Local Government TV

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Don't Touch Your Damn Face


  1. We have had 74 deaths from this years flu and almost no coverage of that.

  2. Carl said...
    We have had 74 deaths from this years flu and almost no coverage of that.
    March 8, 2020 at 5:36 PM

    I see you're trying to help out Cadet Bone Spurs. When is the last time they closed down Italy from the flu, hmmm?

  3. How in the world could this situation be blamed on President Trump? That’s not just political, but absurd.

  4. "I see you're trying to help out Cadet Bone Spurs."

    Trump and Biden both had deferments on medicals, I believe Biden dodged on having asthma as a child.

    Bernie applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War draft, but he was too old to be drafted.

  5. "Dude, take a Xanax"

    Panic is a sure sign you're infected.

    Bernie is right, Xanax is the cure here. Turn off the TV, go out to eat and see a movie, no crowds at all. Great time to get a good deal.

  6. Our wonderful news media is helping to ramp-up unnecessary panic. Like it does before every snowstorm, boost the threat to produce higher ratings. I still believe cautionary steps as recommended by the CDC will be adequate.

  7. Influenza has a mortality rate of 0.1 percent each year.

    This coronavirus has a mortality rate of at least 2.0 percent. To put that into perspective, the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 had a mortality rate of 2.0 percent and it killed 50 million people.

    What the CDC is trying to prevent is a full-blown pandemic. The real concern is that, should millions be infected, the hospitals will run out of beds, doctors & nurses succumb, and the availability to treatment reaches the breaking point.

    That's the worry. That is why the media and now, finally, some in our government are contradicting Trump's nonchalant attitude.

  8. "This corona virus has a mortality rate of at least 2.0 percent."


    It is premature to make claims as to the final mortality rate during an ongoing flu virus season.

    That being said 2% of 7.5 billion is 150 million.

    World population in 1918 was 1.8 billion x 2% is 36 million.

    When was the last time the Pope was on tv? But he clears his voice on the balcony and all the cameras are waiting?

    Always wash your hands like your mother taught you, and then touch your face and floss your teeth all you want.

  9. I just want to understand why so much publicity. TV ratings?

    COVID-19: Approximately 3,653 deaths reported worldwide; 17 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 8, 2020.
    Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.

  10. "I just want to understand why so much publicity."

    What is Trumps strongest perceived strength? The economy?

  11. The CDC website says the common cold is a form of a coronavirus. We get several strains of coronaviruses each year. Good info.

  12. 8:11 PM

    The approximate active worldwide death rate stands at .0000005%

    As you pointed out correctly "Influenza has a mortality rate of 0.1 percent each year" that's approximately 75 million people. Twice the number of deaths from the 1918 pre-indoor plumbing Spanish flu die every year, routinely.

    Just to put things in perspective....

  13. 7:23 don't you mean the Spanish-American war?

  14. As for government officials’ demeanor when publicly discussing this situation, CONFIDENCE and CALM is best. Millions of Americans take their cue from persons of knowledge and authority who provide updates and guidance. Thankfully, the White House team and CDC have been reserved and NOT panicked.

    Our corporate media is exacerbating fear. Hysteria of the public is being seeded. Not helpful at all. Soon, I expect one of the on-air clowns at CNN to report in face mask and goggles, with a crying child in hand.

  15. Funny... government official telling public not to touch your face as she touches her face. Classic. That being said, in the comment thread here and most comment threads on social media there is just so much willful ignorance. And, alot of identity politics.

    Here is the sobering reality. This is a transcript of an interview with Scott Gottlieb a former Trump FDA Chief. Universally well respected. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-scott-gottlieb-on-face-the-nation-march-8-2020/

    Containment didn't work. We are in the rapid acceleration phase. This will continue to play out over the next few weeks. Now the government is focused on mitigation.

    This is here. It's happening and this interview talks about what mitigation could look like here in America. It's not the end of the world, but it's uncharted territory.

  16. Kanya West has released a statement. "George bush doesn't care about black people."

  17. 1:42am

    containment didn't work -someone had a test kit.

    We are in the rapid acceleration phase -8.3 billion buys a lot of test kits. "perfect test"

    This will continue to play out over the next few weeks - that 102 temp that spiked to 104 three weeks ago and then went away, that was it, and now others are getting it.

    Now the government is focused on mitigation. --russia/ukraine and impeachment witnesses have to disappear to cure the (Hunter) virus so scared folks vote for "normalacy" all while softening up the economy for the fall numbers.

    Not a total loss for those that like to "drill".

    Last but not least, Scott Gottlieb, You're fired! Or were you spending time with your family yesterday morning?

  18. This is a serious real world test and Trump looks like an idiot. Please put him In a padded playroom so the adults with knowledge can handle this public health crisis.

  19. 4;27 - he’s stated many times he’s leaving this over to his health officials and expert doctors. That his role is to fully support their efforts with anything they need. Watch a few of the conferences with Dr. Fauchi and the others.

    As a Chicago Democrat once said “Never let a good crisis go the waste.’ Is this what’s guiding you?

  20. If anyone can solve this, it's Joe Biden. Just look at him. We all know he's the answer. Just like he took down gangbangers named Corn Pop, and madmen like Hitler and Genghis Khan; just like his incredible performance at the Lincoln-Douglas debates and the Battle of Themopoli, he'll lead us through like he led Dr. King to safety that fateful night in Memphis. Joe Biden is the man for our times - and all others. Name one other candidate who gave up his seat for Rosa Parks that day. That's right. You can't. Elect Biden. It's a big fucking deal.

  21. 5.37
    " he’s stated many times he’s leaving this over to his health officials and expert doctors. That his role is to fully support their efforts with anything they need"

    Well trump needs to play golf.
    If the virus crisis goes well with a rapid response and a low loss of life trump will slither out and claim he was mopping fevered brows with his superhero cape and he personally saved the world.
    If it goes badly the "deep state" and those losers pence and the CDC head conspired to make trump look bad.
    and trump is blameless.
    it is all about trump--people dying due to disease is a distraction from trump achieving his aims.

  22. "Our wonderful news media is helping to ramp-up unnecessary panic. Like it does before every snowstorm, boost the threat to produce higher ratings. I still believe cautionary steps as recommended by the CDC will be adequate."

    The news media is responsible in some cases for creating unnecessary panic. Trump, on the other hand, is responsible for downplaying a serious public health issue. When people find out he's lying, as he was about test kits, that just causes more panic. He did not cause Covid-19, and aside from some initial miscues in not having test kits available, his public health officials are responding well and truthfully. He should shut up and let them handle it. Hopefully it goes away in the warmer weather as he has predicted, but we do not know if that is true.

    It is like the flu in that symptoms are similar, it is highly contagious and in most cases, is not serious. It is not like the flu in that the mortality rate appears to be much higher although it is too early to say is that us actually so. In the US,. for example, the death rate is currently 3.7%, but most of the deaths have hit very old people with underlying medical issues. I think it's too soon to form any conclusions about mortality bc doctors only now are getting a handle on good treatment, That rate will almost certainly go down. Once a vaccine is developed (this could take almost a year) we can eliminate the problem.

    It is important to be prepared but not to panic. Look at the CDC and WHOP websites for the most reliable information. Read alarmist accounts with caution and be wary of what Trump or his politicos say. The illness is NOT contained. That ship has sailed.

  23. CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

    WHO: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen

  24. We should have banned flights from Asia immediately and sealed the borders. He succumbed to political correctness and wasted precious weeks. Flights from China are still coming to the US and Democrats want ICE and our southern border eliminated. We've been asking for it.

  25. "Trump, on the other hand, is responsible for downplaying a serious public health issue"

    This can been seen where...in Trump's 8.3 billion extortion payment to drug companies. Can you estimate how much the payment should be to indicate a serious public health response.

    488 million dollars per victim, compare that to the AIDS response or "Katrina". The biggest casualty from coronavirus will be a free and fair election.

  26. Some might not understand, but Trump has made steady effort since he took office to change America’s international supply chain. With great success, too!

    His goal was to make our country LESS DEPENDENT on cheap labor nations like China. China who supplies 80% of medical antibiotics used in America. The real reason behind tariffs and brand new agreements with ‘China Replacement” nations like India,, Japan, South Korea, and other non-Communist regions. He brought about a similar decoupling from oil producing nations.

    Hopefully, today’s trade disruptions due to Corona Virus will not happen again. We must never again be so dependent on product and labor of failed states like China and oil-producing Middle East dictatorships.

    We have the right man in the White House.

  27. 20% of Iran's parliament is said to be infected. {{{licks finger to turn page on notes}}} Had we only known it was that easy ....

  28. Please you TReumpians are tooo much He is a Buffon. He claims he is on top of everting and is nit. He opens his yap and the professionals have to walk back his stupid statements. Even his press agents at Fox can't protect him from his own stupidity. He is toast as normal people now see behind the curtain.

  29. 6:32pm
    Trump lies all the time, right up until his adversaries lie or extend the truth, then he is truthful. It's the greatest political goof of all time how a man with no credibility makes those who are "Universally well respected" squirm in their own stench.

  30. anon 9:32,
    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    While it is stuff of legendary fiction to believe that Trump is so ingenious he uses his ability to sound like a dope in order to trap his political opponents, it is far-fetched at best. It may be the most simple explanation that Is the correct one. Trump is a dope and just says stupid things that you zealots think is some sort of intelligent CODE.

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  31. Dr Sanjay Gupta reported people touch their face over 2,000 times a week.......any questions?

  32. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

    I did not write that Trump is some Machiavellian master as you interpreted.

    Sometimes a successful pathological liar is just a successful pathological liar.

    A successful Con man knows when to be truthful.

    If Trump tells you the cheese in the mouse trap is mouse food is he is lying?

    "It's great food, maybe the greatest food, it's true, it true, right, we love the greatest food"

  33. Don't toucha my face!

  34. Is there an emergency preparedness plan being reviewed for Northampton County? Sounds like we will need to move on it.


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