Local Government TV

Friday, March 06, 2020

Trump Predicts He Will Win in Pennsylvania

"The people in Pennsylvania, they're very happy with the job ... You know, it was 30 years since a Republican won Pennsylvania, and based on results, I think we'll win it again very easily."


  1. All his life Joe Biden has wanted to make his mark in presidential politics. It’s a shame he’s not there to see it.

  2. Biden is an inanimate object.

  3. Personal pronouns are more important than the politics of healthcare.
    So much for the commitment of the “progressive” youth.
    The sleepy corrupt old party gives us sleepy old Joe and Trump does a victory lap up the line in Scranton, once a bedrock of blue.

  4. It's an absolute disgrace, not to mention political campaign malpractice to feed Biden to Trump. It's not funny at all. This is not the fun lovin' gaff machine that lost to tank pilot Michael Dukakis in 1988, Biden clearly shows early signs of dementia probably "sundowners".

    Trump doesn't even need to create ads, youtubers are already doing devastating smash cuts of Biden.

  5. Biden will finish his career as a casualty.
    The historic Democratic Party descends into farce.
    Very sad.

  6. The two Fox hosts tried their best to manage Trump and cornered him with critical questions, not softballs. They failed miserably. Trump owned the place. He was sharp as a pin and confident. His only fear should be vote tampering in favor of his opponent.

  7. 2:06AM
    So what... it wouldn't matter if he shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue.

    What's left of Joe Biden is heading into that storm.

    No American can think this is good.

  8. My liar is going to woop your liars ass.
    It’s a cage match - Round II.
    This is going to be entertaining.

  9. Social security and Medicare are on the table for cuts. He assured us that. Guess he thinks these boomers are too entitled.

  10. Trump and McClure - OUT

  11. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall.
    So an impeached president lying again is not really novel.
    but trump's followers like the delusion and lies given them.

  12. Biden is a creepy hair sniffing uncle touchy. He should be on Meghan's list.

  13. Just some thoughts about the Democrat candidates. I do not believe this is the best group in the party. Did the best decide early on that this was not their year to run. So much like in 2012, when the establishment republicans encouraged Romney to run and preserved Jeb for 2016 knowing they could not beat Obama in 2012.

    That is why the Russia collusion, emoluments, Ukraine impeachment, all in the hope of forcing Trump out, because they know they cant beat him in 2020. Now they are all encouraging poor Joe that he is the man, knowing it it is all futile and they need to preserve their best for 2024.

    Republicans voters thought they could win in the second term of Clinton and Obama, but the insiders knew it was a lost cause. Nixon beat Carter because of double digit inflation and gas lines. Clinton beat Bush 1 because of Perot and his statement proclaiming a "New World Order" It is very hard to beat an incumbent president.

  14. 7:14AM
    YEA but it can be done and must be done before the idiot completely destroys the backbone of our Country.

  15. I don't like Trump and I think a wall is stupid. I voted for him for tax cuts for me and my business (I've doubled my workforce and reinvested $2M in the last two years) and pro-life SCOTUS picks. He's a dope. But he kept the promises that were important to me. And I'm not upset he hasn't built an inch of a stupid wall. I don't believe I'm alone in the electorate.

  16. C) - None of the above

  17. The dotard in Chief is a cheater in marriage, taxes and of course golf. If you're ok with that, ok....

  18. Biden is a dinosaur and a loser. I am disgusted with the DNC and their election rigging tactics. The voice of the people is being silenced by the leftovers of the baby boomers. A sad ending to a once promising generation.

  19. Whose military is at the border?
    I'd hate to see my tax dollars there. Someone else can pay!

  20. going to come down like it always does in PA. What will be the democratic turnout in Philly/Bucks County/Pittsburg vs. the republican turnout in the rest of the state.

    My dem friends believe Trump stole PA last time due to the weak turnout in historically strong democratic areas.

  21. Voter fraud is a REAL possibility. Why? In many states the voter rolls have not been kept up to date. Secondly, we have many people in high places who are looking to avoid criminal prosecution. Finally, the news media will look the other way.

    Trump winning a second term should be a certainty, a landslide. Key word . . . SHOULD.

  22. I love how the MAGA clowns call out the Democrats as the "corrupt party".


  23. Trump doesn't even need to create ads, youtubers are already doing devastating smash cuts of Biden.

    Trump has a million stroke-like moments where it sounds like his tongue stopped working. Yet you still vote for the clown who was rushed to the hospital with unknown issues.

  24. That is why the Russia collusion, emoluments, Ukraine impeachment, all in the hope of forcing Trump out, because they know they cant beat him in 2020.

    OK Sparky. Time to go ask your mom for a Hot Pocket.

    Yahoo News/YouGov Biden +9
    IBD/TIPP Biden +3
    FOX NewsBiden +8
    ABC News/Wash PostBiden +7
    NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Biden +8
    NPR/PBS/MarisBiden +6
    QuinnipiacBiden +7

  25. I don't like Trump and I think a wall is stupid. I voted for him for tax cuts for me and my business (I've doubled my workforce and reinvested $2M in the last two years) and pro-life SCOTUS picks. He's a dope. But he kept the promises that were important to me. And I'm not upset he hasn't built an inch of a stupid wall. I don't believe I'm alone in the electorate.

    Another MAGA clown willing to sacrifice our country for his personal gain.

  26. He’s not getting my vote. I watched a little bit of the town Hall last night with Dishonest Donnie. It’s amazing how he appeals to the lowest common denominator of people in the audience and they get sucked into believing all of his lies and mistruths. It is beyond believe how people fall for his lies and let him get away with his abhorrent behavior. He’s nothing but a lowlife piece of garbage.

  27. 9:02 - posts like yours never seem to discuss all those Trump ‘lies’ with specific evidence. Just name the actual lie, using his real words, then lay out a few facts (not just opinions) to correct Trump. He might learn from you!

    I didn’t hear any lies last night, just boasting. But, geez, the guy’s a candidate, too.

  28. The 2018 wave is building up steam. It will wash Trump and the Republican majority in the senate out of office.

  29. Stupid Americans! Thank you.

    Comrade Putin

  30. This is going to be one hell of a Weekend Wallop to feel the burn Bern? Let the assholes turn themselves inside out on this one showing what hemrodez they are unchecked.
    This will make for a more entertaining clown show reading than all the debates in one.

  31. 9:15, I read 9:02, and the commenter did not accuse Trump of lying last night, though he probably did. The Commenter accused Trump of being a liar, which he is. You want each lie named and all the evidence that supports the accusation. Then you add he's running for President, as if to excuse it. So you ask for a lot and then basically say it does not matter if he is a liar. This is not reasonable.

    To me, it matters. The Washington Post has details on 16,241 false or misleading claims by Trump. This paper has been doing exactly what you suggest.

    I understand that all pols lie. But Trump lies when he does not have to lie. All one has to do is watch him for five minutes and you get it. For example, people who work for him are the greatest people in the world until they depart. Then they suddenly become terrible. Now perhaps the person who is terrible is the person accusing everyone else of being terrible.

    I believe Biden is a liar, too. I will not defend him on that point. But Trump has taken it to a new level.


  32. Annon @ 9:55
    Two lying presidential candidates walk into a bar....

  33. Biden has a long history of fibs, exaggerations and outright lies.
    To deny that is to expose oneself as dishonest or delusional.
    You choose.

  34. I blame the Russians.
    The Russians and old white men.

  35. I believe the Washington Post.

  36. Guess it all depends how ‘pure’ one believes the Washington Post (Jeff Bezos) is.

  37. "Voter fraud is a REAL possibility. Why? In many states the voter rolls have not been kept up to date. Secondly, we have many people in high places who are looking to avoid criminal prosecution. Finally, the news media will look the other way.

    Trump winning a second term should be a certainty, a landslide. Key word . . . SHOULD"

    Voter fraud is ALWAYS a possibility and has existed since people began counting votes. Let's look at your evidence.

    1) voter rolls. In Pa, and in accordance with state law, voter rolls are periodically purged. The voter is notified if he has not voted in four or five years. Then, elections officials wait for two federal election cycles (another four years) before removing this person. What this means is that voter rolls include a lot of inactive voters. But we should always err on the side of the right to vote and should always be reluctant to remove voters. The large number of inactive voters is not proof of voter fraud. But your desire to remove them is evidence of voter suppression.

    2) corrupt people in high places. Without question, there are corrupt people in high places. The President is corrupt and is using his office to benefit his private interest. While he points at Biden's son, his own family is making deals with foreign governments. It is in the interest of this corrupt person to claim elections are rigged so he can ignore results if they don't go his way. That is why he is so insistent on publicly discounting what 17 different intelligence agencies have concluded about Russian interference. He will falsely claim they are the "deep state" while he creates his own very real swamp. So while there is little evidence of dead Democrats voting, there is substantial evidence that the President of the United States is trying to rig his own re-election.

    3) The media is looking the other way. This assertion is blatantly false. Media outlets are ALWAYS willing to cover mishaps during an election, as they should. They certainly cover credible complaints of voter fraud. But the President only wants fawning reports. So anything that does not suit his narrative is "fake news."

  38. "Nixon beat Carter because of double digit inflation and gas lines"

    I must've missed that one

  39. Fact is the Washington post, new York times, cnn and msnbc have their own long list of dishonest and misleading stories. Maybe instead of an election, we should have an annual liers contest. Just this week, they all claimed Trump told people with the coronavirus to go to work. Most of the people on this blog will want to believe it, yet it was a big lie, a big distortion of the statement. Doesn't matter, because Trump is a lier, everyone says so.

  40. There is a HUGE difference between LIE and OPINION. Some are not able/willing to distinguish between the two because doing that might weaken their narrative, their personal preference.

  41. 10.24 opps, that would be Reagan, must have been another lier.

  42. "Guess it all depends how ‘pure’ one believes the Washington Post (Jeff Bezos) is."

    You are confusing the messenger and the message. The claim is that Trump is a chronic liar. You asked for proof and have been provided with proof. Instead of the typical "fake news" response, disprove the assertion.

  43. Hey, no one has to worry about trump anymore, after all the party and the nation is now due to be saved by Old Joe, the smartest, most articulate, most honest politician who ever served the people of this country. Everyone can see that.

  44. “My liar lies less than your liar.”
    Totally cool.
    Can we set the bar any lower.

  45. I’ll take the liar without early onset Alzheimer’s.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Biden is an inanimate object.
    March 6, 2020 at 1:22 AM

    Such intelligent discourse!

  47. Bernie, with your 10:23 post, YOU are lying. LYING big time!

    Of course, I don’t believe what I just claimed. Because I KNOW you are expressing an OPINION. I can offer no example of a lie you have told. Don’t even care to find one. Readers come here to consider opinions. Discerning adults realize not to expect anything but that from the public square.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Biden is a creepy hair sniffing uncle touchy. He should be on Meghan's list.
    March 6, 2020 at 6:34 AM

    Nothing reeks of hypocrisy more than a comment like this. I think I know what YOU'RE sniffing.

  49. TDS will be strong in November. Trump Detachment Syndrome. All these angry red hats running around wondering why nobody loved their daddy and looking for someone to blame. Trump has ruined any chance of Republicans being a political force and set back the conservative movement in this country for a decade at minimum. By that point the Boomers will be fast entering senior living complexes, while the Grim Reaper takes his cut each year.

  50. If Sanders doesn't win the nomination I am voting for Trump. Same as 2016.

  51. Biden IS an inanimate object.
    Why beat around the bush, and it fits on a bumper sticker. Perfect for the average voter.

  52. We are so fucked.

  53. "Bernie, with your 10:23 post, YOU are lying. LYING big time!

    Of course, I don’t believe what I just claimed. Because I KNOW you are expressing an OPINION. I can offer no example of a lie you have told. Don’t even care to find one. Readers come here to consider opinions. Discerning adults realize not to expect anything but that from the public square."

    Of course I am expressing one opinion that refutes another, and my opinion is grounded in FACTS that I laid out for everyone to see. This is what is known as reasoned discourse. You should try it sometime instead of just parroting what the Divider-in-Chief says. I have many GOP friends whom I respect. Most of them are good thinkers and will admit Trump is very flawed, but feel they have to stick with him. That's their opinion. I have mine.

  54. "If Sanders doesn't win the nomination I am voting for Trump. Same as 2016."

    Lol, what nonsense. I doubt very much you're a Sanders supporter. My guess is that you are a liar.

  55. I voted third party last time.
    If Sanders doesn’t get the nomination I AM VOTING TRUMP.
    Call me anything you want.
    I couldn’t care less.

  56. Everyone loves a liar on this thread.
    What’s not to love?

  57. It's laughable that people are claiming some equivalency between Trump and Biden. Biden is a man of honor who served his country with great distinction. Donald Trump is incompetent and unqualified as evidenced by everything he says as our leader. He is no leader, he is a petulant rube who somehow fell backwards into the presidency. He knows he's unqualified but he's willing to hang in there and maximize the grift even if it means a virus overtakes the country because he's too vain to apologize for ineffectiveness and change course.

  58. "I voted third party last time.
    If Sanders doesn’t get the nomination I AM VOTING TRUMP.
    Call me anything you want.
    I couldn’t care less."

    Okay. I'll call you what you are, a liar. You are a Republican Trump supporter trying to whip up sentiment among Sanders' supporters. The Bernie Bros might vote Green, might vote Democrat, might stay home, but will not be voting for Trump.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Biden IS an inanimate object.
    Why beat around the bush, and it fits on a bumper sticker. Perfect for the average voter.
    March 6, 2020 at 11:08 AM

    You're SO clever. How do you manage it?

  60. Bernie, wake up.
    Some people have just had enough of being told that the party doesn’t need them.
    That they are old and white.
    That they don’t care about the lives of children because they support the Bill of Rights.
    That preferred pronouns are more important than working class identity.
    I have had enough.
    After a lifetime trying to make the Democratic Party what it had claimed to be I am going to vote for the Orange Menace.
    You can’t believe that some of us have reached that point. I get it. You just can’t believe it.
    That is your problem.
    You can’t see what is right in front of you.
    Name calling changes nothing.

  61. Biden is a sad case.
    He will need our compassion before long.
    Making fun of him is not the Christian thing to do.
    We should be better than that.

  62. Trump is a liar.
    Biden is a liar.
    At least Trump is authentic.
    Trump is his own jackass and makes no bones about.
    All pretense stripped away, and he has gotten a lot of his campaign promises accomplished.
    If we are all going to hell in a hand bucket, and we are, at least we can be entertained on the way.

  63. Why doesn`t anyone mention that Trump is bankrupting this country?

  64. I’m stickin’ with my liar.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Bernie, wake up.
    Some people have just had enough of being told that the party doesn’t need them.
    That they are old and white.
    That they don’t care about the lives of children because they support the Bill of Rights.
    That preferred pronouns are more important than working class identity.
    I have had enough.
    After a lifetime trying to make the Democratic Party what it had claimed to be I am going to vote for the Orange Menace.
    You can’t believe that some of us have reached that point. I get it. You just can’t believe it.
    That is your problem.
    You can’t see what is right in front of you.
    Name calling changes nothing.
    March 6, 2020 at 12:42 PM

    So, let's see...caricature, if not just pretend, what the Dem. Party stands for and then pretend you just can't go there any more. I don't think you ever were there; you just want people to think the Demcs. are losing ground. See you at the election!

  66. Anonymous said...
    Trump is a liar.
    Biden is a liar.
    At least Trump is authentic.
    Trump is his own jackass and makes no bones about.
    All pretense stripped away, and he has gotten a lot of his campaign promises accomplished.
    If we are all going to hell in a hand bucket, and we are, at least we can be entertained on the way.
    March 6, 2020 at 12:58 PM

    This is like suggesting that we should want to have cancer, because at least then we won't have to fix our hair.

  67. @1:16
    I don’t care what you think about me.

  68. "Yahoo News/YouGov Biden +9
    IBD/TIPP Biden +3
    FOX NewsBiden +8
    ABC News/Wash PostBiden +7
    NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Biden +8
    NPR/PBS/MarisBiden +6
    QuinnipiacBiden +7"

    Underrated post. Substitute Hillary for every mention of Biden here, and you have the same polls as 2016! Uncanny. Want a Hot Pocket, slugger?

  69. Trump is underwater in PA. The state is split 50/50 between Dems/Reps, but Reps are bleeding out badly in the Philly and Pittsburgh suburbs with college educated voters and women who voted for Trump in 2016. They were the difference for him in 2016 when he won by 70,000 votes - fewer than a crowd attending a PSU football game.

    Trumps polling has been consistently weak, hovering in the low 40's since his 3rd month in office.

    He has similar problems in Wisconsin, Michigan, & North Carolina, bad polling, 2016 defections in narrowly won states. PA, along with those 3 will decide things in November. Add in Florida, Ohio, Texas & Tennessee as potential battlegrounds, that is 8 states won by Trump in 2016.

    So he has to play defense in 8 states, 4 with razor thin margins to begin with. Where can he play offense? Plausibly Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico and Nevada, but none are great bets, and worse they amount to 30 Electoral votes combined - PA is 20 on its own.

    Lastly, no matter how much Republicans will try to paint Biden/Sanders out to be boogeymen, neither will have the negative favorability ratings that Hillary did.

  70. Biden has all the flaws of Hil with half the intellect.

  71. Unknown said...
    I don’t care what you think about me.
    March 6, 2020 at 1:29 PM

    Clearly. But is your mother proud of you?

  72. Sure. It’s understandable that partisans favor Old Joe, but they all have to be secretly terrified.

  73. @1:31 - this isn't 2016 anymore.

    Trump benefited being an unknown possibility/something new at a time when the country was fatigued from 8 years of Obama, and seeing an unpopular Hillary as 4 more years of the same.

    In 2020 Trump is now a known quantity, and while he has absolutely delivered for his base of voters and is very popular with them, he and Republicans in general have lost moderates from their own party and have to deal with independents who historically vote against incumbents. Couple that with him literally taunting and agitating Democrats for those 4 years, they are coming out in big numbers the last two years and are very motivated.

    Clearly never say never, but this whistling past the graveyard show of confidence by a lot of Republicans makes me concerned for many of them and their ability to grasp the possibility that Trump may lose and lose badly in November.

  74. Pin Biden on fracking. It's 550,000 jobs in this state. His party wants it banned on Day 1. Bernie says he'll gleefully put them on welfare. Make Biden answer to the environmental terrorist wing of his party while a half million with energy jobs pay very close attention. Pound the wedge and make blithering Biden send the violent congressman-shooting Bernie wing to a third party option. Remember, Bernie's not a Democrat.

  75. Please.
    A little truth here.
    Clinton was the Queen of International Fracking.

  76. 550k fracking jobs in the state?? What have you been fracking?

  77. Say want you want about the Republicans, they would never do what the DNC is doing to Biden and his legacy, to one of their own senior statesman.

  78. Wow, just think 8 more months of this, by the way, Please help, what does he current Democrat party stand for?. If asked, I am not sure I could answer.

  79. 12:42 PM - You mad, bro? Seriously, you are lashing out because you are a, checks notes, persecuted white man? GTFO

  80. So, we have Sanders who firmly stated everyone’s taxes will go UP, corporations taxes way up (new expenses passed down to you). Also wants to take away everyone’s employee health insurance.

    Then we have Biden who is already showing early signs of dementia, is currently under investigation by both the Department of Justice and the Senate for participating in money laundering schemes in Ukraine and China.

    Trump should be able to handle this threat. Assuming there’s no problem with voting eligibility, of course!

  81. Wow, just think 8 more months of this, by the way, Please help, what does he current Democrat party stand for?. If asked, I am not sure I could answer.

    Not sure you could answer? This list could go on forever.

    - Healthcare for all Americans via the public option and eventually M4A
    - Reinstating global necessities: The Paris Climate Accord and the Iran JCPA.
    - Reinstating environmental regulations
    - Addressing climate change
    - Student loan reorganization
    - Subsidize state college tuition for all Americans
    - Election security
    - Re-establishing relationships with our allies around the world
    - Appointing several SCOTUS judges and other federal benches with progressives

  82. So, we have Sanders who firmly stated everyone’s taxes will go UP, corporations taxes way up (new expenses passed down to you). Also wants to take away everyone’s employee health insurance.

    Only an idiot would not be able to understand this. You pay a new tax IN PLACE of your insurance premiums. So, for example, if you had a job, your employer would change their payroll system to send your premium to a different place. Then guess what? You go to the doctor and have NO copay and no deductible. Pretty cool, eh?

    Then we have Biden who is already showing early signs of dementia, is currently under investigation by both the Department of Justice and the Senate for participating in money laundering schemes in Ukraine and China.

    Thats a heinous lie and if classless Repubs (otherwise known as Trumpers) go down this route, it is sick. And give me a break with the investigation. You are a joke.

  83. Thanks 3.32, Now I can be sure and confident when I vote straight republican.

  84. 3.35, If Biden was your father you would have at the Alzheimer doctor, but because he is a democrat running for president, you will ignore this reality. It is not fair for poor old Joe ,for the country or for the democrat party.

  85. 3.35, so you believe everything is OK with Hunter being paid 63,000 a month by a Ukrainian oligarch, nothing to see here! Nor his being an agent for China investing 1.5 billion in strategic mineral companies in Africa. And there is more. but this should be enough to put up a lot of red flags. Are you saying you have no doubt that something could be wrong here.

  86. Oh, republicans are going to go down this route, you can bet a bundle on it. In fact they already have, why are you discussing it now?

  87. 3.32, not one issue that I care about.

  88. 3:35 PM

    You were doing so well making so much sense ...and then you lost me.

    Clearly Joe is not the same, go to any youtube Joe Biden debate from the past and see for yourself. Yes, it's cruel to exploit and mock his decline but face reality.

  89. My goodness, 3:35 ! Just do a quick Google search of these terms. “Biden Investigations.” Both ongoing investigations are absolutely TRUE. it’s OK to believe nothing will come of that, but the ARE investigations.

  90. Believe it or not, Mr. O'Hare, the folks who say they'll vote Trump over a Sanders nominee are not lying. My own Mother, who only lies to me about how good looking I am, says she feels the same. There are people who are THAT fearful of a Sanders presidency. Me, I'm comfortable with a return to normalcy, if not the status quo, with Biden, who is not insane.

  91. 5:07PM
    It's easy enough...just show your mom how,

    Jimmy Carter
    Bill Clinton
    Barack Obama

    all were called Socialist by Republicans stoking fear, and Biden will be called the same thing.

    The only thing that will change with a Sanders win is a honest man will be president, absolutely nothing else.

  92. Take a look at Congressman Susan Wilds FB post today and see why someone might just say, “okay, fuck this, l’ll just vote for the Human Molotov Cocktail then”.

  93. “.....with Biden who is not insane.”

  94. Before I was a Democrat who voted for Trump...I'm now a Republican who is voting for Trump and any other Republican.

  95. Trump is going after Social Security & Medicare and if that's not worth voting for someone else than what is?

    Oh wait, Trump said that in Scranton but then KellyAnn Conway said, that's not what he said, fuckin cRaZy...

  96. Six former wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about abusive OSU doctor...

    How many Trumpsters are criminals? How many currently in jail or awaiting sentencing?

    When is enough of this enough to vote him out of office?

  97. Please wake up:

    Fact check: from coronavirus to Kim Jong Un, Trump makes at least 14 false claims in Fox News town hall in Scranton Pa.

  98. Did you even listen to what was said..Trump wants to eliminate your Social Security and Medicare ....but I guess you won’t need those.....others do ....good luck

  99. Yeah. Eliminate Social Security and Medicare? Ok!
    I'm seeing more and more a Trump landslide victory.

  100. Substitute Hillary for every mention of Biden here, and you have the same polls as 2016! Uncanny

    Except that Biden is a man and Russia can't give Trump much help this time around. Republicans are doing their best to talk up Sanders because they know if Biden is the Dems pick, Don man The Con man, is out and he goes back to ripping off people with Universities and tastes-like-piss wine.

  101. Eliminate Social Security? That’s nonsense. He’s said over and over he wants to PROTECT Social Security. That will mean find savings within the program. Smaller administrative expenses, tweaking the age full benefits will start, taking a hard look at Social Security Disability eligibility and abuse. All of that fine with me.

  102. Even when it is verified that Trump stated to eliminate SS...you are tone deaf and fact blind....forget it. You are not worth worrying about, but others are

  103. I just looked at Susan Wilds Facebook.
    It’s pretty revealing alright.

  104. Look, just publish Trump’s exact words to support your claim, 8:50. I watched the Scranton telecast very closely. Didn’t hear any such statement. Where and when did he say such a thing? I’ll read his exact words on this topic. I think your are fear-mongering.

  105. "Please wake up:

    Fact check: from coronavirus to Kim Jong Un, Trump makes at least 14 false claims in Fox News town hall in Scranton"

    FOR CHRIST SAKE! Give it up! What is it that you don't understand! Donald J. Trump could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and nobody would give a shit.

    Why oh why do you keep pointing at his lies, when he can murder people in the street and nobody cares. Wake-up!

  106. Exact quote from Scranton Town Hall on 3/5/20 from FOX NEWS: Oh, we’ll be cutting entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, etc.....for the 8:56 comment...but you will make some bullshit reason to not believe ..just for my sake, and those that care


  107. So many Trump cultists here! I guess they're taking some time away from torturing kittens.

  108. 9:14 - Just re-watched all 3 YouTube segments of the Trump Town Hall, queued up to the 8-9 minute mark of each segment. TRUMP DID NOT SAY WHAT YOU CLAIM concerning Social Security! The evidence you provide is NOT accurate.

    Now, I won’t call you a LIAR. I just know you are wrong, being misleading, and maybe just playing games. Name calling is so juvenile, don’t you know. Now, off to bed before Mom sees you at the computer.

  109. 9:42PM

    I don't know if Trump said that about cutting Social Security, but absolutely Joe Biden said it a few years back and you can watch it on youtube.

  110. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=XBHlGFZCwu8&feature=emb_logo

    C-span floor speech -Joe Biden Capitulating Social security when the military budget was 361 billion it is now 738 billion.

  111. Trump promotes himself in grandiose ways, true. But, that’s always been his character throughout life. It’s real, natural, and consistent. What everyone claims to be a lie, isn’t really that. He mostly adds a qualifying prefix or suffix to his claims, like “I think, or In my opinion, or maybe, so and so has what, 2%, 3%.?”

    The prefix or suffix making it NOT a claim of fact is ignored by his detractors. You will notice such people who claim he lies don’t quote his full and complete sentences as he actually spoke them. BECAUSE, he’s just giving his opinion, like we all do. He is stating what he believes to be true, or mostly accurate.

  112. 12:17am

    Trump or Bernie is like Pontius Pilate's choice Barabbus or Jesus.

    But Trump or some other lying Con Man, you gotta go with Trump. Trump like Charlie Sheen, has always been what they are right now, and they both get away with everything, give everyone the finger while at the same time very entertaining.

  113. Trump plans to cut social security and Medicare. All seniors who vote for him are voting against themselves. His followers praise him because he does what he promises. He promised to make the cuts while talking on his private news channel, Fox News.

    So if you want less social security and less Medicare vote for Trump. He wants to give his corporate buddies your paid for benefits that he dares call entitlements. .

  114. Trump plans to cut your grass and smother your puppy. He wants to give his golf buddies your grandchildren’s piggy bank that they dare call savings. The Washington Post prints real news.

  115. "Trump plans to cut social security and Medicare."

    This is a ridiculous lie, of course. While I wish some president would have the balls to do this (remember, we're $23 trillion in debt), Trump hasn't touched Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. He's left them untouched and increased defense spending. That's how he added $2 trillion to Obama's tab. He just keeps spending and spending and spending. Let's take in another 1.5 million immigrants again this year! The kids won't mind. Our new country is awesome.

  116. There is clearly abuse in the Social Security Disability and Social Security Supplemental Income sections. Some trimming there would go a long way.

    Gotta go now, I feel a pain in my back.

  117. Social security is not the problem with the debt, and I also believe it is still, but maybe not for long. still funded by the pay-roll deduction. While in the future there may be some adjustments to social security, like the age which has already been raised to 67 for most people, there are no plans for cuts from anyone. It is important to not allow more expansions etc. If you want to be honest, which seems to be rare when talking about SS, under Obama we saw many years without a cost of living increase. Many years the medicare payment went up so the net actually went down. We have seen slightly more under Trump but that is because the economy has been better. The increase in Medicare premiums have continued to go up.

    In effect Obama stopped the increase in SS payments and I expect this will continue under all administrations. In effect you get the money, but it just buys you less.

    This is again election season and the Democrats have employed the SS scare in every election for 80 years. It is losing its effectiveness with every election cycle.

    Maybe everyone should just focus on some real issues, and not this semi-annual bullshit.

  118. democrats are poison to our country

  119. Remember, Obama increased the number of people receiving Disability by 20%, and the number of people using various other entitlements saw a rapid rise. Source Newsmax. Despite this, benefits paid to Seniors living today are NOT in jeopardy. Total scare tactic.

  120. Anonymous said...
    democrats are poison to our country
    March 7, 2020 at 8:30 AM

    You're just a little ray of sunshine, aren't you?

  121. 2:59PM

    So you're for a one party republic where you just vote yes or no?

    What does loyal opposition look like to you? Which party? The Greens? What?

  122. Bernie, when polosi tore the state of the union address did our representation oompalompa in the white dress reach down and take her soiled panty liner out and tear it up too? Please do some YouTube research and see if you catch it to show your readers and public.

  123. Did Trump die? He hasn't tweeted at all today?

  124. 9.48
    He is probably busy playing golf.
    Course he could be fuming that Pence seems more presidential than he is.

  125. Biden has been absent from the press since tuesday night.

  126. "Social security is not the problem with the debt."

    This is simply untrue. What was designed as a self-funding insurance program for supplemental income, became a sole-source income program for many, that was eventually rolled into the general fund during the Clinton years. He and Newt Gingrich love to tout how they balanced the budget. That's how. At that moment, it became another transfer (i.e. welfare) program - albeit an enormous one. Wisely invested middle class future retirees long ago dismissed SS as any meaningful part of their retirement planning. It's a budget busting welfare program and political club.

  127. Anonymous said...
    "Social security is not the problem with the debt."

    This is simply untrue. What was designed as a self-funding insurance program for supplemental income, became a sole-source income program for many, that was eventually rolled into the general fund during the Clinton years. He and Newt Gingrich love to tout how they balanced the budget. That's how. At that moment, it became another transfer (i.e. welfare) program - albeit an enormous one. Wisely invested middle class future retirees long ago dismissed SS as any meaningful part of their retirement planning. It's a budget busting welfare program and political club.
    March 8, 2020 at 5:41 AM

    Let me guess: you also want to keep the minimum wage at $7.25 and don't like anti-discrimination laws, but will complain about people who don't save.

  128. People who don’t save create their OWN future. As for saving, if you wait until you’re in your 50s to understand you should probably start a nest egg, that’s too late.

    If you are about age 60 now, Social Security payments WILL be available to you despite all the doom and gloom. If you are under age 40, we’ll, MAYBE something quite smaller than you would like will be there.

  129. Word is out, Biden is going to avoid a debate with Sanders, I guess he will also avoid Trump.

  130. "Let me guess: you also want to keep the minimum wage at $7.25 and don't like anti-discrimination laws, but will complain about people who don't save."

    Just can't make it through a response without race baiting. That's your insurance policy in every stupid response you know you're making regarding anything - especially economics. When in the deep end of the intellectual pool, scream racism and demand to be saved. Asshole imbecile.

  131. Wishful thinking but the criminal in chief is alive (not well), perfectly ignorant to all things presidential!

  132. Not sure why any rational person can support the pants on fire POTUS.

  133. Anonymous said...
    "Let me guess: you also want to keep the minimum wage at $7.25 and don't like anti-discrimination laws, but will complain about people who don't save."

    Just can't make it through a response without race baiting. That's your insurance policy in every stupid response you know you're making regarding anything - especially economics. When in the deep end of the intellectual pool, scream racism and demand to be saved. Asshole imbecile.
    March 8, 2020 at 10:26 AM

    Wow, did you ever make my point. It's quite reasonable to dare mention racial discrimination when someone like you wants to blame poor people for not having saved as much as you think they should've. And that's "race baiting" or alleging "racism"? Who's pulling out their standard BS lines NOW?

    And apparently you missed this, but discrimination is not limited to race.

  134. There are lots of white people getting minimum wage.

  135. Now you can tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats by how much toilet paper and lysol they have stock piled.

    A man made "katrina" complete with runs on stores like a bunch of looters. One lady had 15 cases of water and when asked she lives outside the city and has a well.

    "Not sure why any rational person can support the pants on fire POTUS."

    People are not rational, Rationale, like Bernie, are a stick in the spokes on the wheels of politics, it throws everyone for a loop.

  136. Go back and take a look to the news cycle 1 day before covid -19 and observe what has happened since. Anything missing that was reported ad nauseum?

    It will take some time for people to realize what's happening, but I think Trump's confidence comes from knowing that by November people will have figured it out, he is already blowing the dog whistle.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDo1A7EsyM Made before the last election, listen to this video, at the 33:07 - 33:42 mark an interesting concept is mentioned, and perhaps a strategy is born.

  137. anon 5:12, your tinfoil hat has become self-aware.

  138. He probably will because the DNC admits it is using the losing Hillary playbook once again. If it doesn't work the first time..try it again with a loser like Sleepy Joe Biden. DNC on a suicide mission and hopefully by 2024 they are extinct.


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