Local Government TV

Friday, April 24, 2020

NorCo Reports Covid-19 Death Toll is 57, Including 8 at Gracedale

From NorCo Exec Lamont McClure: “We are providing the following information to give our residents the maximum amount of information permitted by law and in keeping with sound epidemiological standards,” says Lamont McClure. “It is a sad and grim duty to report this data, but we continue to do so, so that our fellow residents have the information they need to make sound decisions. What the new sad total of fifty-seven tells us is that we are not yet done experiencing the devastation of Covid-19 in Northampton County.”

“As with many other nursing homes around the country, the administration at Gracedale is working hard to limit exposure to residents and staff. At this time, sixty-two of the 596 residents have tested positive for Covid-19. Tragically, eight have passed. Six patients are in recovery and will return to their units when they are no longer infectious. Twenty-six staff members have tested positive; seven have finished their quarantine periods and are now back at work. Forty staff called out of work on April 23rd.”

"This data comes from the Northampton County Coroner’s office and only reflects the number of people who have died of COVID-19 within the county’s borders as of April 23rd. It does not reflect those Northampton County residents who died of the virus in another county. Six of the fifty-seven deaths recorded were residents of other counties or states.

Municipalities in which the 57 decedents lived:
Forks Twp. (1)
Lower Nazareth Twp. (2)
Bangor Boro (1)
Palmer Twp. (13)
Upper Nazareth Twp. (10)
Williams Twp. (2)
Nazareth Boro (1)
Bethlehem Twp (11)
City of Bethlehem (3)
Washington Twp (1)
City of Easton (3)
Plainfield Twp (1)
Wilson Boro (1)
Lehigh (1)

Phillipsburg, NJ (1)
Bronx, NY (1)
Millersburg, PA (1)
Lopatcong Twp, NJ (1)
Astoria, NY (1)
Monroe County (1)

"Average age of the Deceased: 79.3 years.

"Gender of the Deceased: 49% Female, 51% Male

"Race of the Deceased: 77% White, 11% African American, 5% Hispanic,
7% Asian/Pacific Islander

"The GIS department has put together a dashboard to track Covid-19 infections and related deaths in Northampton County. It can be accessed at:

"Please note—the 57 unfortunate victims of Covid-19 do not provide enough data points for a statistically significant sample. Younger people remain at significant and serious risk, and should stay-at-home. All Northampton County residents should continue to practice social distancing.

"This information is being provided as they are the facts as they exist on the ground as of today. These profound losses to our community do not provide us with enough scientific evidence to draw any conclusions."


  1. The rates should start to come down today as the latest episode of the Dr Trump shit show no says maybe disinfectant and good ole rays of sunshine or maybe it won't cure the virus. I'm getting ready to take my first dose and will post updates. If I die, I've gone down with the best medical advice possible!

  2. "We are providing the following information to give our residents the maximum amount of information permitted by law and in keeping with sound epidemiological standards"

    News you can't use....Boo!

  3. 50,368 American deaths so far. So much for it being only 1 person and gone by April? Still hope as there are 7 days left in April so maybe so or maybe not...

  4. 12:45PM

    98,000 death a year are attributed to hospital mistakes.

    Hospital mistakes are still beating the Super Tuesday Virus.

    The Super Tuesday Virus will mutate into the October Surprise Virus for the Media's double-tap this fall. It will all be over 1-21-2021

  5. They average age of the deceased remains older than the average life expectancy in the U.S! Young people with no underlying condition have almost no risk of death.

  6. "50,368 American deaths so far."

    US Flu Deaths '14-'15 = 51,000
    US Flu Deaths "17-"18 = 61,000

  7. So, the number of cases are increasing, 8 deaths, and there doesn’t seem to be any updates on mass testing of ALL humans at the facility......it’s better to know than not know ....being proactive versus waiting to react

  8. Bernie , is it possible that the influx of Nj and NY tax refugees, known as commuters now , that have moved in here to avoid their past state taxes effected this count in this county ?

  9. "So, the number of cases are increasing, 8 deaths, and there doesn’t seem to be any updates on mass testing of ALL humans at the facility......it’s better to know than not know ....being proactive versus waiting to react"

    I will ask about this. I believe the county probably plans to test everyone as soon as test kits are available.

  10. How many people have died in the county during the same period unrelated to the Super Tuesday Virus?

  11. Yes it is all a game orchestrated by the worlds scientists to make a fool out of Trump. You MAGA's are as crazy as shit house rats.

  12. i,m still trying to find out (and nobody can answer me) how many positive cases of Covid-19 are confirmed in the Slate Belt area,
    not deaths but confirmed cases.

  13. 8:07

    Click on zip code map and then zoom in.


  14. Anonymous said...
    Yes it is all a game orchestrated by the worlds scientists to make a fool out of Trump. You MAGA's are as crazy as shit house rats.
    April 25, 2020 at 2:42 AM

    Yes, we liberals are so very crafty. And the Disinfectant-in-Chief played right into our hands, didn't he?

  15. Trump Denied (and golfed) - Trump Lied (and golfed) - And Now: 52,400 US citizens have Died!

  16. And the man with the bumper sticker brain is back.

  17. @9:11, Pelosi toured Chinatown in SF, and nobody can get through to Wolfs unemployment line, why has this become so politicized? The response by federal, state, and local government has been just ok, not great on any level. The common enemy here is the lies China told in the crucial days in the beginning, allowing international travel while restricting domestic travel. If I recall, Obama had his moments also, who could forget the Obamacare website? The gulf oil spill? Government is never perfect, regardless of who is at the top. It's full of career people who have to carry out the mission, some are good, others are not. Blaming Trump for deaths from a worldwide virus that China is responsibly for in ridiculous. Stop.

  18. Trump is brain dead, you OK with that?

  19. Based on who will probably be running against him, I wouldn't count on that being an effective campaign slogan.

  20. I have tried to find this information, with no luck. How many lupus patients taking hydroxychloroquine have gotten covid-19?

  21. 2:42 am
    "Yes it is all a game orchestrated by the worlds scientists to make a fool out of Trump. You MAGA's are as crazy as shit house rats."

    I guess we know now why Jeffery Epstein liked to have World Leaders and Scientist as well as guys like Bill Gates aboard his plane to take trips to Pedo Island.

    You'd have to be a Shithouse Rat to think Jeffery Epstein killed himself.


  22. @11:35: you keep drinking the kool-aid:

    Trump has tried as hard as he can to pretend the coronavirus is not a crisis. He’s tried to ignore it, downplay it, suggested that perhaps the government should just let the illness wash over the country and kill people, and used it as an opportunity to push his political agenda. He’s also repeatedly suggested quick, ready-made solutions as cures, no matter how untested or lethal they might be.

  23. "Trump has tried as hard as he can to pretend the coronavirus is not a crisis."

    Yeah, that's why he has daily press conferences, which BTW, his haters want the press to ignore.

    All politicians have daily press conferences about something they don't think is important. /sarc

  24. He has the "briefings" because he wants the attention. He could care less about the pandemic except to the extent that it affects the election.

  25. And that's why now he's supposedly going to stop talking so much.

  26. Stopping the daily briefings was long overdue. The Press Corps was not there to learn any news. It was there to score the big ‘Gotcha’ question. The so-called Reporters were behaving as resistance operatives. Disgusting behavior and a total waste of everyone’s time. Many of those creeps went back to their holes and printed whatever narrative they choose. That silliness should have been stopped weeks ago.

  27. The Morning Call has finally started to question why the number of COVID-19 cases being reported by Allentown are so noticeably higher and out-of-proportion to other parts of the state.

    With a little luck, the Morning Call has enough reporters left to investigate. Then, the management needs to agree to uncover the truth using factual information.

  28. 54,172 American deaths to date and if action would have been taken earlier in January, how many would still be alive?

  29. I have a disinfectant hangover this morning, any suggestions on feeling better?

  30. Yes. Wait until there's been an election and see how you feel then.

  31. https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/colorectal-cancer/statistics

    It is estimated that 53,200 deaths (28,630 men and 24,570 women) will be attributed to colorectal cancer this year.

    Testing is very important across the board.

    We seem to be providing national healthcare one disease at a time.

  32. Upper Nazareth and Bethlehem Twp have the most deaths. How many of those are Nursing Home deaths?

  33. The bubble providing cover over these lock-downs and other budget-killing measures is about to burst. Everything has gone according to plan, ‘by the book,’ . . . . . Until it doesn’t!

  34. The COVID-19 is already in Gracedale...the trick to stopping or slowing it is to swab test EVERYONE and get a handle on who’s positive or negative. Once that is established, you isolate or place those infected in
    Quarantine , then equip those that are not with proper masks, gowns, gloves, to attempt to lessen chance of infection...keep drapes closed around patients and give them masks to wear during movement or medication...
    One can only hope to attempt to slow the infection numbers to reduce death totals...not pretty but needed

  35. Anonymous said...
    Stopping the daily briefings was long overdue. The Press Corps was not there to learn any news. It was there to score the big ‘Gotcha’ question. The so-called Reporters were behaving as resistance operatives. Disgusting behavior and a total waste of everyone’s time. Many of those creeps went back to their holes and printed whatever narrative they choose. That silliness should have been stopped weeks ago.
    April 26, 2020 at 8:31 AM

    It's not working, Skippy.


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