Local Government TV

Monday, March 30, 2020

When Pa. Citizens Need State Gov't the Most, Wolf Lays Off 2,500

As a result of Governor Tom Wolf's business shutdowns and Shelter-in-Place orders, the state has experienced a record number of unemployment claims and requests for other benefits like food assistance. So what does he do? He lays off 2,500 state workers, many of who are there to fill in the gaps in departments that are overloaded. Brilliant.


  1. "The Wolf administration has laid off about 2,500 part-time and seasonal employees and interns"

    I will trust the state to know which employees it needs, and which it doesn't need. You really haven't done an "analysis" here. It looks more like "look what this guy I like to criticize has done now."

  2. I’ll say this. If any Governor designates 2500 employees to be, in any way, NOT NEEDED NOW, then the citizens of that state would be wise to insist the Governor started doing a better job handling OUR money.

  3. 105
    All of the highway projects are shutdown. If the laid off workers are from that department, that would be due diligence.

  4. Maybe they were PenDot workers that could be mobilized to fix roads now that traffic is light.

  5. 6:55, that’s an excellent suggestion. Any way, that much paid labor could be assigned to many other helpful tasks to help fight this situation. I’m sure they would get some blowback from various Unions.

    Now we find, the Kennedy Center in Washington who recently got $25 million from the recent Virus Relief Bill, just announced many layoffs.

    I get a sense some are doing layoffs now because of the new Bill’s added money for the unemployed.

  6. With a total workforce of (I believe) 78,000 workers in state government, I'm surprised that only 2,500 are being laid off.

    After all, when we mention how much many government positions are paid, we are told the high pay is because of the specialized knowledge and expertise that is needed for those positions.

    So employees couldn't just be interchangeable and able to fill in at other departments.

  7. Wolf should be implementing a travel ban to keep those in NY and northern NJ from fleeing to PA and spreading the virus here.

    Other governors (much further away from NY) have recognized the danger and already done so.

    How many deaths/infections in the Valley and Poconos will it take for Wolf to do the obvious?

  8. "I will trust the state to know which employees it needs, and which it doesn't need. "

    Since he's already screwed most of the state, he might as well start screwing the people who work for the state, eh? What this really does is screw the large number of people applying for unemployment and other benefits. Many of those people could be put to work in processing claims.

  9. Why is it that state workers are considered to never have to experience the same problems as the taxpayers. I am sure that many departments have little to do, since there is no business allowed in certain areas. We also dont need many school people as they are likely to be shut down for the remainder of the year. They will likely be insisting on an annual raise to boot.

  10. the whole idea of public servants is bullshit. It is really the taxpayers who are the servants.

  11. Very much agree, Bernie 7:47.

    When you rush to put out a plan of this magnitude too quickly, or because ‘everyone else is doing it,’ it will include flaws. I am beginning to hear so much more of that ‘like everyone is already doing it’. to justify some policy. Animal stampedes cause animaos to throw themselves over a cliff for certain death, because ’everyone else is doing it.’ Humans should be expected to not do this.

  12. Booze sales are up 26% nationwide. PA is the only state that has essentially shut down all hard liquor sales. Only a seasoned businessman would make the decision to cut off that revenue stream.

  13. 8:50 - could be worse, if that’s of any help. When have HIGH Government officials wanting to outlaw cigarette smoking for a few months. Another announcing he/she has decided to FORCE closure of churches. Both of these actions are, unfortunately TRUE.

  14. Bernie, oh Bernie. I don't think you're going to be invited to the second Wolf inaugural.

  15. 7:13 "Now we find, the Kennedy Center in Washington who recently got $25 million from the recent Virus Relief Bill, just announced many layoffs."

    So, did the Dems help the corona situation by adding PORK to the stimulus? They really showed Trump!!! Bahahaha

    And really. How about road crews out working now with traffic so light? Lot of social distance between workers. (No standing around a shovel jokes!) And laid off workers instead assisting were other areas are short? A clerk typist is a clerk typist.... Let's see if the union heads would agree or if the Dems are backing unemployment.

  16. I thought we were supposed to be rallying behind our leaders, uniting as one and all that. PA itself is in dire straits. Are these attacks on Wolf really what's helpful?

  17. I would really like to know which staff were laid off and which are needed. D0 these employees really want to be on the job? My guess is they are not vital services. Lets contrast the private sector who was sent home without pay vs those that are at home and being paid by the taxpayer.

    My guess is they are not vital services.

  18. Wolf has attacked businesses and citizens who enjoy liquor. What did his emergency management budget look like last year? How many respirators and masks did he propose? What was our plan to deal with such an outbreak? Is this it? Calls for unity should not outweigh the very serious need to deconstruct the state's failure.

  19. Wolf didn't "attack" anyone. When you can't go without alcohol in an emergency, that tells you that you have a serious problem.

    Dry out.

  20. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

    HARRISBURG — The Wolf administration has laid off about 2,500 part-time and seasonal employees and interns as the financial fallout from the coronavirus deepens, straining Pennsylvania’s cash flow, Spotlight PA has learned.

    The affected workers, which include temporary clerical staff and employees who help out in departments across state government during busy periods, were placed on “leave without pay” Friday. There is currently no timeline to recall them back to work, according to Gov. Tom Wolf’s Office of Administration.

    Some of the departments impacted include revenue and transportation, state officials said. It wasn’t immediately clear which other departments were affected, though several employ seasonal workers, including the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, which oversees state park facilities, and the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board

  21. "Wolf didn't "attack" anyone. When you can't go without alcohol in an emergency, that tells you that you have a serious problem."

    Defends nanny state and has something to say about others personal lives. These times were tailor made for quisling busybodies. Here's an idea: quiver alone in your hovel and mind your own business. You'll be fine and not annoy the rest of us.

  22. I think we have a lot of sadists out there who are enjoying their own suffering and rejoicing in that of others. "Please keep hitting me because it feels so good when you stop."

  23. Sorry, but I have to leave home occasionally in order to get the necessities. Unfortunately, I'm liable to run into the likes of you standing around and spewing your personal infection, probably while you're complaining to whoever can hear that you can't have your way about something.

    I bet you don't call it the "nanny state" as soon as there's something that you want from the government.

    I'm asking the government to protect me from people like you.

  24. 11:36, and when you get sick you may end up at the ER needing treatment.

    Stop, look, and listen: ERs are in real crisis and the people who work there are begging you to stay home. Act like you have at least a little sense, would you?

  25. Part timers and season al workers were laid off. That means students & office workers may have been extraneous to begin with. Chances are that these seasonal employees have other jobs or activities during the off-season and dont depend upon the "summer" jobs for a living. Part timers may use these jobs to augment their incomes but when full timers are feeling the crunch part timers become an extra burden.

    Wolff may not be perfect this this call was a no brainer.

  26. He's going to be criticized whatever he does, because a company he once owned and that didn't need a waiver didn't shut down.

  27. What did he lay-off? The employees of the liquor control board. Governor (the big bad) Wolf needs to reopen the liquor stores. Get drunk and kiss your ass good by. This is hell. Man cannot survive on water alone-W C Fields.

  28. The only government response we've seen thus far is the boarding of liquor stores. That, and Wolf in his sweater in his living room issuing vague, unenforceable edicts to the great unwashed. The guy in a dress parrots numbers that available on the Johns Hopkins site in real time, but offers nothing of substance - and the numbers continue to climb despite his "best" efforts.

  29. Liquor stores weren't the only thing closed. Our whole society can't revolve around drunkards.

  30. Anonymous said...
    The only government response we've seen thus far is the boarding of liquor stores. That, and Wolf in his sweater in his living room issuing vague, unenforceable edicts to the great unwashed. The guy in a dress parrots numbers that available on the Johns Hopkins site in real time, but offers nothing of substance - and the numbers continue to climb despite his "best" efforts.
    March 30, 2020 at 1:57 PM

    Without the current efforts: 2.2 million deaths nationally. With them: 100,00-200,000.
    Seems like quite an impact to me.

    The other big part of the state effort is supporting the hospitals, and I'm sure they're busy trying to plan for the upcoming surge.

    In the meantime your biggest problem, apparently, is the DTs. Trying needing a ventilator when none is available and get back to me--if you can, of course. Better to text, I suppose.

  31. Only a state run by knuckle-dragging right wing neanderthals would keep liquor stores open during this crisis.


  32. Trump on March 10, “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

    It's those governors who've imposed restrictions, as irritating that they are, who are saving our bacon. It sure as hell isn't President Zero.

  33. Cuomo on March 19, "New York City will not be locked down"


    Governor Zero?

    Hope you remember that when Dems cut off poor old Sleepy Joe at the knees and push the Italian Stallion for prez.

  34. 2:49, NY isn't in a lockdown. People still can come and go. Even today, I heard the mayor say on the telly that police will ask people who are gathering to break it up and ticket them only if they continue to refuse. That's not a lockdown. It's asking people to stay and home and. I gather, telling certain businesses to close.

    Trump denied that there even was a problem with COVID-19.

    See the difference?

  35. "See the difference?"

    Certainly do. You like Cuomo and you don't like Trump.

  36. You're just avoiding the issue, and certainly not fooling anyone.

  37. Comes at a perfect time to layoff permanently the public servants that cost taxpayers money in law suits, not to mention the false prosecution's of the innocent.

  38. Sounds like somebody has a beef with the law...

  39. 3:35

    "You're just avoiding the issue, and certainly not fooling anyone."

    Right back atcha bucko.


  40. "Without the current efforts: 2.2 million deaths nationally."

    This is complete nonsense. But it does explain a lot about our irrational response. It's way to easy to get the timid worked up.

  41. "Certainly do. You like Cuomo and you don't like Trump."

    Both of these mooks are against M4all and therefore acceptable to the establishment...which explains the daily shows we keep seeing.

    Jeffery Epstein killed himself on suicide watch and these same people care about you and your health and are trying to keep YOU alive now.

  42. Anonymous said...
    "Without the current efforts: 2.2 million deaths nationally."

    This is complete nonsense. But it does explain a lot about our irrational response. It's way to easy to get the timid worked up.
    March 30, 2020 at 4:21 PM

    It's what your boy Trump says. But you miss the point: only 100,000 or so in light of the governors' protective orders.

    Learn how to read.

  43. In the middle of the briefing today there was a commercial for My Pillow. How many pillows is this character donating to hospitals.

  44. This is very sad. It pains me to read your comments. See you are practicing cleansing yourself. You are cleansing all dissenting and sane comments from you posts. You are pissed that you are banned from the courthouse, you can't search titles and you can't go to you gym, Whaaaaa. You should be ashamed of yourself. What is your major malfunction? This is not about liberty at the moment it is about saving people lives.
    People are still driving and walking. We will loosen up as we get through this. You sound like the NRA goofs that think it is a worldwide plot.

    You know better but your greed and crazy side is kicking in and you are acting like a little bitch.

  45. Trump on March 10, “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

    It actually will go away and life will go on. He had this right.

  46. "In the middle of the briefing today there was a commercial for My Pillow. How many pillows is this character donating to hospitals."

    March 31, 2020 at 12:23 AM



  47. Anonymous said...
    Trump on March 10, “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

    It actually will go away and life will go on. He had this right.
    March 31, 2020 at 5:20 AM

    Ha ha, nice try. Now, if he'd added "after a few hundred thousand Americans die," then yes.

    It's amusing to see you Trumpoids scramble to try to provide cover for the Neglecter in Chief.

  48. Most Americans seem to understand Trump's neglect. They will remember.

  49. Especially as the fatalities continue to mount, along with chaos in the hospitals.

    And thanks to Trump for damaging the economy. Make America Gag Again!

  50. FromThe article:”Employees who work for the state health and labor departments, which are central to the coronavirus response, were not impacted, state officials said.” And part-timers. So no, not an effect on unemployment or other aid workers

  51. https://www.foxnews.com/us/mypillow-other-us-companies-making-face-masks-to-meet-coronavirus-shortages


    Is this for free as a humanitarian effort, or Has Trump awarded him a contract to make them?

    Just asking because it seems there were many shenanigans by Trump rewarding his supporters. Helpful hint: if FOXNEWS knows they aren't going to report it.

  52. I didn't want to use Fox as the source, spent as much time as I could looking for what would be acceptable to folks like you.

    Whether paid with margin, at cost, or free, this IS happening.

    And it was not reported by CNN, MSNBC, the other three broadcast networks, PBS, or of any of the other delusional leftist propaganda outlets. My guess is that it the pillow guy isn't making out or all of those goofs would have it as "Our top story tonight, Trump supporter rips off gubmint".

    Meanwhile, we KNOW the babykillers and the arts crowd all got plenty.

  53. Well, otherwise we can't kill babies without showing some creativity.


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