Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The White Privilege Race

When I talk about white privilege and systemic racism, I know some of you roll your eyes and want to accuse me of just wanting to be woke. But when I talk about this, I really mean it.  Above is a short video that might make what I'm saying a bit more clear.


  1. Villa/Ryan/Mezzacappa, lay off the sauce and go to bed.

  2. You obviously think it's OK to accuse people with9out any proof.

    We all know what that makes you.

  3. The true racists are virtue signaling white liberals, like Bernie. He's done more harm than good. Malcolm X told us about Bernie. Man, did he nail it.

  4. Single biggest privilege is famial wealth

  5. While this has a point, should people who came from an intact family, with a father in the home, with several generations of working and saving and striving be a cause to feel guilty that others have not.

    No one, not white people, not the government, not some political party can substitute for several generations of responsible hard work. We see immigrants come to this country now, and in the past, who after a few generations of responsible conduct have become successful. It is never instant, it is never easy and if not maintained can be squandered by the next generation in a few years.

    That not only applies to families, but nations.

    While many immigrants come here and are watched suspiciously by society, they eventually gain the RESPECT of society for their hard work and good behavior. Life is tough, it is hard, it is demanding. Bad decisions and choices have bad consequences not only for the present but the future.

  6. A few years ago Farrakhan, an avowed racist,led a million MAN march to Washington, to encourage black men to be responsible fathers. He was right, it was a real step into solving the problems of Black and other races sources of poverty. Many consider such ideas as old fashioned, men are and fathers are a thing of the past.

  7. The video has a lot of truth. Billions and maybe trillions of dollars have been spent over the years to turn this around. Either the money was misspent or ? (? means I don't know). Can't believe that we have not come further since the 60's. Smaller cities have advanced, but large cities Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore to name a few failed and continue to fail.

  8. He lost me at "black dudes" because I saw all kinds of people in the back and the front and the middle even given that the camera tried to focus on "black dudes". Categorizing people by race is faulty inductive reasoning; it is racist no matter how you slice it. Making excuses for poor liberal policies over the last 90 odd years does not improve life for anyone. It is just repackaging failure. Some have it tougher than others. Let's see what the individual is made of.

  9. There has to be some correlation between the most explosive cities around the nation and the ideology of the politicians in charge of managing their own citizens.

    It is undeniable, the majority of cities with greatest unrest are run by Democrat Mayors and their administrative choices. Many of those same cities within states headed by Democrat leaders. If anyone can show this statistic to be just a coincidence, I’d like to hear their reasoning.

    It is also clear, in cases of unrest including property damage and looting, the mayhem is being fueled by agitators from, and funding by, radical groups of anarchists who are not even local residents. Still, the chosen sites for mischief are largely Democrat majority communities.

    Interestingly, our own Lehigh Valley cities do not fit the same destructive pattern. We have the same political affiliations as the biggest trouble spots yet, so far, are seeing fully lawful protests and behavior. This community is not so small in size. What’s different about the Lehigh Valley in this highly charged environment that has kept us calm?

    These connections must not be ignored if we are to fully understand what is going on.

  10. That short video is the kind of liberal indoctrination that has taken place within our schools for many years. It tries to reinforce the notion that each of us really has no control of what our future may bring. That is NOT the right message to inspire young people. Wrong on so many levels.

    Millions of disadvantaged young persons, even from dysfunctional parents, all across the world have succeeded. Evidence is everywhere, in every community. We are all born with equal potential for living. But, we require INSPIRATION to success, from positive role models. Not excuses, nor guilt laid on the backs of others.


      "INSPIRATION", is definitely a component, but "IMAGINE", everyone, starting on the START line, is the POINT AND PURPOSE!!!

      Its very UNFAIR, to put a Feather weight, up against a HEAVY WEIGHT, expect the FEATHER WEIGHT, TO STILL HAVE TO WORK EXTRA HARD to STICK AND MOVE ,AND COME OUT, VICTORIOUS!!!

      GENERATIONAL WEALTH, is a privilege, and it should be looked as, just that!

      Privileges are ADVANTAGES or IMMUNITY granted or available to ONLY a particular person or group!!

      If everyone had been, (from the very beginning), "EDUCATED", as "RIGHT", and "NOT A PRIVILEGE!",

      THE GENERATIONAL WEALTH AND VALUES, would be a MUCH more "EQUAL", playing field, what the video, depicts!!!
      THANKS, BERNIE!!!!!!

    2. Sorry, for the typo's, but I'm sure , you get the POINT!!


      "JUST IMAGINE!!"



    6. No problem....

  11. The Minneapolis City Council president says that if someone is kicking in my door at night and I call 911 I need to "check my privilege" LOL these people are mentally ill! They going to send me a counselor to figure it out LOL. Imagine a victim of domestic violence calling to say her ex kicking in the door please help, "sorry lady, you need to check your privilege" LOL.

  12. This is a very good video and for the most part is quite factual. The underlying truth in this is "EDUCATION". Education. It pays dividends in more ways than one..

  13. The biggest lies of that video are 1) that the hundred dollars is only waiting for the person who finishes first, and 2) that the race is a short one.

    Luckily, we live in a country where we have a system that allows people to pursue their dreams and rewards hard work. Sometimes those rewards come quickly, but most times it takes longer.

    While some of those kids might be starting a little further back, with time, effort and persistence they can all get to the finish line and collect their $100 (or more).

  14. "So black dudes are faster" - Isnt that statement racist? JFC

    Sometimes you get a good hand sometimes you get a bad hand. Dont blame the players blame the cards or the dealer that cheats - ask LBJ what his intentions were in the 60s.

  15. Thanks for having the courage to post this Bernie

  16. As another example of this ‘feel good’ nonsense, several colleges and universities around the nation will no longer use testing (SATs and similar) to determine college admission standards. Probably, because any sort of graded, timed, scored evaluation will required that some final results will higher/lower than some other final results. Can’t have that! We are all winners, don’t ‘cha know?

  17. 9:47 - I choose not to dwell on why I can’t do something. If different behavior gets me closer to what I want, I change. You, on the other hand, seem to suggest everyone else needs to change. To change, or not change is a singular personal decision. Like gathering skills, being prepared, waking every day to face a new challenge to overcome.

  18. Michael Laws, What I posted took no courage. What does is confronting my white friends who are convinced they are not racist when they make statements that obviously are. Sometimes I do. All too often, I don't.

  19. who is this asshole who keeps posting the same stupid stuff with a large gap after it?
    an anonymous Poser P.O.S.

    if your going to continue, Sign your name you Pussy

  20. That troll has effectively demonstrated he is uninterested in what anyone thinks but himself.

  21. Anonymous said...
    who is this asshole who keeps posting the same stupid stuff with a large gap after it?
    an anonymous Poser P.O.S.

    if your going to continue, Sign your name you Pussy
    June 9, 2020 at 11:11 AM

    Wow--that's a capital "P" pussy! That's special!

  22. I'm reminded of the story of two brothers who both grew up in what used to be called a "disadvantaged" household (poor and with a single mother). One studied hard in school, worked hard, and eventually became what most would call a success. The other took a different path, and ended up in prison.

    How could two brothers, who started in the same place, end up so differently?

    I would argue that one turned out exactly the way people expected him to given his circumstances. The other used his circumstance, what today we'd call a "lack of privilege", as an asset to motivate himself to greater things.

    The point it that we might not have a choice over where we start, but we do have control over where you end up.

    1. Effort, Belief, and Hard work, is definitely, how....

      But it is no different, then being born into wealth and security...
      And one brother takes over the family business and the other recovering from many overdoses, every path could turn out different...

      But the video, is just displaying, that Advantages are "PRIVILEGES", why is that so hard, to decipher?

  23. Generational wealth is a privilege. Down with Generational Wealth!

    As a son of blue collar workers, who started their lives together in a trailer park, and grandparents who worked in mills and farmed, great-grandparents who quarried and were widowers and homemakers with families you counted with two hands, I would love to stand here and argue that generational wealth is privilege. But today, through hard work, and no inheritance to propel me to privilege, I and my siblings stand tall knowing we worked hard to be successful, from hard work and sacrifice taught by our parents. Oh, but that's white privilege, too. My fault.

    If these blow-hards want to argue generational wealth creates inequality, let the Lebron James's and Jay-Z's give up their billions that their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond will benefit from. Let them give away the fruits of their labor that got them to where they are for the government to determine how best to use it. They are earning millions of dollars from slave Chinese labor of their clothing lines and the pockets of the inner city kids who buy their overpriced shoes and music inspired brands.

    Of course they won't. They'll just put on the backs of middle class white America who could care less about what these guys think. And they'll speak, and millions of young impressionable kids will listen to their tripe. As will a retired, educated man from Nazareth.

    1. I understand your point, and I wish my parents, had put me in that generational wealth category, I'm not condemning it , at all..

      But like I said before, education is what builds, generational wealth, and all I would like, not blame, is for privileged people, to stop believing, that only intention and hard work, is what it takes to be successful!!

      Yes, it is a huge part! But if you are not a mentally strong person, who can overcome, all the injustices, that you encounter, through out your journey to become successful, you are bound to succum to all the inequalities that you must face, when you are not in the "privileged" catergory.

      Their are people are people, that are doing the same job, as me, and have faced or had to overcome, not no obstacle as I have!!

      I am not complaining, I'm just asking for the recognition of being privileged, and praying that my children don't have to face the same unprivileged feelings that I face, everyday!!
      It has made me a stronger person, having to overcome adversities, but everyone, doesn't have my Strength!!!!!!

      And they should not start out, behind any other American,
      Especially, when Black people were beat, and prevented from being on the same playing field,today!!
      Also, kudos to everyone who EARNED, their place in America, through their own strength and will!!

      And not sppon fed, through the labor, of others!

      Coming from a Black educated person!

    2. When mommy and daddy, don't put you on the competitive chopping, know anyone to just put you on, and you try to be hard working and compete, and put yourself on the competitive block...
      A whole lot of DEBT, comes along, and keep you from taking, any of those,, "2 Steps Forward", in the privileged race...

      Just take a moment to think, about that...

  24. Anyone who takes offense to that video or chooses to argue its point or worse believes it to be some sort of "Liberal Indoctrination" is completely missing its point and unfortunately part of the problem.

    The issue is not "White privilege" or "White guilt" nor is the point that simple hard work and effort makes us all equal.

    Some of us have/had more obstacles in life to overcome, a lot of them not of our own choosing. If your are threatened by admitting the fact that your own success in life was aided by the fact that you were raised in an environment that gave you the knowledge and insight of what the investment of hard work and strong family might give you then you are ultimately an insecure pussy.

    Everyone seems to think they have some sort of heroic origin story and that because Mom & Dad made them do chores to earn their allowance each week, that the sweat of mowing the lawn is some sort of badge of honor that allows them to judge others is hilarious.

    Effort in the face of adversity is always an admirable trait and provides many of life's lessons to foster future success, but lets not delude ourselves into thinking that all effort and all adversity is equal.

  25. Part of the communist manifesto is that inheritance should be banned, and all wealth should revert to the state at death. I hope that is not what some are advocating here.

  26. @11:49
    I really am trying to understand this. What you are saying is that we should all start with equal opportunity. We should all start at the same starting line. And we should all have similar achievements regardless of how hard we work. Collectively, the less eager will feel better about themselves, even though they didn't accomplish anything, but benefitted from the work of the eager. At the end, we'll all be happy and go to our graves knowing the collective were happy.
    Have you read the Communist Manifesto lately? Ever thought Freedom and Liberty were important parts of the American society?

  27. Right now, Blacks are being exploited yet again. As they have been over the years.

    To the frauds Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and others who foment struggle between groups, you are being ‘worked’ in effort to gain your vote. Now, you are even being trivialized by those White fools in Congress who wear a symbolic garment from your unique and special community. That photo-op should disgust many Blacks. If not, maybe the next one will include stage make-up for their faces.

    You know, “See, we can be you.” No, they cannot!

  28. That's some good shit! Can I roll it up into a joint and smoke it? It's tht good!

  29. All these question have nothing to do with white privileged, you are conflating opportunities generally with racial differences when specifically dealing with Police and enforcement.

    White privilege is the expectation that police are there to serve and protect you, blacks that believe they have no such expectation and in fact have been made to fear police, see that as white privileged.

    An example would be: If you're black and report an armed home invasion, like what George Floyd was convicted of in 2009, you fear that when the police arrive they will assume based on skin color that the black home owner is the suspect. White privileged affords the white home owner the benefit of police protection absent that assumption.

    Being largely exempt from "Stop and Frisk" is also a perfect example of white privilege.

    White privileged outside the context of police interaction and enforcement is a conflation of the concept into behavioral and cultural differences not racial.

    example: Having a father and staying married is a cultural difference and not at all racial. It's a behavioral and cultural advantage.

  30. Racism will always exist on some level. No one walking this Earth is perfect. But, whatever one brings to this day, whether ignorance or intellect, hatred or compassion, has been LEARNED. We begin life with a mind like an unsoaked sponge. We absorb what comes to us. Over time, we develop the ability to discern the good from the bad that comes our way. Ultimately, we can control our destiny. But, it might not be easy.

    In the end, except for ill health, our existence and happiness depends on the choices we make, the path we choose.

    Using race as a weapon to achieve a goal is never right. Why, even, as an excuse?

  31. @12:36
    “But the video, is just displaying, that Advantages are "PRIVILEGES", why is that so hard, to decipher?”

    There we go again, changing our language.

    Privilege- a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
    "education is a right, not a privilege"

    Advantage- a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.

    You see, an advantage is not a privilege. A privilege is a “special" advantage, not just any advantage.
    They are not synonyms and to use them as such is perpetuating a lie or falsehood.

  32. Anon 12:36 said:

    "But the video, is just displaying, that Advantages are "PRIVILEGES", why is that so hard, to decipher?"

    I could put a group of all white kids (or all black kids) on that same line, list out a bunch of hurdles they need to overcome, and you'd have the same type of dispersion among starting points.

    But would I let that staggered starting line tell me which kids will be most successful? HELL NO! In fact, I'm willing to bet that some of those kids starting behind will end up ahead of the others in the race called life.

    But you have a large group of people right now that want to tell those kids at the back that they can't succeed on their own, that they'll never be able to overcome where they're starting or that they need some sort of government intervention to make something of themselves. That's where the whole concept of "privilege" is wrong.

    In addition, it stereotypes people according to their race, which is doubly offensive. And when you start generalizing and assuming anything about an individual person based on their race, you're wrong.

    We're in a country with the most opportunity for people of ALL races, and we all have to overcome our own obstacles. But if you choose to be "oppressed", I guarantee you will be. Because you're oppressing yourself!

    I'll end with a question: In recent days minority neighborhoods and businesses were looted and burned by minority members of those same neighborhoods. So are those people (who destroyed their own neighborhoods and businesses) the victim of "white privilege", or are they the victims of bad decisions of their own?

    1. Victims of Bad decisions, absolutely

  33. 12:54 - you provide some valuable insight. Thank you.

    Can you understand how Black frustration and acting out in anger is being used as a political weapon by the present Democrat Party and liberal media. All of this unrest, in their mind, will help their political party regain the White House. That’s what this is!

    Blacks are once again being used as pawns. This is NOT the Democrat Party of a few years ago. This version has allowed itself to be taken over by radical nut jobs. Losers who will hurt others to get their way. It is Democrat leaders in most cities who are allowing this mayhem to continue. By doing so, they are taking advantage of Blacks to do the fighting for them!

    The images splashed on our television screens do not help the impression of Blacks in any positive way. Some Blacks see how other Blacks are being used. They are speaking out against the destruction and doing their best to show a better way. Unfortunately, we need more solid citizens like this. I think you have lived a life worth living, but what about other Blacks who remain silent?

  34. 12:54 -

    I'm white and wish that I was in that generational wealth category also.

    Like you, in my profession there are also others (white and black) who make more than I do despite the fact that we all do the same job.

    So instead of race, it might be that there are other excuses or shortcomings that we'll have to work hard to eliminate or correct over the course of our lives. Maybe we'll even have to work harder than others to get where they are.

  35. How about listening. Stop this horrible political lie.


  36. Anonymous said...
    How about listening. Stop this horrible political lie.

    June 9, 2020 at 1:49 PM

    And if you saw a video with dozens of black people saying that they had been victims of racism, would that prove that racism exists? How about a video with dozens of white people saying they're racist?

  37. @12:03 - "I really am trying to understand this. What you are saying is that we should all start with equal opportunity. We should all start at the same starting line. And we should all have similar achievements regardless of how hard we work...."

    Apparently you aren't trying hard enough (or most likely giving a sincere effort) since that is not remotely close to what I said.

    If your knee jerk reaction is to wet your pants in front of everyone with some patty cake communist counter argument nonsense to anything that challenges your world view, you need to stay away from these types of grown up discussions.

  38. 2:00 -

    These "solutions" have been tried in our country before and failed miserably.

    The way the current problem is being characterized and framed is also based on a world view that aligns with communist ideology and teachings.

    I'm sorry that you aren't aware of that, but it doesn't make it "nonsense".

    And if anything, it's you who is having the problem with anything that challenges YOUR world view. Your last sentence is beneath the intellectual capacity of my 10-year-old.

  39. The poster who keeps posting that you (BO) don't want debate, does not seem to be debating, simply trolling his/her beliefs and name-calling. They cannot see they are part of the problem regarding civil discourse, or lack thereof.

    To expect equality in all things is folly. Disappointment and anger will be the result. There will always be someone who has more money, more and better stuff, more and better education, a better job, a better-looking spouse, a better-looking body, stronger, faster, smarter, etc... I cannot view things such as a two-parent household, a father, being smart enough, and going on to post-secondary education as negative things to feel guilty about. These things should be encouraged. Someone will always have an advantage over you. Life is not fair. Perhaps it should be, but it is not. To expect life to be equal and fair will end in great disappointment and/or anger.

  40. Jeff, no one is asking you to feel guilty. We are asking that you recognize 1) that being Black in America puts one at a disadvantage, 2) that it shouldn't, and 3) people who aren't Black, and specially white people, are shielded from having to think about this because they don't experience the many of the same challenges Black people do.

    If you disagree with any of these points, I think you should consider very carefully which one, and why.

  41. Jeff, the troll has done himself in better than I could.

  42. @2:12 "These "solutions" have been tried in our country before and failed miserably."

    The video doesn't present any solution. It's an exercise that points out that people have longer journeys to success and fulfillment than others do. No idea how that has anything to do with communism. Nobody should or needs to start back at square one, but everyone should at least be able to acknowledge the various blessings in their own lives that made things easier for them. You shouldn't feel guilty for being born where you were or how you were raised, nor should you feel threatened by knowing that people will work harder than you have to achieve a similar level of success. It's just life.

  43. At 1:35 of the video, "If it wasn't for your athletic ability, you didn't have to pay for college. Take two steps forward." Oh, nothing racist about that!

  44. White privilege is not about who worked harder or is more deserving. It's having greater access to resources and opportunities. It exists in every racially-structured society in which whites are at the top of the hierarchy. If you were born white in America, you have it. No one is asking for your guilt, only your acknowledgement.

    Let's say you're tall and I'm short (which is accurate on my end). We're both starving but only one of us can reach the bread on the top shelf. Can I still get the bread? Sure, I just have to get a step stool or climb on the counter. The bread is still within my reach but you (presumably) have an advantage because you were born tall. I'm working harder to get to the same place. If YOU were born short, I'm sure you could have gotten a step stool and gotten the bread because you're a hard worker and very determined. But you didn't have to. Not your fault, not mine either.

    Acknowledge it.

  45. " Would 70% of black kids STILL be raised in fatherless homes?"

    I stopped reading there, but why don't you stop allowing your government to kill their parents and see what happens?

  46. 4:49 -

    So when a college offers a higher scholarship to a black student than it does to a white student with the same grades, that's "black privilege", right?

    Acknowledge it.

  47. 4:52 - So the government is killing the fathers of 70% of black kids?

  48. "At 1:35 of the video, "If it wasn't for your athletic ability, you didn't have to pay for college. Take two steps forward." Oh, nothing racist about that!"

    Excellent point! Of course that is racist.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. Why on earth would you post about abortions here? Stay on topic, please.

  51. "So when a college offers a higher scholarship to a black student than it does to a white student with the same grades, that's "black privilege", right?"

    That doesn't happen though. White students receive 72% of all college scholarship because...white privilege.

  52. I feel bad for the family of the black Police Officer that was shot and killed by another black man. Where is the coverage of his story? Why is the media not giving him the same tv coverage. He will never be with his family again. I guess that is not a story that can be used to riot and destroy people's property. What happened to Floyd is a terrible thing and I feel sorry for that family. May the black Police Officer rest in peace.

  53. I feel badly, too, and confess I have not seen it. Black on black, white on white, black on white, white on black, it is all wrong. I am trying to help us all (including me)understand that many blacks start at an immense disadvantage. I'm sorry, but the most recent story I've seen is yet another unarmed black man shot and killed by a Jersey trooper. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/08/maurice-gordon-shooting-video/

    Not sure what happened there. Did the trooper have a reasonable belief he needed top use deadly force? It seems the trooper offered the dude a ride so I do not really know what happened.

  54. 6.39

    "This culture within FPD influences officer activities in all areas of policing, beyond just
    ticketing. Officers expect and demand compliance even when they lack legal authority. They
    are inclined to interpret the exercise of free-speech rights as unlawful disobedience, innocent
    movements as physical threats, indications of mental or physical illness as belligerence. Police
    supervisors and leadership do too little to ensure that officers act in accordance with law and
    policy, and rarely respond meaningfully to civilian complaints of officer misconduct. The result
    is a pattern of stops without reasonable suspicion and arrests without probable cause in violation
    of the Fourth Amendment; infringement on free expression,"
    collected by the Ferguson Police Department from 2012 to 2014 shows that African Americans
    account for 85% of vehicle stops, 90% of citations, and 93% of arrests made by FPD officers,
    despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson’s population. African Americans are more than twice
    as likely as white drivers to be searched during vehicle stops even after controlling for non-race
    based variables such as the reason the vehicle stop was initiated, but are found in possession of
    contraband 26% less often than white drivers, suggesting officers are impermissibly considering
    race as a factor when determining whether to search"
    "These disparities are also present in FPD’s use of force. Nearly 90% of documented
    force used by FPD officers was used against African Americans. In every canine bite incident
    for which racial information is available, the person bitten was African American."
    seems stats show a problem there.
    and the racism goes on and on.

  55. 6:39-

    The race of the cop doesn't matter. The fact remains that black men are the most likely to be killed by cops, regardless of criminality.

  56. Bernie this white privilege shit is just that there are all colors of the spectrum that could be in that control video. This video just so happend to have blacks in the back kind of like the back of the bus many years ago.
    The one doing the simulation like a scientific experiment is being swayed by the public rage and also by the payor.

  57. @8:15PM. That's wrong. It's misinformation. Multiple studies have shown that police are LESS likely to use deadly force against black people. As you can see here:



    Police have approximately 1 million contacts with the public every 24 hours in America.
    Last year there were 10 million arrests, 1004 were fatally shot by police. Of the 1004, 41 were unarmed, 19 of which were white, 9 were black. I am assuming that the rest were of other races as it doesn't say. Keeping in mind that if you have hands and feet you are armed, that if you try to take a police officers gun that justifies the use of deadly force, just the other day two NYC cops shot with a gun taken from one of them. So 9 unarmed black men, you have a better chance of getting hit by lighting in this country then getting shot by a cop while black and unarmed. In the meantime, Chicago had 18 murders in just 24 hours! Most black on black. Philadelphia has already had 177 murders this year, most black on black. Do black lives matter only when police are doing the shooting??

  58. IM looking at the video of all these people protesting and I wonder how they get off from work. I cannot be out at night as I leave for work before sunrise. I don't have sick days and only a few personal days that I can take on short notice. My employer enforces a strict attendance policy. So how is it these protesters can be out at all hours and not worry about work? Did they get laid off or did they EVER have a job in the first place? I wonder how many of these protesters that condemn government actually collect public assistance and live in government backed "section 8 " housing. I wonder how many of these protesters have no employment but still manage to own a thousand dollar I phone and five hundred dollar sneakers.
    Just wondering.

  59. @ 4:52, are you implying that the 73% out of wedlock birthrate, 67% of which live in single parent homes, lack of fathers involved in their children lives, the subculture of black men that father multiple children with multiple women, then don't take financial responsibility for them. Are you implying that this doesn't contribute to the problems in the black community. Of course it does, many stand up black men such as Juan Williams and Don Lemon admit that the black community has a fatherhood issue.


    The other thing is, having worked in the inner city for over 20 years, it's not just a fatherhood issue, it's a parenting issue. At 11:00PM on a school night, I routinely see a street full of children as young as 8 running around. Nobody is saying that all the parents are like that, and nobody is saying that there isn't racism, but there are things going on the black community that only black people can fix, just throwing good money after bad is fruitless without education, but most importantly, a willingness for change.

    As far as the privilege issue, I don't know, I grew up with nothing and took out a loan, got myself a degree, did well for myself. Today if your black and willing to work there is affirmative action, civil service preference, heck, if your a talented young black person there are corporations tripping over themselves to diversify their ranks, and that's a good thing!

  60. Bernie, why are you so intransient?

  61. Shall we gather at the river?

  62. ""At 1:35 of the video, "If it wasn't for your athletic ability, you didn't have to pay for college. Take two steps forward." Oh, nothing racist about that!"

    Excellent point! Of course that is racist"

    That is a bias based on IQ or academics, certainly not about race.

    You must think whites are smarter than blacks or blacks are more athletic than whites. Either way YOU are making the distinction racial when the bias is clearly about academic ability irrespective of race.

  63. Pro tip: don't kneel without somebody getting a photo or it doesn't count toward your wokeness quotient. Bern, when will we see your genuflection and what will be your garb?

  64. Nothing to do with race !!! more about the nuclear family.


    "A disproportionate number of Black children under 18 live in single-parent homes, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau."

  65. I believe the Biden statement of "truth over facts" is in play with this BLM issue.
    We are to believe the BLM "truth" not the facts. And sadly, the entire Democratic Party has pandered their way to the "truth" and not one has addressed the facts, publicly.
    Fix the black on black slaughter that is going on in the nation. Fix the fatherless home issue that is going on in the nation. Give your people a purpose.
    Then we'll talk about the 9 unarmed police shootings that occurred in an imperfect society.

  66. I'm a white man. I used to think all that was necessary for racial equality was for black people to work harder and make better decisions.

    "Plenty of people of color have succeeded," I reasoned, so there's no reason why all can't.

    I came to realize that this is a bit like arguing that Larry Bird was a star basketball player, so if I'm not, it's because of my own bad decisions and failure to try.

    A few years ago some successful friends of color spoke frankly about what they've experienced during their lives. They hadn't mentioned it before because it's a painful subject, and also because white people often don't understand. I was ashamed and embarrassed at how ignorant I was of the pain my friends had experienced. It wasn't a one-time thing, either. Black people have to go through life thinking about how to appear non-threatening to white people, and regularly deal with many other challenges that are never an issue for white people. It's exhausting. Imagine what it's like to worry that police might kill you, rather than keep you safe. That some people of color can succeed in spite of all this doesn't mean that everything is fine.

    If you're a white person who cares about this issue, who wants to improve opportunities, the good news is that every individual can do something by offering opportunities and individual mentorship to someone who did not enjoy all the advantages you did. A GOP Senator yesterday said he likes to ask people if they've ever invited a family of a different race to their home for dinner. Almost always the answer is no. He wondered why integration seems to stop at the threshold of our homes. It's a really good question.

  67. "Canary said...
    I'm a white man."




    There is no such thing as black or white people.

    The concept of separate races only exists in the minds and hearts of racist and race bating politicians who use easily identifiable superficial characteristics to explain away cultural and behavioral practices that lead to inequities in a multicultural country/world.

    There is only one race, the human race. What we have is many cultures and behaviors some more successful than others.

  68. 9:34 Am

    Calling yourself a "white man" is just playing along, like wearing a mask to support yet another false narrative.


  69. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=seRaSRZKo2U&feature=emb_logo

  70. Anonymous @ June 9, 2020, at 2:34 PM

    "...1) that being Black in America puts one at a disadvantage, 2) that it shouldn't, and 3) people who aren't Black, and specially white people, are shielded from having to think about this because they don't experience the many of the same challenges Black people do...."

    I agree that being black in America should not be, in and of itself, a disadvantage. I have seen disadvantaged blacks and advantaged blacks. I have seen disadvantaged whites and advantaged whites. I do not even like posting or speaking in terms of race, period. I do not like generalizing, or stereotyping groups of people, period. Each one of us grows up with circumstances that are unique only to us. The experiences of those circumstances, what we do with those circumstances, and the choices we make determine who we become. To lump all blacks into a single group or to lump all whites into a single group only by the color of their skin is wrong. I try not to do it. I am not black and that is why I am listening and learning. I am only able to be me. My unique experiences and circumstances are also valid. As much as anyone. We all should treat each other as humans worthy of love. Life would improve dramatically if we would focus more on others and less on ourselves.

  71. We're going to arrive at a point where whites are required to be in blackface in public. That and a scarlet letter and proof of full purification by a certified inquisitor. It's easy to see how black lives will be improved going forward.


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