Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mayor Wannabe Negron Claims She Has Spies

Bethlehem City Council person Olga Negron, who would like to be Bethlehem's next Mayor, has recently unfriended or blocked a number of people from her Facebook page, claiming she has "spies." She got rid of me when I first wrote about her husband, Judge Dumbass.

But she's right. One of her spies sent this my way.

"[L]eadership is part of my nature," she recently boasted. So is job bouncing. She is currently the "community liaison" for the HGSk personal injury law firm, whatever that may be. From 2003 to present, she has also worked as a neighborhood coordinator in Allentown (6 years), Exec Director at LV Hispanic Center (2 years), Exec Director at Levitt Pavilion (9 months), legislative assistant for Steve Samuelson (almost 2 years), sales manager at HOLA radio (11 months) and library technician (5 years).


  1. Oh please God no! Negron for Mayor=Time to move from Bethlehem!

  2. Run Olga Run.

    (God save us.)

  3. Olga for Dog Catcher

  4. Don't mean to beat up on Olga but if you have ever spoken with her, you would know she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  5. When you have nothing to say and nothing that makes you stand out as a individual, always go with the race card.

  6. (L)eadership is in her nature? You cannot make this stuff up, and 11:11 is spot on.

  7. I don’t believe that the “neighborhood coordinator” thing in Allentown constituted what most would consider a real job by any rational standard.
    She left Allentown because she couldn’t advance any further. Imagine that, lacking the talent to move up in the Lehigh Valley’s epicenter of low expectations.

  8. Community Liaison is a euphemism for a runner to get cases, in this case PI cases into a law firm. It's presented as marketing, or advertising, but it's a crock. I guess you can also write it off as an expense to your business. Ambulance chasing is what it used to be called, but in this nuanced world we live in it, has been rebranded as Community Liaison.

  9. I hear Izzy is her lead political consultant.
    I sure hope so.

  10. Will she enjoy the endorsement of Bethlehem's most prominent citizen, The Mediterranean Manslab? I'm holding opinion until he speaks.

  11. Who cares what old white men think.
    The future of our party and city is not with them.
    It’s a new day coming.

  12. I've known Olga for a number of years. She is a very nice lady but she is really not the sharpest tool in the shed. Council is one thing, Mayor of Bethlehem...no fing way!

  13. Nice?
    I think I’ll just leave it right there.

  14. Councilwoman Negron is a dedicated public servant with great integrity. She would make a fine mayor.

  15. Barbara, She has supported your own agenda, and hence you support her. She is good at playing to the crowd. Not sure that demonstrates integrity or we'd all be saying Donald Trump has great integrity.

    1. Who the heck is Barbara Diamond? Never heard of her!

  16. I agree.
    A fine mayor.
    Really really fine.
    She’s so fine.
    Makes me wanna dance to The Ronettes.

    You couldn’t make this up.

  17. If she wants to be the mayor she needs to start protecting the cities interests on the boards, committees and commissions she's on. 1/2 the time she6a no-show.

  18. She can't handle Council meetings (she has walked out of 3 council meetings when she couldn't handle the topics). Is she going to walk out of City Hall when things don't go her way?

  19. Olga would be the worst thing to happen to Bethlehem if she became mayor. The guy in there now is not good, but Olga would make Bob look like a genius.
    Dana lacks the control to be Mayor. Council would all get punched in the face when they went against him. The man is a ticking time bomb ready to explode. So much anger in him.
    And Barbara Diamond, in your heart, do you really believe Olga would make a "fine mayor"? I mean deep down you know she is a twit and you are using her to your advantage.

  20. Olga Negron.......LOL.....Really? She can't keep a job, let alone run a City!

  21. 12:12, Barbara is a very involved citizen ego attends numerous meetings and was behind Negron’s failed ethics ordinance

  22. “Ego” should be “who”. Barbara has no ego. That’s why you never heard of her. I respect her very much.


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