Local Government TV

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Happy Chanukah!

It starts tonight. Chanukah is the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “festival of lights,” celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods.


  1. Also the beginning of Yule! A great traditional celebration of the solstice with a rich history.

  2. Jews are very happy with President Trump. He has made Jerusalem the capitol of Isreal and is the best friend Isreal eve had. Much to be thankful for. Jews all over the world are celebrating and thankful for President Trump.

  3. Put on your yarmulke
    Here comes Hanukkah
    So much funukkah
    To celebrate Hanukkah

  4. Chanukah always leaves me curious. It's the eighth most important Jewish holiday, but gets a lot of attention. L'Chaim and mazel tov, all.

  5. Anon 131am, please please please give it a rest.


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