Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Police Reform? Yes. Police Defunding? No.

Police officers are no more bigoted than any of us. I've never heard anyone suggest that schools be closed because some teachers are racist. No one has ever suggested that retail businesses close their doors because some clerks give minorities the hairy eyeball. Yet some Black Lives Matter activists want to defund police departments. That's sheer lunacy. I have long argued that no municipality should be allowed to exist unless it provides police protection. If defunded, anarchy would ensue in a matter of days.

What I do support is police reform like 8 can't wait.  But bigoted police are not really the problem. We all are.

Governor Tom Wolf is nevertheless going to solve this problem by appointing a commission.

Yeah, that should work.

Over a month ago, he announced creation of a Commonwealth Civilian Coronavirus Corps, especially to help those out of work. Since then, it's been crickets. 


  1. It appears some police departments do not conduct adequate psychological testing before hiring. In addition after hiring, psychological assessments should be made when conducting police officer reviews to determine if the officer has a change of view after being "in action" on the force. All employer's want to hire the best individual for the job. Police officers applicants who show any unwanted traits, should not be hired. I remember years ago an individual was hired for a local police department who showed personality traits on the job (other than police officer) that were detrimental to interaction with the public. However the individual was hired.

  2. 6:43 -

    I think what we are seeing is the unintended consequences of a couple generations of ‘coddling’ young people. Now, we have adults running around believing they are not responsible for shortcomings or mistakes of their own. This is the ‘Everyone Gets a Trophy’ culture.

    If you come up a little short in the ‘score,’ or receive a letter grade of B, and not an A, it’s because of someone/something else keeping you down.

    Personal responsibility for oneself is missing. Add in a loss of morals and ethics, the act of lying becoming commonplace, and you have people continually frustrated in their quest to place blame elsewhere. So many just refuse to ‘grow-up’ and take charge of creating their own happiness. Living at home well into adulthood is so much easier.

  3. You clearly don’t understand what defunding the police means.

  4. To even consider the concept of ‘defunding the police’ is ridiculous. Yet, some in Minneapolis are pledging to do just that. This is the stuff of an episode of Twilight Zone.

    Law Enforcement is required in every civilized society. Crazy to believe we can exist without rules and regulations that are backed by organized monitoring to ensure compliance. Without this, we have our lives determined by the codes of the animal kingdom. Humans benefit from reason and logic because we can.

    Certainly, if training of our ‘monitors’ needs adjustment we can, and repeatedly have over the years, changed the way we do things. Sometimes, we yield to the wisdom of our Supreme Court to guide us. In the end, that too is monitoring.

    Our Law Enforcement people have specialIzed talents that take years to perfect. No volunteer community group will ever compare. Such nonsense to believe otherwise.

    We aren’t about to remove all standards of conduct, are we? Take away traffic lights, prohibit locks on doors, make payment of taxes, credit card bills optional, etc.

    What kind of people come up with this shit? Reject it.

  5. If you support the organization Black Lives Matter then you support defunding the police. That's their words not mine. Go to their website you'll see. It's their # 1 demand. They tweeted to Washington D.C. mayor Bowser that Black Lives Matter means defund the police. Again, their words, not mine. I support black people, but refuse to support or back an organization that has as its number one goal to defund the police.

    Freedom of speech is gone in America today. If you denounce BLM because of their stance on defunding the police you are immediately labeled a racist. If you or your spouse works in public life, law enforcement, pro sports, or high level corporate executive, the media mob gets you fired. The end of America as we know it has come.

  6. DO IT, Minneapolis, PLEASE DO IT! Let the nation see how great your city becomes.
    I shan't be visiting for a long time.

  7. @8:27 The Minneapolis City Council president said if someone is breaking in your house and you call 911 then you need to "check your privilege" LOL. Defunding the police will only hurt minority communities. Philly had 2 more murders last nigh they are now on pace for 400 murders this year, most since 2007. Go ahead and cut their budget some more and more disadvantage black youth will be murdered.

    New York Citys economic engine relies heavily on tourism, Broadway, museums act are people going to go there to spend their money if it's not safe?

  8. 8:28 - I’m not ready to call this the ‘end of America,’ but we ARE under attack daily. I have faith the great majority of Americans understand this hyper-radical thinking must be rejected. It’s a danger to everyone’s family and future. For those who vote, it still comes down to only 2 major political parties. Despite having been an active Democrat for years, I cannot endorse that leadership this time around.

    To those who disagree, know that I am working against several Republicans, too!

  9. At least one small business in Minneapolis that was torched during the riots has indicated it was moving out of the city. If the PD is disbanded, a lot more will leave. Their economy will collapse. No one will book conventions or trade shows there. The city is 65% white, but they will flee. The morons who run that town will watch it go down the toilet. But they don't care. At least the police won't be around to brutalize citizens. It will just be the criminals.

  10. Just imagine the drop in real estate prices at some of these locations. These fools have to know they are driving the sale of personal firearms straight up, too. If I did own property in one of these socialist/communist places, I’d get out as quickly as I can. Don’t even want to fly in/out of Minneapolis or Chicago airports.

  11. Without police, gun sales will skyrocket. Domestic violence will increase. Theft and robbery will occur in broad daylight. Vigilante justice will fill the vacuum. Minneapolis will resemble south Chicago. But they populace there voted the radical niteits into office. They will reap what they sow.

  12. Defunding the police is shorthand for a divest and invest model: divesting money from local and state police budgets and reinvesting it into communities, mental health services, and social service programs.

  13. Easy to defund in red congressional districts, where many have never had local police, and crime rates are low. Good luck in blue congressional districts. The law-abiding are statutorily disarmed and criminals carry guns with impunity. Being home-invaded or raped? Call a social worker and talk about it. I don't care what they do, as they gear up for the next social experiment that will fail, at the expense of urban blacks. I'm just glad it's not coming to my neighborhood. You get the leadership you elect. I like mine. Do they like theirs? They must, because they keep supporting the same team. "Please keep hitting me because it feels so good when you stop."

  14. We’ve been throwing money at things forever. But, in the end, the recipient needs to respect and know what to do with the tools provided.

  15. Again, a complex socio-political problem, being attacked by both sides with simplistic binary world views. Police = good. Police = bad.

    First off, "Defund" does not mean in anyway to "Disband", which is a beyond stupid assumption more than a few people are jumping to. Its just a pants wetting over reactive cry that makes no sense whatsoever when you think about it - Do you really believe a metropolitan area like Minneapolis, MN could actually function without law enforcement?

    Cities in general, allocate 15% of their annual operating budget to law enforcement. That includes salaries, benefits, operational costs for facilities, vehicles, equipment and training. The thinking behind "Defund" is that cities should divert a % of that tax payer money into programs and projects targeting inner city problem areas with things like day care, after school programs, Police Athletic Leagues, community centers, etc. The belief behind it being that these programs and activities would raise the quality of life and reduce crime in those communities, thereby requiring less police presence.

    Its very similar to how much money was spent/wasted on "The War on Drugs", particularly how much was focused on the cost of enforcement (including courts and prisons) versus the cost of education and treatment and what provides better long term bang for the buck results wise.

  16. New York Citys economic engine relies heavily on tourism, Broadway, museums act are people going to go there to spend their money if it's not safe?

    I remember the early 80s in NY it was terrible

  17. "But bigoted police are not really the problem. We all are."
    Please, enlighten us on how we are all part of the problem. So I, and many others, don't jump to conclusions.

  18. Defunding looks like what we've seen in the last two weeks. Some areas will quickly descend into chaos, while others won't. Peaceful protests in this area have more to do with the counties in which they were held; where a legal gun owner defending life and property is more likely to get a trophy than a criminal charge.

    And what happens when an over-charged cop is acquitted? In S. Whitehall - nothing. In Minneapolis - likely a different story.

  19. 10:46, Enlightening you was the whole point of the video.

  20. @10:08, NYC police budget is just over 6% of the NYC total budget, not 15%. Last night on CNN a BLM person said it was 58% LOL. Facts don't matter anymore, it's crazy. I will be going to my municipalities next meeting to demand an INCREASE in police spending given all the crazies out there.

    Look what happened in Bethlehem last night, a house vandalized by BLM supporters because he had a thin blue line and red line flag supporting police and firemen flying outside his house.

  21. The adults in the room are trying to have a conversation, stop acting like a child. If you disagree with Bernie then make your argument based on facts, which do not seem to matter anymore on all sides sadly.

  22. Awww did I hurt your feelings, is it time for your bottle and nap yet LOL. I generally just skip over your posts because they're a waste of my precious time. if you don't like what he posts on his blog, then don't read it there asshole. It's his blog. Instead of ruining it for everyone who likes to post why don't you go start your own blog. What you are doing is ruining it for those of us who disagree with BO but chose to argue with him like adults.

  23. How bout this Michale Floyd stuff, I think the guy is on his 6th funeral you would think he was a head of state or something. I think what happened to him was disgraceful, but let's not lose sight of the fact he was a guy who spent multiple stints in prison, and put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly during a home invasion.

  24. But here's some more posting in your honor!

  25. @11:16 AM - Fair enough, the percentages in the end don't ultimately matter when you are talking budgets starting at $500M, and in NYC case, $6 Billion. What they're talking about is using some of that money and reallocating it to programs that are aimed to provide stability and foster community in troubled areas in hopes of improving future conditions.

    From a business perspective think of it like having a giant "secretary pool" in the center of the office floor back in the 1970's and early 80's. By investing in personal computers and advanced telecom systems, you eliminate head count and have the opportunity to either re purpose the floor space for other operations or look to downsize the facility footprint to increase profit margins.

    I am not saying shifting funds isn't without risk. The programs/projects to be funded would/should be well thought out, planned and executed to maximize impact and potential growth.

  26. Anon 10:35 said:

    "Defunding the police is shorthand for a divest and invest model: divesting money from local and state police budgets and reinvesting it into communities, mental health services, and social service programs."

    I agree with putting more money into mental health services.

    But since these are democrat-run cities contemplating this, you're going to need A LOT MORE money than just what the police budget will give you.

    There's obviously a voting majority in each of these cities that need mental help.

  27. Anon 10:08 said:

    "Its very similar to how much money was spent/wasted on "The War on Drugs"..."

    If you're really concerned about money being spent/wasted by the government, you should really be looking at "The War on Poverty". And yet we keep shoveling money into that one without any questions.

    I just saw that CACLV is getting a big chunk of money from the federal government. Does anyone even bother to ask anymore if poverty's improving in Allentown?

    Maybe it's time to try something different.

  28. If you keep this up he will simply stop allowing comments, thus only his thoughts and save me more time for other things!

  29. A global pandemic, financial collapse and rioting in the street. Only my Liberal Democrat friends can screw this up but they will. In 2016 we put up the most unlikable person in the worlds and got beat by the orange man. Now with victory so close and even with Sleepy Joe at the helm we are trying to screw it up.

    Stop with the nuanced phrases like "Defund the Police". It is a horrible phrase. If you have to explain it, it is too late. Way to screw up a sure thing.

  30. try

    seems it was a white guy with a grudge

  31. another
    "The audio and video, released today for the first time, fully supports what Mr. Penn told me. He waived the officers in. He unlocked the door to allow them to enter. He unloaded the gun, by removing the clip and ejecting the round from the chamber. He placed the gun on the counter. Before he was struck he placed the clip on the counter. He did this, he told me, because ‘as a black man he felt like he was making himself safer and would make the officers feel safer,’ yet he was met with the officer’s service weapon in his face. He did not threaten the officers. The gun was already put down before he was told to put the gun down. He was moving away from the gun pointing his finger at them saying he would file a complaint when he was struck. "

  32. How are things going in Camden?

  33. Floyd was hardly a hero. 5 years in prison for a violent crime. But he was a victim of police brutality, and therefore a martyr. He has been revered more than most heads of state. Three memorial services. Long, elaborate funeral and procession. 110,000 Americans have died of covid, but the death of one man takes center stage in the media. Now BLM has millions donated by corporate cowards like Walmart, and hundreds of "white privilege" celebrities. We see thousands of eager, indoctrinated millenials, emerged from their parent's basements attend rallies like lemmings to the sea. All for a few cases of police brutality that are "racist." How many white perps have been slapped around by cops, and even killed while being unarmed? Where is that statistic? Bad cops are bad cops, black or white. Just like there are bad, even evil priests, Boy Scout leaders, lawyers, teachers, and of course politicians. 99% of cops are decent, heroic human beings. But don't let that stop you from a weak argument. Paint Washington, DC streets with "Defund the Police." Stage massive demonstrations with your favorite chants. Torch cop cars and buildings in the name of "No Justice, No Peace." Break into stores and grab all the free stuff you can under the guise of entitlement. The tragedy of the loss of one life has become the rallying cry for looters and the "woke left" who will now cash in on jobs BLM will fabricate for fraudulent workers. How can so many in this country be so naive?

  34. "Defund the Police"

    Although it sounds ridiculous, the current "Catch and Release" policing that we have now, while job sustaining for police and ratings generating for the media, it is just as ridiculous.

    "Catch and Release" is what produced the George Floyd saga to begin with... recidivist criminals being caught and placed back into society.

    George Floyd should not have been killed, he should have been safe and sounds in his jail cell for a home invasion where he held a gun to a pregnant black woman's belly.

    Racism does exist and is made apparent when a felon of such a despicable crime gets 5 years for terrorizing a pregnant black woman and threatening the life of her child, if she was a white suburban wife of a doctor "Floyd the Landlord" would likely never get out.

    Black victims deserve better.

  35. Maybe some Cities should talk to Camden N.J. about revamping police!
    They completely changed their police department! They have less crime now, less charges against police on brutality claims!
    Not defunded, but a complete change! Police Unions still there, but new process in getting rid of in grained culture!

  36. Do yourselves a big favor. Visit


    Take under 10 minutes of your time and view the magnificent YouTube video made a few days ago by former police officer, Brandon Tatum. I happened to see the above link to his message on another website.

    Talk about putting everything in proper perspective, this man NAILS IT !

    There’s something here for both Blacks and Whites. This video could change lives for those who bring an open mind. Never heard of the man before but will certainly view more of his videos. Looks like he has dozens of presentations on YouTube.

    We are all here trying our best to describe the meaning of all that is going on in protest, pro and con. Nothing in our written words can capture this moment better than this man’s summary.

    Now, how many of you will actually listen? Some of you are probably afraid to get near it. Bernie, why not give this video it’s own topic. The comments will be fascinating.

  37. Defund Allentown PD! Better that 100 crooks go free than one innocent man
    be jailed.

    Committee to re-elect Ed Pawlowski from Chicago.

  38. Reform yes? Dismantle?! no. Is the person coming up with this language and talking points TRYING to hand the election to Trump?


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