Local Government TV

Friday, April 24, 2020

Sunlight, Heat & Humidity May Kill Covid-19

There was some very reassuring news at yesterday's daily White House press conference concerning Covid-19. Bill Bryan, the science and technology advisor for Homeland Security, reported on studies being conducted by the Science and Technology Department showing that sunlight, can seriously weaken Covid-19 in about two minutes. At lesser intensities, it takes a little longer. In addition to the ultra violet rays from sunlight, heat and humidity also play a role in weakening and killing Covid-19. "The virus dies the quickest in direct sunlight," said Bryan.

Bryan did caution that these are "emerging" results, but they certainly are encouraging.

Indoors, Bryan reports the virus is destabilized by increasing the temperature and humidity. Because sunlight impedes virus transmission, he recommends outdoor activities. But he cautions, ""It would be irresponsible for us to say that we feel the summer is just going to totally kill the virus … that is not the case."

He added that isopropyl alcohol kills the virus in 30 seconds.

These findings are corroborated by a Japanese study showing that respiratory viruses diminish with increased heat and humidity. Of course, the virus could return when temperatures and humidity drop and sunlight fades. That study was conducted before the Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 is a respiratory virus.

Given this data, local municipal officials should consider re-opening parks.

Listen to the science.


  1. Parks should be re-opened immediately. People are cooped up and need fresh air. Pavilions could be taped off to discourage congregation. Construction work should resume immediately. Enough of the Wolf-McClure nanny state!

  2. Friday's headline in The Washington Post:

    "Trump Advocates Skin Cancer as Cure for COVID-19"

  3. The world has places that have all those attributes right now.

    Must be good there in those places or you can bet the Media would be all over it.

  4. Annon 12:09, once again you prove you went to the same medical school as Doc Trump!

  5. I guess you didn't watch the follow up with Trump opining that both UV light and disinfectants could be injected into the body to kill the virus.This junk science from our Jester -in Chief is bizarre to say the least.

  6. Word on the street is Dr.Trump stays safe by shoving a UV light up his ass, while shooting up Clorox bleach. He is the man!

  7. Before you start bitching about parks being closed try getting ALL the facts. The study was done with viruses on a hard surface at 75 degrees and up to 95 degrees with varying amounts of humidity. At 75 degrees the viruses died in 1.5 - 3 minutes. Less time with higher temps.
    Tell me, Dr. Bernice, you good with playing a little B-ball and having someone cough on you? Stop cherry picking your talking points.

  8. I'll take my chances...open the fucking golf courses!!!!!!!!!

  9. anon $:55, agree how dare public safety interfere with the country club set. Boy, bring me a manhattan!

  10. "In addition to the ultra violet rays from sunlight, heat and humidity also play a role in weakening and killing Covid-19 "

    so....the Covid is Irish?

  11. I heard $12/quart ice cream was the secret.

  12. try
    " human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV)"
    " HRSV cases increased when summer temperatures rose and when relative humidity increased"

  13. And that’s why there isn’t a problem in hot humid places like Brazil? Or New Orleans? Oh wait ... never mind.

  14. Sweden,Iowa,Ark.SD.ND. operations style seems an interesting compromise. However, when government venues do their after action reviews ,after there is data ,I would hope that the young first responders in 20s and 30s with no known risk factors, that have been exposed and have antibodies to be identified and be put in separate data lists. When (if ) the next cycle returns ,we would know who is most likely to stay on the job if things get really bad, and a county coordinator would be able to augment from different municipalities ,man or woman power as needed in emergencies like a plane crash , extending fire operations and such. Look how many firefighters in NYC had to be quarantined after exposure. This issue could disable an entire municipality’s ability to physically respond to local emergencies. This “pool” should even be in data base for higher state or federal use like other talent pools are made for disasters. These are the folks that have risen above and beyond the call of duty ,and many are still outside right now serving around this country ,and this county as I type this. Thank you .

  15. Southern Italy, Southern Korea, Southern China has nothing to worry about. Southern California is off the hook too. People living in South Bethlehem have nothing to worry about. Only those in North Bethlehem will be affected.
    Does it sound stupid? Trump will do and say anything at this point to cover up the biggest blunder in the History of our Country. Remember, none of this is necessary because we're only going to have 15 cases nd then it will go away. It is a democratic hoax. It is fake news. What a poor excuse for a president. What a poorer excuse for a human being.

  16. Don’t overlook the actual information provided. A fact that has been known for many, many years. It’s really not just the higher temperature, but the SUN. The virus-killer is Ultra-Violet (UV) rays from the Sun.

    Sorry, President Trump did not create this virus, nor bring it to our nation.

    But, you already knew that, didn’t you?

  17. That's why l take a long hot shower every day

  18. Bernie

    Please think of leading a fight to reopen parks. What a negative focus to close parks and golf courses! Golf easily can be played 6 ft. apart and signing in can be done electronically.

  19. I went to Louise Moore twice last weekend. I'll probably go tomorrow, Sunday is a washout. I won't be arrested. I'm training for a tri and I'm betting there's not a cop who can run fast enough to catch me. I haven't seen any council members, but they look like they haven't exercised in their lives and won't be a problem, either. I know I'm a rebel who is compromising the very fabric of society. My response is, fuck off and mind your own out of shape mess, Karen.

  20. Would you consider allowing folks to enter experiences trying to navigate the unemployment process?

    Unemployed and Self-Employed Abandoned by Governor Tom Wolf

  21. Heard some communities purchased or received drone donations from China of all places that detect our body temperatures and if we're 6 feet apart.

  22. The same people who think "Rachel" Levine is a "she" are the same people who think the virus can be spread in parks. These are the same dim scolds who often call their political opponents, science deniers. Yet, they are denying the science that tells us EVERY SINGLE VICTIM of CoViD-19 is either male or female, and the virus is spread almost exclusively indoors. So they parade men in dresses and pretend about dirty sliding boards, as they deny the science that suddenly makes their best arguments read like comic books. Rachel doesn't know dick about science, fashion, or safe sliding boards, Open the damn parks you morbidly obese, incredibly out of shape, incompetent and thoughtless man.

    1. Call me Kreskin. You drive a three axel double cab Chevy Silverado long bed (covered, of course) with the requisite American and Confederate Flags affixed to the back of the aforementioned long bed, all the while wishing that you had a bigger pee-pee, while stewing that you were never recruited to play pro-ball.

      Sorry, peeps, for my run-on sentence, but I don't think 7:24 is concerned about grammar.

  23. 7:25, I accidentally deleted you, 7:25. Sorry.

  24. I can’t understand why you believe anything coming out of the WH press briefings at this point

  25. "I guess you didn't watch the follow up with Trump opining that both UV light and disinfectants could be injected into the body to kill the virus.This junk science from our Jester -in Chief is bizarre to say the least."

    It was, and Trump is being taken to task for it. But the study concerning the effect of the sun, temperature and humidity on the virus is not junk science. Trump is no scientist and his speculation about injecting disinfectant was moronic. But while mocking Trump, the media have mostly failed to report on the rather significant study showing Covid-19 might very well be gone with warmer and more humid weather. To me, that is the most significant story.

  26. "I can’t understand why you believe anything coming out of the WH press briefings at this point"

    I am leery of anything Trump says, but Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx have been very credible. I believe Pence has been mostly accurate. The report yesterday was quite encouraging.

  27. www.franklincountyjournal.com. Read the article from this Western Pennsylvania County newspaper. It claims the Gov. Wolf Administration was caught making-up virus death reports. This type of trickery has been reported all across the nation. Why? There is more Federal Funding out there to be had by creative numbers and rising levels of panic.

  28. Bernie, both Fauci and Birx are heavily connected to Special Interest Groups who financially benefit from events like this. That’s something to consider.

  29. Anon 7:24 - your point is on the button. She repeatedly states the same rhymes over and over. You get infected inside and if your 10 feet away outside your less likely to be contaminated. The reason for the closures is they don’t what to give any lea-wa. Pools that at proper chemical ratios will absolutely decontaminate the body with added cleaning inside nostril channel and cuticles. Every healthcare worker should effectively be afforded a 10 min dip before they get into street clothes and go home. k

  30. King Orange will now add isopropyl alcohol to his daily injection of Orange pigment and then dry his straw top with ultra violets heat.
    Stephen Miller will observe as he drafts his daily script for the Orange buffoon.

  31. "Before you start bitching about parks being closed try getting ALL the facts. The study was done with viruses on a hard surface at 75 degrees and up to 95 degrees with varying amounts of humidity. At 75 degrees the viruses died in 1.5 - 3 minutes. Less time with higher temps.
    Tell me, Dr. Bernice, you good with playing a little B-ball and having someone cough on you? Stop cherry picking your talking points."

    Wish I were athletic enough to play b-ball. I'm not. I only watch it. The science shows that outdoors transmission is much less likely with sun, humidity and temperature. And in case you haven't noticed, it is getting warmer and sunnier. This is consistent with the Japanese study I cited in my story as well as research done by Prof. Akiko Iwasaki, an immunobiologist at Yale University, which studied the effect of humidity on respiratory viruses. Her study cautions that indoor particles will last longer indoors in winter bc the humidity is lower and people are closer together. That's why she recommends humidifiers in the winter months. And that's why the virus can still be transmitted in warmer climates. Just not as much. And mostly indoors.

    I understand that parks were closed bc people refuse to follow social distancing recommendations. My point is that continued closure of parks is unnecessary as the sun, temperature and humidity rise.

    You actually sound disappointed that there are studies showing that sun, heat and humidity weaken the virus.


  32. This information has been relevant for most viruses, this is only a confirmation of what has already or should have been assumed, life outdoors in the sunlight, on the beach, is always better than inside in confined places with recirculated air. Parks, beaches, outdoor work should have never been closed. It has been the decision of unthinking people.

  33. If that is true why are there cases in Florida where Florida and tropical areas have all these conditions?

  34. 8:35, Because humidity is lower indoors, and most Floridians stay indoors as much as possible. Read the link above.

  35. Certain people will do anything to make Trump look bad they lie and say anything bad about the greatest president this country ever had so you can not believe any of the fake news out there

    1. Trump needs absolutely no help looking bad from anyone.

  36. Bernie , I’m not critical of your statement, but viruses don’t die because they don’t live anymore than non- persistent tactical chemicals. They degrade In this case, Droplets not easily seen in normal light conditions can be observed in shadows (like gasoline vapors ) can be seen if it casts a shadow from certain viewed angles . Air currents in building s effect how the droplets from normal breath float in the air, so- that’s why we’re masking at the grocery store. Currents can be effectively changed under controlled conditions with negative pressure in the building confined usually to a room or partition in hospitals. Regular airflow can contaminate you, so some weak immune patience resort to negative pressure environment. Usually known as an isolation cabin that uses negative pressure like an indoors shooting range . Viruses are with us everyday ,everywhere. Too much antivirals and we would all be in other trouble.

  37. 8:35 AM

    Also, what you don't hear on NPR et al. is that FL has only about half the rate of infections and about 35% the fatality rate from Covid-19 as PA.

    Louisiana is a disaster because they broke the number one rule of epidemics 101: Don't have a parade.

    The importance of the temperature/sunlight finding is that it suggests summer will slow the spread of the virus. (Remember when "flatten the curve" was all the rage?)

    Those that are making fun of the importance of this finding appear to view anything short of zero cases to be worthless. Using that metric, even lockdowns don't work, and vaccines aren't likely to meet that target either.

  38. "Would you consider allowing folks to enter experiences trying to navigate the unemployment process?

    Unemployed and Self-Employed Abandoned by Governor Tom Wolf"

    Excellent idea. Will do.

  39. Nothing is going to help much if all the Trump mouth-breathers insist on standing right next to each other, even if that's in a park on a warm and sunny day. But I think they'll get out there anyway just to try to prove the liberals are wrong.

    Get back to us when your cough starts to develop, eh?

  40. 7:57,
    www.franklincountyjournal.com isn't a newspaper site. It's still under development. But, you already knew that.

  41. Using the 50 per 100,000 over 14-day average, Northampton, Lehigh and Berks won't open until around the second half of June, at the earliest. That's ridiculous for an illness that is slightly more deadly than bad flu and primarily claims 80+ year-olds, most of whom are long gone from the workforce. The numbers being used for decisions have been cooked, recooked, and recooked again. The governor doesn't take direct questions or follow ups, because transparency reveals the confusion. What a terrible bungling.

  42. none of us can make a good prediction because both the politicians and media is not telling the truth==they all report stuff that makes them look good or trump bad--so we do not have the real story and we will never get it because the political leaders and media is too corrupt or in the case of the media to hate driven

  43. Yesterday's briefing was just Trump grasping at straws. Anybody looking at anything vaguely encouraging gets to come up on stage, even if it doesn't stand up to hard questioning like yesterday. Then Trump has to weigh in instead of just shutting up and that's when the clown show starts...every...single...time.

  44. 10:38 AM

    Trump truly is an amateur.

    For the real clown show, you have to tune into Uncle Joe's basement video show. I hear he even knows a lot about the "Luhan Virus."

  45. 8:20 You can play hoops in the Philippines !

  46. joe Biden what a joke

  47. "they all report stuff that makes them look good or trump bad--so we do not have the real story and we will never get it because the political leaders and media is too corrupt or in the case of the media to hate driven"

    Yeah, you have the real story on the video from C-Span or youtube. It is tue Trump makes moronic statements. It is also true the media misses real stories in an effort to portray Trump badly.

    Like yesterday.

    The role of sunlight, heat and humidity in weakening the virus is big news bc it provides hope that this crisis will soon be over, at least temporarily, giving us time to do testing and develop a vaccine. It received little coverage bc most media sources were too busy railing at Trump.

  48. GOOD NEWS!! just heard may 1st bethlehem will be open for business parks recreation all businesses including the golf course....yippe kye aye!!!!!!

  49. This could be promising. But everything coming from the WH briefings need to be taken with a million caveats. These briefings are a dog/pony show and they are desperate to put good news out to constrain impacts to the markets. The study results alluded to in the briefing have not been officially published or peer-reviewed. It's also not clear what wavelength or intensity of light they used in the study. Until we have more details and the results have been properly scrutinised, it’s important to view them with caution. And certainly this is not reason to open parks yet. Personally I do wish they would have been more surgical when considering which parks to close. Parks with playground equipment and things that would encourage gatherings and should have been closed. But hiking trails and similar should remain open.

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. Why would anyone be against those who wish to live as we did 8 week ago? When Bernie Sanders was the front runner.

    If you stay home and do as you are told you won't get sick and these free people would serve as a science/biology experiment?

    The data we learn from the free people who chose to live boldly will help us learn about transmission rates. Perfect test of willing Guinea Pigs.

    Of course this would jeopardize the media's narrative if they don't die and become immunized before the Media's double-tap this fall. It could expose the fraud so they must be made to heel. Why else? You care about them?

  52. It's almost time for man in a dress Friday follies! The lockdown will continue until our secret formula is satisfied. Our secret formula is both a work in progress - and a secret. No follow up questions, please. Does my ass look big in this tent?

  53. Enough with the “man in a dress” comments. The point, for whatever it is worth, has been made ad nauseum. You will be deleted from this point. It is getting old.

  54. "Enough with the “man in a dress” comments"

    Totally agree, thanks Bernie.

    What matters is if she's wearing a mask, if she is not performing her duties with a mask on she is violated her own guidelines.

    Think of the stage hands that have to set the stage, and the engineers that deal with the microphones, all those involved with the production of this daily show.

    I understand it would not look good for her to be doing solitary unmasked basement videos, but publicly she also looks bad when she doesn't wear her mask at all times, although I know the "man in dress" bigots would prefer her with a ball-gag.

  55. Bernie, you and I may not agree on much, but I completely agree in this case. I've been trying to get our town to open up the open field in our town, but the health officer steadfastly disagrees and says that "by giving an inch" we invite people to die by signalling that they can do whatever they want and not get sick. My counter response is that we look like idiots by banning the use of a public facility where people can safely and responsibly enjoy the great outdoors while being socially distant. It's impossible to argue with such hysterics. I'm tired of seeing governance based on the 1% of the population that will do stupid things no matter what, versus being based on the 99%+ that follow common sense.

  56. https://dcgazette.com/2020/busted-media-caught-on-camera-staging-fake-photos-of-medical-worker-counter-protest-video/

    Trump apparently, isn't the only fake doctor.

  57. Fun Fact: 8% of the human genome is made up of virus genes.

  58. 3:52

    "8% of the human genome is made up of virus genes."

    For some people, that's all they need.

    "People Use Just 8.2% of Their DNA, Study Finds"


  59. You'd think Levine might have mastered the correct pronunciation of exponential by now. But everything's just fine. What a tragic shit show at a time lives are at stake. We elected politically correct box-checkers who turned out to be mental retards. Now, we pay the price for our wokeness.

  60. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  61. "Listen to the science" you say, but the science has not made a determination yet. You appear to have gone full Trump supporter, Bernie. Why no mention of what else Trump suggested Thursday, to inject disinfectants into the body? He thought that was promising too. You are selectively reporting the nonsense being dispensed at the daily televised campaign rallies we are paying for. This man is extremely dangerous and some people will follow his fu****d up suggestions.

    And how about the FDA's warning against another one of Trump's stupid ideas - using hydroxychloroquine because "hey, why not it can't hurt". Actually, it turns out that it can.

    I would like the parks open also, but not for science experiments.

  62. Luv the social media scientists trying to disprove the rea professionals. Why don't you flat earthers d what yo do best. Play with your Trump blow up dolls.

    Oh and super lezbo Karen can pretend the doll is Dr. Levine!

  63. I don't like Trump, but he never said to inject yourself with crap. He's no help. But neither are those who blindly parrot lies. This is why it is difficult to have a rational discussion. I think Bernie's been a more fair broker of info than most throughout this. He's managed to piss off both tribes, from Karens to Yosemite Sams. I like that. Thanks Bernie.

  64. If sunlight kills the virus, what would cause it to return. Is it dormant and will come back to life? How? and where is it hiding?

  65. "Luv the social media scientists trying to disprove the rea professionals."

    You mean these guys?


    I think "rea" professionals know how to count. Also, when it comes to counting deaths, wouldn't you think local coroners might know more than state bureaucrats?

  66. Now that Wolf’s fuzzy math calculations on cases and deaths has broadened to include the Philadelphia Inquirer and some massive view websites, like Breitbart, Wolf will find his leadership held in greater doubt. He deserves it.

    Does anyone know the calendar date Wolf’s 15 day ‘analysis’ actually begins? Has it already begun, or does the silliness officially begin on May 8?

    Also like to know when he plans to release the full Waiver Given/Not Given List. All I ever read is ‘They’re working on it.”

  67. Anonymous said...
    I don't like Trump, but he never said to inject yourself with crap. He's no help. But neither are those who blindly parrot lies. This is why it is difficult to have a rational discussion. I think Bernie's been a more fair broker of info than most throughout this. He's managed to piss off both tribes, from Karens to Yosemite Sams. I like that. Thanks Bernie.
    April 25, 2020 at 6:24 AM

    Then again, you're overlooking that he's a crab-ass know-it-all who really doesn't.

  68. Anonymous said...
    Trump needs absolutely no help looking bad from anyone.
    April 25, 2020 at 8:04 AM

    Amen, sister!

  69. Anonymous said...
    I don't like Trump, but he never said to inject yourself with crap. He's no help.
    April 25, 2020 at 6:24 AM

    He said scientists should look into it. If he was joking, as later claimed, then the question becomes why he thinks this is an appropriate subject for joking.

    He's a total friggin' idiot.

  70. Trump Denied (and golfed) - Trump Lied (and golfed) - And Now: 52,400 US citizens have Died!

  71. Now now, I'm sure you're just being sarcastic.

  72. 455. They do that on golf courses,,,,,who knew ? Sign me up for 2 drives, a wedge and lots of putters.o

  73. I supported Bush II until it was obvious he was a lying idiot. I've reached that point with Trump. I'm tired of making excuses for the moron.

  74. well NASA delivered

    "The team has submitted an application for emergency-use authorization from the FDA, Gallagher said, and expects approval within 48 hours."
    "To avoid disrupting the supply chain for conventional ventilators, which have already been in short supply, NASA's engineers opted for a design that requires fewer parts than a conventional ventilator and relies on different machinery."
    " Gallagher estimated that it would be roughly $US2,000 to $US3,000. For comparison, General Motors is producing low-cost ventilators for the national stockpile at more than $US16,000 apiece.

  75. Anonymous said...
    Certain people will do anything to make Trump look bad they lie and say anything bad about the greatest president this country ever had so you can not believe any of the fake news out there
    April 24, 2020 at 9:13 AM

    One only has to listen to him on the telly, and the proof punches you right in the nose.

  76. That is correct, sir.

  77. For those posting here who are trying to be serious, look up the video of the two Emergency Room doctors from Bakersfield, California. Both clearly describe what they have witnessed, and why it is time to stop these lockdowns.

  78. The bottom line is the ruling class along with help from the media has broken our system of government--it does not work the virus has speeded up the process-they talk about states going broke thanks to the politicians but how about the federal government-look at Pelosi and many others--sorry ladies and gentlemen no hope what so ever???

  79. 8:56 -

    From what I can see, this ‘event’ is being exposed more each day as something fraudulent in certain ways. Yes, this virus is more contagious than previous virus and flu seasons. No one questions that. However, the over-reaction in responding to this is being carefully looked at. Fewer people across the nation are buying into what we have been told. Demonstrations in various cities are growing in size. Business owners are opening on their own schedule, etc. etc.

  80. 8.36
    ""They’re advancing factual inaccuracies and playing off the esoteric nature of the mortality stats to make a case that the economy should be reopened," Noymer said. "I agree it should be reopened, but it should be opened deliberately, bit by bit, and informed by science. Not informed by a misreading of the mortality."

  81. 1:18 - I’ll still take the opinions of real, practicing doctors. Not some criticism from a University of California Professor with a degree in Sociology! Give me an actual M.D. who is practicing day by day, on the frontlines.

    Also want to point out even more confirmation to prove doctors across the nation are being instructed to use Coronavirus as cause of death, no matter how slight a connection to actual premorbid issues within those people who have passed.

    Eventually, the truth will come out. It always does.

  82. 2.41
    you forgot

    "Research Interests: Health and Mortality, especially selective mortality and multi-cause interaction; the 1918 Influenza Pandemic; Demography; Methods; Mathematical Sociology."
    "MSc, Medical Demography, LSH&TM, London, 1996
    AB, Biology, Harvard College, 1995"
    dude has serious qualifications.

    Erickson is a former er doc and his buddy is er trained.
    they have no experience in handling an pandemic.

  83. 3:25 - German Doctor Mengele was a (PhD) academic, too! See how this game can be played?

    I’ll stand on my belief in what the Bakersfield doctors observed. I’ve read the same from several other medical practitioners. You believe whatever you like. No problem.

  84. 3.40
    and you missed
    Mengele-----" In January 1942, he joined the 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking as a battalion medical officer."
    sounds like an er doc.
    but believe who you wish.

  85. Another way to reduce corona virus

    It works to reduce the lifetime of the virus and after the pandemic has value in reducing bacterial flu and staph.a potential to save lives even after this crisis
    "The antimicrobial properties of copper surfaces have now been firmly established. Hospital trials have shown a reduction in bacterial counts, indicating that copper surfaces are a promising additional tool alongside other hygienic measures to curb the number and severity of hospital-acquired infections.

  86. First, there's no evidence that the virus is slowed in hot and/or humid environments. if that were the case then please explain how it is currently proliferating in parts of the globe that are in their summer season... Australia, Iran, etc.

    But also, it's my understanding that all state parks remain open? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


  87. 4.40
    airborne particles are affected by temp and sunlight.
    contact infection not so much. Also soon as you have air conditioning the airborne and contact transmission increases.

  88. "airborne particles are affected by temp and sunlight"

    Fair, this is correct. But the most enthusiastic studies show that the half-life of the virus in DIRECT sunlight is decreased from 60 minutes to 1.5 minutes. Can those of you who think that we should let the kids go to the park to play please tell me who is ensuring they only touch surfaces that have been untouched by other children for 90 seconds AND are getting DIRECT sunlight/uv rays?

    Let's just wait it out guys. Please!!!


  89. " Also soon as you have air conditioning the airborne and contact transmission increases. "

    Of course, that's why LA has just told people to stay out of the heat and sun and hunker down in their AC. You know..."safety first!"

    Much better to keep those kiddies inside where they can waste their childhoods in good pallid "health."

    No vaccine for 18 Mo. According to WHO, no immunity. According to "smart" people, no help from UV and heat. According to other smart people, a "second wave." According to yet another group of smart people, "it's about flattening the curve." Of course, yet another group of smart people have said the smart people who said "flatten the curve" are now too simplistic.

    Lock downs foh EVAH!

  90. 5.04
    And when a kid who is infected grabs a bar on the monkey bars for example leaves a contact infection for the next kid.
    The sunlight does not hit the bottom or areas not exposed.
    The problem is that two people have used the same item and can pass on the disease.

  91. 5.14
    " LA has just told people to stay out of the heat and sun and hunker down in their AC. You know..."safety first!"
    As long as a family unit stays in the same area whether it is hot or cold makes no difference.
    The problem is when two groups use the same item say a doorknob then you can spread the disease.

  92. This was mentioned at the presser. Look, if I were you, I'd just crawl into a hole (a clean one) forever. Based on your what ifs, no one should ever do a fuckin' thing. Get real already.

  93. Stop exaggerating and use common sense. Governor Wolf has proposed a sensible timeline. I get that you don't agree with every decision he's made. I don't either! But, the best thing we can do for the time being is listen to the health experts.


  94. So is this 5:37 or 6:20?


  95. 6.44
    nope not me.
    The teacher went too far.yet even the kids admitted they were wrong.
    yet the po-po often handles folks differently


    " Earlier this month, 36-year-old Aaron Swenson was arrested after recording himself on Facebook Live driving around looking for a lone police officer to kill. Naturally, the Blue Lives Matter crowd was positively outraged by this (Kidding! The people in these groups are white and Republican so it's fine.)."

  96. Actually Mengele was a dentist. More ironic, yet pertinent information is William Bryan, who offered all the great news at the presser your trumpeting Bernie, has an undergraduate degree in logistics from a college in Colorado. No not the United States Air Force Academy,but one I never heard of. No formal science graduate degree etc. He came from the National Guard. Where does Trump find these failures? Yes men and women with no bona fides.

  97. The anonymous asshole at 6:20 is deleted for taking things I did not say to make points. He is dishonest. I never said I would defy an order closing gyms. I said I would defy an order telling me I am unable to go for a walk or a run, and I would and will.

    This asshole also commented at 7:36, deriding William Bryan's curriculum vitae. Mr. Bryan holds a Master of Science in strategic intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College in Washington, D.C. He also graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in logistics systems management from Colorado Technical University in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

    He is a military man, not a scientist. It is scientists who performed the research on which he reported. This research is corroborated by several other studies. It is significant because, if true, will give us time to develop more testing and a vaccine before a second wave. It means we could have a respite, although Bryan was careful to caution this research is still being performed.

    The anonymous asshole is disappointed that this crisis will have an end. He would prefer that we all assume the fetal position and wait to die. We can't do anything or touch anything. This person, who chooses to remain anonymous while attacking others, is obviously a coward.

    Most of the rest of us have a little more respect for ourselves.

    It figures he would know all about Mengele.

  98. Anon 7:36 this is Mengele was an PhD in anthropology U of Munich and MD U of Frankfurt . Later got an ID Fritz Ullman ( probably to vote twice) then other names But he wasn’t a dentist or a nice guy..

  99. Sunlight, heat and humidity may kill COVID 19, but it doesn't kill bloggers! I can attest to that!

  100. But have you really tried all that hard?

  101. Bernie, how do you justify calling people names? Should we do it to you?

  102. 3.18
    It is easy for him it is his blog and because he can.
    He usually insults if anyone questions his overt or hidden agenda.

  103. Yes, it's a sign of insecurity.


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