Local Government TV

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Protest Planned at Governor Wolf's Residence on Saturday

According to Harrisburg100, a peaceful protest will take place on Saturday at noon outside of Governor Tom Wolf's residence.  It's an understandable but possibly counterproductive reaction to his continued refusal to open the state for business. First, I have reservations about protests outside anyone's private residence, which smacks of intimidation. Second, this rally will result in unfavorable coverage demonizing those who attend as right-wing kooks. Third, a much more effective response is a federal lawsuit challenging  a months-long deprivation of property rights in violation of procedural due process clause of the US Constitution.  Wolf  arbitrarily shut down businesses with no notice or opportunity to be heard. He failed to discuss the matter with his own workforce development board, prompting one member to resign. Democrats on the Pa. Supreme Court ruled that Wolf's waiver process satisfied procedural due process, but that has been attacked as completely arbitrary. Wolf has thus far resisted efforts to obtain a list of the waivers granted and denied. 

Though I think protests outside someone's home are tacky, small business owners and the self-employed are growing increasingly upset by the lockdown. Governor Wolf has been feeding bullshit burgers to the public, claiming that the self-employed can now file for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. What he fails to say is that those who have filled out an application are unable to file a claim, and are instead greeted by a message stating that we'll be notified "when the system is ready to accept claims in a few weeks."  

It's been a few weeks.

Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas and Utah have implemented the PUA program and started paying benefits. Governor Wolf thinks we in Pennsylvania can survive on bullshit burgers.


  1. Let them starve at home.

  2. I am sure you will be there, Bernie. You have been bitching about Wolf for weeks. Have a great trip, and remember to bring a mask and some hand sanitizer along with you. Some of the participants may not care about spreading or receiving the virus - in fact I would count on it. Maybe they can use some legal advice while you are there.

  3. It’s OK to go through the courts, but a resolution there can take many months, or longer. Any kind of peaceful protest is fine with me, including at the Governor’s Official Residence, a taxpayer-owned building.

    The state has obviously failed us, and continues to fail. Remarks today from the PA Heath Director about beginning to widen our number of testing sites indicates PA waited weeks longer than other similar sized states across the nation to begin that process.

  4. Was Wolf the better choice last election?
    If he a fraud and a horses ass?
    Well of course he is.
    Pennsylvania government is a game for grifters, top to bottom with very few exceptions.

  5. Protesting is not an essential activity.

  6. Protest Downtown Allentown to show statewide taxpayers all the new, privately-owned buildings they are making payments on. Millions and millions of out tax dollars squandered. Close down state-owned roads and intersections to show how poorly maintained our infrastructure is. At this point, any lawful means of citizen unrest to embarrass our Governor and State Elected Official is more than justified.

    Don’t worry about being called various names. Who cares? Let them arrest peaceful protesters and ‘enjoy’ the national publicity that comes their way.

  7. "Second, this rally will result in unfavorable coverage demonizing those who attend as right-wing kooks."

    No need Bernie. The protesters need no help in being demonized. So far the protests have had pretend military trucks with pretend soldiers and their pretend military weaponry. They must have there store bought uniforms and armaments' in order to pretest. Also no social distancing, no masks . Plenty of Trump paraphernalia to sell. Trump flags flying everywhere.

    Yeah a real thoughtful protest espousing the concerns of business owners and the unemployed,not. The visual of these people show many to be unemployable as just about anything.

    Np need to demonize anyone, these fake right wing funded political rallies have delegitimized themselves and is just Trumpys way of having a rally while he can't hold the rally he wants.

    Bullshit protests by the angry alt-right kooks as evidenced by their own actions. They are taken as seriously as Dr. Trumpy's medical advice.

    1. You sound like the kook to me.

  8. Protests by unemployed men and women needing to feed families and maintain housing payments is not an Alt Right activity. Counter lefty protesters with uninterrupted fixed soc sec and welfare income along section 8 benefits should join the protesters or just stay at home and pray for them. Your demonstrated smugness under these conditions is Unamerican. If you have you no pride nor decency please stay under your rocks and remain silent. Oh yes and God Bless America!

  9. It’s simple. Just remember, the only thing a bully recognizes is a bigger bully.

    5:28 AM doesn’t seem to understand, or is just playing games, American was founded on ‘Citizen Rule.’ There is no place for over-reaching government control, and not enough patience on the part of families adversely affected by the action of any man, or governmental body. Too many millions across the World have died to gain, and protect, that Freedom.

  10. I’m am protesting in my own way. I went back to work taking jobs under the table this week.

    I’m an essential worker, I’m essential to my family to provide for them.

  11. Every sitting member of Pennsylvania House and Senate should join your Governor by looking over your own shoulder. You have failed. There is a rising disgust that will hopefully lead to all incumbents being voted out of office. Political Party doesn’t matter. Pennsylvanians of every stripe have been hurt by your poor performance over years.

    We’ll be even more revolted when you try to get out of this by raising brand new taxes and fees over the coming year. We KNOW that’s coming.

  12. 6:25 and 6:26 have the proper attitude. I admire him/her. They are joining other American across America, especially in California, who are saying “No More!” Like both of you, I am going back to normal on my own schedule. If arrested, I will challenge the fine in court and waste some officer’s time sitting there hours before a Judge.

  13. 5:28 got it right. Those organizing the protest may want to check and see if Governor Wolf will be in residence this weekend. You don’t want to play army in front of an empty house.

  14. I agree with you Bernie that protesting a private residence of a political figure is not the best course of action. There will be one person who will be exercising his right to bear arms openly, but it will be taken 100% the other way by the media as a threat to the Governor and his family, which is counter productive to the real issue, and that is the Governor and the state has failed.

    The better course of protest is ignoring the lockdown and for people to start going back to work.

    Wolf has promised us many things, and all of those promises are empty.

  15. 3:06, “They made the cure worse than the virus.” Said from outside of a body bag. Wolf has kept you alive, you still don’t get that. So many PA counties have been spared the deaths that Lehigh, Berks and Northampton have had. The highways are filled with NY and NJ plates, still moving back and forth from the hot spots, making Allentown a hot spot. The numbers of cases and deaths aren’t coming down enough because in spite of all the warnings people aren’t staying home.

  16. "Protesting is not an essential activity."

    That response was actually made by the Raleigh Police Department in response to a planned protest. The first amendment should NEVER be suspended.

  17. "It’s OK to go through the courts, but a resolution there can take many months, or longer. Any kind of peaceful protest is fine with me, including at the Governor’s Official Residence, a taxpayer-owned building."

    This is being planned outside the governor's private residence. We should be able to express ourselves without invading the privacy of others.

  18. "There will be one person who will be exercising his right to bear arms openly, but it will be taken 100% the other way by the media as a threat to the Governor and his family ...."

    Remember Rep. Steve Scalise being shot by a dedicated Bernie Bro? Bernie O'Hare did a long and detailed post on that outrage. Yeah, right. He's defended confronting politicians, as long as those politicians are Republicans. It's Democrats who attempt to assassinate politicians they don't like. Governor Wolf will be fine. Maxine Waters and Bernie O'Hare say this kind of thing is OK. I'm certain Wolf's armed detail will arrive in tricked-out SUVs purchased from out of state dealers because Wolf shut PA dealers out. They'll level weapons at the unemployed and probably arrest a few and rough 'em up a bit. These people are almost as dangerous as parents brazenly pushing kids on swings at parks. They'll be taught a lesson. Everybody will have a fullfilling experience. Cops will get to bust a few heads and Wolf will extend the lockdown per his secret formula that nobody is investigating. Fun stuff.

  19. Wolf is an asshole-he thinks he a leader would you go war with a guy I would not and I was in combat for 13 months - twice wolf probably was dodging the draft in 1067.

  20. 7:11 AM

    Yeah, if Wolf hadn't acted, all those NJ and NY plates would have rushed right out to Clearfield County, found a row home that had been converted to 12 apartments and moved in 6 to an apartment.

    Just think how many body bags you could be cheering for if we hadn't treated the entire state like zip code 18102.

  21. Bernie

    Keep up the good work informing readers of activities they might otherwise never know.
    Thank you.

  22. Bernie, I don’t know how many homes Governor Wolf has. I do know he is from York, PA area, and he has been seen daily in and out of the Governor’s Mansion on Front Street in Harrisburg. Regardless, lawful and peaceful protests are open to citizens on any street. Even yours!

  23. I hope the protestors get arrested for ignoring the stay at home order and are then forced to quarantine for 14 days or be jailed.

  24. Is Wolf trying to use the federal unemployemnt money for other uses.

  25. Most of those who attend WILL be right-wing kooks. And if you stand next to people who are proudly brandishing weapons, what are you saying bout yourself?

  26. All of the protesters will breathe on each other. Problem solved?

  27. Hey, let's kill off the old people, the medical people, those who work in essential businesses, and the first responders! My needs come first! Our elected governor, supported twice by the state Supreme Court, is a dictator!


  28. Saw a statistic today that the US has lost 430 jobs for every death.

  29. These protests are planned by rich Trump supporters who are using the protesters for their own ends. They are not well-attended. Most of us will be safe at home laughing at the spectacle of Confederate flags and "soldiers" wearing camouflage outfits.

    And it will change NOTHING. But gas is cheap, so they've got that going for them.

    1. Just like the Trump rallies that this farce by media and there cohorts China created. Once the impeachment trial concluded with more do nothing democrats burgers Wuhun kick-in. Damm that speaker of the house lady is sure looking more and more like the Wuhun witch.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Wolf is an asshole-he thinks he a leader would you go war with a guy I would not and I was in combat for 13 months - twice wolf probably was dodging the draft in 1067.
    April 30, 2020 at 7:44 AM

    Funny that you don't mention our "wartime president", Mr. Bone Spur.

  31. 9:46, The jobs can come back. The dead don’t. Stay safe.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Bernie, I don’t know how many homes Governor Wolf has. I do know he is from York, PA area, and he has been seen daily in and out of the Governor’s Mansion on Front Street in Harrisburg. Regardless, lawful and peaceful protests are open to citizens on any street. Even yours!
    April 30, 2020 at 8:09 AM

    Hey, maybe you should tail the Gov. I'm sure his security detail will be happy to see you.

    So you figure he's going to subject himself ton the gun-nuts who'll be packing? Maybe he'll come out on his porch and wave to you, or even bring a few dozen cookies for the crowd.

  33. Anonymous said...
    9:46, The jobs can come back. The dead don’t. Stay safe.
    April 30, 2020 at 9:58 AM

    But it's not like we can pray unless we're in church. So all of those prayers will be lost.

  34. How many died from the flu this year

  35. Do not rely on numbers being supplied. They have been, and continue to be, shaped.

  36. "Regardless, lawful and peaceful protests are open to citizens on any street. Even yours!"

    I agree completely that you have this right. I would defend it, too. I just question the effectiveness of these rallies. I believe a lawsuit is far more effective and a rally can be counterproductive bc the media will focus on the extremists and not the suffering small businesses.

  37. Why not protest, by wearing masks and keeping social distancing! And why do these protestors not do that and carry guns and Trump placards and flags! What is the real message here?
    Sadly in various states the Protestors get the virus! The main leader in North Carolina is a prime example! Be safe, and stop this insanity!
    All these people have their opinions, just wonder some of their ideas if they had a state to run, with not much Federal leadership and guidance! Open PA slowly and safely!

  38. 10:33 - Not much Federal leadership and guidance? Good grief!

    There’s been plenty of that ever since the first virus case was announced in America. I am satisfied to see the implementation of protection guidelines left up to the Governor of each state. That has meant each state government if forced to put its best ‘face’ out there. Each state gets credit or blame.

    Pennsylvania government has earned a failing grade on its exam. No one else to blame.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Just like the Trump rallies that this farce by media and there cohorts China created. Once the impeachment trial concluded with more do nothing democrats burgers Wuhun kick-in. Damm that speaker of the house lady is sure looking more and more like the Wuhun witch.
    April 30, 2020 at 10:27 AM

    You sure pack a lot of nonsense in one comment. Ever try a wet rag on the forehead?

  40. The problem is with "I'm going back to work I don't care what the governor says" is that a business that opens without State authority to do so runs the risk of having an employee get ill while employed. Imagine the lawsuits that would be flying around and I doubt liability insurance would cover an instance where an employer violated a state order no matter how arbitrary or ruinous it was to the company.

  41. At the heart of it, intimidation is exactly what it is Bernie. There are so many examples of protests, mobs or whatever you would like to call it in our short yet storied history. From the Boston Tea Party, taring and feathering Tories or as my ancestors were persecuted by Tories and Americans. As Anabaptists they refused to swear allegiance to either the Crown or the Continental Congress. Christopher Sauer who published the first Bible in America had his shop confiscated by the British and used as a stable. The Bibles were destroyed and the pages used to make musket cartridges.
    My favorite example is the destruction of the Federal Republican Newspaper in 1812. the anti war publisher wrote an article critical of President Madison and the War. Pro war Republicans destroyed the shop. Later that same year the paper reopened. As angry Federalists massed, the shop was protected by Revolutionary War hero "Light Horse" Harry Lee (father of Robert E.) and General James Lingan. Out of fear local authorities removed Lee Lingan and the newspaper publisher to the local jail. Republicans broke in, killed Lingan and wounded Lee and the publisher. Lee and the publisher never recovered from their wounds.
    So a peaceful protest at the Guvs residence is hardly the worst we Americans are capable of. That being said, I believe the crowd will be made up of stipes of our cloth. Its easy to zero in on the wannabe soldier boy and the Trumpkins. But don't be so diluted to think these are the only people that will show up. Kind of like my self employed neighbor who is a damn fine individual.

  42. We need a good revolution to overthrow overbearing democratic governors--they are running their states into debt that they cannot get out of.--they want Trump to bail them out---get them out of office they are very poor leaders.

  43. Believe me, at this point NO ONE expects Trump to bail them out.

  44. Lets shut down the economy, then make it so no one can get through to unemployment! What could go wrong!

    The greedy baby boomers who get two checks a month and have a fat 401k are crying about people wanting to go back to work. People with addictions, children in bad homes, domestic violence, people starving, peoples businesses circling the drain, screw them says the baby boomer! I am embarrassed to be a part of the greediest, most selfish generation in the history of our country.

    1. I’m a “boomer” living on a modest fixed income.
      My boomer peers are struggling and juggling to pay the bills and get food.’
      Spare us the agism hate.

  45. More people will die from failure to get early detection screenings and keep chemo apointments because of the shut down. Add suicides as a result of the economic depression, and increased domestic abuse and we'll have cause far more deaths than a virus we were told would kill 2 million. We've been had and more people are putting down the koolaid each day. Slow adopters are still slurping and thinking we saved lives. We didn't.

  46. So why is this going to be allowed now, but was verboten a month ago?

    "Most projects will restart, as long as social distancing and COVID-19 safety protocols, including face coverings and cleaning, can be followed, PennDOT said. Work on all projects will follow CDC and state health department guidance."


    I guess using the logic of the "safety firsters" commenting here, PennDot now wants to kill people.

  47. @12:16 Unions. Gov is getting pressure from the trades unions to open construction and roads.

  48. Sorry once the Viagra crowd with their little toy guns, "combat" dress up costumes and sunglasses started showing up to these protests it completely de-legitimatized the entire message.

    All the public sees now is the stereo typical Trump rally crowd and the abundance of morons it attracts.

  49. Like most organized protests, those that provide the tip of the spear have motives counter to the sheep that follow them.

    Protesting to go back to work, instead of protesting the conditions and terms of employment, is counter productive to the workers.

    Which is why those in this protest have no fear of the nightstick or tear gas, it's a safe protest. It's not at all threatening to power and requests nothing for workers they didn't already have, this is not the Occupy Wall Street Movement demanding concessions to better the lives of workers.

  50. 12:28 and the lefts crowd of antics fatties should stick a can of extinguished Lysol up there are to walk around with. This being the fact of the matter that they are all so used to walking around with hands up there asses like the puppets they are and have been for many years until some have awoken to the code.

    1. Grammar and sentence structure isn't your strong suit, eh?

  51. 3:43 - if you no longer have a job, the ‘conditions and terms of employment’ are not the first items in mind. Those would be paying the rent, feeding the kids, and casting off that feeling of being powerless against a heavy hand around your neck.

  52. Anonymous said...
    12:28 and the lefts crowd of antics fatties should stick a can of extinguished Lysol up there are to walk around with. This being the fact of the matter that they are all so used to walking around with hands up there asses like the puppets they are and have been for many years until some have awoken to the code.
    April 30, 2020 at 3:55 PM

    I'm so sorry that people were mean to you during your childhood.

  53. Pa voters you voted the asshole in twice--you deserve anything the bald SOB does.

  54. 3:55 PM
    "if you no longer have a job, the ‘conditions and terms of employment’ are not the first items in mind. Those would be paying the rent, feeding the kids,"

    I understand that to be the argument of every scab that ever crossed a picket line.

    We are witnessing a forced general strike disguised as a pandemic to destabilized a particular political administration, we are asked to dress up and play along in support, as well as sacrifice our freedoms, we should get more for that than just a return to "normalcy" which is all that's being asked by these so called protesters.

  55. "Pa voters you voted the asshole in twice--you deserve anything the bald SOB does."

    I'm one of those assholes, lol. I know I voted for him over Wagner. Am unable to remember whether I voted for him or Corbett in his first bad for Governor. But I think it was Wolf. I thought he'd bring reform, and he did institute a gift ban. But that seems to have been the end of it.

  56. One issue should be vote out everyone that is sitting in any position. In mass across every political point. We need to mix things up. I sign my name.

  57. "Globally, 135 million people are facing acute food shortages and the coronavirus could increase this by another 130 million by year-end,"


    This was never about saving lives.

  58. Today, dozens of armed protesters stormed the State House in Lansing, Michigan. See Detroit Press. There were no bullets fired. Look, it won’t take much for one knucklehead to set off an ugly outcome. Could even be a false flag event, as those do happen. This is all going much too far.

    Every overbearing state Governor MUST dial things down and provide clear evidence of relief to come very soon.

  59. @12:43. You still won't answer my question, what do you say to a 32 year old guy with 3 kids to feed? Can't get through to unemployment. Life circling the drain. You and your peers are home collecting your "modest" fixed income, (Hey it's not my fault you didn't do better in life) At least your getting a check. I am a boomer also, last year of the generation, 1964. You can hide in your house and cower in your basement, there is nobody stopping you, but don't lecture us about "putting lives at stake" and the rest of the nonsense that you and yours are spewing. Think about the kids, the families that are struggling, all for a .003% death rate. This joke has gone on long enough.

  60. "Today, dozens of armed protesters stormed the State House in Lansing, Michigan. See Detroit Press. There were no bullets fired."

    While several sources confirm that armed protesters entered a legislative session, which is legal in Michigan, the suggestion that they "stormed" the legislature is sensationalism. I believe this type of action is counterproductive.

  61. Bernie this sensationalism is just like coroners signing death certificates as due too corona 19. This is falsifying of public records all for the $6800.00 the counties cash in on the FED. It's not like counties hadn't filed false reports before to save there own asses as well as cash in in them instances too.

  62. peterjcochran said...
    One issue should be vote out everyone that is sitting in any position. In mass across every political point. We need to mix things up. I sign my name.
    April 30, 2020 at 5:29 PM

    That's the sort of thinking that got us Donald Trump. No thanks.

  63. Sam Murray is not Irish =Lebanese Fucking Fraud !

  64. He also fixed an All Star Vote for his Son Joe =Flecked Up !

  65. To all those who plan tp protest because you are not allowed to work, Good news. Nursing Homes are hiring , Stores are hiring and,any service company are hiring. Most with increased pay rates. IF you can't find a job, please double; check because they are out there.
    Problem solved you can make money and feed your family until the economy you want bounces back. It may mean you can't pay your country club dues right now or fuel up your big boats but to will pay the real bills. This is what you scream tp the unemployed and homeless. There ate jobs if you are willing to work, so go work. Not as sexy as a Trump rally but....
    You are welcome. I saved you a trip.

  66. 9:47 PM

    I guess that means you

    1) didn't lose your job
    2) are retired and collecting a pension
    3) are filthy rich and don't give a damn about anyone else
    4) got "furloughed" and are still getting paid

    Which is it?

  67. According to the state's own data today, 65.6% of all coronavirus deaths in the state occurred at nursing homes (1,505 out of 2,292 deaths).

    Your odds of dying from coronavirus if you aren't in a nursing home?

    787 deaths. About 1 in 15,000.

    How many people died in auto accidents in PA in 2018?

    1,190 deaths. About 1 in 10,700.

    So, if you don't live in a nursing home, your odds of dying in an automobile accident are worse than your odds of dying from the coronavirus.

    I know what you're thinking. We must ruin everyone's lives over a virus that kills fewer (non-nursing home) Pennsylvanians than auto accidents. Genius. Pure genius!

  68. Doc Roc, no. Just no. You're metrics are off, you're stats all wrong.

    More than 60,000 people have died in just two months. The only people pushing for everything to open back up are the people who make money on the backs of the vulnerable.

  69. "While several sources confirm that armed protesters entered a legislative session,"

    Sensationalism? "Stormed" is not the hyperbole, "protesters" is, it's not a protest without tear gas, flash bangs, and zip ties.

    Occupy Wall Street and WTO protesters got gassed, bulldozed, and had their heads split open for having drum circles and libraries in the park.

  70. anon 10:08 , No I went and got a job for now. I want to pay my bills and feed my family. You want to go hang out at a Trump rally. We all make choices. I choose to work, you choose to bitch and moan.
    People are different.

    Jobs are there for those that want to work,

  71. Doc Roc


    157,322 people died today and counting.

  72. 10:41 and 11:26

    If you bothered to read what I wrote, I was talking about Pennsylvania.


    And, 11:26, 157,322 people did not die today.

    Guess they didn't teach reading comprehension where you went to school.

  73. 12:12 brings up an excellent observation: "More people will die from failure to get early detection screenings and keep chemo apointments because of the shut down. Add suicides as a result of the economic depression, and increased domestic abuse and we'll have cause far more deaths than a virus we were told would kill 2 million. We've been had and more people are putting down the koolaid each day. Slow adopters are still slurping and thinking we saved lives. We didn't."

    Yesterday I received an email from St. Luke's reminding me to visit the ER if I was having chest pain or another emergency and reminding me not to be afraid. Today, a good friend online who is an executive at Lehigh Valley Health Network was on her social media reminding her friends that Lehigh Valley is back open for face-to-face appointments, with some social distancing parameters to keep things safer. Listen to a fire and ambulance scanner and you will hear just how severe things have escalated over the past month and a half. There are numerous cardiac arrest calls each and every day, where perhaps you'd hear one or two before. There are numerous "found dead at home" calls where the person is simply beyond help where that was a rarity before. These are "non-Covid" types of incidents encompassing the entire county. People are not getting the medical care they need and, due to this, they are dying. An entirely different problem but the virus is, in effect, killing them too. We need to get things opened back up for their sake as well.

  74. There will always be intelligent differences of opinion based on hard evidence and then there is doc cock. Nothing else to say.

  75. Oh anon 1:16, Happy May Dy. Comrade Trump loves you!

  76. Increased testing will INCREASE the number of reported cases. That’s a no-brainer. But, there is a problem when using the number of new cases as a metric. First, none of these tests are 100% accurate.

    Another problem is the great majority of persons will have no unusual symptoms. They simply tough it out for a few days as most do with a serious cold or flu. Their own immune system knocks it out.

    Governor Wolf’s metric for re-opening is very flawed. Better would be to measure the amount of hospitalizations. Ever this isn’t a perfect measure, but it is far more important an indicator.

  77. Liberals have kicked a hornets nest with the draconian quarantine for all. The blanket quarantine was to help the hospitals. The hospitals in the Lehigh Valley never experienced near an overload. To have armed protests at state capitols is not good. If liberal leaders want to have the power to shut down the economy, they better have the power to deliver on so called benefits to keep people calm. Unfortunately,liberals generally don't know much about running businesses, paying bills and so on. Its time to open up. If you are scared to go out, stay home. If you go out and are scared, wear a mask, wear eye protection, wear gloves, social distance, don't touch your face, and use hand sanitizers. Wipe your house down with disinfectants and your will most likely be fine. This virus is spreading despite a blanket quarantine. It is still going to spread and be here for ever unless a vaccine is developed and deployed and that's an if. It is still America, there is a thing called the Constitution. God bless the USA!

  78. 7:57 - Excellent points! But, will the voters understand where most of the blame truly rests? I think not.

    It’s good to see more misdeeds by the previous administration get uncovered each day. That should help. We appear to be very close to indictments for Conspiracy, followed by long, drawn out trials. Little of which will be covered by big, corporate owned news outlets.

    America hasn’t been saved yet. Protests must not just continue, but grow in number. Governor Wolf, and his supporters, has become our project. Wolf is not eligible to run again, but our House and Senate can be culled by voting.

  79. Maybe the virus overload has not hit as harshly because of the actions taken and will explode if ignored.
    One thing I do know is that the majority of people agree with a cautious approach. When it comes to these protests attended by a very, very small minority of the population I can't help but be reminded of the Republican campaign workers banging on the doors of the Florida election staffers halting the recounting of the vote that would have made Gore our President instead of W. While peaceful protest is a right bullying and threats should be crushed as these are not a right and as in the Florida recount incident are the dearth of our democracy.

  80. 9:07 AM

    Wow, get over it man.

  81. "It’s good to see more misdeeds by the previous administration get uncovered each day. That should help. We appear to be very close to indictments for Conspiracy, followed by long, drawn out trials. Little of which will be covered by big, corporate owned news outlets."

    WTF? Please explain. Help with what? I don't see how living in the past and blaming the "other side", whoever that is, won't fix todays problems. These are the points I make with my children so they don't grow up shirking any personal responsibility. Get a life and move on for shits sake.

  82. Yea, get over it. It's not like the fake "protest" of the election led to 9/11, which then led to the longest war in U.S. history and then the collapse of the economy. Duuuude.

  83. 9:36 - the ‘help’ refers to making it easier for others to understand not to believe everything, from all the usual places, that has been reported in the past. Why? Because in the end, the truth always comes out despite all the efforts to hide it.

  84. = sounds off topic because I have no reasonable reply= me no think good

  85. 9:43 AM

    Hey Duuuude,

    Keep turning the pages back in the History book.

    Then we can listen to you whine about Reagan. Why, I bet if you keep turning the pages, you might even come across Nixon and Johnson...whoops, Dem there, better stop.

  86. yea duuude, Reagan sucked!

  87. Solving one of the World's biggest mysteries:

    Where did TDS come from? RDS mutation.

  88. Bet he wont be home !

  89. 5:47

    He will be on a private golf course with his political buddies! lol

  90. Check the new cases per day in some of those “chosen” Counties. Those who are running about 50 cases per day. Those places are mostly Rural and have no midsize cities. Currently closed Counties CAN’T possibly reach those same numbers for months longer.

    Why? Because most of the testing is going to heavily populated and dense-living areas. Areas containing places like Philadelphia, Allentown, Reading will never be Rural-living environments. Getting the required space and distance between people, like in Rural areas, is impossible.

  91. Anonymous said...
    Bet he wont be home !
    May 1, 2020 at 5:47 PM

    Would YOU answer the door for the likes of you?

  92. Not that guy. Not even at Halloween.

  93. York Daily record:
    Between 100-200 people carried signs, chanted and yelled through bullhorns as they paced the Mt. Wolf street along two sides of Gov. Tom Wolf’s house. Their message was clear: They want him to open all of Pennsylvania, and they want it now.

    Wow, what a turnout, and after all the publicity on sites like this one! The lunatic fringe only hopes to rule.

  94. Ha ha! Nobody came. I was at home, being safe.

  95. Also from the York Daily Record:
    The group repeatedly chanted “open up” toward the house. Other chants informed the governor that some wouldn’t comply with a mask or vaccine order because they said it was “my body, my choice.”

    Too bad we can't just quarantine these fine citizens. They are a risk to public health.

    By the way, I bet they don't say that when it comes to a woman's control over her pregnancy. Wanna bet?


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