Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bloomberg: The Only Grown-Up in the Room

While Michael Bloomberg was no Cicero, his performance at last night's Democratic debate was a vast improvement over his debut. A technocrat who attempted vainly at times to laugh at himself, he also often appeared to be the only grown-up in the room. Bernie Sanders, who was attacked the most, was very strong in his responses and style. Elizabeth Warren delivered the most cheap shots, and at times, spoke for minutes without being shut down by very weak moderators. I am sick and tired of hearing Joe Biden say he's the guy who did this or did that, right before he sticks his foot in his mouth. I liked Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttegeig, but have to wonder why the hell Tom Steyer is still in the race.

Because he was vastly improved and very substantive, I'd give this debate to Bloomberg. Yews, Bernie did better in his answers, but he's had more practice. The clear loser of this debate? CBS.

What do you think? I am only interested in what other Democrats think. I already know what Trump supporters think.


  1. Another train wreck. Moderators were pathetic. First hour was a cafeteria food fight with monitors hiding under the table. Bloomberg was hardly the winner. His attempts at humor fell flat. Warren is a blabber mouth. Comrade Bernie just waves his arms like a lunatic spouting socialist propaganda. Uncle Joe has dementia. Amy and Mayor Pete were the adults in the room. Tom Plaid Tie was a waste of space. Overall not a stellar performance by anyone. But I like Pete.


  2. "If I was a registered Democrat, I'd be embarrassed and hanging my head in shame."

    If I were a registered Republican I'd commit Hari-Kari, I don't know how you guys allow yourselves to be associated with that imbecile.

  3. What a trainwreck of pandering and supposed free stuff. There is no reason to vote for any of them.

  4. Any of them are better than the Lying Russian bot Trump. He is a Teletubby disgrace of a reality star.

  5. The moderators Are weak and Bloomberg is your next president

  6. From the look on buttkakakes face he not only had a hand up his ass propping him up butt there was also one squishing his anal glands for after evening activities.

  7. If I was a registered Democrat or Republican I’d be deeply regretting my tragically misguided affiliation.
    This country is in big trouble.

  8. Biden is wed to the past while the real issues involve the future. He is an embarrassment just like a guy at the cocktail extolling his success as a high school athlete. Nobody care what you used to do.
    Pete is flat out rude and Larry David is a Star.

  9. Bloomy gets the nomination.

    Bernie Bros go haywire, sensing a repeat of the dirty done to them in '16.

    Bernie runs as Independent/Social-Democrat/Communist.

    Trump gets 43% of popular vote, but electoral landslide in 3-way race.

  10. It was rather clear that Pocahonky was running for Bernie's VP slot. If that's the D ticket, Trump wins 40+ states in a laugher.

    Vegas still has Trump comfortably favored. Bloomberg was getting bets until he stepped on his dick in the Nevada debate. Interesting to see if he starts getting action again after last night. Remember, polls had Hillary winning easily. Betting lines which favored Hillary with early money, saw increasing velocity for Trump, months before he shocked the non-gambling world. I trust oddsmakers more than pollsters. They actually have money on the line. House always wins.

  11. Bloomberg will need to answer for all that ‘stop and frisk’ strategy and the many videos out there of him stating things like “ It’s easy, just put all the young black men up against the wall first.” Then, too, all the women who filed complaints about his behavior with them. But, it’s all about winning.

  12. It was a inconclusive debate, I see no real winners, just that Sanders was not damaged. Bloomberg can not ever win a Democratic nomination. Do you really believe the Democrat base will accept a billionaire who was a Republican 2 years ago? You also see that no one is getting out in the near future, which means Sanders is still the leader. Warren is attempting to disqualify Bloomberg and is lobbying for a vice-president slot with sanders. It looks like Sanders race to lose with warren as first in line for VP.

    1. I could live with a Sanders/ Warren ticket.

    2. You could also live in Russia, Comrade.

  13. What debate...All I saw was a bunch of raving monkeys throwing poo...

  14. Like both parties, they want the votes of the diverse coalitions, but not as candidates. The Sanders coalition is now the majority.

  15. They may not be able to win with sanders, but they surely cannot win without his people. tough choice!

  16. I deleted a number of comments from Trump supporters. We already know what you think. T

  17. I agree with 7:00 am. Bernie was not damaged and Warren is positioning herself as the future VP.

    I just do not know how this will play out for the middle with how far left Bernie/Warren is. It really will come down to the question of whether you think Government is the solution or the problem and i fear that this group is just too left to be viable.

  18. I will probably vote for Sanders. The socialist thing doesn’t scare me. We have to debate the role of government in health care and other support issues.

  19. As a die hard democrat I am embarrassed by the candidates we have running for President. Is this the best we can do? I feel the "BERN" every time he opened his mouth and talked about his give away programs that he can't find the resources to fund. Where is the funding mechanism for his programs? Liz Warren shook hands with almost everyone after the debate. She is obviously running for VP but not on the Sanders ticket. She attacked him too many times. I felt the New York mayor and Joe Biden were the best dogs in the show last night. The commentators were awful and they must come up with a different format.

  20. What an embarrassment! It was like a high school food fight! This slate of candidates is like a clown car: Crazy Bernie comes across as a lunatic, a cantankerous nut flailing his arms, handing out free stuff, railing against capitalism, while he & his wife became rich gaming the system. Biden is down right an embarrassment. Billionaires trying to buy the nomination, the rest just don't inspire me. Believe it or not, I like Tulsi, but she'll never win the nomination- This is a tough call!

  21. I like Tulsi, too, but I completely disagree with her foreign policy views.

    1. I also cant get past her cowardly "present" vote on impeachment.

  22. Mike Bloomberg improved the most but still is no where close to being able to win a plurality of Democratic voters. Bernie Sanders held his own and did not lose any of his committed supporters but he didn't gain any ground either with some very shaky logic of how he intends to finance all his magic acts. Elizabeth Warren took her previously successful attacks on Bloomberg to another level last night and came off looking overbearing and nasty. No gain for her after an impressive performance in the Nevada debate. Pete and Tom appeared as weak as the moderators. Amy makes sense in much of what she says, but inspires no enthusiasm. Joe Biden seemed more stable than in past efforts. Joe and Bloomberg appear the only two there who have a clue how to govern at the national level and have any chance of getting things done with a divided Congress. They are both way behind however and only Bloomberg has independent wealth to keep going on. Joe better win SC as he promised or he is toast. None of this is good for beating Trump in Novemeber.

  23. Bloomberg has already eliminated himself for me and if you think Warren calling out Bloomberg for giving vast sums of money to the campaigns of Lyndsay Graham and Pat Toomey is a "cheap shot", you're already in the bag for Bloomberg (a Republican).

  24. The health care issue that bernie is pushing is something i can get behind. The ACA was not a perfect system, but it did offer benefits and hit segments of the society which desperately needs health care.

    Where he loses me is with his business approach, mandating that private/public companies grant 20% of their outstanding stock to the workers. Mandating private companies to put workers on their boards.

    That is confiscation of property rights and that is a non starter for me.

    1. 1:39 where are you hearing this? Besides that wouldnt be done as it cant be forced...unconstitutional. He can certainly suggest it but not force it.

  25. Bernie says he's banning fracking on Day 1. That's why the Russians are trying to get him elected. Our energy independence, especially natural gas production, has come largely at their expense on the global market. They want back in. And Bernie will deliver to them on Day 1.

  26. Fracking is very important to Pennsylvania. Taking that away won’t be popular here.

    1. Fracking is very damaging to Pennsylvania. Unless you're a stockholder in a shale gas company, who'll benefit from exporting liquefied gas to India, China and beyond. That's where it's going. Not for energy independence here home. Follow the money. There ain't no laterals coming off those pipelines that are fueling homes and businesses along the way!The love of money!

  27. Winners:

    1. Bernie Sanders: Came in as the front runner and left the same way.

    2. Elizabeth Warren: Another strong debate performance. That said, the last one didn't seem to help her much and it's doubtful this one will either. She has a credibility problem and the Left of the party has mostly decided to back Sanders.

    3. Joe Biden: He's a human gaffe machine and last night he claimed that 150 million Americans were killed by guns since 2007. His gaffes and diminished mental abilities will eventually come back to haunt him. But last night he did enough to hold on to South Carolina, which is the best he could have hoped for.

    Big Loser:

    1. Michael Bloomberg: Yes, he was better prepared than the last debate, but that's such a low bar to hurdle (or walk under in his case). Proved once again that all the money in the world can't buy a personality. His ads trying to counter his abundant baggage only remind people of his problems. Checked his watch early in the debate, as if he had somewhere else to be. Should have pulled out a calendar to start planning his exit. He's that bad, but his money and ego will allow him to hold out as long as he wants.

  28. Bernie O'Hare said...
    Bernie does not bother me, either.

    Of course Bernie doesn't bother you...you don't have anything for him to take or you at least believe that. Just wait for the wonderful bureaucratic mess that will govern every aspect of your existence and never ever go away once created. Good times...

  29. 8:54, she delivered more than a few cheap shots and looked like someone who is desperate. Up until last night, I liked her.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bloomberg has already eliminated himself for me and if you think Warren calling out Bloomberg for giving vast sums of money to the campaigns of Lyndsay Graham and Pat Toomey is a "cheap shot", you're already in the bag for Bloomberg (a Republican).

    February 26, 2020 at 8:54 AM
    Foolish people make stupid statements, I will vote for whomever is the nominee in November and you should do the same

  31. As far as the Bernie/Warren plan: Nothing was stated to be for free. You will pay more taxes BUT you will not have your medical/dental/glasses taken out of your paycheck nor will you pay for co-pays. The idea is to make healthcare a NON-PROFIT and pass the savings on to the working man and not keep profiting the Billionaires. As far as the people who keep claiming it's communist I suggest they look up the definitions of Socialist and Communist. If they feel that strongly against socialism I hope they are willing to show their true commitment by refusing the completely SOCIALIST programs of SOCIAL Security and Medicare when they retire.

  32. Remember this idea of replacing insurance companies with federal government bureaucrats is not a good idea. poor job performance will be protected, pensions and benefits will become much more expensive than what insurance companies make . Someone needs to handle all this paperwork and administration. It is either the private sector or government bureaucrats. once the move is made it will never be recreated. Obama care shifted the uninsured from non workers to self employed who could no longer afford the increased premiums. The only expansion to healthcare was through the medicaid expansion. It was a huge disruption and did nothing to lower the cost of healthcare. The emphasis should be on lowering the cost with reforms etc.

  33. It was a waste of time. I think the Moderators should just shut off microphones when the time is up. The constant hand raising and talking over each other is all so juvenile. Bloomberg is who Trump fears the most. Maybe because they know each others secrets. Bernie has built a movement and energized a group of people who want dramatic changes however they fail to understand the three branches of government which will stop any measurable policy changes. Too many candidates left on the stage. I like Amy or Pete but both lack the bankroll to beat Bernie or Bloomberg. Withstanding everything I would vote for anyone over Trump. If Bernie was more clear on how he intends to fund his plans well maybe. The party is a hot mess and it will reflect on the other races. I may go into a self-induced coma for 4 years.

  34. Liz strayed; Pete was the most intelligent and articulate as usual. Bloomberg didn't bomb this time. Biden seems to be the moderates' best hope to defeat trumpty dumpty.

    I wish there was more discussion about the loss of the Rule of Law in America and how we are no longer a Democracy.

    Whether or not Bernie wins, he's toast.

    Lively, somewhat informative, often chaotic, amazing how these talented moderators fail to ask relevant questions. All the candidates should just attack trump and the trump culters.

  35. " Is this the best we can do?" That's the same question I had in the 2016 general election when the choice was between Hillary and Donald.

    Health CARE is not the same thing as health INSURANCE. They cannot and should not be used interchangeably.

  36. 1:39 - Anybody that uses natural gas is reaping the benefits of fracking, whether the fracking is in Pennsylvania or elsewhere.

    Natural gas is probably the least expensive methods of heating your home and water, thus benefiting ALL income brackets.

    The price is so low because the US has increased production. This is a benefit to those in PA, in the USA, and beyond.

    It's something known as the law of supply and demand, which escapes Leftists like you see when you look at the entire Democrat presidential field.

  37. I have never seen a poorer group of candidates in my whole life.
    If I were a Democrat (and thank God that I do not possess that defective gene in my DNA) I could only do one of two things. 1) Just stay home on Election Day or 2) Go to the polls and vote for Trump.

    Off Topic:

    I watched just a small part of President Trumps India trip and Melania is honestly and totally gorgeous! She makes Jackie O look pedestrian. If the leftist fashion & beauty magazines didn't have a bug up their collective asses, she would adorn their covers frequently.

  38. Melania is beautiful. Who is disputing that? She was a soft-porn model. She hasn't done anything to warrant a magazine cover as First Lady.

  39. Anon 12:00 said:

    "As far as the people who keep claiming it's communist I suggest they look up the definitions of Socialist and Communist."

    Communism is the end result of socialism. It is the theoretical, classless utopian society where the state no longer needs to exist.

    Source: Karl Marx.

    Learn quickly what the democrat puppets are peddling, before you are enslaved by it.

  40. There are no norms with the "modern presidency", whatever the hell that is. Acting a little loud loosk normal up against the manic press conferences we see with the Inflamer-in-Chief. Frankly, it time we restore ethics in the White House and I am fine with messy or boy haircuts, stuttering, bad money jokes,plaid ties, and 0.005% native American. So long as we send this corrupt administration into history books as a Bad Deal never to be repeated.

  41. Remember Ronald Reagan said medicare and social security would lead to a social dictatorship. Bet the boomer of today, dont want to give up their pensions and entitlements. The real threat to America is trump establishing a deep state of loyalist that are willing the violate the law and the Constitution so long as it ensures their power and thumb down on the middle class.

  42. 4:31 Good points. Additionally, Sanders is an FDR politician. Remember him? One of the most beloved presidents we've ever had. He saw a crisis and kicked it into gear. Anybody doesn't thing the tsunami of climate change isn't going to bury us and the rest of the world within our lifetimes is fooling themselves. It will bring an economic and societal upheaval like we haven't seen unless we start dealing with what our future holds. Sanders is not afraid to articulate just how much trouble we are in. All the other politicians are giving it lip service. Drastic times call for drastic measures if we want to preserve even a modicum of normalcy in the coming decade...yeah these natural disasters will be coming just that fast and more frequently.

  43. Some old cut and paste comments I have read before. Most of the commenters are dye hard trumpkins pretending to be democrats. You fool no one. Also no one cares since you are all led by the Putin wannabe.
    Trump grabs pussies and Blomberg tells jokes and you are offended. Go back into the closet.

  44. Bloomberg/Trump!!!
    Christ, I thought Clinton/Trump was the freaking worst choice that the American electorate would ever face.

  45. The only grown-up was a guy that had to stand on a box to reach the microphone?

    Instead of trying to purchase a political party in which his views and lifestyle do not fit, had billionaire oligarch Michael Bloomberg primaried Trump and taken the challenge head on, he'd be president.

  46. In all fairness, if billionaire oligarch Michael Bloomberg can run as a Democrat, Republicans should be allowed to comment.

    By what definition is anyone anything anymore?


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