Local Government TV

Monday, March 02, 2020

Superbowl Sunday Smash Up at "Safety" First

As regular readers of this blog know, I had no trouble exposing Washington Tp Police Chief Scott Miller his over one-vehicle crash on January 6 at Michael Drosnock's home along Kessersville Rd in Plainfield Township. Last week, I began hearing even more disturbing rumors. This time it involved a magisterial district judge, Rich Yetter. Some say he was involved in four separate hit-and-runs after a night of drinking on Superbowl Sunday at the Safety First Fire Company in West Easton. Others were saying that he himself was not driving, but was a passenger in his Ford Excursion, which plowed into several vehicles. Neither of these rumors is true. So what exactly happened?

I have spoken to Wes Beers, Jr and Sr. They own two of the three vehicles hit. Wes Jr.'s daughter Jayde owns a a third vehicle. Their cars were in their driveway located next to the Safety First parking lot. Jayde actually witnessed what happened. Her story is corroborated by surveillance video maintained by the beers.

What Jayde witnessed is a big SUV making a big circular turn in the Safety First parking lot, after which it jumped a curb and hit the vehicles owned by her father and grandfather. Then it backed up over the curb and hit Jayde's car.

Wes, Jr and Jayde say the damage to their cars was minor. But the damage to Wes, Sr.'s car was substantial:

The rear quarter panel will have to be replaced.

After this, the SUV left the parking lot and headed south on Keystone Avenue. Unbeknownst to the Beers, the SUV slammed into a fourth vehicle parked along Keystone.

This vehicle had just been purchased, and was declared a total loss.

The Beers, who are members at Safety First, went into the club to find out who had just left. A bartender gave them the name, Craig Sprague, which was gleaned from his credit card receipt.

This information was relayed to Pennsylvania State Police, and troopers confronted Sprague, at his home, shortly after midnight. Sprague acknowledged he had been at Safety First with Shawn Hockman. He was the sole passenger in the SUV, which was being driven by Hockman. Sprague was unable to recall whether any vehicles were hit in the Safety First parking lot, but did remember that Hockman hit a red truck parked on Keystone.

After this, and it is now around 3 am, troopers confronted Shawn Hockman at his home. He said he had borrowed Magisterial District Judge Rick Yetter's Ford Excursion because his own vehicle was in the shop. He admitted he had been at Safety First with Sprague, and had driven him home. He said he was unaware he had hit anything.

Troopers looked at the Ford Excursion, which was parked at the rear of Hockman's property. They observed fresh damage along the front left and red paint chips in the damaged area. They also noted that the tire patterns on the Excursion matched the tire patterns detected in the mud at Safety First parking lot.

You can read the troopers' report here.

Hockman has been charged with one count of leaving the scene of an accident without making an effort to locate the owner or provide proof of insurance. This is a summary offense carrying a  maximum fine of $300 or 90 days in jail.

I question why troopers failed to file at least two counts since there was substantial damage to Wes Bees, Sr. More importantly, I question why Hockman was not requested to submit to a blood test. He was clearly intoxicated, and should have been charged.

On Friday, I spoke with Magisterial District Judge Rich Yetter. He was deeply embarrassed by the matter and aware of the rumors. He told me that he had lent his Ford Excursion to a friend whose car was in the shop. He said it's something he's done before. He said his parents told him, from age 17, never to lend his car to anyone. But Hockman was a close friend. He and Sprague both coached PeeWee football with him. Now he is in danger of being dropped by his insurance company, and rumors are circulating.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Ironically, the charges against Hockman have been filed with Yetter. But he told me he is recusing himself and has already requested the matter be assigned to someone else.

I also reached out to Shawn Hockman, the driver. This is what he told me, via text message:
I went to see a lawyer a couple weeks ago after this incident happened. After we exchanged messages yesterday, I was able to talk to my lawyer and he said that I really can't talk about this incident because whatever you report in your blog could be used against me in court and i haven't even got my charges yet.
But because you reached out to me I feel like I should at least give you the courtesy of some type of response because I feel terrible for the position I put my friend in.
I borrowed Rick's truck to drive back and forth from work while my Jeep was getting worked on in the shop. I'm incredibly embarrassed and sorry for what happened and the position that I put Rick in as a public figure. He didn't want to talk to me the day after but we exchanged text messages about what had happened. I text him that I was extremely sorry and that I knew I put him in a bad position because he is a judge. His response text was something along the lines of ... the hell with that, somebody could've been hurt.
This made me feel even worse.
And now my friend is in an embarrassing situation and his truck is wrecked. I feel terrible.
long story short, I've been in counseling for the past three weeks.

I hope that includes alcohol counseling.


  1. My luck is that I deeply inhale while passing a bar, and get pulled over for the full rubber glove treatment. How is it that these guys (usually with some connections) smash up cars and property all over the place - and are not investigated for DUI? I gotta get some cop and magistrate friends.

  2. Yes, Hockman should have been tested and charged. He is very lucky no one got killed. I felt this detailed story was necessary bc of all the rumors circulating about MDJ Rick Yetter. Like I said, no good deed goes unpunished. The Beers family had all the details and was quite helpful.

  3. Police Chief Scott Miller hit an occupied house and the DA looked the other way. Not even all the charges he could have labelled him with. A slap in the wrist. I guess Ricky Yetter better revaluate his friends and not loan his car. Such poor judgement Rick you KNOW he is a boozer. That poor judgement will follow you to the next election. How can you be a judge when you cannot decide who is creditable to loan your car to? What a tool.

    1. So that makes him a tool because he loanded his car to someone who drinks occasionally lol. I'm sure Rick said hey bud take my car get heavily intoxicated and crash into 4 other guys I approve it. Get life dude he believed in his heart he was helping a friend I'm sure you're no angel there keyboard cowboy.

  4. I am sure there will be a plea and fine paid... Forget that he could have killed someone like Scott Miller. Pay the fine and move along.

  5. Am I suppose to feel bad for MDJ Yetter? It truly showed a lack of judgement and character for a sitting robe. When you sleep with a dog you wake up with his fleas. Yetter has alot of baggage and bad judgement and choices in his personal life. He hangs out with drunks. No sympathy here and he should be thanking God he is not calling the insurance company to report a fatality. Not feeling it Rick. You showed what we already know.

  6. I do not suggest you "feel bad" for MDJ Yetter. It's pretty obvious that you already have a low opinion of him, probably because you've been in front of him and things did not go your way. The purpose of this story is to make clear he was not driving or in the car when it was involved in multiple hit-and-runs. As for me, I do feel bad for him. He lent his car to a close friend, someone he has known for many years. This is something most of us would do.

  7. I was at a Super Bowl party several years (8-10?) ago at a friend's house. I knew some, not all, of the guests. Toward the end of the party, one of the intoxicated guests was leaving. His wife was insisting on driving home, but he was having none of it. They were arguing by the front door, when he pushed her away from him. Several males, myself included, started to intervene, but he ran out the door, jumped in his car and drove away. As he was driving away, he backed into a parked car, causing minor damage.

    Apparently, fearing that he would be arrested for DUI (and knowing his wife would be pissed and extremely upset), he went to a motel to sleep it off. Upon arriving home the next morning, the police showed up at his home and (either took a breathalyzer or took him for blood work?) He either had no detection of alcohol or very little (not sure). Still, based on the statements from the people at the party about how much he had been drinking when the police first were called to the home, coupled with pushing his wife, he was charged with DUI and Domestic Violence. I believe that he was eventually given ARD.

    I don't know why Miller and Sprague can't be charged with DUI based on witness statements from Big Woody's and Safety First (which the latter's name in itself, is rather oxy-Moroni. Don't you think?).

  8. Safety first is useless to the community, they can’t support the fire company financially. Specially when they have members like the short bus driver, glad to useless DA has their financial records.

    1. Vinicius CowabungaMarch 2, 2020 at 9:55 AM

      The Short Bus driver does devious things like divert "broken" toilets from heading to the landfill, bleaching emails, and discriminating against pig owner's total soy boy

  9. Is there video showing that Hockman was the actual driver?

  10. Four comments that come anonymously from criminal defendant Tricia Mezzacappa have been deleted.

  11. "Is there video showing that Hockman was the actual driver?"

    Video at 10:30 pm will not reveal a driver with certainty. But the Beers are sure Yetter was not the driver or a passenger. First, they went to the club immediately after the accident and found out who had just left. Yetter was not in the party that had just lefty. Second, they tell me Yetter is only rarely at the social club.

  12. Looks like the Stunners proclamation about West Easton being the county's biggest stool hole are not far off, Yetter please resign.

    Sal from Iron St

  13. crazy mezzacappa needs to go back to her $400 a month parking garage job she has way to much time on her hands.

  14. 10:18,

    That's Constable Crazy to you. She might have time on her hands now but in 2 months she'll have bracelets on her wrists. She still has that false report to PSP trial coming up.

  15. West Easton has never recovered from the incestuous and very gross-ly inept leadership of decades past. How an aged and wacky wig wearing lothario teamed up with a rotund computer geek with naval semen experience could right the ship is a question the voters will decide soon enough. Constable Mezzacappa is one of the few beacons of hope in an otherwise dismal situation.

    Sal from Iron St

  16. Look like crazy constable admitted turning in the financial records of the social club to the District Attorney’s Office. Complaining to everybody that the community now has to contribute more $$$$ to the fire house.

  17. Rick is a decent guy and would help anyone of his friends if they needed something, people blaming him and telling him he's a lousy Judge, uses bad judgement and should step down need to get a freaking life. He loaned a vehicle out to a friend..he had nothing to do with the crash or any drinking and driving, so I am glad Bernie got to the bottom of that rumor. His insurance is gonna pay dearly for his friend's actions and his friend will have to deal with the court and his citation which isn't gonna be handled by Rick. Whether PSP should have charged anyone with a DUI is something they need to be asked, that is their call, Rick had nothing to do with what PSP does or doesn't do.

  18. Yetter did flush the dumpling DeesGrace's frivolous harrassment complaint regarding some blog comments many moons ago, perhaps his finest hour...

  19. Sal from Iron St aka Mezzacappa.
    Wy u be dissin your BFF Kelly?

  20. Pink gavel wielding, bad 80's hair sporting, hookup site surfing poster child for nepotism will never be an elected official again thanks to the courageous sleuthing of our own RSS.

    Sal from Iron st

  21. This all revolves around bad politicians and there pandering of influences at many different venues!

  22. It must be nice to have friends.

  23. A fish named RhondaMarch 2, 2020 at 2:04 PM

    Old Yetter if disrobed would be exposed as the owner of a paltry gherkin and caper nuts that make this blogs author look like Girth Brooks by comparison.

  24. I'll let these insane comments that criminal Defendant Tricia MezzacAPPA stand. TYhey are just more proof that she is insane.

  25. This is a real wake up call for me. I can't call any MDJs or cops friends. But since I tend to drink a bit too much, I'm going to make news friends in law enforcement as soon as possible..

  26. Bernie ,there was prior damage to this fender of green convertible ,see rust . The car is worth that of boat anchor anyway . Next, I would submit that the tape doesn’t show much of anything ,anyway. The projection in poor and who knows if the time is Evan correct.

    1. Mowed my grass today Old Peter stop by anytime for a screwdriver and some horseplay you old codger!

  27. The rust was there long before the dent. But the dent was caused on Superbowl Sunday. Though the vehicle is old, there is no law excusing you from liability for hitting a car simply because it is old. It may not be as much as a newer car, but it is still damage.

  28. You asked the right questions Bernie - they got there at 3am, plenty short enough that his BAC would still reflect what his condition was - but could a lawyer make an argument he got bombed after he smashed his friend's truck? And he did do significant damage to a second vehicle. Could it be they went light on him because of whose truck it is?

    1. Could've always looked at the camera footage at Safety first to see exactly how much he had to drink.

  29. I'm sorry, but does the borough just pick and choose who gets breathalyzers and who doesnt. It's commonsense, he left a social club after drinking and high 4 cars. Says he doesnt remember? Um, commonsense would say intoxication!! But hey guess if your tight with certain people, DUI's get brushed away. Pathetic!!!

  30. These comments are disgusting. Rick is a great guy who helps anyone that needs it. How in the world can anyone trash him when he only helped out a friend. He is an amazing man and he puts forth so much volunteering in this community. He has coached my daughter in the past and she still says he was one of her favorite coaches. He is always 100% in it for the kids and the community. How many of you trolls on here can say that you have donated so much of your time for the good of the community. Or in general the good for everyone else. He takes time away from his own family to help others. I would trust him with my kids lives and mine as well.

  31. Ol' Sprague squealed like a pig when the local state bacon came a calling. If I was this Shawn character or that judge of nothing I would ditch that cheese eating rat Sprague like the CoronitaVirus. What a loser, snitching his friends out like that.

  32. 9:39, The more disgusting comments come from criminal defendant Tricia Mezzacappa.

    The reason for this story was to dispel some of the rumors.

  33. "You asked the right questions Bernie - they got there at 3am, plenty short enough that his BAC would still reflect what his condition was - but could a lawyer make an argument he got bombed after he smashed his friend's truck? And he did do significant damage to a second vehicle. Could it be they went light on him because of whose truck it is?"

    Let''s say his defense is that he drank when he got home. The bar tab and the accident are still enough for a conviction. He should have been charged.

    I doubt the staties went light on him bc it was Yetter's truck. They had no problem rousting him out of bed at 3 am. They probably figured they'd lose. I think they'd win. That's their call.

  34. Safety First- sounds like this club is definitely misnamed! LOLOL

  35. No Doubt the State Troopers were dazed and confused from the stench emitting for Ol Sprague's mouth. The years of teeth rot is the best defense when alcohol masking.

  36. some of you trolls sit on a throne of lies. some of you act like you live perfect lives and never made any mistakes and apparently have friends who are equally as perfect.

    Yetter loaned his truck to Hockman. That's literally the only reason why Yetter is even involved. Based on what Yetter said, as Bernie reported, Yetter was always told not loan out his vehicles. He did so he clearly trusted his friend just like every one of you commenters trust your friends. Hockman made an extremely poor decision which clearly led to other extremely poor decisions. Yetter you are a great guy, help your friend with whatever he is going through that caused him to seek counseling.

    Bernie, I to hope Hockman is getting counseling for alcohol abuse.

  37. According to reports Yetter can't hack it on the racetrack anymore, after watching this video it looks like him and his pit crew should invest demolition derby business. Rick Yetter Demolition Derby Team sponsored by "Gary Lee's KIA" has a ring to it! Get that wild drunk Hockman behind the wheel and the sky's the limit!!!! With the $$big bills$$ rolling in they could get that Ol Rat Sprague over to the dentist for a nice set of chompers!!!


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