Local Government TV

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Don't Count Bernie Out!

Politico has written Bernie Sanders' political obituary, and is predicting he'll be finished off in Michigan next week. He may lose this battleground state, even though he won it in 2016. But this by no means indicates his "revolution" has fizzled. The primary reason for this is Joe Biden. I love the guy, but he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it. This is not the result of old age, he's always been gaffe-prone. By the by, what the hell is a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier"?


  1. Biden, if elected President, would be the most effective way to hide all the money laundering and payoffs to corrupt politicians. Corrupt politicians who are Democrats AND Republicans. Biden just won’t go there. I believe party bosses and big influence peddlers who feed them will find a way to get Biden the nomination. The nominating process CAN be manipulated to overcome the significance of simple citizen votes.

    Then, there’s wheeling and dealing with impediments like Elizabeth Warren who is currently negotiating with all remaining candidates. Her decision to drop out and support Biden (for the right price) will happen very soon.

  2. If Warren was not in the race on Tuesday it would be a whole different story. Warren and Sanders are talking. Will she drop out and support Sanders? Or will she do to Biden what she did to Bloomberg in the next debate?

    Biden has a lot of baggage that no one wants to talk about. He has been off limits in the debates, either because they felt sorry for him, or believed he was irrelevant.

    Warren is the key in this primary. You can bet she is getting offers from the Biden camp to stay in. She may also be getting offers from Sanders to stay in and be his attack dog, she has proved to be pretty good at it.

    I would not be surprised if the DNC cancels all debates due to the Coronavirus. They will need to Protect old Joe from himself.

  3. I see that the Republicans here are getting scared.

  4. If Biden wins the presidency which is a long shot, he better have a quality vice president to take over when he has to resign for health and mental reasons.

  5. Correct, 8:43. As the years go by, we see how insignificant each citizen vote really is. It’s the multi-national corporations, big money people, and their interplay with politicians who sell influence in Congress who REALLY determine candidates and winners. No longer just a conspiracy theory.

    Biden’s the pick here.

  6. Anonymous said...
    If Biden wins the presidency which is a long shot, he better have a quality vice president to take over when he has to resign for health and mental reasons.
    March 5, 2020 at 8:50 AM

    I have no doubt that, in a fight, Joe Biden would totally kick Cadet Bone Spur's hienie. You could even give Trump a golf club.

  7. I don't think Trump or the Republicans are afraid of Joe Biden. It is just amazing to watch the establishment in action. They do have a lot of power and it would be interesting to see an election with the so called establishment, not having a candidate on either side. It would be a blow to their power. They are used to having a candidate on both sides, much like a Hong Kong election.

    I think most republicans do not dismiss Sanders, he is a vigorous campaigner, smart and has a real following, just like Trump. Biden is much like Hillary, just maybe more likable. No following at all, no one is standing in line to see Biden.

    The Democrats are trapped into the idea that anyone can beat Trump. Much like the Republicans who believed their candidate could beat Bill Clinton and Obama, because where else would they go. The republican were never excited about Dole, McCain or Romney and they lost. Are Democrats excited about Biden?

  8. Then why are the GOP and its media pawns trying so hard to boost Sanders?

  9. Can’t imagine why Trump or his supporters would fear Joe Biden. Throughout the Super Tuesday elections, Trump frequently received more votes than the top 2 and 3 Democrats combined. If there are any on-on-one debates, Biden will be challenged like never before. He’s got plenty of difficult to discuss issues on the table. He’ll have a tough time keeping up.

  10. Biden & Sanders in 2020

  11. Trump will crush Biden and the snowflakes will cry another 4 years.

  12. While Donnie two scoops was bankrupting casinos in AC Biden was getting arrested in south Africa fighting apartheid and helping Nelson Mandela escape from Robbens island, Joe has been a godsend to the black diaspora here and is loved by Barrack Hussein Obama.

    BLUE Badger

  13. 9.23, don't mistake support for Sanders as an endorsement of his positions. Sanders can be admired for his hard work, for his going against the flow. His authenticity, his consistency and perseverance. I believe he believes in what he espouses. This is all a rare commodity in politicians today. Biden on the other hand is a potential figure head president who will unlikely be unaware what is going on.

    While Democrats believe Trump is a phony and a liar, His followers have seen that he has worked hard to put what he campaigned on into reality. He has persevered the worst opposition in political history from the entrenched bureaucracy and is still standing.

    Sanders and Trump are opposite sides of the same coin.

    So many Republicans who will vote for Trump cannot help but give a little recognition to Sanders uphill battle. Powerful forces are lined up against him and he too is still standing.

    Many would like to see an honest debate between two opposing ideologies. Both Trump and sanders are real people who are very transparent in their view of the future. Should anyone want to see a contest between phony candidates like many we have witnessed in the past.

  14. Biden just thinks he was in south Africa, he was really in south Carolina. check it out.

  15. Did Biden ever have a job in the private sector?

  16. 10.56, I agree none of it is really relevent,

  17. news, Warren quits, Biden pledges to beat Reagan

  18. The Democratic establishment has shown their true political purpose as controlled opposition by crafting an election where-by even if they win their supporters lose.

  19. 10:31AM Wow!

    Excellent. That was worth the read.

  20. i intend to start using it

  21. Anonymous said...
    Trump will crush Biden and the snowflakes will cry another 4 years.
    March 5, 2020 at 9:57 AM

    I like how the Neanderthal party talks like this. The only one I hear whining the most is the Victim-in-Chief. "Most unfair corona virus ever!"

  22. 10:56, if you post a lengthy comment and then leave a huge gap at the end, I will delete you.

  23. Did you have that hat impregnated with the corovirus before posting that picture yesterday because it seems as if there are sufferers posting today?

    Smuck Schumer and polosi's districts are were the corona began being cooked up before be sent to China and back to America as a SPIN!

  24. I'm afraid of Biden. He likely doesn't trip into triple digits on an IQ test. He constantly molests women and girls in his presence. He admitted to a quid pro quo to keep his cokehead, serial adulterer disaster of an offspring in a sleazy Ukrainian energy gig. He's plagiarized more college work and campaign speeches than any politician in US history. He scares me.

  25. The dramatic change in Biden's political fortune over the last week despite not even campaigning in most of the states he won, resembles the dramatic change in appearance of our favorite hometown blogger.

    Bernie's new avatar shows a born-again-hard, well dressed bloggin' gangsta, but unlike Biden's coronation, Bernie put in the time and effort and shows the difference between real change and a fake.

  26. I'm leaning Bernie for the socialist message. If Bernie would simply give me one of his three estates, we'd each have two. I'm very cool with that. I'm not sure how we'd divide his Gulfstream G-4, though. I imagine we could split flight hours? I don't want all of Bernie's lucre. I just want my share.

  27. 4:50PM

    You think too small...I'm in it to share what Bloomberg looted.

  28. It’s all a joke.
    You know it.
    I know it, and anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows it.

  29. 4:50pm

    Andrew Yang would do the math.

    Bernie Sanders is worth 2 million if that were seconds it would be 23 days.

    Bloomberg's loot is 60 billion if that were seconds it would be over 1,902 years just shy of the A.D. year of our lord calendar.

    Sharing time with Bloomberg is the way to go.

  30. Bernie said: "If not afraid, why so many posts from Rs?"

    Maybe, just maybe we are smart Democrats that choose to jump off the sinking ship. Please stop deleting our posts. Pull your fingers out of your ears and stop listening to the echo chamber you are creating here.

  31. Let's see tomorrow's reporting on Trump doing his town hall in oppositions home town of Scranton pa?

  32. Not feelin' the Bern. His campaign is collapsing faster than his young snowflake minions are rushing back into their parent's basements. Not even his socialist ally Pocahontas will back him. He will be crushed in the Florida primary and Dementia Joe will pull ahead for good. Some drama at the convention, but the Biden-Harris ticket is being printed.

  33. Senator Boscola introduced SB421 to the Senate which passed 32 to 20, as well as SB300, both of which addressed the opportunity for Independent or unaffiliated voters, of which, according to her, number approximately one million voters, to participate in the primary election and currently are languishing in the Republican House. The foregoing leads us to the crux of my issues which are:

    1) Is Mr. Sanders a registered Democrat or Independent for the Pennsylvania Presidential Primary Election?;

    2)If Mr. Sanders is not a registered Democrat by what right does he appear on the ballot?; and for that matter how does he appear on a stage with Democrats for the purpose of debating other registered Democratic candidates in other states?;

    3) Mr. Sanders is a registered Independent from Vermont which begs the question if he met the Pennsylvania state requirements for appearing on the ballot as such?;

    4) According to Pennsylvania Law only registered Democrats and Republicans may vote in a Presidential primary election, ergo registered Independents are excluded and may not vote for Mr. Sanders, unless of course it is permissible under Pennsylvania law for a candidate to appear on the Ballot as a candidate for a national party as well as an Independent. However, the Pennsylvania Legislature's disenfranchisement of qualified eligible Independent and unaffiliated electors, those citizens who have registered to vote according to Pennsylvania Law in their respective districts, has raised this interesting and thorny issue.

    In Gomillion v. Lightfoot, 364 US 339,(1960) Mr. Justice Frankfurter writing for a unanimous court, held that a state may not enact legislation repugnant to the Constitution that would lead to the disenfranchisement of a particular class, in the instant case, African-American voters of Tuskegee, Alabama the Fifteenth amendment race.
    The ruling also applies to the Nineteenth amendment relating to sex (women), the Twenty-fourth Amendment, relating to national federal primary elections for President, Vice-President, the Senate and the Congress, and the Twenty-sixth Amendment, relating to age, 21. But, the most important of the right to vote amendments is Section 2 of the Fourteenth amendment, which states in relevant part;

    "But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
    Succinctly put, no state may deprive any citizen who is a qualified elector on account of race, gender or age, to vote, in any state or federal, primary or general election for any office. Article VI notes that the Constitution is the “supreme law of the land” and the next paragraphs notes that any and all state and federal officers noted above “shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution;”

  34. 11:00PM

    Trump wants Bernie not so he can win, but in case he loses.

    You Trumpers understand Trump went after Biden's kid.

  35. "what the hell is a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier"?"

    A "lying, dog-faced pony soldier" is a type defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to (Hunter)or dealing with the unwanted feelings.

    It this case, the descriptive expression is accurate and remarkably obvious.

    The proper response is to repeat in rapid succession and ad nauseam "I know you are but what am I"

  36. Anonymous said...
    Not feelin' the Bern. His campaign is collapsing faster than his young snowflake minions are rushing back into their parent's basements. Not even his socialist ally Pocahontas will back him. He will be crushed in the Florida primary and Dementia Joe will pull ahead for good. Some drama at the convention, but the Biden-Harris ticket is being printed.
    March 5, 2020 at 11:00 PM

    So how long have you been a Republican? I'm guessing since Coolidge, whose plan for economic disaster impressed you.

  37. Yeah, since Coolidge and since Dementia Joe was listening to his phonograph on the front porch with Corn Pop.

  38. I love the guy, but he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it. This is not the result of old age, he's always been gaffe-prone. Surly and not Shirley you jest. He's on his way to a senior citizen home or locked in his bed room. If Hillary is his VP pick, then she will be President. That's what the Demo's want.

  39. If the next Democrat Debate has just 3 participants, Sanders, Biden, and Tulsi Gabbard, watch what happens. Gabbard will appear the best choice. She’s younger, well spoken, calm and collected. The contrast with the 2 old guys will be dramatic. However, I believe the Party is set on Biden with a boost from a well-known, yet to be named VP pick.

    The moderators will no doubt be instructed to ignore Gabbard as much as possible. But, better move would be to feature Gabbard and to position her to be Biden’s VP. A Biden/Gabbard team might work nicely.

  40. Anonymous said...
    I love the guy, but he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it. This is not the result of old age, he's always been gaffe-prone. Surly and not Shirley you jest. He's on his way to a senior citizen home or locked in his bed room. If Hillary is his VP pick, then she will be President. That's what the Demo's want.
    March 6, 2020 at 8:46 AM

    Just can't let go of that Hillary bone, can you? the truth is that most Democrats, including me, would take almost anyone over Trump. It's hard to imagine anyone being worse.

  41. Anonymous said...
    If the next Democrat Debate has just 3 participants, Sanders, Biden, and Tulsi Gabbard, watch what happens. Gabbard will appear the best choice. She’s younger, well spoken, calm and collected. The contrast with the 2 old guys will be dramatic. However, I believe the Party is set on Biden with a boost from a well-known, yet to be named VP pick.

    The moderators will no doubt be instructed to ignore Gabbard as much as possible. But, better move would be to feature Gabbard and to position her to be Biden’s VP. A Biden/Gabbard team might work nicely.
    March 6, 2020 at 8:46 AM

    There's a reason Gabbard hasn't cracked 1% or so. How does she even qualify for the next debate?

  42. Tulsi will not qualify for the next debate. The Dem establishment hates her for her cat fight with Hillary over Tulsi being a Rooski agent. She is an attractive, intelligent, biracial veteran. If she was on the stage, those two pasty-white fossils would look even more pathetic.

  43. Readers and participants on this blog entirely missed my point of my earlier post. You are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as you express your opinions about Senator Sanders competence. The key issues is whether or not Senator Sanders, a registered INDEPENDENT from Vermont, running as a Democrat, is competent to appear on the ballot in Pennsylvania. If you don't care, then you support the fact that one million of your fellow Pennsylvanians, who are registered qualified electors, as Independents, are prevented from voting for their choice,for President of the United States, while, in our state a registered INDEPENDENT can run as a Democrat. As a former Judge of Elections I can assure you that it is not distinction without a difference. If you can't grasp the Constitutional significance then post a question and I will be happy to explain, with cites from my expertise in constitutional history, scholarship and jurisprudence.

  44. Mr. Fluck, doesn’t each political party decide the rules of their Primaries any way they see fit? I assume you mean Sanders will not be eligible in November. Maybe that’s why Dems are trying to drive Bernie off. Or, it could mean Bernie is one GIANT scam artist who knows he can’t run in the General, but CAN make money off the whole fake experience, his loyal followers be damned.

  45. Mr. Anonymous;4:41 PM
    Sir, I apologize for my tardy response to yours of today at 4:41 PM. You are correct in that each party does make their own rules for participation in the primary election; but they don't pay for it--the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania subsidizes primary elections by and thru its citizenry. Moreover I make no such assumption as to how or why the national and and state Democratic party hierarchy allows Mr. Sander's appearance on the ballot for the Presidential primary in Pennsylvania, or any other state for that matter, as a Democrat when in fact he is an elected Independent from Vermont. My point is that according to our national Constitution, 14th Amendment section 2, and the 24th Amendment as noted in my post of last night, no state, such as Pennsylvania, may constitutionally prevent me from voting merely because I, along with a million other qualified electors, registered as Independent voters in Pennsylvania, should financially support an election for Democrats and Republicans; unless of course you suggest that I must be forced by either national political belong to a particular political party in order to participate in a Presidential primary, which is of course unconstitutional. Senator Sanders is a registered Independent voter in Vermont and was elected by the people of Vermont running as an Independent. The issue that I raise is whether Mr. Sanders is running for President as a Democrat or Independent, and if he is an Independent/Democrat and is listed on the Pennsylvania Presidential electoral ballot as such, why can't I, a registered Independent, along with a million other qualified Independent electors, vote for Mr. Sanders, or any other Democrat or any other Republican if we so choose? I resent being forced to enroll in either party in order to exercise my right as a citizen to vote.

  46. Thanks for the reply. Now I understand your disappointment more clearly. Bernie Sanders is an interesting creature. I won’t be voting for him, though. Trump is the most deserving pick this time.

    When I left the Republican Party about 4 years ago, My new registration card is labeled ‘No Party,’ so we’re both in the same situation for the Primaries. Not voting in Primaries never really bothered me. I still communicate and donate to those who share my views and always note my voting category. It would be nice if everyone ran for office without a party label. Too tribal now, and I vote for candidates for both parties sometimes.

  47. Thank you Karl Fluck.

  48. 9.46
    ", why can't I, a registered Independent, along with a million other qualified Independent electors, vote for Mr. Sanders, or any other Democrat or any other Republican if we so choose? I resent being forced to enroll in either party in order to exercise my right as a citizen to vote."

    No one is denying your right to vote.
    You can write in any name you want in the general election.
    If you want to shape a PARTY nominee join that party.
    if you are not a part of a political party you have no right to determine their choices.
    you chose not to participate in determining a political party's nominee.
    that is the reality of your choice.

  49. 9.46
    " unless of course you suggest that I must be forced by either national political belong to a particular political party in order to participate in a Presidential primary, which is of course unconstitutional."
    And where in that amendment(14.2) does it state what a primary consists of?
    So when the Constitution is silent on an issue the States get to determine that.
    Unless you have a Federal court ruling stating PA is violating the Constitution it is legal and constitutional.
    Another problem concerns who is nominated for VP of a party at this time or primary day?
    How do you vote for an unknown or do you feel you get to determine who occupies that position?

  50. Political parties function as public election utilities and should be forced by law to provide equal access.

  51. Or
    As an atheist the law should allow me to vote on choosing the next Catholic Pope.
    not likely.

  52. 4.21
    " The key issues is whether or not Senator Sanders, a registered INDEPENDENT from Vermont, running as a Democrat, is competent to appear on the ballot in Pennsylvania."

    Sanders states he is a member of the Democratic party.
    Therefore independents have no right to demand the ability to vote for or against him in the primary.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.