Local Government TV

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coronavirus Officials: Data Do Not Support Worst-Case Scenarios

As public health officials gain more knowledge about coronavirus, they are beginning to realize the data do not support some of the worst-caase scenarios presented by Chicken Littles. Moreover, they have rejected some assertions made by media outlets and some elected officials.

DR. DEBORAH BRIX: I'm sure you have seen the recent report out of the U.K. about them adjusting completely their needs. This is really quite important. If you remember, that was the report that says there would be 500,000 deaths in the U.K. and 2.2 million deaths in the United States. They've adjusted that number in the U.K. to 20,000. Half a million to 20,000. We are looking at that in great detail to understand that adjustment.

I'm going to say something that is a little bit complicated but do it in a way we can understand it together. In the model, either you have to have a large group of people who a-asymptomatic, who never presented for any test to have the kind of numbers predicted. To get to 60 million people infected, you have to have a large group of a-symptomatics. We have not seen an attack rate over 1 in 1,000. So either we are measuring the iceberg and underneath it, are a large group of people. So we are working hard to get the antibody test and figure out who these people are and do they exist. Or we have the transmission completely wrong.

So these are the things we are looking at, because the predictions of the model don't match the reality on the ground in China, South Korea or Italy. We are five times the size of Italy. If we were Italy and did all those divisions, Italy should have close to 400,000 deaths. They are not close to achieving that.

It's our job collectively to assure the American people, it's our job to make sure that doesn't happen. You can see the cases are concentrated in highly urban areas and there are other parts of the states that have lots of ventilators and other parts of New York state that don't have any infected. We can meet the needs by being responsive.

There is no model right now -- no reality on the ground where we can see that 60% to 70% of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12 weeks. I want to be clear about that. We are adapting to the reality on the ground and looking at the models of how they can inform but learning from South Korea and Italy and from Spain and I know you will look up my numbers.

Earlier this week, I contended we are overreacting to this virus and that we should rely on science and logic, not mass hysteria. Certainly, people should be vigilant. This is not the flu. But it is not the bubonic plague, either. Shutting down the entire economy is an over-reaction.


  1. Further adding to the craziness, many news outlets are either not carrying the OFFICIAL Press Briefings, or cutting them off halfway through. I encourage everyone to seek out broadcasts of the FULL event. Of course, one source for getting the full effect is www.whitehouse.gov.

  2. I Agree with you Mr OHare

    The whole country is over reacting and it is getting stupid

    Want to buy some TP @ $15.00 roll?

  3. Read the Spotlight PA story listed on the left hand side of this Blog. Evidently, 25,000 small business have already requested a waiver from the dramatic “Ordered to Close” list. THAT’S an awful lot of hurt going on!

    Thank you for featuring that link, Bernie.

  4. So either we are measuring the iceberg and underneath it, are a large group of people. So we are working hard to get the antibody test and figure out who these people are and do they exist. Or we have the transmission completely wrong.

    I'll wait until she gets the data. You also forget that the worry was hospitals being overwhelmed. So far, people are being treated, but that availability of life saving care is being strained.

  5. If the government is forcing your closure, it's essentially engaging in Eminent Domain and you have a Constitutional right to be made whole. If the government can't pay for taking over your business, it should not take over your business. As our leadership at all levels is spotty at best, let individuals with skin in the game make their own decisions. Most of our betters have never created a job or had to work to make payroll in their lives.

  6. "I'll wait until she gets the data."

    She's getting it now. You apparently prefer a doomsday scenario. Governor Wolf has done a lot of harm to the state and this nation.

  7. Just because it may not be the worst case (which we always knew was only one possible outcome) doesn't mean that it won't be quite bad. I wonder if you want to relax physical distancing so you can say "See, I told you so."

  8. People put in power, INSIST on exercising it any way they can. Illegal, unethical, evil . . . doesn’t matter to many in government these days. Here’s looking at you, Congress!

  9. "NEW YORK — Seven weeks have passed since the first U.S. case of coronavirus was announced, and the government is failing to account for what could be thousands of additional infections because of ongoing problems with testing."

  10. Draconian measures in times of crisis are rarely rolled back. PA still pays an 18% tax on liquor to rebuild Johnstown after the flood. It started at 10% and has been "temporary" since 1936. 19 years later, the TSA is still federalized and the feds use the Patriot Act to eavesdrop on journalists and private citizens. What we permit today will be used against us forever. Our Constitution has been conveniently replaced with "crisis management," as our leaders describe everything as a "crisis."

  11. You apparently prefer a doomsday scenario. Governor Wolf has done a lot of harm to the state and this nation.

    Hardly. I just follow the recommendations of the medical experts and do my best to follow the directives. You apparently prefer the it's just the flu and let's get back to business as usual scenario before the doctor makes a final determination.

  12. 7:35 has a valid point although I agree that the ongoing data is not showing support for the absolute worst case scenario predicted by some models. It must be remembered however that those possible worst case numbers were generated by models. We have no actual control group data available for what an actual worst case scenario would be in either Pennsylvania or the US if social and distance controls had not been implemented. I personally believe that the social and distance controls that have been put in place are affecting the data in a positive manner. The question now facing the President and the governors is how long to maintain those controls at the current level. Most experts who actually understand infectious disease spreads are advocating keeping the controls in place until actual data shows a leveling off and then a decrease in case numbers. That is a best guess piece of advice because no one yet has real data on what the actual result of a either a full or partial lessening of controls will be. I personally believe that a premature lessening of the controls without adequate testing, hospital space, vaccines and hopefully some adequate treatment in place is a tremendous health risk to many more people than keeping the controls in place. How many more is something we can only estimate until data is collected after the operational decisions are made.

  13. 8:26 - HA !

    Someone else once said something like . . .

    “ When you are a politician, you see yourself as a HAMMER, and everything else looks like a NAIL.”

  14. It's easy to second-guess a governor who's trying to protect you. You have to make the best judgment that you can at the time.

  15. Nobody who gets sick calls an economist.

  16. USA TODAY: "From its biggest cities to its smallest towns, America’s chance to contain the coronavirus crisis came and went in the seven weeks since U.S. health officials botched the testing rollout and then misled scientists in state laboratories about this critical early failure. Federal regulators failed to recognize the spiraling disaster and were slow to relax the rules that prevented labs and major hospitals from advancing a backup."

  17. 9:08 -

    and Trump immediately removed many of those oppressive, manufacturing and distribution barriers.

  18. No, the point is exactly the opposite happened.

  19. 9:19 - No real point trying to define the “immediacy quotient” of 4 weeks within the context of typical government crawl.

  20. I expect Trump to have recognized the crisis immediately and get 'er done. It's salt in the would to hear the false claims about how he cut red tape, which he certainly ignores when he wants (such as by touting drugs that don't have FDA approval).

    Even now, he just doesn't get it.

  21. "It's easy to second-guess a governor who's trying to protect you. You have to make the best judgment that you can at the time."

    When he is a proven hypocrite who is giving special waivers to his pals, I'll second guess that phony.

    1. He is a Democrat and Democrats do no wrong?

  22. That doesn't make you right, just self-righteous.

    It's bigger than you or Wolf, it's about public safety.

  23. Easy prediction...

    Inevitably, the curve will start to bend. A public official will say something like:

    "After a very difficult period, the number of active cases has now fallen to a level where we have adequate hospital, ICU, and critical care capacity. While we still have new cases and new deaths, we appear to have successfully 'flattened the curve.' My medical experts say we can now cautiously relax some of the restrictions."

    The media will have one of two responses...

    a) "Oh my God, this is way too soon, he's playing with people's lives."

    b) "The man's a genius. He's following the advice of the experts."

    The choice will depend on the media's views on the public official, not on the facts in front of them.

    Commenters will cut and paste snippets that support their own point of view.

  24. 9:57 - you really DO understand human nature!

  25. Hardest hit countries from COVID-19 (deaths/million):
    1) Italy 136
    2) Spain 104
    3) Netherlands 32
    4) France 26
    5) Belgium 25
    6) Switzerland 24
    All pursuing harsh lockdown policy^

    No lockdown but social distancing:
    S Korea 3
    Taiwan 0.08
    Japan 0.4
    Singapore 0.3

    We're overreacting.

  26. We'll see. If the current measures don't work, we'll know. If we are relatively spared, why that happened will be another subject for debate, but a good one to have.

  27. No, he's the governor and he has to make decisions, even as he knows some people will criticize whatever he does. I prefer erring on the side of safety, so I'm not criticizing him. I'm thanking him.

    See the difference?

  28. I guess you need to volunteer at some of the local hospitals so that you can identify with the very real consequences of your chicken little characterization could cause. Your blog has been irresponsible on this issue.

  29. The proof, sadly, may well be in the dying. Warning people is not giving them the virus.

  30. I don't thank assholes who shut down the economy while making exceptions for their pals. And as I have said several times now, his decision will almost certainly take more lives than Covid-19. Also, this is an infringement on our civil liberties. In one state down south, a Governor is using this as an excuse to shut down abortions. In Hungary, it is being used to censor the press. Here, it's being used to favor the connected. And you thank this asshole. I'm forced to agree with 10:57. Your gratitude is clearly political and you are an elitist. I am a Democratic Democrat, the kind who used to stand up for blue collars. Remember them? You stand up for plastic straw bans and Tara Zrinski.

  31. Chicago now banning fitness running outdoors. All large city-owned parks areas CLOSED! Failure to comply? You’re ass arrested.

  32. If I am ever subjected to an order like that, I will defy it. I need to exercise every day, even in the rain. If my gym is closed, I will be outside. The more fit you are,m the less likely you will get sick, so this dictate from a Mayor who clearly knows nothing is nonsense.

  33. Either they had problems enforcing the 6 foot social distancing rule, or they don't actually believe it works.

  34. Bernie, you are absolutely right in making that decision. I’m am expecting the Chicago Police to make several warnings before actually arresting someone, but who can be sure? Cramped, inner city dwellers use City Parks heavily.

    The point here is, such flippant statements of control/removal of our freedoms will cause EVERYONE to reach a point of resistance. I’ve noticed some area PA Liquor Stores immediately boarded-up.They already know what will eventually happen to people and persons if this runs too long.

  35. The seasonal flu regularly infects 20% or more of the population in spite of a widely available vaccine, residual immunity in a large portion of the population, and a transmission rate that is much lower than that of COVID-19.

  36. Bernie O'Hare said...
    I don't thank assholes who shut down the economy while making exceptions for their pals. And as I have said several times now, his decision will almost certainly take more lives than Covid-19. Also, this is an infringement on our civil liberties. In one state down south, a Governor is using this as an excuse to shut down abortions. In Hungary, it is being used to censor the press. Here, it's being used to favor the connected. And you thank this asshole. I'm forced to agree with 10:57. Your gratitude is clearly political and you are an elitist. I am a Democratic Democrat, the kind who used to stand up for blue collars. Remember them? You stand up for plastic straw bans and Tara Zrinski.
    March 27, 2020 at 11:30 AM

    Now, now. I say something in support of the governor and suddenly you're telling me where I stand on plastic straws and Tara Zrinski, whoever the hell that is. Have you checked your blood pressure lately?

  37. Wolf is committing premeditated murder on Pennsylvanians. He'll retire to roll his toes in his money and leave a wide swath of dead in his wake. His decisions smack of a heartless elitist. He checked all the right boxes with that bizarre spokeswhatever, who is clearly in over his head and can't pronounce words of more than three syllables. This is not leadership. It's government-sponsored mass killing. Business will be gone. Jobs will be gone. Pennsylvanians will starve.

  38. A lot like the Holocaust, then?

  39. When people give up their freedom so easily, it is very difficult to gain it back. Look to some foreign nations. Places where freedom can only be changed by throwing stones. Fortunately, this nation is not so limited.

    Be honest, many millions of citizens can’t really be sure if we are headed to such a point of no return. Of course, people living in nursing homes, or in hospitals already, MUST restricted for their own protection. Everyone else needs to be given a signal of HOPE.

    Hope will come, when next week, as already planned to be key, it is announced that many of these mandated restrictions show less a threat than we thought. But only then, there must be clear evidence of the pressure being lifted. EASE UP in a manner visible to EVERYONE.

  40. From Larry Summers interview on PBS last night: I joined a bipartisan group of 34 former secretaries of the Treasury, Federal Reserve governors, economic scholars who signed a statement making the case to officials that the best way to address the economic fallout of the coronavirus was to first attend the medical emergency.

    "I think the highest priority right now would be to add enough money for state and local governments, for mayors to take care of their people. That's the first priority.

    Second priority is, we have got to be on a wartime footing with respect to getting tests, with respect to getting protective equipment, with respect to getting ventilators to take care of people.

    And we need to spend whatever it takes. We need to use whatever authorities the government has to deliver the resources, so that we can target people, get the assistance to the people who need it, be secure in the knowledge that we're identifying the people who are victims, and also recognizing the people for whom it is safe to go out and go back to work again.

    Make no mistake, no matter how much money the Federal Reserve commits, no matter how big a budget deficit we run, we cannot solve this problem until we contain the virus.

    And that's why a careful, strategic, determined strategy of the kind that Dr. Fauci is pushing is what we need. But, above all, in a war — and that's what we're in — you have to be steadfast, you have to be moving forward in a consistent direction, and you not have — we have to not change course every few days.

    And that's why the president's talk about Easter, about 15 days, is so potentially dangerous and destabilizing."

    But you know better right Bernie?

  41. Anonymous said...
    When people give up their freedom so easily, it is very difficult to gain it back. Look to some foreign nations. Places where freedom can only be changed by throwing stones. Fortunately, this nation is not so limited.

    Be honest, many millions of citizens can’t really be sure if we are headed to such a point of no return. Of course, people living in nursing homes, or in hospitals already, MUST restricted for their own protection. Everyone else needs to be given a signal of HOPE.

    Hope will come, when next week, as already planned to be key, it is announced that many of these mandated restrictions show less a threat than we thought. But only then, there must be clear evidence of the pressure being lifted. EASE UP in a manner visible to EVERYONE.
    March 27, 2020 at 1:24 PM

    Trust me, I lose a lot more sleep over Trump than Wolf.

  42. It does indeed appear that the Chicago park closures were with a lack of compliance with the previous rule. Who'd of thought that citizens of a city like Chicago wouldn't follow rules?

    Any one taking odds on whether the new rules will be followed?

  43. 2:06 - those new rules will be ignored of 100 people occupy a park, even if they stay 6’ apart. What better place to quickly find violators than a city filled with densely packed high rises. You can only keep that heavy boot on a person’s neck for a short time.

  44. Gov, Cuomo's estimate that New York will need approximately 140,000 hospital beds and 40,000 ventilators when the coronavirus outbreak in the state peaks is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health experts.

  45. 2:28

    Apparently, one of the crimes was that young'uns insisted on playing basketball in the parks.

    I'm so old, I can remember when our very existence as a nation depended on urban utes being able to play basketball, and at midnight no less.

  46. 3:25 - I am very concerned about kids, especially teens, living in 700 sq. ft. apartments. Some 3-4 kids per bedroom, etc. They need open space far more than kids having their own backyards. During those younger years, a teen can hardly keep their changing body still for more than a few minutes. They need to run safely, under a full, open sky. Be with others their age.

  47. 11.30
    "said several times now, his decision will almost certainly take more lives than Covid-19"
    you have said that but have not said how more people will die if they stay home.
    Your home causes you to just die by being in it?
    A rise in domestic abuse has nowhere near the fatality rate of a pandemic.
    As aside note the CDC better study staying at home as it must be a larger problem than anyone ever knew until now.

  48. 12.01
    "If I am ever subjected to an order like that, I will defy it. I need to exercise every day, even in the rain. If my gym is closed, I will be outside."
    Clearly curtailing a pandemic takes second place to your needs.
    Sounds like everyone else can stay inside so you can do what you want.
    How did that line go--All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.

  49. Being stuck at home older and weaker, AND without a weapon, very well could lead to more deaths. Even a knockout blow to the head can kill many people. No one knows EXACTLY what will happen/not happen. Why are you looking for a specific ‘number?’ It’s obvious, ANY number will be criticized no matter what.

  50. I really believe people are expressing their FAITH in various solutions. Any actual number has no value to many of us. The situation is bad, regardless.

  51. 4.23
    "’ It’s obvious, ANY number will be criticized no matter what."
    The staying home kills more is just a BS excuse for folks who are not willing to make any changes to their needs.
    the old --everyone else can make a sacrifice except me.
    And if that increases the odds of other's dying well so be it.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Being stuck at home older and weaker, AND without a weapon, very well could lead to more deaths. Even a knockout blow to the head can kill many people. No one knows EXACTLY what will happen/not happen. Why are you looking for a specific ‘number?’ It’s obvious, ANY number will be criticized no matter what.
    March 27, 2020 at 4:23 PM

    Well, it's more that when you pull it out of your hienie it will be covered in excrement.

  53. I guess the hint is that the poors are coming for us.

    Did some declare civil war?

  54. The numbers we’re getting aren’t a measure of the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S. because we still don't have adequate testing. We're getting is a measure of our ability to detect the virus.

  55. How many doom and gloom weather computer models cause mass panic?

  56. try

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. When quotations are posted, I want a specific link ir precise reference to the source. .

  59. ""If I am ever subjected to an order like that, I will defy it. I need to exercise every day, even in the rain. If my gym is closed, I will be outside."
    Clearly curtailing a pandemic takes second place to your needs.
    Sounds like everyone else can stay inside so you can do what you want.
    How did that line go--All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."

    Ig you want an example of an Orwellian world, look no further than Governor Wolf or your own mirror. You thank him for restricting people's freedoms. You thank him for ruining our economy. You thank him for the deaths of despair he is undoubtedly causing. It's for our own good, you smugly say. You are an elitist. In your Orwellian world, the "life sustainers" are more equal than others. We are referred to as "silent spreaders."

    WELL, when I need to go for a walk or a run, I'm going. That is a matter of my own health and neither you nor Wolf will interfere with it.

  60. Huntress, I do know that Larry Summers is an economist. He is no medical professional. He is no scientist. Dr. Birx, in contrast, is a scientist. It is her view that these doomsday scenarios have been overstated. Also, I am at a loss to understand how an outdoor walk or run by someone who observes social distancing will lead to more Covid-19 cases. I do know that exercise tends to build the immune system, and have heard that from public health professionals. So I will defy any nonsensical order telling me I must stay inside for my own good. I do know better.

  61. " I am very concerned about kids, especially teens, living in 700 sq. ft. apartments. Some 3-4 kids per bedroom, etc. They need open space far more than kids having their own backyards. During those younger years, a teen can hardly keep their changing body still for more than a few minutes. They need to run safely, under a full, open sky. Be with others their age."

    One of the biggest complaints about keeping undocumented immigrants who are children cooped up like this is that it tends to stunt emotional health along with physical health. The same people who were making these arguments seem to have no issue with copping up everyone else, including children. ... For our own good. ... They know better.

  62. "A rise in domestic abuse has nowhere near the fatality rate of a pandemic."

    You are talking out your ass. You have no idea whether this shutdown or shelter in place order will lead to more domestic violence deaths. You have no idea how many people will despair and commit suicide. According to the CDC, 1 in 4 woman are subjected to physical abuse in their lifetime. You've just increased the odds. According to the National Instiotute of Mental Health, 7.1% of American adults already suffer from major depression. You've just increased that data point as well. But it's all for our own good.

  63. About the quote matter. If haven’t found a way to use Italics here. or Bold. Putting some sort of mark on either end is what I’ve been doing instead to make certain items more supposed in nature.

    By the way, I have NO problem with Trump designating General Motors as he did. Hope he makes a remark about the S.E.I.U, face masks discovery. I am also proud that he told the Cruise Lines if they expect to participate in American taxpayer assistance, they had better register their vessels in THIS nation.

    As he told the ridiculous news reporter at today’s press conference, “Look, this is no time to play games, alright?

    To me, that’s the sign of a good leadership. Do what needs to be done NOW, and don’t pussyfoot around. I don’t care how my reaction to you looks.

  64. I think "We must remain in lockdown until the number of new cases goes to zero," and, "Let's open up the country even if more people die" is a false dichotomy.

    New York is in a far different place than North Dakota.

    What be helpful would be more demographic information about how the virus is spreading. What is it about NYC's population that makes the crisis so severe while other major cities have much fewer cases and deaths? Baltimore has reported NO deaths; Philadelphia 2; Pittsburgh 2; Washington, DC 3; Boston 2; Hartford, CT 0.

  65. Just read some things on our neighborhood blog.

    An elderly lady had a handyman helping with yard work. They were stringently exceeding the six foot distancing requirement. A neighbor called the cops on them.

    Another guy was bragging that he started yelling at a bunch of teenage girls in the grocery store because they weren't adhering to social distancing requirements. He called one of them an idiot. Was upset that the mother of the teenager started arguing with him.

    The other day, some woman complained that people were walking and laughing in the park across the street from her house. She was convinced that the new "stay-inside" rule literally meant to stay inside.

    Soon I expect someone to use a drone to make sure his/her neighbors aren't sleeping in the same bed. Social distancing you know.

  66. 7.49
    You are talking out your ass."
    And you have no idea of the increase of deaths from a opening of all business.
    removing the shutdown will cause how many deaths?
    Your blog your ball and bat yet you just are upset that you do not get to do what you want.
    Do you expect folks to believe your big concern is mental health of other people?
    One thing that is true of war is the first casualty is the truth

  67. 7:55 - believe it or not, some California cities are using drones to fly above people walking/running outside. The drones are monitored from some central station and have the ability to broadcast warnings below about your behavior. THIS, I believe is taking things too far.

  68. 8:14 - are you talking about most corporate news organizations?

  69. 7.20
    "It's for our own good, you smugly say. You are an elitist."
    Science is often cruel and unyielding.
    Somehow the bright boys and girls have said that restrictions will help the greater number of people.
    Of course you know better.
    Kudos .
    No need to listen to experts when you are here.

  70. try

    "We have received the following response from the lead researcher in this report, Neil Ferguson:

    I think it would be helpful if I cleared up some confusion that has emerged in recent days. Some have interpreted my evidence to a UK parliamentary committee as indicating we have substantially revised our assessments of the potential mortality impact of COVID-19. This is not the case. Indeed, if anything, our latest estimates suggest that the virus is more transmissible than previously thought. Our lethality estimates remain unchanged. My evidence to Parliament referred to the numbers of deaths we assess might occur in the UK in the presence of the very intensive social distancing and other public health interventions now in place. Without those interventions, our assessment remains that the UK would see the scale of deaths reported in our study (namely, up to approximately 500 thousand)."

  71. Anonymous said...
    Soon I expect someone to use a drone to make sure his/her neighbors aren't sleeping in the same bed. Social distancing you know.
    March 27, 2020 at 7:55 PM

    You're gonna need infrared for that.

  72. 8:31, So we have a battle of two experts, and you have taken sides with the one projecting doomsday.

  73. 9:17 PM

    Personally, I prefer high frequency.

  74. 10.20
    from your post
    "They've adjusted that number in the U.K. to 20,000. Half a million to 20,000. We are looking at that in great detail to understand that adjustment."
    Well the author explained that difference and why the change.
    "My evidence to Parliament referred to the numbers of deaths we assess might occur in the UK in the presence of the very intensive social distancing and other public health interventions now in place."
    So when the US expert says they are looking at in great detail i guess that means she does not know how a phone works or she is trying to view everything from a best case view.
    Or she is trying to keep POTUS happy while she knows serious people will find out the real reason for the change.
    hope for the best but be aware of the worst case.

  75. I am quite happy to sacrifice some nice dinners out so that less people including myself avoid getting ill. I look to neither President Dipshit nor Bernie O'Hare for health advice. I go with my gut, and people with degrees in science.

  76. Dr Birx has lost all credibility after saying this today:
    "[Trump is] so attentive to the scientific literature & the details & the data. I think his ability to analyze & integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit” -- this is shocking, hackish stuff from Dr. Birx.“. That moron of a president can’t even talk in complete sentences. You are way off base on this one, Bernie.

  77. For those of you who claim to believe in science, I have one question:

    When does human life begin?

  78. "Emergencies" have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.

    -- Friedrich Hayek

  79. 12:43 -

    The Trump-blaming JUST ISN’T WORKING. The President’s Approval Ratings on handling this are very high, and RISING !

    This President isn’t going anywhere until late, next January. Even then, the likelihood he will lose a next election is LOW, despite all the election meddling and fraud a growing number of citizens, like me, expect.

    Spewing hatred is our RIGHT, of course. Have at it. But, for this critical time, THIS IS THE GUY.

    Much more efficient for you to wait until September, THEN spend every effort to bring him down. Shout it out everywhere!

    Something else is rising. Your blood pressure. High blood pressure patients stricken with this virus are more difficult to cure. So, go out and take a good run in your City Park.

    Unless, you are posting from Chicago.

  80. Deborah Benx is now being assaulted by some in the scientific community, being called a Trump Hack, They believe that anyone who believes in the sanctity of the unborn, or believes that this world and its systems are not just a huge accident are morons and neanderthals who should not be allowed into society, yet alone govern.

    The information in these daily briefings has been objective, and sensible, no sensationalism, One must remember Trump has several hats to wear. Health and Welfare, the economy, national defense and security, and most of all reassuring the american people that this will pass and normalcy will return. This is attacked as denial or downplaying.

    They would rather he said, we are all going to die, I am retiring to mar-a-lago,

    They would gladly shut down the world economy because the planet should take precedent over people. These are same people who continue to claim that anyone who does not want to shut down the world economy to save the planet from the actions of humans is just ignorant and deny science. Their science.

    They deny that there is a creator or designer of us and this world. It is a stupid and idiotic theory that anyone who has ever built, repaired or designed anything that needs to work will understand. Nothing great come about by accident. Yet by denying the possibility of a designer or group of designers their whole basis of reason is distorted at the foundation.

    Everyone needs to realize man has a built in need to worship someone or something. When it is not a creator, they revert back to worshiping nature, the sun, the planet, big government a sexual preference movement or some other movement that needs to be the focus of their need.

    Organizations who deny a creator will inevitably lead to the type of abuses we witnessed in Nazi Germany and other totalitarian societies. All things must be sacrificed for the good of the community. Even if it is other races, individuals or life itself.

  81. Consider the media’s response if Trump bought- in to all their garbage, the hateful, panic inducing attacks. What if Trump walked into the next Official WH Briefing, speaking through the cover of a World War 2 gas mask?

    Media gets the full effect they desire! Even then . . . He will be criticized for not speaking clearly.

    This is truly what the politically driven media and commentators are trying to do. How ‘helpful’ they are in solving this!

  82. 9:52

    Trump is hopeful about reopening the country by Easter (April 12) - "What an idiot, he wants to kill people."

    Cuomo extends school closures to at least April 15, leaving hope they can be re-opened them.
    "What a wise leader, he's thinking ahead."

  83. No doubt in my mind, our major news media is doing incredible damage. Watching yesterday’s press conference, I noticed how hard every Reporter was seeking the NEGATIVE. Negative anything, really. Trump is doing his best to shine a light on this fear-mongering and, rightfully calls them out by name.

    Now, major networks want to stop broadcasting these official White House updates. His daily briefings are getting HUGE ratings, so why would they do this? They don’t like the message! They prefer time to edit-out what they don’t like, and spin whatever negativity they can squeeze out.

    Most Americans are NOT stupid. They see right through what’s going on here. They are stopping their newspapers, dropping cable TV.

    No wonder he uses TWITTER so much. It’s the only way to get his real positions out. Should Twitter ever ban him, as they have been doing already to others who find positive in his leadership, not only will Twitter quickly go away, but an alternative is, no doubt, already in place.

    I no longer visit certain Blogs.

  84. 9.14
    "Organizations who deny a creator will inevitably lead to the type of abuses we witnessed in Nazi Germany "

    ("God with us")

    "During the Second World War Wehrmacht soldiers wore this slogan on their belt buckles,"

    Deborah Benx was careful in her statement to try the party line of this crisis is so minor we can drown it in the bathtub spiel.
    she misrepresented the predictive model and the authors of that model corrected her.
    If anything she can admit she drew the wrong conclusion

  85. 11.19
    "Trump is doing his best to shine a light on this fear-mongering and, rightfully calls them out by name."
    Question :Mr president will there be enough ventilators?
    Answer Don't be a wiseguy next question.
    Trump has turned the briefing into his version of a trumpkin rally.
    spending several minutes whining that Governors should be appreciative of Him and attacking anyone who disagrees is one reason the media is losing interest.
    Also nearly everyone sees thru the ego stroking trump wants from everyone else who speaks.
    the sad part is trump is only out there because Pence when he speaks sounds and acts more presidential.
    trumpie cant be out shined by his flunkie

  86. Meanwhile, the guy that wants to replace him says we should stop using racist terms like the "Luhan Virus".

  87. 11:55

    You must not have watched the same press conference I did. Or, maybe you have a comprehension deficit. First of all, the ‘unappreciative’ Governors DID receive assistance as quickly as possible, and Trump pledged to provide what’s needed going forward, without regard to their manners.

    How can someone even as ’brilliant’ as you, possibly answer the question “ Will there be enough ventilators” with any sort of certainty? No one can know. He stated we have already built and delivered a lot of them, and he THINKS we’ll have enough to get through this.”

    Trump thanked an incredible amount of individuals with him at the signing, and later at the Press Conference. He gave them the opportunity to say a few words. Only a FOOL would reply without words of thanks in return.

    Pence is the Project Task Force Leader. Pence (a Republican) is together with Trump onstage often. Pence helps out with the answers because it is Pence who has closest contact with some of the people who execute all this.

    Mr./Mrs./Whatever- you are being far too transparent. The ‘look’ is not so good.

    Ignore Switch Activated.

  88. 12.31
    "the ‘unappreciative’ Governors DID receive assistance as quickly as possible"
    Yet trump had to whine during a pandemic that people need to kiss his ass?
    He said i don't call unappreciative Govs and i told Pence not to call them as it is a waste of time.
    So Pence does his job and does not need people kissing his ass.
    trump's ego demands it.
    "“ Will there be enough ventilators” well he should have given the reporter the name of the person who can answer the production and supply of those items--not attack the reporter.
    " Only a FOOL would reply without words of thanks in return."
    oh please trump wants everyone to constantly stroke his ego because everything he does is only the best .
    drink hiss kool aid if you wish.
    Pence comes off better than trump and trump only cares about how he appears and does not want anyone to outshine him.

  89. the report from the UK

    social distancing and other measures will have a massive effect on the number of deaths

  90. 1:16

    From your link, this seems to be as explicit as they get with regard to mitigation steps.

    "2)Mitigation including population-level social distancing–we assessed the maximum reduction in the final scale of the epidemic that can be achieved through a uniform reduction in the rate at which individuals contact one another, short of complete suppression."

    Later they talk about a 75% reduction in personal contact rates.

    Nowhere in the report do I see words like "quarantine," "lock down," or "stay inside."

    In addition:

    "We do not consider the wider social and economic costs of suppression, which will be high and may be disproportionately so in lower income settings."

  91. 1.51
    the report shows massive reduction in deaths with the reduction in contact rates you mention.
    well you do not get that without a lock down or any other terms you cite.
    " wider social and economic costs of suppression,"
    so they did not attach a dollar value to the reduction in personal contact.
    they want to reduce death not worry about dollars.
    when i see a study that shows a death rate that causes more deaths from say a lock down that the numbers in that report i will be glad to adopt those recommendation.
    North American deaths drop from close to 3 million to 90 thousand under the max lock down.
    So is a massive lock-down worth 2.9 million lives?
    is it worth 200 thousand lives?

  92. "he report shows massive reduction in deaths with the reduction in contact rates you mention.
    well you do not get that without a lock down or any other terms you cite."

    I believe that would be called "blowing smoke". There is no way you or I can tell what a "75% reduction in personal contact" means.

    You have a graph showing where shutting down construction crosses the 75% threshold? People taking solitary drives? People buying booze in a store that usually has less than 10 folks in it? Insurance agents being able to talk to clients while 6 feet apart? A car salesman showing a car while maintaining a 6 foot distance from the car shopper?

    The fact is the definition given in that report sheds no light on what is draconian and what is reasonable mitigation.

  93. 2.26
    " a graph showing where shutting down construction crosses the 75% threshold?"
    all the actions you describe can be curtailed without harm to the general public.
    does the person buying booze touch the counter and contaminate.?
    the solitary driver gets fuel and contaminates the keypad at the pump.
    every doorknob or push bar the prospective car buyer touches contaminates.
    Corona can be spread thru the very air you breathe so that construction site will have clouds of potential virus exposure.
    sounds like unless the report states exactly how many people will die from using the keypad at all gas stations you feel it is ok to ignore the report.
    you can ignore the report as many people do.
    the report states the cost.
    the question is whether those extra deaths are acceptable or not.

  94. 2:42

    Would be nice if you would write in coherent sentences instead of random thoughts.

    From what I gather, since air has "clouds of potential virus exposure," you figure the 6 foot rule is silly?

    You know, I can still use a gas pump under Wolf's restrictions (so far anyway) as long as I also stop while I'm out and wonder through a grocery store (but alas, not a liquor store.)

    I guess you think he hasn't gone far enough.

  95. 3.12
    "you figure the 6 foot rule is silly?"
    not at all
    "You know, I can still use a gas pump under Wolf's restrictions"
    Yep that is part of the 25 percent "personal contact" part.
    If the infection rate is too high it is quite possible that more restrictions will be needed.
    The irony will be the folks who expect others to curtail activities will be the cause of those extra restrictions.
    yep those" no one tells me to stay home" types will be the same folks who will drive up the infection rate.
    and increase the death rate.

  96. So you figure people can't do construction and stay 6 feet apart?

    And if getting gas is OK, why did you imply it would end up killing people? Is it OK to buy gas or not? Maybe you figure all those leisure driver's will exceed the 25/75% rule.

    That would be surprising, since you can't seem to quantify what that rule is.

    You know, I bet you had never heard of that 25/75% number until I pointed it out to you even though it was in the link you posted. And now you're convinced that it was the driving force behind Wolf's actions.

  97. 4.30
    "So you figure people can't do construction and stay 6 feet apart?"
    how many porta potties do you have one for each worker?
    "And if getting gas is OK, why did you imply it would end up killing people?"
    it can kill folks so if less people are driving(like driving to construction sites) then the infection rate is reduced saving lives.
    BTW less than 25 percent personal contact is a bonus not an incentive to encourage the "no one tells me to take one for the team crowd" to go cruising for that bitching Batman cookie jar they have a sudden hankering for.
    "You know, I bet you had never heard of that 25/75% number"
    well you would lose money.
    some personal contact is unavoidable.
    even the flame thrower teams disinfecting things ride in the same truck.

  98. I believe disinfecting wipes will easily fit into a porta-John, and you know, I'm guessing that even the brutes that work in construction would be willing to use them.

    So let's see.

    40 hour work week to 0 hour work week.
    Sports/restaurants/bars/museums/parties to nada/nada/nada/nada/nada
    Shopping at malls, specialty shops, looking for furniture and home goods, etc. (maybe 5-6 hours a week on average) to 2, 1/2 hour trips to the grocery store a week.

    Sounds like way more than a 75% reduction to me. And you implied it may still not be enough.

    First you link to an article saying 75% reduction is a reasonable target, and even after trying all kinds of mental gymnastics to claim you quantitatively understand what that means, it's clear you really don't know where we are in attaining that target. It's just a "bonus" you say, it's not enough you say.

    You know what, I think I know where you're coming from. You're jealous because you don't have a Batman cookie jar.

  99. 5.42
    "even the brutes that work in construction would be willing to use them."
    so guess lunch and coffee breaks are lonely things.
    How did they get there?
    individual cars causing how many extra exposure events at the gas station?
    " it's clear you really don't know where we are in attaining that target."
    one way would be to look at the infection rate and adjust restrictions from there.
    Do i have a checklist with every activity and interaction so you can total that up?
    I suspect that if say 20 percent was that total you would claim "then i can go to the gym or whatever i want to do while everyone else are restricted "
    I already have a bitchin cookie jar.

  100. There's those killer gas pumps again.

    You sure you're not an eco-warrior laying the groundwork for ways to address climate change?

  101. 6.48
    The electric charging sites are probably worse as more people are just standing around waiting.

  102. No doubt in my mind, our major news media is doing incredible damage. Watching yesterday’s press conference, I noticed how hard every Reporter was seeking the NEGATIVE. Negative anything, really. Trump is doing his best to shine a light on this fear-mongering and, rightfully calls them out by name.

    Just wondering how you are going to spin it now that Trump has mentioned he's considering quarantining parts of NYC, CT, and NJ. Still hoping for an Easter opening?

    With all the shit Wolf has taken from this blog and those who comment, for issuing stay at home orders and shutting down businesses, this should turn into a real conversation starter.

  103. 7:37

    Conversely, I'm sure all the Wolf cheerleaders who have been advocating "Whatever it takes" will be first in line to give Orange Man a big attaboy.

    You don't really expect our blog host will support that do you?

    But if our politicians were really serious, they'd quarantine those killer gas pumps.

  104. Can’t give a more negative impression than quickly, and without much foresight, shut down an entire state when at the time of that closing very few counties had, nor still have an unmanageable rate of illness. You end-up with the biggest share of your population becoming panicked, afraid, and confused.

    All along, Trump’s position has been to button-up ONLY those smaller regions showing the most medical crisis. Like, New York State, but not Montana. Or, Allegheny County, but not Potter County. Maybe Allentown City, but not The Village of Chapman.

    Further contain the hot spots, not immediately blow-up the entire State.

    At the present time, the biggest State Hotspot is NewYork, but really just the extremely dense New York City Metropolitan Area.

    Trump has also stated he wants each Governor to determine what’s best for each region. I’m thinking closing down flights and Mass Transit in/out of the NYC Metro Area (JFK, LaGuardia, Newark) is reasonable, but not flights in/out of Elmira.

    It is the Governor who should ask, Hey, why don’t we START like this? I believe Trump is trying to ‘force their hand’

    But, we’ll just have to wait and see. Remember, NO ONE has dealt with this before. There is NO guarantee. Can’t be. But, I feel certain PANIC never helps.

    Governor Cuomo screams “WE NEED MORE VENTILATORS NOW ! All the while, he has 30,000 unused units locked-up for his immediate needs in New Jersey. He is already receiving more beyond that great number he’s not even using.

    Similarly, people are screaming “I need toilet paper NOW!” Maybe because their next door neighbor hoarded 35 cases. Panic.

  105. Gee 7:36

    I guess your TDS-induced arousal must be suffering a little bit of dysfunction.

    ""On the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, I have asked the @CDCgov to issue a strong Travel Advisory, to be administered by the Governors, in consultation with the Federal Government. A quarantine will not be necessary," Trump tweeted."


    Didn't even brag about only needing a cell phone and a pen.

  106. 9:49,

    Trump verges on starting a panic and then backs off when he is told by intelligent people what a clusterf**k it would create. Keep wearing your MAGA hat.

  107. 6:12

    Yeah, he single-handedly created a brand new panic in a 6 hour news cycle.

    I understand that until mid-day yesterday, there had been no panic, there was plenty of toilet paper, and people weren't having nightmares about gas pump handles.

    I wonder if chloroquine is effective against TDS. Oh well, we may never know because of the shortage. Unfortunately, the only known treatment remains thumb-sucking while watching CNN. (Or is that the cause? Tricky medical condition.)

  108. S - T - O - P. ! ! !

    Stop the panic. Take a few moments to read a MAGNIFICENT article in Texas Monthly Magazine. (March 26)

    The story of how one responsible Texas Grocery Chain has managed to work through this craziness. Their store’s name is H-E-B.
    This grocery chain has plenty of experience, having to regularly respond during major hurricanes.

    You will not be disappointed.

    Most interesting. One item. Hope our Morning Call is listening !

    Local news sources are stopping the current practice of denying access to you by enforcing a PAY WALL. Non subscribers can now get Texas newspaper information beyond just a 6 articles per month limit (in example).

    Naturally, before doing so, readers will need to determine if they even want to go there for truth anyway. I say, if your source has been successful in INCREASING PANIC, or doing it’s best to Call down the nation’s current administration that is working extremely hard, it might be better to avoid, even if it pays you to read.

    Most news media just ain’t worth it these days. Bastards.

  109. 6:12 AM -

    Start to learn about Military PSYOPS. Used everywhere, mostly at time of war. Basically, you message in a way that forces your foe to reveal itself.

    Our President is the Commander in Chief. As a hobby, he’s been a lifelong military buff. I’m quite sure he’s ‘up’ on this topic and hearing from certain HIGHLY INTELLIGENT pros on this device on a daily basis. That talent is very close, you realize.

  110. In follow-up to my 8:34 post.

    I failed to note this important detail. I really AM a full, year round, all-access subscriber. I have a password. For weeks, I’ve tried and STILL can’t get more than a restricted view.

    Several calls to Customer Service were useless. The all recognize my account number, I can still see my Bill online, up to date on payment for the past 45 years, get the hard copy every day.

    Oh, yes. No matter when I call, it’s very difficult to understand what the representative is explaining. Sometimes, the phone connection drops.

  111. "Yeah, he single-handedly created a brand new panic in a 6 hour news cycle.

    I understand that until mid-day yesterday, there had been no panic, there was plenty of toilet paper, and people weren't having nightmares about gas pump handles"

    Don Moore, if you wish ti take Trump to task for single-handedly creating a brand-new panic, then consistency demands that you take Wolf to task for creating three of them in the Lehigh Valley. but you judge both thru partisan lends and are far from consistent.

  112. 7:56 AM
    I wonder if reality is a cure for those who think Trump is intelligent.

  113. 7:56 AM

    Sorry Bernie, I'll have to start using a /sarc tag.

    That passage you quote was in response to 6:12.

    I'm not Don Moore.

  114. Oops,

    I meant 10:04.

  115. 10:38 -

    Glad you corrected that mistake. Increasing PANIC, by anyone, can backfire in many ways. In this case it causes you (and me) to respond too quickly, maybe make a typo, or pick-off the wrong TIME of a post. That’s very easy to do, as everyone should be able to notice.

    PANIC causes people to overreact in haste, maybe in raw fear. I totally condemn those sources (individual, corporate, or state) that push that garbage on purpose. Millions of people are scrapping their newspaper, their normal TV news, even all of Cable TV, Just to get away from what they see as propaganda.

  116. Trump's feint at a three-state quarantine does not appear to have been based on the advice of health experts, but only the governor of Fla. Wolf's order is, and is in line with what many other governors as well as the leaders of other nations are doing.

  117. 11.22
    yet the Florida issue only affects other people so the Constitution quoting folks here do not care.
    Some are only concerned with their situation.
    If nuking Manhattan would solve the problem--well i want to go to the gym so guess those folks can suffer

  118. Only the federal government can regulate interstate commerce, and interstate travel is recognized as one aspect of interstate commerce. If the state of Fla. persists, presumably its argument will be that it is enforcing a state law against everyone, including those who are entering the state by car. The question may turn on whether they are enforcing that uniformly or just picking on New Yorkers.

  119. Health experts use predictive models, and any given model typically presents a range of outcomes. These include the worst-case and best-case scenarios, which rarely come true because they are, by definition, the least likely outcomes. What actually happens typically falls somewhere in the middle.

    Ben Franklin said "Expect the worst. You won't be disappoint6ed."

  120. Open the damn liquor stores or we're going in. Every entity in food and beverage has figured out how to stay open - except the state. And they're getting paid.

  121. It sounds like you may have a drinking problem.

  122. 1:09 -

    The poster’s first sentence says all we need to know. Look for that message.

    Now, here’s a related bit of real news. The brilliant Governor of New York is pondering outlawing ALL cigarette SMOKING for a month, or more. That’s will generate a few ‘criminals.’

    What’s the next idea? Ginger Ale?

  123. 1.09

    "The New York State Academy of Family Physicians is urging Gov. Cuomo to issue an executive order banning the sale of all tobacco products, "
    I am sure there are groups suggesting to the Gov that all coronavirus patients should be shot in the head to save on medical costs.
    So until an Executive order is issued that is just a "smoke screen" to politically attack someone.

  124. I think we should send ginger ale to anyone who's thinking about burglarizing a liquor store.

  125. Isn't it spreading panic to threaten to riot over liquor stores being closed?

  126. 1:36 - Yes! Like Trump mentioning shut-down of New York, then quickly rejecting the idea. Message sent!

  127. But the governor never said he's considering banning the sale of tobacco products. You're spreading panic! I sure hope it's not for political purposes!

  128. 2:15 - I can see your view, the Trump message was slightly political, but too brief to do much damage. Here’s my theory.

    Because shutting down New York, honestly, is of little concern to people living in some other states. Nothing that upsets a nation like taking citizen guns away. That shocks a nation, at a time when thousands of prisoners are being set free across the nation.

    The NY Governor’s pattern has been exposed as this. When the Governor wants something (even things he doesn’t really need) he’s ALL FOR Trump. When Trump starts a discussion about TAKING SOMETHING AWAY, the Governor goes back to calling down Trump and blaming Trump for every problem. Problems not even related.

    That’s being a phony, a hypocrite. Remember, when Trump quickly stopped flights in/out from China? Most everyone, including the New York Mayor claimed that proves Trump was a racist. That wasn’t racism, that SAVED LIVES.

    Trump promised, over-and-over, he prefers each Governor to make the decision. Like Washington State, and a few others. He also expects them to be a little more grateful. That’s the Message Sent.

    Of course, this is my THEORY. You, see a different THEORY. No one can be 100% sure.

  129. 2.50

    "Trump has referred to the travel restrictions as a “travel ban.” There isn’t an outright ban, as there are exceptions, including for Americans and their family members.
    Trump said he was “bold” in imposing travel restrictions even though “everybody said, it’s too early, it’s too soon” and “a lot of people that work on this stuff almost exclusively” told him “don’t do it.” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said the decision stemmed from “the uniform recommendations of the career public health officials here at HHS.”
    Trump said Democrats “loudly criticized and protested” his announced travel restrictions, and that they “called me a racist because I made that decision.” Trump is overstating Democratic opposition. None of the party’s congressional leaders and none of the Democratic candidates running for president have directly criticized that decision, though at least two Democrats have.
    Trump said the travel restrictions “saved a lot of lives” and reduced U.S. COVID-19 cases to “a very small number.” But experts say there isn’t enough data to make that determination. A study in the journal Science found the various travel limitations across the globe initially helped to slow the spread, but the number of cases worldwide rose anyway because the virus had already begun traveling undetected internationally."

  130. 2.58
    "He also expects them to be a little more grateful. That’s the Message Sent."
    translated trump wants Governors to kiss his ass.
    Trump thinks that Gov's work for him and he can treat them however he wants.
    The Govs are not afraid of trump and do not work for him.
    Trump can stop being such a snowflake.
    No one says he has to stay in the hot kitchen he can resign and let Pence take over.

  131. GOOD NEWS!

    Prism Health has introduced a VENTILATOR ADAPTER that can turn ONE ventilator into FOUR Ventilators, each multi-ventilator able to serve all four patients with the correct dosage for everyone on the system. The item can be produced on a 3D PRINTER, meaning given the right software, a units can even be printed in private homes.

    So, when everything is up and running at more capacity,, 40,000 ventilators become, essentially 160,000 ventilators!

    The simple looking device has been tested and quickly approved by the FDA, among others in this Administration for emergency use.

  132. Oops! Make that PRISMA Health. Sorry.


    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis procures HUGE shipment of the drug HCQ for immediate use in Florida. Meanwhile, the Michigan Governor forbids its use under threat of taking away Doctor Medical Licenses.

  134. 5.14
    try getting it correct

    For starters the Governor did not forbid the use.
    Deb Gagliardi, Director
    Bureau of Professional Licensing

    Forrest Pasanski, Director
    Enforcement Division"

    and " Reports of this conduct will be evaluated and may be further investigated for
    administrative action."
    nowhere does it say Doctors will lose their license.
    also"Again, these are drugs that have not been proven scientifically or
    medically to treat COVID-19."
    " or with the intent to stockpile the drug may create a shortage for patients with lupus,
    rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are proven
    translated ---do not screw up those people with lupus by going off half-cocked.

  135. 4.57
    " a VENTILATOR ADAPTER that can turn ONE ventilator into FOUR Ventilators,"
    good idea and it helps.
    However if you only have 4 thousand ventilators and you need 40 thousand you still have to decide who does not get one.
    Credit where credit is due kudos for PRISMA health.

  136. Just stay the hell home as much as you can, people. This is going to take a while.

  137. try

    state by state projections

  138. You know, those of you SO BLINDED by the political rage in your soul are NOT helping people get hope from something that has already devastated their family already, and may do again to any family not yet devastated. Like those outrageous so-called reports just one hour ago on the White House lawn giving their best effort to condemn the most important person and his entire team that will guide us through this.

    How more stupid can people be?

    No matter what they hear, read, or view is being made into a political weapon because their preferred candidate did not win 3+ years ago.

    CNN was rightfully called out, yet again for the negative spinning, even distortions, and lying. One CNN fool even read Trump’s exact words, and ended-up discounting himself! He had no idea. Another news loser wanted to know why is Florida claiming they received 100% of what they asked for and other states are reporting much less success. Ask your states’ damn Governor! That is, if you can trust him/her.

    People are DIEING in record number, and we are finding a huge storage facility in New Jersey, OWNED and OPERATED by New York sitting full in New Jersey. All the while, the New York Governor screams for many more. Maybe, he could have saved a life of someone in New Jersey, or trucked a few into Connecticut in under one hour.

    The news media is doing great harm. Over irrelevant political preference . . . . While people are being killed by this never before seen virus!

    Get your priorities straight. The hate within you can be held back for 6 more months, I think. Maybe not.

  139. As Gov. Cuomo explained at his press conference today, they don't need everything they've requested at this precise moment. Next week.

    You're the one with all the spittle.

  140. False hope is, eventually, no hope at all.

  141. Dr Brix gets her kix on route sixty six I like how the article is written like she is Jesus Christ of the wahun virus. The staticians make claims of millions of deaths to terrorize the world into committing suicide because it's the end of the world. So a bunch of of people die during flue season who cares as long as it's not my people!
    Let them die and decrease the surplus population that is burdening America's healthcare system.

  142. Wow. Did Fox lay off some talking heads? Take a step back and ask yourself, is Fox a positive for our society? All I see are scantily clad angry women and angry old men. My thought is do they even believe what they're saying?
    For the record, I'm a life long R and have no use for the likes of MSNBC either.
    Ignorance speaks louder than wisdom; wisdom just listens.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.