Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

(Updated) Mayor Donchez: Judge Dumbass Allegations Are False

On Friday and again on Monday, I brought you Nick Englesson, Judge Dumbass, and Judge Dumbass, Mrs Dumbass and the Gadfly. These stories were about a Bethlehem police officer's traffic stop of a Puerto Rican male who told Magisterial District Judge Nick Englesson that he was profiled at the time he pleaded guilty to two minor charges filed against him. Englesson, who is something of a Latinphile, took it upon himself to lecture the arresting officer the next time he saw him. That didn't go over too well. Since that time, Englesson has penned several epistles essentially warning of future "civil unrest" and demanding that the officer be sanctioned for complaining to his superiors. He made sure to send copies of his missives to numerous people, and they were leaked to Gadfly, a Bethlehem blogger, who wrote numerous posts on the topic. At the same time, Englesson's wife, Bethlehem City Council member Olga Negron, began stirring the pot with an appeal, in Spanish only, for Latinos to come before Bethlehem's very own Committee of Public Safety to complain about cops. Although she hopefully has no interest in beheading anyone like her French counterparts, she apparently thinks complaining about policĂ­a racista is a sure way to get herself elected Mayor.

It's too bad she was a no-show last night. Had she attended, she could have voted on the Packer Avenue proposal, which went in Lehigh's favor by a 3-2 vote. She also could have heard Mayor Bob Donchez' comments about her husband's complaint, which I'll share:
I consider it necessary and in the City’s best interest that this statement be made to address recent blog postings of letters of a highly personal and confidential nature.

In the letters, Magisterial District Judge Englesson made allegations of unprofessional and illegal conduct against a City police officer and Chief DiLuzio involving a traffic stop and a marijuana possession charge.

The allegations have been subjected to a thorough internal investigation. This included review of dash-camera and body-camera audio-video evidence of the actual events. The evidence shows that these allegations are false.

The Solicitor advises that Pennsylvania laws impose specific constraints which limit further public disclosure by the City at this time. Those constraints also apply to investigatory materials, evidence and any further review.

Therefore, for the foreseeable future, further comment on this matter will be very limited or declined..
Judge Dumbass should draft a third Letter to the Gringos. Instead of seven and eight pages, this one should be simple. "I am sorry."

Blogger's Note: Updated 8:14 am


  1. Olga will be absolutely perfect as the first Puerto Rican mayor.
    Who could possibly as for more?

  2. A secret internal investigation by the administration reveals nothing wrong. The details of the investigation are top secret ad not available to the public. Cas closed!

  3. Investigation over?
    Then release uncut video.

  4. Blaming love as a motivation is sheer speculation on your part but once you assert the premise it somehow becomes the oxymoronic reified yet unsubstantiated fact. One might say your choice of the descriptor dumbass should be beneath you but after all you are a self professed self loathing bottom feeder for whom love is simply an abstract concept having very likely enjoyed very little of it in your life. Your criticism may have merit but your manner of presentation demonstrates why on balance you do much more harm than good.

  5. The only PR Bethlehem mayor would be J-Lo...

  6. A little off topic but since we're on MDJs.....Is Judge Weber presiding over his own officer's cases in Easton? If so, that is a serious level of impropriety in my opinion. He certainly will make an excellent judge as he did a ranking police officer but presiding over cases of officers he supervised just seems "unfair" to the defendants. Any thoughts or info to relay here?

  7. "Blaming love as a motivation is sheer speculation on your part but once you assert the premise it somehow becomes the oxymoronic reified yet unsubstantiated fact. One might say your choice of the descriptor dumbass should be beneath you but after all you are a self professed self loathing bottom feeder for whom love is simply an abstract concept having very likely enjoyed very little of it in your life. Your criticism may have merit but your manner of presentation demonstrates why on balance you do much more harm than good."

    Not sheer speculation at all. I know Judge Dumbass better than you and for many years. He goes through phases like this, especially depending on his love interests at that moment. I remember when he was prancing around in a kilt. It's the only explanation for his bizarre behavior. Having been called out for his behavior towards two Bethlehem police officers, the LAST thing he should have done is send out lengthy explanations in which he actually admits to judicial bias and slurs a lawyer whose office appears regularly in front of him. His widely circulated letters are actually designed to foment the civil unrest he claims to be trying to prevent. They also slur a Bethlehem police officer who has a family and reputation of his own. His wife's Facebook appeal is an attempt to politicize the situation, and that is precisely why these letters were provided to Gadfly. He fell for it and so did you.

    As for doing more harm than good, I certainly have done a lot of harm over the years to pompous asses who hold themselves up as models of virtue, but who are hypocrites, from a corrupt Mayor in Allentown to an attempt to an attempt to unload the vacant ASH to a favored developer to crooked cops who really did engage in racist behavior.

    "Investigation over?
    Then release uncut video."

    Judge Dumbass claimed there was no video but it turns out there was. That video will not be released because the investigation is not over. Except now, I suspect it is not the cops who are being investigated. Judge Dumbass crossed the Rubicon.

  8. I know it would be unconstitutional, but cops should never be allowed to serve as Magistrates. They put 25 to 30 years on the force arresting people and then sit as a judge judging individuals arrested by his buddies of 30 years. What's wrong with that picture.
    Judge Dumbass is not a Dumbass. He comes from a high crime district in Bethlehem made up mostly by a huge minority population. There are more Blacks, Mexican, and Puerto Rican in his district than there are anywhere else in Bethlehem. If he keeps doing what he is doing, he will be elected King in that Magisterial District. Maybe even POPE.

  9. He can run for King bc his status as a magisterial district judge is in doubt at this point.

  10. "As for doing more harm than good, I certainly have done a lot of harm over the years to pompous asses...."

    you've done an incredible amount of harm to yourself over the years, but no one else. Each and every person you slander and ridicule is a decent person with a decent path in life, which you don't have because you destroyed yourself and wallow in self pity.

    we all know that love, purpose and success are important to most living human beings, but for yourself represent treachery and things that must be destroyed at all cost. try catching lightening bugs...you'd be far more successful,

  11. try catching lightening bugs...you'd be far more successful,

    In the Winter Time?

  12. Bernie wrote: "Judge Dumbass claimed there was no video but it turns out there was."
    My read of the judge's two letters does not support the accusation that the judge claimed there was no video. Rather, the judge speculated on why the police chief failed to refer to any bodycam evidence when defending his officers. Perhaps you meant to state the judge incorrectly implied or assumed that the police chief's investigation was faulty because it neglected to include a review of bodycam evidence. The judge's point about the video being possibly determinative was appropriate, but he could have made this point without suggesting false assumptions.

  13. 9:40, It's called libel. Slander is spoken, libel is written. If that basic concept eludes you, you hardly qualify as an expert on anything. ... except lightning bugs.

  14. Basically, what this boils down to is that the district magistrate didn't like that the officer didn't kowtow and/or stroke his massive ego. This is a non-issue that is being made into something much bigger by people (Mr. and Mrs.) with ulterior motives and is a waste of time and effort for both Northampton County and the City of Bethlehem.

  15. The mayor's statement was superb! He showed us he was the real adult in the room. Bravo, Bob!

  16. Bernie, judge dumbass and it's wife should be charged under the Patriot Act for trying to invite a race riot!

  17. The case should have dismissed,as no prosecution witness,,yes or no? From the context of original complaint. Not a felony. Yes or no ?

  18. “I know its unconditional,but cops should never be magistrates “. Well ,I have said no school board member should be allow to have been accidemia or a relative from. Tax payers are being beat up as result.

  19. "The case should have dismissed,as no prosecution witness,,yes or no? From the context of original complaint. Not a felony. Yes or no ?"

    Yes, the complaint can always be refiled.


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