Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Has Covid-19 Come to NorCo's Jail?

Northampton County reported late yesterday afternoon that an employee at the jail has exhibited "a symptom" consistent with coronovirus. This staffer, e female corrections officer, has been sent home pending the outcome of a test for Covid-19. The area of the jail in which she worked has been placed in quarantine. Although it's unclear precisely that means at the county jail, a state quarantine imposed Monday on its entire inmate population of 44,600 means they will be restricted to their cells except for video and phone calls.

A prison administrator informs me that "hundreds and hundreds" of hand sanitizer are made available to corrections officers, and they are also provided masks if requested. Their temperatures are also monitored.

On Friday, a staffer at Allegheny County jail tested positive for Covid-19.

At this juncture, there are no reported cases of Covid-19 at Gracedale, the county's nursing home. An isolation unit has been prepared for residents who show symptoms.

In related news, the county's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been partially activated to assist in the potential creation of alternative care facilities or field hospitals if such a measure is necessary.


  1. Do prisoners vote?

  2. Check again on your Gracedale info.

  3. Really, do you have info that someone has symptoms there?

  4. 9:50, so far as I know, a person convicted of a felony is unable to vote until released. I am unsure about misdemeanants and whether they can vote by mail while incarcerated. https://www.votespa.com/Register-to-Vote/Pages/Convicted-Felon,-Misdemeanant-or-Pretrial-Detainee.aspx

  5. A Gracedale employee...


  6. County council meetings cancelled? According to sight.

  7. that's not what I heard

  8. Yeah, about the jail. I heard that only those in that area of the jail where someone may be positive gets masks. All it takes is one CO or one new intake that has the virus with no symptoms and the whole place will be quarantined. Unacceptable. They needed to be proactive two months ago.

  9. LEFT WING SOLUTION-- leave them out of jail

    1. Right wing solution: Death penalty to all. Possession of weed: DEATH! Behind on child support: DEATH! Petty Theft: DEATH!

      And let's remember that most people in county jail haven't even been convicted. They couldn't make bail. So let me quote another right wing mantra, " Innocent until proven guilty".

      But not according to you numbnuts, if they are in jail, keep them there and if the catch Covid 19, oh well.

  10. @anonymous Just be responsible and give them PPE.

  11. Jondar, I must have missed that news release. TY.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    LEFT WING SOLUTION-- leave them out of jail

    March 31, 2020 at 9:25 AM

    And YOUR solution is . . .?

  13. Are they going to build any emergency gyms?

  14. Barbara Morgan said...
    @anonymous Just be responsible and give them PPE.

    March 31, 2020 at 9:32 AM

    Haven't you heard? As our Nitwit in Chief has announced, all PPE has been stolen by the hospital people.

  15. Maybe they'll build emergency liquor stores while they're at it.

    As they say, addiction can happen to anyone.

  16. @anonymous LOL

  17. Corporal works of mercy:
    5. To visit the sick.
    6. To visit the imprisoned

    Spiritual works of mercy:
    3. To admonish the sinners.
    4. To bear patiently those who wrong us.
    5. To forgive offenses.
    6. To comfort the afflicted.

  18. If you're going to insult--sort of--someone, at least get their number correct.

    In fact, the "down time" that we're experiencing now would be a good time for you review your numbers.

    And that's "Left Wing Piece of Shit SIR" to you.

  19. Harrisburg Patriot-News:

    A U.S. judge Tuesday ordered the immediate release of a dozen federal immigration detainees held in three Pennsylvania prisons, finding they “face a very real risk of serious, lasting illness or death” from the coronavirus.

    Middle District Judge John E. Jones III’s decision is in response to a plea by the ACLU to release those detainees from the county lockups in York, Pike and Clinton counties because their ages and/or health problems heighten the chance they will contract a deadly dose of COVID-19.

  20. 11:30 you assholes do not deserve the correct number or title

  21. That's it. Now I'm officially hurt.

    And your numbers still need work, Forrest.

  22. Now I’m hearing that there is someone on administrative leave for speaking up about this! Also they said they have been using inaccurate thermometers and check them after they have been inside the building for half an hour! These people are scared for themselves and their families! Hasn’t anyone been following this pandemic? Are they living under a rock?

  23. This blog is a disgrace to all left wing bigots

  24. What are you saying, that we left-wing bigots aren't doing a very good job of being bigoted? I guess we just have to defer to your expertise. Hail to the chief!

  25. Barbara Morgan said...
    Now I’m hearing that there is someone on administrative leave for speaking up about this! Also they said they have been using inaccurate thermometers and check them after they have been inside the building for half an hour! These people are scared for themselves and their families! Hasn’t anyone been following this pandemic? Are they living under a rock?
    March 31, 2020 at 3:21 PM

    If that's true, killing the messenger will prove to be a lot easier than killing the virus.

    Lawyers, get yer lawsuits ready!

  26. Check your sources about Gracedale. Isolation ward.

  27. Barbara Morgan, Who is this someone on admin leave? I can say this. I was fed a crock yesterday by a guard who said they were being denied cleaning supplies and masks. Both claims were untrue, and when I confronted this person, he/she claimed he/she was scared. That's no excuse for lying to me.

    So if someone is on admin leave for being critical, identify this person. No one can do anything to you.

    1. For a while, some officers were denied PPEs. That is a fact!

  28. "Check your sources about Gracedale. Isolation ward."

    My sources are what was said, twice, by Gracedale's Administrator, to both Council and a council committee. We were told 12 beds were already prepared, with another 12 to go. If this is inaccurate, the Administrator would be guilty of false statements to public officials, which happens to be a crime. So I believe her. I have also heard this from county officials who were there.

  29. @bernie it was a lieutenant who was outspoken about the mishandling of the virus situation and care for the safety of Officers and inmates alike.

  30. @bernie the union president knows, you should chat with him

  31. Administrative leave? Do what they tell you to do or you are sent home with out pay administrative leave AKA fired?

    New fear!

  32. Bernie. I have heard from a good source that there is a suspected case at Gracedale and the patient is in the isolation ward. Not the story about the outside worker.

  33. Is it true that employees are being dismissed?

  34. March 31...,heard same from reliable frustrated worker

  35. Should check your reliable source's info. One Gracedale employee and resident have Coronavirus.

  36. I am uncertain whether an employee actually has covid-19, but believe it was a suspected case. As for a resident, I will check on Thursday. I have not heard this.

  37. https://www.wfmz.com/health/coronavirus/gracedale-nursing-home-resident-who-died-tested-positive-for-covid-19/article_a5c03604-7454-11ea-a367-83ab57c7dd25.html

  38. If three are confirmed ,there are a heck of a lot more.


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