Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Suspended Washington Tp Police Chief on Patrol in Roseto

Last week, Washington Tp's Supervisors voted unanimously to suspend Police Chief Scott E Miller. After spending eight hours in a sports bar, Miller was involved in an accident along Kesslersville in which he totaled his truck and did a great deal of damage to someone's property. He failed to report his accident to police, even though his truck had to be towed away. He also made no effort to contact the homeowner whose property was damaged. This suspension came after DA Terry Houck charged Miller with two summary offenses. There was insufficient evidence for a DUI. You might think that after being suspended without pay, Miller would lay low for awhile, hoping things blow over. But according to a poster at Facebook group Slate Belt Watch, Miller was spotted over the weekend, working as a police officer in Roseto.

Miller's employment as a part-time police officer in Roseto was confirmed yesterday by the Borough's Mayor, Joseph C. Angelini. He told me Council would be meeting soon to discuss the situation. Its next meeting is Match 2.


  1. As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

  2. I can appreciate Mr.O’Hare that you are “milking this cow” for all you can but as you mentioned, he was suspended WITHOUT pay...so are you saying he should lay low and not try to earn any form of income to meet his financial responsibilities?
    Then what...it becomes our (taxpayers) responsibility?

    1. Since your Otis Miller, Mayberry Township drunk or one of his cheating wives he screws with on duty he should earn a living and will just not with gold badge that says Chief it in a Washington Township Police uniform.

    2. Is he not earning a living on your tax dollars now??? Horrible response!

  3. Not lay low but how about a job outside LAW ENFORCEMENT?

  4. What town would want the chance of that liability. This goof made NBC 10 news over the the weekend. Only a hole like Roseto would allow this man to work instead of also suspending him until he has been evaluated that he is safe to wear a uniform. It only makes sense. My gram lived there since she came to the US and she would say Mayor Angelini and that council "they are stupid faces". How will they look if this bozo goes off the deep end with another booze cruise or wife beating.

  5. Lay low..... Miller has brought the LOW to the Slate Belt community. As a cop you cannot get any lower then Scott Miller and his antics as a police officer.

  6. This doesn't surprise me, Roseto is a ghost town that lives in the past. Its run by 1 family. All the businesses & schools closed. Joe Angelini is a goof.

    1. He is part time and the Mayor can remove him from the schedule with a phone call. The community is not stupid Angelini every one knows what a corrupt sleeze you are as Mayor. Miller must have something on the pasta boss hog

  7. Suspended without pay. Isn’t this just like a corporate layoff? Unemployment compensation eligible, part time work OK.

  8. Just hold on a minute. The Northhampton District Attorney and the Washington Twp Board of Supervisors should be calling 717-346-4086 ext #4. It is the Municipal Police Officers Training and Education Commission- MPOTEC. Any police officer at any time of arrest the municipality is Required to notify MPOTEC. Such as Scott E. Miller's DUI in OC,MD, his wife assault charges and this most recent incident. The same goes for Mark J. Gwozdz. The same for James Krome who was arrested for DUI. It is a MPOTEC regulation to notify them. This keeps arrests and incidents with bad cops from repeating again with the same bad cop somewhere else. The Police Officers MPOTEC number can be suspended or revoked if the officer was not truthful and false information was supplied. ARD does NOT erase the record of a bad cops behavior only court record. These men along with the phony accident report and microphones being turned off should be reported and cover up is the very reason why there is a MPOTEC and it's staffed by members of PSP. Any citizen or elected official can call and ask as they are public servants and it's right to know information. The DA and Supervisors should should be making those calls and should have. Municipal Law Enforcement is not the wild west and as free wheeling as there are rules and regulations from the Municipal leaders of down. Did Miller notify on Gwozdz? NO, Did the BOS if Washington Township notify on Krome and Miller? NO...,bad cops with repeated behavior makes them all look bad. They will and do investigate bad cops and police departments and should be called to come here.

  9. If Scott Miller was a member of the PA State Police would we be having this conversation? That is why save a million dollars and let them police your community.

    1. I'm a huge police supporter but after that dog and pony show PSP had with that female and male trooper with that facebook stuff in carbon county.. They are now back on the road.

  10. Three words that describes Angelini and the Roseto Borough Council.... Stupido, sciocco and scemo .....how could you endanger Roseto and it's people's? This man is not one of us. Send him back down the hill to Bangor.

  11. Roseto? Are they still considered a borough? What a disgrace Miller is and so is Angellini for paying him to ride around in their town police cruiser. Talk about a back water community..geez!

  12. Was miller always employed there does any one know ??

  13. What 7:25 said is true MPOTEC does investigate police departments and bad officers and can revoke the number for a long list of reasons not just an arrest. Its purpose is to see that law enforcement in the Commonwealth does not become corrupt like you see here and a community is not run like a third world country by it's law enforcement. These Officers have alot to be worried about. The parochialism at the local level will not be found in dealing with MPOTEC.

  14. Washington township needs to abolish this shameful department and bring in the state police ! It’s cheaper and better so ask yourself why this is happening ! Could it be the need to fund the Lanes repair service with police vehicles and police towing? Those contracts have not been bid out I have been told . If the supervisors cared about our community instead of their crooked buddies this police department would have been gone along time ago!!!

    1. It’s true Washington township is spending way too much money on cops. Almost a million dollars while our roads go to hell ! Check the monthly minutes and you can read how much money is being spent on things that the township does not need. The corruption is there for all to see ! We all need to Go to the meeting make and make some noise !

  15. Congratulations to Mayor Angelini in bringing embarrassment and humiliation to Roseto. It's obvious this man has issues and should not be in a uniform and should have been gone and removed with a phone call. Instead to you embarrass the Town of Roseto it's residents and humiliate it's other police officers. Good job Angellini and Council!

  16. No need to worry about Miller, Roseto is a ghost town, not a single bar/restaurant. Oh, I forgot, there's the firehouse. And Gwozdz, since hes a "veteran" can hit the legion. The Mayor, Joe Angelini is an embarrassment!

  17. "Was miller always employed there does any one know ??"

    I suspect he was there before all of this.

  18. Angelini is known for not being smart..... He has a pasta for a brain

    1. "He has a pasta for a brain." A particular pasta dish? Or perhaps a single pasta noodle? You sound like a really bright one, yourself!

  19. Just to add to what 7:25 and 7:47 have already touched upon, MPOETC is the governing body that oversees municipal police certification. They can revoke and officer's certification for criminal conduct which would preclude him/her from working anywhere in the Commonwealth as a police officer.

  20. Where is Mayor Angelini and the town's common sense? This man should have a pyschological and alcohol drug testing before anything and also Mayor did you call MPOTEC? More corruption in Roseto now?

  21. Isn't this also the same place where Gwozdz lives, or lived? So, let me get this straight, Miller is patrolling the very town where one of his subordinates threatened to kill his wife. I would think there would be some type of conflict of interest there. I mean, what if Gwozdz were to return and follow up on his threat while Miller was on-duty? Imagine the money Roseto would have to pay from a lawsuit if this occurred. It would bankrupt the Borough. Who is in charge of this Department? Not only does this fall squarely on the shoulders of the local government, but also whoever is in charge of that Department. Anyone know who is "Chief" or "Officer In Charge" there? How could anyone ever allow this to happen? You just can't make this stuff up. How stupid is the Roseto local government? This has to be one of most grossly negligent things I've ever seen. This just keep getting worse everyday. The Slate Belt is officially the laughing stock of, not only Northampton County, but as far as this information continues to travel. WOW!

    1. The Chief of Roseto is a inexperienced part timer who also works in Nazerath named Brandon Rader. Has the mentality of Barney Fife. Not to Bright. It'sa gotta be in the sauce in Roseto.

  22. Miller is a walking time bomb! Now the Roseto community has to worry. I didn't vote for Angellini I know what a chooch he is and is known for. What a cesspool.

  23. Us Angelini the Mayor or MayWhore of Roseto.

  24. Mayor says we will meet soon to discuss it..... Or end up in court or at a funeral because of this menace.

  25. Mayor says Miller and Gwozdz are a gooda boys theya just drinks to much and theya punch thier wives in the faces.... nothin to a worry about now move along...

  26. To the Mayor of Roseto your a disgrace to the town and incompetent in your duties RESIGN! How could you allow this to happen? The Mayor controls the police department and can remove a part time officer off the schedule. He works at the will of town council. Mayor Angelini you have embarrassed and humiliated the Borough by your ineptness.

  27. Anyone look up Gwozdz's "LinkedIn" page. I copied and pasted this, right from his page:

    I have been a full-time police officer for approx 22yrs., I currently hold instructor certification for Taser / firearms/ patrol rifle. I work full-time for Washington Township police however I am also the Chief of police (part-time) for a small town police department which consists of 9 total part-time officers. Roseto Police Department police coverage consists of 16hrs a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year.

    Chief of Police
    Roseto Police Department
    2012 – Present8 years
    Roseto, Pa
    Chief of Police of a part-time department. Roseto Borough consists of approx. 1,500 residents which is served by a total of 7 part-time officers.
    Chief of Police of a part-time department. Roseto Borough consists of approx. 1,500 residents which is served by a total of 7 part-time officers.

  28. New Washington Township sign coming. "Welcome to our POLICE Department. We wrote the book on domestic abuse"

  29. The police here are all twisted together like a box of earthworms. Soon they will eat each other

  30. Wait so officer wife beater terroristic threats Mark Gwozdz's wife has to deal with drunk driver wife abuser Miller trolling outside her house? Seriously? That poor woman. His Chief also in hot water trolling.....outside the house and on the streets of the town she lives. This is real sick scary sick!

  31. Borough of Roseto. Common sense has left the town's elected officials however stupidity is filling in that role. Do you need a drink or some spousal abuse? We have some of the best derelects here.

  32. This shouldn't surprise anyone- Joe Angelini is an embarrassment!

  33. To Roseto town officials and Mayor your doing a hell of a job ruining this town!

  34. I am beyond words to think he is patrolling by Mrs. Gwozdz home. The DA needs to open his mouth and step up! He is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the county. Call John Morganelli and ask him what to do!

  35. How does an AWOL Marine Reservist who committed derelection of duty call himself a "Veteran"? He belongs in jail. What a creep and dishonor to the Marine Corp! I guess he can kiss that police job in Florida good bye. Maybe he can sell those Hawaiian shirts to the tourists down there?

    1. I have heard Mark Gwozdz brag about his marine corps military service. Now it all comes out AWOL! He isno veteran but a weasel slug. Any Marine would straighten him out quick. They know now what he is.

  36. Any citizen can call MPOTEC and request an investigation. Your call is actually answered by a State Trooper! Everyone should call and file a complaint and complain about this corruption! If the elected officials won't clean this mess up the MPOTEC will. Wait till they check these backgrounds in the paperwork filed for certification. Make the call and protect your community!

  37. Wait in reality isn't Roseto run by the Firehouse? Voice your complaints, 2nd floor rear.

    1. Look for the benevolent Firehouse drunk in charge. Life appointment.

  38. And the plot thickens.....

    1. Definitely got the turds floating up there in the cesspool of the county

  39. If you see the Mayor today ask yourself is the wheel going around but the hamster is not moving?

  40. It's Miller time -

    "To protect (my income) and serve (drinks)."

  41. You people are incredible, everyones' a target. Collateral damage and other Innocent people attacked by the anonymous keyboard assassins. Let the courts sort this mess out. Bernie stop perpetuating this story, people have suffered enough already. Everyone involved will have their day in court, in front of a judge. Of all people Bernie you should know what it feels like to be constantly and consistently persecuted and or ridiculed. I would think you know the definition of the word compassion. People make mistakes and those people are scheduled to answer for those "alleged" mistakes in front of the proper authority, until that time enough already. The benefits of positive reporting left this story long ago. Its become nothing more than throwing bread to the geese, it benefits no-one not even the geese.

    1. Cry me a river.... These scumbag dirty cops are exactly that scumbag dirty cops and have NO right to serve any community or have that authority or power. The entire area has seen with it's own eyes the corruption of several local police departments. If they have nothing to hide and are so saintly let the high priced man in the suit Washington Township hired and the MPOTEC investigate. There is NO EXCUSE in law enforcement for this. RESIGN or get fired. Let's see the false paperwork filed with the State or the lack thereof. They should be very concerned because at the State level they can and will be decertified. Stay tuned.

    2. When was there EVER a positive in this story? HAHAHAHAHA

    3. Compassion for wife beaters? Cheaters? Drunks? Vile men in uniform that chase after teen girls at local gas stations and convenience stores? Drunk drivers ? Compassion? Second chances? Forgiveness? This is the real world in the Slate Belt not a Disney movie on the Hallmark channel. Get a reality check. We deserve more from our police at least have morals and integrity and Miller and Gwozdz don't have that anymore. The credibility is ground zero.

    4. Personally....I like to be educated in what's going on. Mr O'Hare has brought alot to light that these cops would hope stayed buried.

  42. It's an Italian thing in that town. You either are or you're not. And you thought that stuff was over? Naw.

    1. was for many years, but they're slowly losing their grip, after this generation, it's over. once a good town is now an embarrassment

  43. this is what you get when 1 family runs the town- just check the centennial book from a few years ago, you'll see what I mean. the hard working immigrants that built a quaint, prosperous town with schools & businesses were hardly mentioned. no one else matters, no wonder it's a ghost town.

    1. Roseto is now all low income housing and white trash. It's now now as the outhouse on the hill. The big time will soon be called the Big Turd Festival with the crowning of Miss Pasta Turd.

  44. Must be the same family slowly crossing the border into Bangor to get their grip on that town too.

  45. Follow Route 512, from Wind Gap to Portland, and see if you see a police car in your travels. The Slate Belt Area has become an easy way to make wages, without performance, and that is why they all hold multiple jobs. All Local Police Forces, are now reactive only, which is what State Police are, reactive, responding after the fact. It would be a benefit to all taxpayers to close all Police Stations across the Slate Belt, and go with State Police, thus saving taxpayers money on wages/benefits/buildings/vehicles/gas/building insurances/car insurances/training/court cost/etc.

  46. The area owes Bernie O'Hare a Thank You for exposing the corruption of the corrupt scumbags we have in uniform here that needs to be removed. Thank You Bernie

  47. Would be nice if local police like those in Stockertown were more than just traffic ticket ambush zones. Sadly it is part of the job of local police to generate income with traffic stops.

  48. I know a couple other part-time Roseto cops are "wackers"...guys that can't get a job with a real PD (that requires testing, background check, polygraph, etc..)because they're goofballs that have no business in Law Enforcement, so Miller working there is no suprise

  49. Suspended from Roseto now too. Slowly losing your status here in the Slate Belt Mr. Miller. Every dog has his day.

  50. This fool should simply be fired. It isn't complicated. Spends 8 hours at a bar (who does that?) then utterly destroys someone's front yard and comes close to destroying his house AND killing him. Goodbye - don't bother asking about your pension.

  51. 1:01 Agreed. This whole situation stinks. This guy is wreckless, irresponsible, and not a person that I want to have representing my township. So much cover up. The DA needs to get more involved than he did. He left everything up to SBRPD and Washington Township. He had the power to hammer down on every person who was involved in this shady mess.

  52. Again, a lot of time spent trying to ruin Scott Miller's reputation. How come you won't comment on Ron Angle Jr.?

  53. Scott Miller ruined his own career don't blame this blog for all of his bad judgement and stupidity.

  54. Not blaming the blog. Just pointing out the fact that the blogger is a bit biased.

  55. The entire Slate Belt is basically a joke. Wish I could laugh at it but I live here for now


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