Local Government TV

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Coronavirus Stakes


  1. There are over 55,300 deaths in the US, more than 1/4 the worldwide total. Our president first told us that 15 people being sick would go to zero. How did that work out? Our president has recommended bombarding people with light, or injecting them with disinfectants, to kill the virus in their lungs. This man is a menace, and sat on his hands all through February when he was warned in January about the risk of an impending pandemic. He resisted calls to invoke his power to improve testing until very recently and still claims (falsely) that testing is in great shape. The opposite is true. Vote in November like our lives depend on it, because we have found out that they do. Or vote for Bernie, so businesses will stay open everywhere all the time regardless of the risk.

    1. Get off the blog, you big dope!

  2. Oh please. A little bit of levity and a bitter Clintonite shows up. Where were the saintly Dems in January and February? Wasting time and resources on a stupid impeachment trial. Then Pelosi laughs off the flu on February 24. And Cuomo urges people to go out to dinner in NYC, the epicenter of the epidemic in March. Your hatred of Trump causes you to politicize the deaths of 55,000 Americans. Real classy.

  3. lately I.ve seen horse racing on cable TV and was wondering if it was live or was it memorex?

  4. To find out what Wolf might do next, watch his ‘big brother’ fellow Governors of New York and New Jersey. Remember, Wolf is a lame duck. He doesn’t need the approval of everyday citizens.

    Work on those in state government who do plan to run for election again.

  5. 12:29: He didn’t sit on his hands. He played golf and held rallies. He can’t help but lie.

  6. some of these comments have no sense of humor, it is all about anti-Trump bullshit, get a life, there is a lot of other sickness out there than the virus.

  7. That's really funny. And Trump is a screwball, but he never said to inject yourself with shit, and some dude applied for a patent in 2018 for some sort of internal UV blaster that gets dropped in or shoved up like a scope. Whiz bang stuff that might give your colon a rich and beautiful tan. Take a chill pill, Karen. You're clearly having a crankypants pandemic. You must be a real treat to quarantine with. Word to Karen's partner: blink twice of you're thinking of harming yourself or Karen. We'll send a sense of humor.

  8. The claim that Trump didn’t respond quick enough to the possibility COVID-19 would sweep across America is absolutely false. It’s a negative political charge that is easy to disprove. Start by using an honest timeline of events beginning during the same period as the impeachment effort.

  9. 8:06
    Wake up and smell the coffee.

  10. Anonymous said...
    some of these comments have no sense of humor, it is all about anti-Trump bullshit, get a life, there is a lot of other sickness out there than the virus.
    April 27, 2020 at 7:34 AM

    I sure hope you're getting some help.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Wake up and smell the coffee.
    April 27, 2020 at 9:15 AM

    He can't. His head is too far up the arse of Dr. Trump.

  12. As if it's not clear enough that the Virus Hoax is political,

    now the media is pretending to care about the health and whereabouts of North Korean leader Kim Jung-un,

    as if HE(Kim Jung-un) is the Democratic nominee for President and not the heavily masked and deeply shrouded Joe Biden.

    With Sanders leading in NY polls, Governor CoronaCuomo cancels the Election, cites virus. What if Trump did that?

  13. And why wouldn't the media care about the status of a dictator who has nuclear weapons? Even if he's brain dead, he's only the second dumbest chief of state--if you get my drift.

  14. Does he believe that we should look into injecting diseinfectants?

  15. "And why wouldn't the media care about the status of a dictator who has nuclear weapons?"

    Considering that much if not all of the Main Stream Media is the Public Relations arm of the intelligence community, your point is well taken.


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