPF received funding from Koch Industries as well as Geo Prison Group, a GEO Group company."
    "has argued that carbon dioxide levels are good for life on Earth, that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, and that "fossil fuels dissolved the economic justification for slavery."

  58. Biden likes to tout his working class, blue collar, old school middle America credentials.

    But his Vice Presidential pick is a strong indicator of what direction he wants his party, and this country to go.

    By picking an extreme, California Marxist liberal, Biden has sold out middle America.

    Prospective voters would be wise to research Kamala’s ideologies.

  59. Dry your tears--four more years...
    Dry your tears--four more years...
    Dry your tears--four more years...

    You be hearing that a lot!

    Better up your meds, but talk to your doctor first.

  60. Trump's own sister thinks he's cruel and a liar.
    Is the medical term for that type of personality, "Pathological"?

  61. 8.52
    " They paid a foreign entity who used Russian contacts to drudge up a story"
    Steele dossier was funded by a republican(Washington free beacon) doing oppo research on trump
    Steele was the Russian expert for British MI6. He worked with the US intelligence agencies for many years and was considered a reputable source.
    Steele never claimed everything in the dossier was fact. Steele recommended further investigation.
    Manafort was dealing with a foreign agent more than enough for the intelligence services to keep an eye on.
    Why would he show RNC internal polling numbers to someone with ties to the Russians?
    He was inviting specific meddling to advance trump's election.
    Flynn was an foreign agent working for the Turks.
    another reason to investigate.
    read the Senate report-- they layout the collusion of the trump campaign with Russia.

  62. 11.01
    so it's attack the VP.
    "It was after the intervention of Vice President Mike Pence’s office that Greitens was allowed to return as a reservist, the documents show."
    and Greiten who resigned in disgrace
    So why would Pence want a guy like Greiten anywhere near him?

  63. It will always be dark for Joe. A little too late in life with his head way too far up to be able to pull it out.

  64. @11:40
    Good try. Although the Steele dossier started with Repub oppo, once Trump gained the nomination, it was the Clinton Campaign and DNC that continued the dossier funding.

    You are blind in your hatred.


    "Steele, a former MI6 operative who opened a private firm, compiled the Trump dossier during the 2016 presidential campaign under contract to the U.S. research firm Fusion GPS.

    Fusion had been hired to get information on Trump during the primaries by a Republican media firm, Washington Free Beacon. When Trump became the Republican nominee, the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party began picking up the tab for the Fusion research. Fusion owner Glenn Simpson hired Steele, a Russia expert, to gather information from his sources in Russia."

  65. 11:01 PM

    Marxist liberals have principles, Kamala Harris has none.

    Kamala Harris's will fit any vessel you pour her into she's a fluid centrist primarily put there to screw the left, the left HATES her which is why she was eliminated so easily in the fake primary.

  66. 10.22
    So when the republican bowed out the DNC paid for the info.
    It was the same information.
    oppo research is common in any election.
    So what?
    The arrests and charges were not made from the Steele dossier.
    The actions of trumps henchmen was the reason for the charges.
    Also the Steele dossier was not the prime mover in the FISA warrants also.
    Hatred? not at all. i want my president to be elected honestly.
    trump's campaign encouraged a foreign government to interfere in the election
    You can wonder why the physcopath eric prince(blackwater) wanted to set up a encrypted back channel to Russia'
    "Prince acknowledges meeting with Russian businessman Kirill Dmitriev on the island, but reiterated his testimony that the meeting was both unplanned and not about any Trump-Moscow ties."
    yup just ran into him at a bar-- "sure Jan"
    " The meeting was convened by the UAE and Prince was understood by the other participants to represent the Donald Trump presidential transition team and Dmitriev was understood to represent the Russian government."
    BTW eric prince is on the board for the "build the wall" scam.

  67. 10.39
    So at least she is not a marxist liberal.
    Harris manages to strike fear in the right wing.
    Pence will get slapped around if he underestimates her.
    His hope will be that trump's propaganda arm--Fox news will soften her up in the public eye.

  68. I agree Bernie.. i never voted for a dem president before; but I think its a perfect time for Joe B and Harris. Maybe there is Hope for us moderates.


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