Local Government TV

Friday, April 03, 2020

Here's my Facemask

Not all that long ago, the CDC was telling everyone that the wearing of facemasks is to be discouraged. The experts said it would do more harm than good, and is actually quite rude. . Now these learned scientists have done an about face. You need to have one on when out and about. Refusal to don this fashion trend is actually quite rude. If you decline, you must be some asshole who also hoards toilet paper.

Naturally, Governor Tom Wolf want to see you wearing them, too. If you don't, he'll lay off more state employees.

Above you can see the facemask I've been wearing. One of my friends informs me that the brown spots provide an extra layer of protection, too.

I donned my mask tonight for a visit to Giant supermarket. Because of social distancing requirements, the lines there are 20 miles long. But the second I put my mask on, the line evaporated and I was out of there in 30 seconds.


  1. I am going out for a walk (are you still walking Bernie?) and I am not putting on a bandanna or mask of anything else. I don't wear a seat belt, and don't get collision insurance on cars, even new ones.

  2. The governor of Alabama finally broke down and issued a stay at home order this afternoon. Buy the way, Easton has furloughed a bunch of its workforce, like you criticize Wolf for doing at the state level. The bottom line is tax revenues are down and we don't have piles of cash lying around.

  3. Easton did not close down all businesses or issue a stay-at-home order like Wolf did. He knew this would result in massive claims for unemployment and other benefits, and failed to insure that an infrastructure was in place to handle the load. As for Easton, I understand it does not have piles of cash on hand. I believe it has extended due dates for taxes as well. So far as I can tell, it has acted responsibly, although I think it closed its doors too soon. .

  4. "I am going out for a walk (are you still walking Bernie?) and I am not putting on a bandanna or mask of anything else. I don't wear a seat belt, and don't get collision insurance on cars, even new ones."

    I have been out every day. I have walked as much as two hours, have run three miles on several occasions and just finished my second bike ride since getting it tuned up. I have seen numerous people doing all three of these things, just like me. If Wolf commands me to stay inside, I will defy him. He's not the boss of me, and I frankly don't give a shit what some anonymous coward thinks. Boo!

  5. I have temporarily enable comment moderation. The trolls are out and I'll relax.

  6. I haven’t been wearing a face mask to the Giant the 2 times I’ve been there in the past 3 weeks. But, I will from now on. Why? To help reduce the panic in others. Anyone without a homemade face mask will be subject to ridicule by those who will look down their nose at the unwashed without one. We must insist on complete conformity!

    On a related note, why can’t my Giant Store manage to keep paper products on the shelf for days now. Both times I entered it was 5 minutes after doors open at Senior Hour, only 15 customers inside before me. Forty feet of double shelving wiped bare within the 1 minute it took to pass by that aisle!

    Here’s an idea, Giant. Sell bulk commercial rolls at 50 cents per roll. All rolls separate. No more than 3 rolls accepted at the cash register.

  7. When you nap, do you keep your underwear over your head?

  8. at 8:52 - no I don't but your wife does because she likes to wear it, thanks for asking.

  9. Herr Wolf wasn't wearing a mask when he made the announcement. Lots of people in the room, too.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  10. Awesome! I keep using boxers and they end up as a halter top. Hey Bernie, can it be denied that Trump knows models more intimately than any of us? He's been on top of the top models for years. He's got this.

  11. The COVID-19 virus story has rightfully pushed the media’s attention away from other, usually, major news stories. Setting that aside, the opinions given across the nation to explain this strange difficulty in finding toilet paper are, actually, interesting reading!

    Getting to the bottom (pun intended) concerning toilet paper should be a matter for our Federal Intelligence Community. But, no, they’re too busy dealing with their own ‘shit.’ Other ‘roles’ matter more.

  12. Several YouTube videos now up on “How to create a home made face mask without sewing.” One video uses only a T-Shirt and scissors!

    No need to follow a suspicious web link. Just do a Search on YouTube Videos. Take your pick.

  13. try

    "The ideal material turned out to be stretchy blue shop towels made from a polyester hydro knit.

    Inserting two of these towels into an ordinary cotton mask brought filtration up to 93% of particles as small as 0.3 microns,


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