Local Government TV

Monday, November 04, 2019

Why I Support Abe Kassis

Both Vic Scomillio and Abe Kassis are fine lawyers. I support Abe because his judicial temperament is slightly better, at least in my view. He was encouraged to do comparison pieces that would cast Scomillio in a bad light and refused. "It's not who I am," he told supporters. I deeply respect his personal integrity and desire to remain above the fray.

Like Abe, I will refrain from trashing Scomillio. Although a low turnout favors Vic, I believe Abe will win this race because the Democratic ticket is strong while Republicans are weighed down by Tom Carroll. 


  1. vote for the dems--your taxes will go up period.

  2. Kasis is an unqualified idiot. A vote for him proves you are insane or retarded. Or bot .

  3. Red. Tired of lib decisions. Too bad its only one.

  4. Scumillio doesn't know the law or he wouldn't have done what he did while in the Solicitor's office for only one year. He has cost the taxpayers too much money for his incompetency. You would not what your loved one nor yourself to stand in front a someone who has to make a decision on your case and doesn't know the law. Go back to where you came from Scumillio.

  5. I was planning to vote for Kassis and Scomillio, but after the negative phone call on behalf of Scomillio — one that questioned Abe’s integrity — I have opted to show Scomillio my displeasure on Election Day. He didn’t have to slam a colleague, which shows his level of integrity.

  6. I can't forgive Scomilio for the way in which he fired the Asst. Solicitor 2 days before Christmas- told me a lot about his character. My vote is for Kassis!

  7. Negative call by Scomilio cost him my vote, very unethical can't imagine that level of immaturity in a judge.

  8. What time do the polls open tomorrow?

  9. I heard about the robo call, and if this is true, it will hurt Scomillio.

  10. Not nice by Scomilio,Abe is a class act
    Voting Kassis!

  11. I got that call and was still on the fence. No longer.

  12. Can anyone explain what Scomilio's robo call said?

  13. DEMS -future third world nation

  14. Anonymous said...
    vote for the dems--your taxes will go up period.

    November 4, 2019 at 1:28 AM

    History is not your strong suit is it, the Republicans led by Phillips are the only ones who raised your taxes in the last ten years

  15. @9:39
    Nope, Abe has lost any "class act" status. Easton Democrats have hit another low.
    That robocall from them has convinced me to vote for Vic.

  16. Nope, Abe has lost any "class act" status. Easton Democrats have hit another low.
    That robocall from them has convinced me to vote for Vic.

    Easton Dems are run by an Idiot and his blundering sidekick, ignore them they are stupid

  17. Just got a low class, scummy hit call from Easton (484-548-5544) trashing Vic. So much for Abe being "a class act."

    I will vote for Scomillio.

  18. What a huge disappointment to have received a tit-for-tat phone call on behalf of Kassis. I expected better of him and am highly disappointed. Neither candidate can claim the high road because both have chosen the low road. Had Kassis allowed Scomillio’s call on Friday to go unanswered, he would probably be sitting for his judicial portrait before Thanksgiving. All his call (and I know it was paid for by others, but he must have approved it) did was open the door wider for Scomillio. What a terrible way for the race to end.

  19. Is Abe proud of that call? Just listened. Wow. Sorry Abe. That's just shitty.

  20. Wow Vic’s supporters (who are the ones commenting BTW) must really be pissed about that message! Must have stung to hear the truth about your guy!

  21. I have posted twice, 5:12 pm, and was a firm supporter of Abe’s, but sleazy politics is sleazy politics. I don’t like what he approved and if he loses, it is because of that last-minute smear tactic. (And what was with the single mother, four children angle? That garners no sympathy from me.)

  22. Voting left is just quite not right? Butt than again Bernie leans left mostly because he is called unaball and unabreast too!

  23. The election can't come soon enough. It appears Northampton County really needs to fill its judicial vacancy so someone can appoint defense attorneys to represent murder suspects in DJ Englesson's courtroom.

  24. Scomillio is a scumbag, enough said!

  25. Vote Scomillo and Kassiss.
    Vote no on the Morganelli who is double dipping!

  26. REpublicans should have their lips sewed onto their assholes since both ends spew out the same content.

  27. 9:14 - 9:37

    You really like wasting your time on a beef NOBODY but you gives a shit about.

  28. I can't get behind the ridiculousness of using party lines to pick judges. Their party affects so little. Let's pick the candidate that has experience. I know I'm voting for Abe and I am also going to vote for Morganelli. John is on both party tickets so odds are extremely favorable that he will win. So this election is really between Abe and Vic. Voting for both just negates your vote. One cost us taxpayers a boatload of money. How did that happen? He made a poor decision is that what you want for a judge? Someone who makes poor decisions? That is his main job making good, fair and smart decisions. Do the math vote Kassis. And stop crying about Robocalls they are all just election crap.

  29. I'm republican and Scomilio didn't get my vote. His actions with firing a solicitor 2 days before Christmas out of spite and costing the taxpayer's money in the lawsuit is enough to make my mind up. He is good right where his is at.


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