Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Trump: Worst President This Country Has Ever Had

In the span of 24 hours, Donald Trump suggested former President Barack Obama had committed treason; was caught in yet another lie about his claim to have asked for a slow down in Covid-19 testing; and had yet another of his disgusting tweets hidden by Twitter because it glorifies violence.  Amazingly, this loose cannon is President of the United States.

Here's how Steve Schmidt, a former campaign manager for John McCain, sums up Trump:
"Donald Trump has been the worst president this country has ever had. And I don't say that hyperbolically. He is. But he is a consequential president. And he has brought this country in three short years to a place of weakness that is simply unimaginable if you were pondering where we are today from the day where Barack Obama left office. And there were a lot of us on that day who were deeply skeptical and very worried about what a Trump presidency would be. But this is a moment of unparalleled national humiliation, of weakness.
"When you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile. An idiot. And I don't use those words to name call. I use them because they are the precise words of the English language to describe his behavior. His comportment. His actions. We've never seen a level of incompetence, a level of ineptitude so staggering on a daily basis by anybody in the history of the country whose ever been charged with substantial responsibilities.

"It's just astonishing that this man is president of the United States. The man, the con man, from New York City. Many bankruptcies, failed businesses, a reality show, that branded him as something that he never was. A successful businessman. Well, he's the President of the United States now, and the man who said he would make the country great again. And he's brought death, suffering, and economic collapse on truly an epic scale. And let's be clear. This isn't happening in every country around the world. This place. Our place. Our home. Our country. The United States. We are the epicenter. We are the place where you're the most likely to die from this disease. We're the ones with the most shattered economy. And we are because of the fool that sits in the Oval Office behind the Resolute Desk."
Hopefully, some of my Republican friends are starting to wake up.


  1. Tan suit, you can keep your doctor, line in the sand , Dijon mustard.

  2. Bullshit. Best economy in the history of our country. Foreign wars winding down. Destroyed ISIS and multiple terrorists. Tax cuts for everyone. Got justice reform passed. Negotiated great trade deals with China, Japan and South Korea. Got USMCA passed. Has gotten 200 conservative federal justices appointed as well as two excellent Supreme Court justices. He has done more in 3+ years than Obama-Biden did in 8. Hardly the worst president.

  3. Trump 2020! Let's help him make America great again! Biden sure ain't gonna get the job done.

  4. Amen. I am so embarrassed to admit that in my Clinton-fatigue and naive belief that House/Senate Republicans had backbones (and other body parts) to serve as a "check" if he strayed too far, I held my nose to vote for him. Once. Never again. Nor his weak GOP enablers and defenders. For decades I was a straight ticket GOP voter. Then I had a few years of split ticket voting. By 2018 for the first time since I started voting in 1982 I voted straight D. Being a closed primary state I have no choice but to be Democrat if I want to have a say. Up and down the ticket, my votes in 2020 will be anti-Trumpism, more than pro-Biden (though he is of the more moderate center that I am comfortable with). While I do not support the Sanders/AOC agenda, it will be a long, long, long time before I can vote for a Republican again. Congressional checks and balances failed against Trump, but I'd vote for ANY D at this point, in the hope of moderation of the process. Ironically, 2 of the 3 presidential pics I have hanging in my library are GOP (TR and RR, along with D-R Jefferson), but neither of them would survive today's GOP. Look how some prominent local GOP drove Charlie Dent out... there is an old expression about winning battles, but losing the war. Current local and national Republicans are losing the long-game war in the big picture though they deceive themselves otherwise, and deserve to be replaced.... sadly, Americans are becoming so us-them tribal polarization, that I don't know who to like, but do know what I don't like, and that is today's Trumplican party.

    1. Can never vote for a Dem on the abortion issue alone - never!

  5. I remember thinking that Dan Quayle was dumb, but Trump is in a whole other universe. I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Schmidt that Trump is an imbecile. Totally stunning. I have friends who voted for him because "we just couldn't vote for Hillary". I wonder how that has worked out for them - Hillary and Trump would be competitive as to which is more of a criminal - that's a toss up. The only thing more shocking that having an imbecile and an idiot as president, is that virtually all the Republicans in congress are clinging to the imbecile and idiot.

  6. People in the tri-state area have no excuse - we knew growing up what a farce this man is. The media hyped him as some genius businessman, which he is not. What is ironic is the thing his was best at he has been best at as president - firing people. It takes a heck of a lot more than that to be president. A successful businessman hires the best - and KEEPS them. Trump had some very good people, and he got rid of them and then trashed their reputations. Now we have inmates manning the asylum, like Barr, Pompeo, Navarro, Stephen Goebbels Miller, Ivanka, Jared, the bimbo press secretary. Larry Kudlow actually suggested capital gains be lowered as a stimulus. The wealthy have taken advantage of George W Bush's capital gains tax cut for many years, and Kudlow has the gall to say let's lower them MORE. Puny pants Pence is waiting for his day to shine, but it won't be coming. Trump is done - he can't help listening to the little boy inside him.

  7. I feel sorry for Joe Biden. He'll be spending his first four years trying to fix the mess Trump created.

  8. Pro President Trump comments have been made and of course you are censoring them. Your "comment moderation" policy is a joke. You and Comrade Stalin would have been great friends.

  9. Is he going to remove the Christopher Columbus statue downtown Easton?

  10. Putin smiles upon this

  11. Hyperbolic ad hominem attacks sink this commentator. If he had anything of substance he would have provided it. What Republicans see is the democrat party led by a life long politician on the edge of senility who has little to show for 50 years of high office, high ranking apparatchiks who blithely countenance the extermination of the elderly, gross abuse of basic civil and Constitutional rights, riots, burnings, deaths and destruction. None of this can be laid at the feet of Trump. Hate him for being a traitor to his former party; the church of secular progressivism. I get that the libs want Trump burned at the stake for heresy. There will be time for that later. Right now, Bernie, you need to put out the flames of that burning carcass that is today's democrats.

  12. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "...yet another of his disgusting tweets hidden by Twitter because it glorifies violence."

    I'm a little suspicious here. I've noticed that leftists and democrat operatives often exaggerate or outright lie about the President's tweets (which they seem obsessed with).

    Could you tell us exactly what was in the tweet, so we can judge for ourselves if the tweet "glorifies violence"?

  13. Obama did politicize the FBI and doj to spy on the Trump campaign and did attempt to set up anyone associated with him. Democrats are lying by trying to deny this. Schmidt is on MSNBC which is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. anyone , like Chris Matthews, who questions the talking points are gone.

  14. Can't stand Trump. But give me a better alternative than a racist, senile socialist who's lied, plagiarized, and can't keep his creepy hands off little girls. We're again faced with the lesser of two horrible evils. Trump is less evil than the progressive minds that just put us in jail for three months, destroyed lives and the economy, and killed our elderly from their elitist lairs. Life is full of terrible choices. This is where we are.

  15. The Democrats have gone all high gear in trying to tarnish President Trump. It just won’t work. All the ills of this time, here and abroad, are being blamed on Trump. That, in itself, demonstrates an ignorance of reality. Add on the usual quick dismissals and name-calling that go along with being a brainwashed individual, then the true ugliness of these times is revealed.

    The stink of modern day weaponized news reporting, corrupt individuals trying to ‘run out the clock’ on discovery of their own misdeeds is quite obvious.

    The person fighting hardest to protect Americans from their nation becoming ruled by a Uni-Party Elite of corporate-owned puppets in Washington is Donald Trump. Should Trump be ousted, citizen voting will not matter in future years. Actually, your votes might be made meaningless this year as the final weapon, cheating, is called. Be weary of Election Fraud next November. It’s real.

    My plea is for each of you to consider the future you will create for younger family members. Will they get a voice in how their own lives play out?

  16. You need to hope Joe Biden can wake up.

  17. "Could you tell us exactly what was in the tweet, so we can judge for ourselves if the tweet "glorifies violence"?"

    You know what was in the tweet.

  18. "Pro President Trump comments have been made and of course you are censoring them. Your "comment moderation" policy is a joke. You and Comrade Stalin would have been great friends."

    Hey asshole, some of us do sleep at night.

    1. You tell-em burn some of us are not frothing at the mouths rolling on the floors about Trump still.

  19. For 6:38 --Couldn't have said it better myself

  20. The hyperbole is silly and you are silly for getting wrapped up in it. Is Trump really worse than Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, who sent 58,000 19-year olds to die for NO reason? How about Woodrow Wilson who resegregated the federal government? You have no sense of history.
    For most progressives, this is history's Year Zero. All they know of history begins each morning on their Facebook timeline. You claim to read history from time to time. After this post, I'm highly suspicious.

  21. Like Jr tweeted, is the Statue of Liberty next to be considered racist?

  22. With liberty and justice for all. Capt Bonespurs must have stayed home the day they taught that,

  23. Steve Schmidt...a failed never Trumper whole ran McCain's disastrous campaign and MSNBC hack...is this news?

  24. "Is Trump really worse than Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, who sent 58,000 19-year olds to die for NO reason? How about Woodrow Wilson who resegregated the federal government? You have no sense of history."

    He is worse than them all, with the possible exception of Andrew Jackson. And as you correctly observe, I am an inveterate reader of history.

  25. Steve Schmidt...a failed never Trumper whole ran McCain's disastrous campaign and MSNBC hack...is this news? And yes libs. Obama spied on Trump.

  26. I don't like Trump either, but one has to admit that despite the global pandemic, which Trump had nothing to do with, the American economy has never been better. Our energy independence is amazing, what a global advantage for America. Job growth was exploding before the global pandemic. Despite the global pandemic, the American stock market is exploding upwards day after day, its unbelievable. I can't even watch the guy on TV, but I have to disagree with the author of this column, America needed a strong, experienced executive, not another career politician.

  27. It's true that Trump could literally shoot somebody on 5th Ave and his devoted followers would be commenting how the other person deserved it. The fact is, Trump will never expand his base beyond that 30% of racists who love the fact he is as ignorant as they are.

    Like a previous comment made, I voted for Trump because I just couldn't pull the lever for Clinton. I have no problem voting for Biden this time around. We need to get this idiot out of the oval office.

  28. Like Jr tweeted, is the Statue of Liberty next to be considered racist?

    It makes sense Jr would use the Statue of Liberty as a reference. She's the only woman his dad can get into, without having to pay $130,000.

  29. "Elections have consequences."
    Obama was the worst thing to happen. I'm gonna give you a tip to another quote that will pop up against the left in the future.
    "And the good news, what makes me optimistic is, the fact that there is a Great Awakening going on around the country"
    Let's see when the right uses this? At least the Great Awakening part.
    Now its perishable to tear down statues of those who fought against slavery, to assault news reporters, to.... Bloggers fair game?
    I like to listen to the blacks who are against the violence and the catch phrases attributed to the George Soros money being thrown BLM way.

  30. You lost me at John Mccain

  31. Revisionist history , to be accurate.

  32. @12:24 am

    Just another uneducated and clueless person drinking the Trump Kool-Aid
    Get in line with the other sheep following this phony

  33. 817. Post of the year

  34. He is definitely the worst President this great county has ever seen. Those who support him have no moral compass and don't care about the lack of integrity and his lack of respect for the laws of this country. The republican party has done nothing to rebuke his actions and they should be voted out of their office when they are up for re-election. We the voters will make Trump accountable for his actions ! Plainly put, he will go down in history has the most immoral, corrupt, selfish, dishonest president ever.

  35. Be patient.... worst presidents are coming.

  36. Crediting ANY President for the economy, Republican or Democrat, is complete and total bullshit, especially since most nitwits equate "The Economy" with "The Stock Market". All Presidents since Reagan have benefited from the Baby Boomer generation entry into the workforce initially as individuals with expendable incomes, then as they climbed the corporate ladders taking advantage of 401ks which was established by Congress in 1978. At no time in US history has there ever been the amount of available investment dollars available to the markets. Presidents/parties can and do nibble around the edges, but their impacts tend to be downstream from their administrations.

  37. Trump will go down as a historical Top 5 Worst President. I won't say worst because those types of rankings tend to shift over time and what sort of criteria is being looked at. Andrew Johnson, PA's own James Buchanan and Warren Harding tend to get crapped on the most from a historical perspective. Others seem to ebb and flow. Woodrow Wilson and US Grant are two examples of evolving opinions.

    Will be interesting to see in 50 years what Trump's 4 years will be viewed as. A one time glitch? An evolution and template for Presidential conduct and direct communication to the electorate? The beginning of the end of the 2 party system?

    I do wonder what happens to the Republican Party next year. Trump continues to double down and pander to a base that is not going to be enough. How do they reckon with that? The Southern Strategy that started in the 1960's with Goldwater and ultimately paid off over the past 3 decades is clearly now in decline. It started with Virginia, and now North Carolina, Georgia and Texas and edging towards "swing state" status. Yes, they've picked up the rural Midwest, but that is ultimately an uneven electoral trade off. The American population is becoming less white and less rural every year. The bulk of the Conservative agenda is developed for and appeals to older and nostalgic voters who prefer status quo, again this isn't enough. Sure we see scatterings of "Students for Trump" and "College Republicans", but again the demographics for those groups don't bode well in the long term.

  38. No plans ever as he wakes up and wings everything and changes his mind like the wind. Proof? How many bankrupt businesses? We need a change in Washington with sound minds to restore some sense of normalcy.

  39. Sen. Thune sys that Trump has to take a different tone, but that's beyond his capabilities. To him, it's just not many to "compromise".

    That's what you get for supporting him at all, Republicans. Now you're just reaping what you sowed.

  40. Schmidt has been a critic of Trump since the day Trump announced. Reason: simple, jealousy. Trump ran for President and chose not to use the eight figure political consultant crowd which Schmidt represents. Schmidt blew the McCain ticket by choosing a Vice President candidate who embarrassingly may be smarter than Trump.

    I like being the historian and assess the good and the bad and impact, past and future. Trump did some good things and some bad things. To draw conclusions you have to get by his personality which exhibits the maturity of a two year old becoming three.

    Impact. The Republican Party was in its death march. Eliminated in many big states including the big ones on the West Coast the Republican Party is on its last breath. Perhaps Trump gave it a new life or killed it entirely. Trump is neither Republican or Conservative. He is loyal to those who elected him, but Trump may embody the only hope for Republicans. The new enemy is China, not Russia. The US cannot fight fifty year wars, Afghanistan, Korea, etc.. Stabilize the Mid East by eliminating Iran and the US. Good paying jobs which are essential to maintain a middle class. Illegal immigration is undermining the middle class. Put conservatives on the courts. Only guarantees slower change. Change is coming.

    The middle class is important to our country’s success. It is in danger of elimination. Trump attempted to preserve it. The alternative is not good. Party politics gets too hung up on guns, abortion, religion and issues which have no impact on the quality of life. A better life may be the desired outcome of this election, but it will be more about one candidate’s personality and the other’s loss of mental capacity. Unfortunately, we all lose including Mr. Schmidt.'

  41. The media will determine my vote...whomever the media makes look bad and treats unfairly will always be my choice, Republican or Democrat or anyone in-between.

    Even if Trump lied us into more wars and killed as many people as Clinton and Bush he's a saint in comparison to the Main Stream Media.

    It's not so much that I support Trump, I don't, my vote is against the MSM and will always be. The MSM hates Bernie Sanders more than Trump so I'd vote for him over Trump.

    I would vote for Admiral William H. McRaven over any of these politicians and hope he steps in on a third party before we trash the country with this next election.


  42. Republicans come to their senses? Like PA Dems did by supporting Trump over Hillary in 2016? Could happen, I guess.

  43. As aberrational as Trump is, don't think he's not a symptom of the Republicans' attitudes at least as much as he's a cause. Trump always was there, but in 2016 the GOP was ready for him to lead.

  44. Who wants to bet that Trump will get even crazier before the election?

  45. After the Bush lies and atrocities that lead us to the bait and switch Obama administration, many thought the republicans were going the way of the Wigs, but over the last 3 1/2 years the Democratic Party's nonsense has fully resuscitated the Republicans, the Second Amendment, the NRA, Racism, the Police, and the Permanent State.

    It's no wonder why some of your Republican friends are starting to join the woke-sters.

  46. Only one Republican could have defeated Hillary in 2016. His campaign was a movement. Anti-politician, anti-Washington swamp. Trump was a rich guy who spoke his mind. He has worked for free while in office. No one can doubt that he loves this country, as do his supporters. Let's hope that in four months people come to their senses and realize that a vote for Biden will be a vote for the radical left and the anarchist thugs who are vandalizing our stores, streets and monuments.

  47. Republicans have not gone the way of the "wigs". They believe in implants.

  48. The whole Obomanation administration committed High Treason against the American population, this is not mentioning what they did to Trump's Presidential Campaign.

  49. Death is knocking on the door of the Republican Party. The only members will be those splinter groups with their conspiracy theories and desire to turn America back to what it was in the 1950s. Those great years when people of color knew their place, and white men ruled.

  50. Many of you Trump bashers are failing to recognize the bigger picture here. You are so intent on defeating Trump that you are willing to overlook potential longer term damage to America. We are looking at a radical reverse of course in citizen determination through free and fair elections. Life will be determined FOR you, not by your own initiative.

    The current Democrat Party is about abolishing our method of governance as prescribed by the United States Constitution. A new hybrid of Socialism/Marxism will result. Voting will be rendered meaningless. The power of One Party Government is extremely against the freedom of man and rules of law. It replaces accountability with thuggery. There is no secure foundation to rely upon.

    Oppressive rules and regulations emerge. The Political Class uses deception, bribery, censorship, theft of tax dollars, etc. to remain in power. Wealth is forcefully taken from some and given to others. The State becomes the god you serve.

    It’s happened elsewhere. Such is China, North Korea, Venezuela. You know this to be true, but believe it can’t happen here. For you, it’s about winning but one election out of many to come. But, will any more meaningful elections follow? Even this election will be suspect, I’m certain. Cheating has become common in our culture.

    I’ll miss most of any decline ahead due to my advanced age. Will you, or your children?

  51. 4:58, I am a Democrat, and further left than probably about 80-90% of the party. I can assure you that we are not trying to dismantle the Constitution. It seems as though your ideas about the Democratic party are derived not from conversations with actual Democrats (who are more numerous than Republicans, by the way) but from paranoid crackpots on talk radio and FoxNews's primetime lineup.

    I also suggest you read the federalist papers. You will find that they characterize leaders like Trump as the kind of person the Constitution was designed to protect us against.

    If you are actually concerned about democracy, and not just cranky and scared of change, you should probably also be concerned about the political party that cancelled many of its primaries this year. You might be surprised to learn it isn't the Democrats.

  52. I am a centrist Democrat and believe most Democrats and Republicans are centrists. I just hope my GOP friends wake up to Trump.

  53. 11:16
    "We need a change in Washington with sound minds to restore some sense of normalcy."

    Yes, so let's elect a 40 year Washington insider to change the government, one who clearly has 'more than early onset dementia to lead us with a sound mind?

    340 Million people in this nation, and the Democratic Party primaries itself with a 77 year old with dementia. WTF is wrong with our political system.

    But if I had to choose, I'd go with Law and Order over the chaos the Democrats are spreading since weeks before Trump took office. They've ramped it up every so many weeks and this is what we have now. Thanks for destroying our once proud cities. Won't step foot in one for quite a while, for any reason.

  54. Trump, McConnell, and Barr are intent on dismantling our democracy. They do whatever they want, Constitution be damned! They've been able to get away with it for too long and now the people are paying attention. We're beginning to see that they do not have the interests of the American people at heart. Instead, they are beholden to foreign adversaries, a handful of big money donors and PACs, the police union, etc. Our country can't take another 4 years of ANY of these guys.

  55. Trump Lied - Denied - Rallied - Golfed

  56. Bernie and others, there is nothing radical about President Trump. He’s different, for sure. You might not like his style, but NOTHING, repeat nothing about his leadership is threatening to America, or Americans. That’s a false charge.

    Trump has the power to be the dictator you claim he is, but he hasn’t used it. Stop the bullshit, educate yourself beyond your usual one hour nightly news broadcast. The man is doing his best to preserve our nation as the magnificently designed creation it has always been.

    Come back in four years with a better option.

  57. Both candidates suck! Biden will be the puppet of the far left, plus he has an issue with little girls.

    Trump is a loudmouth idiot, which is a shame because I actually like some of his policies. Obama allowed ISIS to blow up under his nose, now they're on the run. Syria was a total disaster, remember the red line? The chubby kid in NK was shooting missiles over the Sea of Japan when Trump took office. I like some of his trade policies which most certainly needed to be revisited. He wants to secure the border which I am for. My biggest problem with Trump is his unpresidential mouth and the constant nonsense statements he makes every day. He lies so easily, I mean, all politicians lie, Obama had 6 pages of them on politfact, but Trumps are outrageous! At the end of the day I am still undecided to be honest. If the nominee was Buttigeg I think I would have voted for him. Biden been around 40 years hasn't done squat!

  58. 11:48

    I stopped reading your comment when you said Steve picked Palin. That is not accurate. Read his book. He knew she was an imbecile . Some funny passages relating to her debate and interview prep.

  59. 12:32. No question that Schmidt has been highly critical of Palin since the election, but he also has admitted that he was her biggest advocate when it came to making the actual pick. McCain wanted Joe Lieberman as his first choice and Tom Ridge as his second. Both had issues in attracting evangelicals and conservative voters. There is no question that when you read the actual history that Schmidt was behind the Palin selection, a move that he highly regrets. The actual history is available through archived magazine articles.

  60. Palin is one of the very few politicians on the national scene who probably would have been as bad as Trump as a president.

    In the future, presidential mediocrity will be on a Trumpian scale: from 1-10, 1 is as bad as Trump. That's because it can only get better from there.

  61. I love, love, LOVE how everyone hates Trump and yet puts all these other idiots on pedestals like every politician is some sort of deity. In the past 50 years we haven't had a politician worth their weight. You know why politicians hate Trump because he isn't one. He is screwing up what they had going especially under Obama. Pretty easy work to make 6 figures and not have to lift a finger for anyone. Name ONE just ONE piece of crucial legislation that has been passed in the last 20 years...I'll wait. If you try and tell me Obama Care, give me a break its unbelievably flawed and in typical politician fashion they won't fix it.

    A lot of you love to point the finger at the federal government but what has your local government done to help you at all? You do realize most of you have a Township Supervisor, a City Council Person, a County Council Person, A County Executive, A state Representative, a State Senator, A GOVERNOR, A US CONGRESS PERSON AND SENATOR. Yet, all you clowns just immediately point the finger to Trump. You understand how the legislation branch works right? Maybe watch conjunction junction.

    He's bucking the system that has so failed us for years and finally making these idiots do some work and be held accountable for what they do. They aren't leaders they want one thing and that's power and they hate that Trump is ruining the good ride of saying the "politician" thing and proving no action.

    I didn't vote for Trump for a "Presidential" person I wanted someone who is different and isn't a part of the disgusting Machine (government) most of you don't see what it is.

    I'll even give you an example of how worthless some of these rock stars you so pray to are. Let's take Bernie's Hero Charlie Dent. Name 1 serious great thing he did for the area while serving in Congress? Dent's a leader right? What is a leader? Shouldn't a leader stand up for what's right no matter what? Shouldn’t a leader want to fight for us who he so begged for our support with time money and a vote. So let's see, what did Dent do once Donald Trump was elected? Instead of being a leader he tucked tailed and bailed and became a typical talking head. He didn’t even finish his term. Remember when it "Got Tough" because Trump instead of fighting you, he left you high and dry. Some "leader".

    So don't give me this TrUmP iS tHe WoRsT! Why do you let the media protect these politicians, they aren't accountable to them, they are ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU! Maybe you should realize there are politicians getting away this just pointing the finger at TRUMP and you're allowing it. You're allowing them to get away with every 2 years in the House not doing anything especially during an election year because they are so worried with getting re-elected. You allow the legislation to stale mate and never get passed. You're allowing your local governments to continue to raise taxes and provide ZERO assistance to making the community stronger. You just want to blame Trump.

    Think before you speak. If all you can do is sit back and blame Trump for our problems maybe you should look at what Tim Scott said on the Senate Floor yesterday after the Dems stonewalled his Police Reform bill about who's been running these cities for decades. Dems and Republicans alike most are “leaders”. They have been in for far too long and continue to want power and to pretend they work for you.

  62. I love, love, LOVE how everyone hates Trump and yet puts all these other idiots on pedestals like every politician is some sort of deity. In the past 50 years we haven't had a politician worth their weight. You know why politicians hate Trump because he isn't one. He is screwing up what they had going especially under Obama. Pretty easy work to make 6 figures and not have to lift a finger for anyone. Name ONE just ONE piece of crucial legislation that has been passed in the last 20 years...I'll wait. If you try and tell me Obama Care, give me a break its unbelievably flawed and in typical politician fashion they won't fix it.

    A lot of you love to point the finger at the federal government but what has your local government done to help you at all? You do realize most of you have a Township Supervisor, a City Council Person, a County Council Person, A County Executive, A state Representative, a State Senator, A GOVERNOR, A US CONGRESS PERSON AND SENATOR. Yet, all you clowns just immediately point the finger to Trump. You understand how the legislation branch works right? Maybe watch conjunction junction.

    He's bucking the system that has so failed us for years and finally making these idiots do some work and be held accountable for what they do. They aren't leaders they want one thing and that's power and they hate that Trump is ruining the good ride of saying the "politician" thing and proving no action.

    I didn't vote for Trump for a "Presidential" person I wanted someone who is different and isn't a part of the disgusting Machine (government) most of you don't see what it is.

    I'll even give you an example of how worthless some of these rock stars you so pray to are. Let's take Bernie's Hero Charlie Dent. Name 1 serious great thing he did for the area while serving in Congress? Dent's a leader right? What is a leader? Shouldn't a leader stand up for what's right no matter what? Shouldn’t a leader want to fight for us who he so begged for our support with time money and a vote. So let's see, what did Dent do once Donald Trump was elected? Instead of being a leader he tucked tailed and bailed and became a typical talking head. He didn’t even finish his term. Remember when it "Got Tough" because Trump instead of fighting you, he left you high and dry. Some "leader".

    So don't give me this TrUmP iS tHe WoRsT! Why do you let the media protect these politicians, they aren't accountable to them, they are ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU! Maybe you should realize there are politicians getting away this just pointing the finger at TRUMP and you're allowing it. You're allowing them to get away with every 2 years in the House not doing anything especially during an election year because they are so worried with getting re-elected. You allow the legislation to stale mate and never get passed. You're allowing your local governments to continue to raise taxes and provide ZERO assistance to making the community stronger. You just want to blame Trump.

    Think before you speak. If all you can do is sit back and blame Trump for our problems maybe you should look at what Tim Scott said on the Senate Floor yesterday after the Dems stonewalled his Police Reform bill about who's been running these cities for decades. Dems and Republicans alike most are “leaders”. They have been in for far too long and continue to want power and to pretend they work for you.

  63. That was quite the rant, 10:17.
    I'll agree that Trump isn't the worst. My vote for that honor goes to Jackson, who ignored Supreme Court rulings against him, committed genocide against Native Americans on a forced death march (Trail of Tears) that stole their lands despite a previous treaty, and then invested heavily in purchasing much of that same land with influential partners. His Indian Affairs Department was among the most corrupt in his corrupt administration. No wonder he's Trump's favorite President.

    I'll put you down as, "Independent Thinking Fox Network Follower."

  64. ^ This guys (10:17) comments are spot on.
    /I\ So many people find it so easy to blame Trump for local and state issues.
    I He's been the target by Pelosi, Schumer and Nadler since before the inauguration.
    I If the Russian Hoax media fairy tale wasn't mainstream, and the false reporting of
    the Charlottesville story wasn't in our face for months... If his REAL comments
    were provided by our media, rather than a BS headline of "Economic numbers would
    have made George Floyd proud" (not at all what he said), maybe, just maybe the
    United States wouldn't be so divided.
    Trump has fought the Political Complex, being beholden to none. It was the
    Republicans who bowed to him, rather than stand up for their beliefs. The
    Democrats did just what the Republicans did to Obama for 8 years.

    It's a continuation of a broken system because they all want power, rather than to lead the greatest nation on earth.
    Vote them all out and let's get back to being the best country in the history of the world with principles and a commitment to freedom, liberty and justice for all.

  65. Setting aside all of the socialist/Marxist hand puppet of the far left voodoo and the wish he wouldn't tweet, but I like his policies opinions. How does Trump turn things around for himself in the next 4 1/2 months?

    Lets eliminate the 40 out 100 voters that love him and equally the 40 out of 100 that hate him. Those opinions are locked in and are unchangeable. Its the 20 voters in between those groups that will decide the election.

    Pretty fair to assume these voters are independents, or very moderate Republicans or Democrats if they even bother to identify themselves politically at all. Those voters are not especially passionate about select issues or policies and most likely suffer from political fatigue and just want to live their lives, and often don't even bother to vote.

    IF the do actually vote, there is a general anti incumbency "Vote the bums out" bias. In 2016 Obama fatigue helped Trump. Looking at the middle 70% of the ideological spectrum, Trump was +12 with 2016 voters which is generally consistent with historical independent voter habits. He can no longer count on that vote.

    Trump won the electoral college on razor thin margins in PA, MI, WI and FL, 1% or less of the total vote went his way in those states. Contrary to legend, those Trump victories were all within the margin of error for polling in those states in the weeks prior to the election, but certainly created the myth of the massive legions of "Shy Trump Voters".

    Don't get me wrong there were such voters - just not the fire breathing, flag waving, Rally attending ones everyone thinks they were. They were primarily independent/undecideds who were not thrilled with either choice that year, but faced with yet another potential Clinton scandal in the weeks prior to the election broke heavily towards Trump at the last minute. Counting on them to stick with Trump in 2020 is unrealistic.

    I understand the want to discount/ignore polling, but the last 4 months have been to say the least bad for Trump and the positions he has taken. COVID-19, Racial/Cultural Tensions and Economic Recovery should all be major story lines over the next 4 months as all 3 will have direct impact on the lives of most voters.

    How and where does Trump offset lost 2016 voters with enough new 2020 voters to carry the Electoral map again?

  66. I wish all you voters would be this strong about local and state elections because this affects you more on your daily life than National Politics! Washington is a terrible swamp were the politicians only care about themselves!

  67. I must agree with this article by Schmidt!
    In the midst of a Pandemic, he is only worried about his election!
    The reality show has lost its appeal to even a few Trump base supporters!
    Time to move on!
    The ratings are going down for Apprentice 2!


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