Local Government TV

Monday, April 27, 2020

When Will Wolf Allow the LV To Go Back To Work?

When will Governor Tom Wolf allow the Lehigh Valley to go back to work? That's hard to say. He has placed the Lehigh Valley in the northeast section of the state, consisting of 10 counties. Going to "Yellow" will be based on the 14-Day New Case Rate for these 10 counties combined. The 10 counties are: Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Monroe, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Pike, Wayne, Susquehanna and Wyoming.

These 10 counties have an estimated total population of 1,611,500.

The "Big 5" are Lehigh, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe and Northampton with a total of about 1,371,600.

Lehigh and NorCo combined are a little less than 42% of the total population of the 10 counties.

Given the total population of the 10 counties is 1,611,500, the "magic number" is 806 new cases over a 14-day period. As of today, the 10 counties have had 3,175 new cases the past 14 days. So, currently, we're at about 4 times the level to get to "Yellow."

Alrighty then.


  1. Wolf’s entire plan to re-open is designed to fail. First of all, it uses numbers for cases and deaths that were flat out made-up. There is no reason to expect any number declared as new cases will be any more truthful.

    The nonsense being perpetrated on Lehigh Valley citizens is shocking and must be stopped. What in the world are our State Representatives and Senators doing to prevent this crap? Why are these people being complicit? Their own Districts are being economically destroyed!

    I am planning to work hard to defeat anyone currently holding an elected State Government position. For me, that is Simmons, Freeman, Lisa Boscola and Patrick Browne.

  2. The political leaders in our country are bad- they do not serve to help the people. The system is broken on all levels

  3. Saturday told the story. Tons of folks out mingling enjoying the warmer weather. Some wore masks; some not, but all seemed happy to be out. Road traffic heavy.

  4. Sanity Alert: we have NOT recovered from a worldwide pandemic which is continuing. As much as getting people back to work is tempting, we must stay the course. New cases, more deaths daily. The overall curve must take a sharp downward decline before we can begin to think of “relaxing”. Common sense is in short supply in many sections of the LV.

  5. That will be tough 6:41, they are getting paid and Simmons is retiring, Freeman is unopposed, Browne and Boscola aren't up until 2022. So basically they don't give a $%#*!

  6. Sanity alert: Average age of death is almost 80 and over 60% of PA cases involve nursing homes & care facilities. Quarantine the sick and the vulnerable, yes. Otherwise it's time for the young and the healthy to get back to work and school.

  7. The purpose of the quarantine was to bend the curve so the hospitals would not get overwhelmed. We have done that.

    There is capacity in the hospitals for beds and ventilators
    The field hospital designated for East Stroudsburg has been put on hold.

    When they talk about the large % increase in the number of covid tests, what the paper does not say is that we are testing less and we are now only testing presumed contact...ie you are showing symptoms, a health care provider or in direct contact with somebody how has it. Of course the % will go up because we are targeting the specific groups vs. everybody.

    We need to open the economy up. People need to go back to work. People need to feed their kids, pay their rent and take care of their families.

  8. As in the beaches of California, things are going to open with or without the governors OK, Is it better to risk a fine or economic bankruptcy. small bushiness are going to start working. The traffic is increasing, and talking to the younger generation, they will be in the bars and restaurants as soon as they open. Let them go, all us old folks can stay home.

  9. 7:13 -

    Here’s what you’re missing. The American Economy cannot shut itself down any longer. The destruction of our small and large business establishments in such great numbers will make any ‘return to normal’ a process that will take many, many years. The younger generation of citizens will find themselves raising families into a lower quality of life, unable to rise up and out of the heavy hand of government control of their existence.

    America, as we’ve known and appreciated, will be lost. We are all in jeopardy. Including you!

    Our nation is now well-prepared to deal with every localized spike in new COVID-19 cases. We have learned a great deal over the past few months.

  10. I'll seeee yooooouu ... in Septemmm-berrrr ....


  11. 7:15 - I am one who believes, over an extended period of abuse, society will break down. There will be violence directed at those who are seen to have been complicit in ruining their family’s future.

    Of course, I hope this never gets to the level of violence. But, it’s always a possibility I when someone sees no other way out. Should that happen, One would think every politician would prefer to be seen as someone who did ‘give a sh*t.’ It will be very difficult to hide from desperate people.

  12. Stay home...Go broke...
    Sounds like a plan!

  13. 718. Let the other 40% buy and eat cake from their neighborhood stores.

  14. I'm 42. I'm healthy. I'm going broke. It's time for me to get my inheritance. I'm taking my kids to visit their grandparents today. Lots of hugs and kisses!

  15. The political class and elites are watching the front ranks die, millions losing their jobs and livelihoods for what? A virus that kills far less than they told us it would. We were led into this lockdown on a lie, now new lies are being spun to keep it going. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  16. If only everyone took time to understand the extreme level of new Pennsylvania taxation coming to their family as Wolf and his successors try to recover lost revenue due to the extreme shutdown our state elected representatives allowed to continue.

  17. We need to get back to work!

  18. Looking at the map one can't help but notice almost every "region" has at least one area of high population/infection rate. In other words outside of the two central regions, the other four are screwed.

  19. 821... get help STAT.
    54k and counting. More than ‘nam.
    How can you be so insensitive ?

  20. THis was like a snow day in pa once people hear snow is coming in most cases we panic--shut down schools and others panic buy etc and then we get 2 inches

  21. Awesome. We're going to go broke. The wealthy, like Wolf, are going to scoop up bargains on what's left of loans and mortgages and businesses and foreclosed homes. Labor will be cheap as 22 million scramble for jobs when they're permitted to work again. Wolf and his ilk are already winners in the virus sweepstakes. There's money to be made in all markets.

  22. The politicians took USA for a bath--they screwed up once again-more people will suffer in many different ways financial and sickness brought on because of the politicians. They overreacted in a big way that will cause problems for years to come. The political class in this country is corrupt and evil and must be stopped. The media do not help the American people--they are stupid and 90 percent too far left

  23. I so very much appreciate Gov. Wolf's attempts to protect us from both the virus and ourselves.

  24. I only wish he could be there at night to tuck me in and read me a bedtime story.

    Maybe "When Spinach Chin Saved Pennsylvania."

  25. Sweden did it the right way--usa leaders screwed up again

  26. Wolf is one of those Ivy league people who know it all

  27. Your biases are showing. I'm guessing you don't know much at all.

  28. To borrow and turn around for todays times, a quote from Winston Churchill..."Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so FEW to so MANY". Wolf has put 25%(1.5 million) of the PA workforce in the Unemployment line(which ironically can't handle the load) to save people who are on their literal deathbed.

  29. Can't wait to see the results in Georgia. So nice of them to be our country's test case. I hope for the best. If things go well it will be an example that others can relax their shut downs. If they spike within weeks we'll know our Guv made the right choice and continue with caution. Good Luck and God Bless Georgians!

  30. 10:37 AM

    Don't count on "data driven" people being convinced. That experiment is already available with Florida.

    Several weeks ago, liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) were salivating about the impending disaster in Florida because, you know, dumb Republican guv.

    As has been pointed out several times, FL is doing much better than PA, with it's smart Democrat governor.

    No closing of construction, liquor stores and other "non-essential" businesses. Lots of restrictions and social distancing, but not as draconian.

    Data already exists.

  31. When are we going back to work? We are going back today. We cannot continue to sit at home without any income, waiting for an unemployment office that is not working.

  32. ok people here is a news flash ...i kmow for a fact that todays numbers are false..there was only 200 new cases to report over the weekend in pa. period these politac asshole are playing with numbers so they can tank pa our great gov. wolf is delivering lumber to hoe depot and lowes while we sit out of work and nothing coming in...i work in healthcare and i can attest to the fact that our hospitals in the lehigh valley are far from full..they are not even close to half capacity......You people need to get back to work and ignore this lamebrain Wolf or there will be nothing left to go back to...

  33. Anonymous said...
    7:15 - I am one who believes, over an extended period of abuse, society will break down. There will be violence directed at those who are seen to have been complicit in ruining their family’s future.

    Of course, I hope this never gets to the level of violence. But, it’s always a possibility I when someone sees no other way out. Should that happen, One would think every politician would prefer to be seen as someone who did ‘give a sh*t.’ It will be very difficult to hide from desperate people.
    April 27, 2020 at 7:37 AM

    Actually, you sound like someone who's rather rooting for the violence. You just want it to seem like you're a peaceful.

    I know a threat when I read one. Ever wonder why your kind aren't trusted? All that patriotism is just an excuse for spouting whatever you want.

  34. Anonymous said...
    I only wish he could be there at night to tuck me in and read me a bedtime story.

    Maybe "When Spinach Chin Saved Pennsylvania."
    April 27, 2020 at 10:10 AM

    Unlike you, he doesn't have time for trivial pursuits. He's the governor, and you hide on a blog making anonymous insults.

    See the difference?

  35. Anonymous said...
    To borrow and turn around for todays times, a quote from Winston Churchill..."Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so FEW to so MANY". Wolf has put 25%(1.5 million) of the PA workforce in the Unemployment line(which ironically can't handle the load) to save people who are on their literal deathbed.
    April 27, 2020 at 10:31 AM

    Is that how you explain it to the elderly in your family?

  36. Anonymous said...
    Can't wait to see the results in Georgia. So nice of them to be our country's test case. I hope for the best. If things go well it will be an example that others can relax their shut downs. If they spike within weeks we'll know our Guv made the right choice and continue with caution. Good Luck and God Bless Georgians!
    April 27, 2020 at 10:37 AM

    If they spoke, are they going to expect PA to lend them its old people?

  37. Anonymous said...
    ok people here is a news flash ...i kmow for a fact that todays numbers are false..there was only 200 new cases to report over the weekend in pa. period these politac asshole are playing with numbers so they can tank pa our great gov. wolf is delivering lumber to hoe depot and lowes while we sit out of work and nothing coming in...i work in healthcare and i can attest to the fact that our hospitals in the lehigh valley are far from full..they are not even close to half capacity......You people need to get back to work and ignore this lamebrain Wolf or there will be nothing left to go back to...
    April 27, 2020 at 12:37 PM

    Forrest, didn't anyone mention to you that the hope is to contain the virus? We don't even know how many people have it.

  38. Anonymous said...
    The political leaders in our country are bad- they do not serve to help the people. The system is broken on all levels
    April 27, 2020 at 6:45 AM

    Not to mention "citizens" who act like spoiled children, eh?

  39. What a shame we are all pansies and listen to the nonsense coming out of Wolf and his blond spokesperson. The numbers are crap. She would have been better off on focusing on the nursing homes and assisted living facilities where the vulnerable are sitting ducks. Families are unable to see that their loved ones are getting necessary care. It must be a nightmare for the poor aides that show up. Care was always problematic before this pandemic. Imagine what it must be like now. This is an opportunity for many state governors to blame their budget woes on this virus. Wolf has always been creative with his budgets. Now he has an out. He gets an F for his lack of leadership. He still is hiding his decisions on essential/non essential businesses. Going forward we need to build in some safeguards so these dictators in states and cities never get control of us like this again.

  40. wolf is bad bad news for the people of pa. and they voted him in twice ???

  41. Anonymous said...
    !:32 do you mean left wing citizens like aoc and gang
    April 27, 2020 at 1:39 PM

    No, I mean people like you. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Anyone who disagrees with you is evil.

  42. Anonymous said...
    What a shame we are all pansies and listen to the nonsense coming out of Wolf and his blond spokesperson. The numbers are crap. She would have been better off on focusing on the nursing homes and assisted living facilities where the vulnerable are sitting ducks. Families are unable to see that their loved ones are getting necessary care. It must be a nightmare for the poor aides that show up. Care was always problematic before this pandemic. Imagine what it must be like now. This is an opportunity for many state governors to blame their budget woes on this virus. Wolf has always been creative with his budgets. Now he has an out. He gets an F for his lack of leadership. He still is hiding his decisions on essential/non essential businesses. Going forward we need to build in some safeguards so these dictators in states and cities never get control of us like this again.
    April 27, 2020 at 1:42 PM

    Your side lost the election. Twice. Deal with it.

  43. "Unlike you, he doesn't have time for trivial pursuits. He's the governor, and you hide on a blog making anonymous insults.

    See the difference?"

    April 27, 2020 at 1:23 PM

    Well Anonymous 1:23 PM, it's a shame you have such a low opinion of those who comment anonymously. But you know, Anonymous 1:23 PM, my anonymous comment wasn't aimed at poor old Spinach Chin, who frankly seems to be in way over his head, but it was aimed at those other anonymous commenters who seem to be willing to put their entire lives into his hands in a sheeplike fashion, despite how over his head he appears to be.

    So Anonymous 1:23 PM, see the difference?

  44. I'm just pointing out that while Gov. Wolf is running the state, others crawl out from their rock here only enough to hurl insults. When you call someone "Spinach Chin", I think it's fair to say that you have, as you say, "aimed a comment" at them.

    As for those who support Gov. Wolf's actions, we simply believe he's doing what's right. So you disagree, but that doesn't make you an independent thinker. You're just a contrarian, disagreeing with authority for the sake of trying to look big. (It's not workimg.)

  45. Anonymous 2:35 PM...



  46. Those are some pretty nice sheep.

  47. 3:16 PM

    And very compliant too.

    Just the way the Wolf likes them.

  48. Our governor and his alarming sidekick are national embarrassments. Why would any thinking person believe any of their numbers or whatever formula they cooked up in their secret meetings? They've made poor decisions based upon poor models and communicated poorly. They're too chicken shit to take follow up questions and reporters just do as they're told. Disgraceful.

  49. Russia Gate- Ukraine Phone call- Impeachment- Novel Virus.


    a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.


    King or Crown normally visible only during a total eclipse.


    a harmful or corrupting influence, a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system

  50. There may be hope after all.


    “Pennsylvanians have remained resilient throughout this COVID-19 crisis, and as we successfully continue to flatten the curve to protect our physical health, it is critical that we also focus on our physical and mental health during these extraordinary times. As the weather warms and daylight lengthens, enjoying time outdoors is an important way to manage stress,” Wolf said.

    Credit where credit's due, but I guess all the commenters here who pooh-poohed exercise and golfing etc. are now going to have to look elsewhere for guidance on how to think.

  51. "There may be hope after all"

    Stop! Don't spoil my fun.

  52. Some like to count bodies, some like to play golf.

    Whatever swings your putter.

  53. Anonymous said...
    3:16 PM

    And very compliant too.

    Just the way the Wolf likes them.
    April 27, 2020 at 3:35 PM

    Struggling to cope with being in the minority, are we?

  54. One word . SWEDEN !

    They get it.

  55. Despite the preventative measures, the virus continues to spread in PA.

    What does that tell you?

  56. Our state officials have reported misleading totals for numbers of COVID-19 cases, and for deaths. Why on Earth would we place our hopes for easing-up lockdown restrictions on numerical totals reported by the same misleading officials?

  57. or

    "She said she was “forced” to quarantine which violated her First Amendment rights.

    “The reality is that modern society has not been able to eradicate contagious viruses. A typical public health quarantine would occur in a medical facility. I have been told not to participate in public or private accommodations as requested by the government, and therefore denied my 1st amendment right of freedom of religion,” Whitlock wrote.

    She went on to say that “It has been insinuated by others that if I go out, I could be arrested for denying a quarantine order.”

    She says an arrest in that situation would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act"
    even with the disease she feels she has the right to go and do anything.

  58. It's been covered. Stop lying.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Our state officials have reported misleading totals for numbers of COVID-19 cases, and for deaths. Why on Earth would we place our hopes for easing-up lockdown restrictions on numerical totals reported by the same misleading officials?
    April 27, 2020 at 5:35 PM

    I's not clear to me that you should be let out, if you know what I mean.

  60. And

    "The tweet from Ward featured a widely circulated photo that showed a man, who has been identified by several outlets as a health care worker, in scrubs counterprotesting the anti-lockdown demonstration along with other workers.

    "Even if these 'spontaneously' appearing ppl at protests against govt overreach (sporting the same outfits, postures, & facial expressions) ARE involved in healthcare - when they appeared at rallies, they were actors playing parts," Ward alleged in the earlier tweet.

    Some folks just hurt their own cause

  61. "Sweden did it the right way--usa leaders screwed up again"

    Yes, that is true but, because Sweden has a robust social system, it did not have any populous movements or an election with populous candidates happening, like all those that "shut it down".

  62. This list of 10 counties is absurd, But what can one expect from Gov. Wolfe. There is no way that Carbon & Susquehanna Counties should be part of the others. They are out rightly being punished.

  63. 55,000 US Deaths blamed on COVID-19 (likely inflated)
    330,000,000 US Population
    .0167% Death rate on US population.

    For this we need to kill the economy?

    This is utter nonsense.

  64. Let’s hear it for the first responders. Hip Hip hooray.

  65. 11:22, I am sure the dead and their families appreciate your words of support. You do realize that the mitigation practices have helped keep the numbers down. Also that without tests we have no idea of the numbers either low or high.

    Put your MAGA hat on the shelf and back to the news on OAN, the new network for the alt-far right conspiracy theory folks. Check it out Bernie. Fox comes off as communistic compared to the wingnuts on the OAN network.

  66. 1122 - screw you, I am a democrat. you insane alt left loonies just cannot accept numbers. asshole

  67. I am concerned about the current conditions. Where the impact of the corona virus has paralyzed the world economy, hopefully the corona virus outbreak will end soon and we can work again to meet our daily needs. Thank you for the information, I hope you and we are all given health.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.