Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Allentown Signs on to Ring Bells Across Pa.

Yesterday, I told you Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez has issued a proclamation to urge all churches to sound their bells on Sunday at 7 pm. Allentown Mayor Ray O’Connell is urging houses of worship in the city to take part in the Bells Across Pennsylvania Day initiative as well.

The idea for this comes from the Pennsylvania State Mayor’s Association, which is encouraging the ringing of bells for three minutes. It's being done primarily to honor first responders, grocers and health care workers who have continued to serve their community during the Covid-19 pandemic.

No word on whether the bells must wear masks.

“I have often said in the last seven weeks that we are all in this together,” said O’Connell. “It will be nice to show so many of those folks who have shouldered a great burden how much we appreciate the effort.”

Pennsylvania State Mayors' Association President Jim Norwalk says the first minute will recognize and honor first responders, healthcare workers, and employees of grocery stores, pharmacies and other life-sustaining businesses who have maintained essential services to the general public while at risk of infection from COVID-19, and deserve to be celebrated as "hometown heroes."

The second minute is intended to show solidarity with elected officials and residents of municipalities across the Commonwealth, all of whom are fighting COVID-19 on the frontlines together in their communities.

The third minute is to demonstrate a collective resolve that Pennsylvanians will prevail over COVID-19 and work tirelessly to ensure that their businesses and civic life will thrive once again.

O’Connell said, “We are all learning that we have a great part to play in the success of our city. When we social distance, we are doing our part to stop the spread of the disease. We are no doubt finding new appreciation for our first responders and the doctors and nurses who are staring the crisis in the face when they answer every call or greet every patient. I ask our houses of worship to be heard on Sunday at 7:00 p.m.”

O’Connell will be issuing a proclamation designating Sunday, May 3 as “Bells Across Pennsylvania Day” in Allentown.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "You can ring my bell"
    By the Tings is a Gay anthem.

  3. So, when will the freedom from religion group file their lawsuit.

  4. O'Connell we are not in this all together--you did not lose your salary--politicians.media, tv people keep saying we are all in this together--did you lose your salary or business-answer is no

  5. Cake and circuses to distract from all that our betters have taken from us under the guise of protecting us. I'll be blowing an air horn and suggest others do as well.

  6. Wow O'Connell will be issuing a proclamation designating Sunday, May 3 as “Bells Across Pennsylvania Day” in Allentown. What a major announcement, I wondered what he was doing these days. This is kind of ceremonial work he should be doing for a nominal salary, similar to City Council. For what this guy is making, the City could hire a full-time professional City Manager with proper credentials and experience.

  7. Trump is a DumbBell...


  9. "The second minute is intended to show solidarity with elected officials..."


    So a group of politicians (the Pennsylvania State Mayor’s Association) can't do something selfless without inserting a Pledge of Allegiance (to them) clause in it?

    I couldn't disagree more with the overreach of our state and local politicians during this crisis. Many have behaved more like mini-dictators than leaders, while others have practically gone AWOL and handed their elected duties off to others.

    There's no way I can support this. It's a shame that the group's own arrogance will detract from what should be a unifying event.

    By the way, all that assumes that anyone is around to actually ring the bells, since I'm not sure if our politicians have deemed that job "essential".

  10. Every day is "Latinos Blasting Their
    Car Radios Day" in Allentown.

  11. O'Connell mayor for another term--boy does he lie

  12. Hey bright boy. I don't live in the burbs. I live in the city. The morons that race down our street with windows open and salsa music blasting at 120 db are killing MY joy. And my right to peace and quiet. They are breaking the law. But defend them. They are probably your bros.

  13. "The second minute is intended to show solidarity with elected officials .... "

    What? The elected officials who've only crawled out from under their sofas to hurl vague directives over the transom? Go eff yourselves. I'd rather have solidarity with Chinese bats.

  14. Ringing the bell will help my business--politicians have no glue


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