Local Government TV

Monday, March 02, 2020

S Carolina Turnout Good News For Dems, Bad News For Trump

Although it's certainly important to know who wins in a Presidential primary, the media has done a pretty shitty job of reporting the actual turnout, and how it compares to previous races. That's an important gauge of voter interest, and one that Democrat Rahm Emanuel considers a flashing yellow light. Based on South Carolina's turnout, I'd say that light is green.

In 2008, when Barack Obama handily defeated both Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, there were a record 532,000 votes. In 2016, when Hillary hammered Bernie, the turnout was 370,000. Thus, I would want to see a turnout somewhere between 370,000 and 532,000.

Turnout on Saturday was 529,505, according to South Carolina's Elections Comm'n. 


  1. No D can win in South Carolina.

  2. Not really many choices for Dems drives up turnout. Once there is a candidate it will be them versus Trump. Republicans are solid behind Trump. Dem's will sit home if it is not the candidate they love.

    Trump wins easy electoral college close popular vote.

  3. https://nypost.com/2020/02/05/south-carolina-gop-boosting-bernie-sanders-in-open-primary-to-help-trump-in-general-election/

  4. The population of SC has grown by approx 500,000 since 2008. Are they all Republican?

  5. I’m really excited about voting for Joe Biden.

  6. South Carolina has an Open Primary, so votes from any Party can be cast for any other Party. There certainly would have been Trump supporters there playing games. I’m more interested in knowing how everything was able to be verified and counted as fast as it was, allowing Biden to have a victory press conference just a couple hours later.

    Secondly, how name ballots were mail-in ballots?

  7. My brother lives in SC and is a republican, he told me the word among republicans was to vote for Biden, I didnt get it, I thought they were being coaxed to vote for sanders.

  8. No dem will win in south Carolina the people are not that stupid.

  9. Sorry Bernie Bros. It's happening again. Just a little too cray cray - even for today's Dems.

  10. Seems very likely the Democrat Party bosses are desperate for Joe Biden to be their candidate. They’ve built in several devices to help him get there and to tamp down greater citizen support for Sanders. Biden’s margin of victory in South Carolina was surprisingly huge.

    It’s BIDEN who can make all the dirty secrets about others go away by becoming President. He’s got plenty of his own to squash.

  11. Or maybe reasonable Democrats are showing in droves to stop their party from electing a demented geriatric commie?

  12. "https://nypost.com/2020/02/05/south-carolina-gop-boosting-bernie-sanders-in-open-primary-to-help-trump-in-general-election/"

    Looks like Rs failed to follow the instructions Trump gave at that rally. Seems they must have something he lacks - ethics.

  13. Biden is a little over the hill, it is not possible that if elected he would have a serious handle on what is going on. If you have watched him you know this is true. I fear we would again see a runaway state department looking to topple regimes around the world. Bernie is extreme but he is capable. Bloomberg is a perfect example of the Napoleon possibility. You could expect he will attempt to ban anything and everything that he disapproves of. Klobucher is likely the best choice, but not likely to be nominated.

  14. "It’s BIDEN who can make all the dirty secrets about others go away by becoming President. He’s got plenty of his own to squash."

    Yeah, I'M surprised Trump has not pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden. .. . oh wait.

  15. You dont have to DIG to see that there is inappropriate business with the Biden's. But you have to strain yourself to ignore it.

  16. It’s kinda like this. Trump got 59% of the vote in the New York State Primary 2016. In the general election, Trump received 38% of the vote in the general.

  17. 6:44 AM - Its the "DemocratIC Party" not "Democrat Party".

    These are the types of morons voting for Trump. Verbally challenged.

  18. 9:48 You mean like Biden, the verbally challenged moron that's running for the Senate....

  19. "My brother lives in SC and is a republican, he told me the word among republicans was to vote for Biden, I didnt get it, I thought they were being coaxed to vote for sanders."

    Yes, you are correct. Trump and Republicans want a contested democratic convention where Bernie gets burned on the second round by super delegates. They do not want Bernie to run away with it on the first round.

    Trump don't care who it is, as long as the process is seen as unfair and rigged against itself like last time.

  20. 9:51 - The Biden investigation into Biden matters was formally started by AG Barr about 3 weeks ago. They are now reviewing hundreds of documents and statements, including everything brought back from Ukraine by Rudy G. This is all unrelated to the FISA abuse investigation by both Barr and Durham.

  21. "March 2, 2020 at 9:51 AM"

    Have you ever heard the term "October Surprise"? ...show your high cards when you need them.

  22. Democrats are dropping like fly's today. a desperate attempt to consolidate their votes with enfeebled Biden. This is truly amazing.

  23. Wow, was this whole primary a theater show.

  24. This whole fiasco gets worse by the day. With all the Democrats in Hollywood, why hasnt anyone been drafted to play President. Most any of them could do a better job than the present field. too bad Kevin Spacey got in trouble he would be a perfect candidate.

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXtm1or9tjo

  26. We must rise up and vote to keep any of these babykillers out of the White House, no matter which of them wins (or steals) the nomination. They're all the moral descendants of Hitler and Mengele!


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