Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Make Your Last Minute Pitches Here!

I went to bed early last night so that I can be at the polls bright and early today at 6 am. As a result, I have no story. This is your opportunity to make last-minute pitches for candidates on the ballot today. Also, after you vote, how about dropping a line to let us know what it was like at your polling place? How were the new voting machines in Northampton County? How about the scanning in Lehigh? If you see something unusual or wrong, feel free to post it.  I will try to check the blog, but it will be hit and miss.


  1. Abe disappointed with his last minute go low campaign.

    C Council
    We already have a left wing whacko on council so no to Verdies.
    Mr. Myers calling white HS coaches,"lily white" concerns me. We need to not go there.
    Engle may be a nice guy but council doesn't need another over the top union only activist.

    Come on Dems you can do better if you try.

  2. Make the county great again, vote Democrat and avoid your next tax increase, Thanks Hayden

  3. Upper Nazareth

    YES for open space tax. Saves the township from over development. Seniors win big because they pay no earned income tax and benefit from no warehouses, more parks, less development, less traffic.

    YES for Kristin Mullen. Involved, cares about all issues in the township, level headed, collaborative attitude, mature and open-minded

    NO Jason Mohap Uninvolved, cares only about one issue to benefit himself, hot-headed adversarial attitude, immature and close-minded

  4. My wife Eleanor is excited about what could happen today in the Supervisor's race in East Penn Township, Carbon County … So far I exhausted all my contractor Printed material door to door hand outs and used up all my contractor made signs … I knocked on doors and talked to as many potential voter as possible whether they be Democrats, Republicans, Green , Independent or whatever ...I ran an ad two consecutive Thursday's to reach those voters whom I may have missed and remind voters whom I have visited of my candidacy. I believe I did what is needed to win... But I know I still must take care of business and be prepared to greet voters at the polls when they come to vote. So, I do have special less wordy hand outs to greet them as they come to vote but only if they want one. I won't force anything on them.

    A few major issues here are --- Can the Township afford to re-create its dis-banded police force; Can the Township be more aggressive in repairing its roads and dealing with storm water run-off on these roads; Will the Township be successful in fighting Syngro's proposal to dump process pellets of solid waste and sewage perhaps containing hospital wastes on an agricultural field that is prepared without plowing the processed fertilizer under causing fears that the stuff will drain into local streams which are tributaries to the Lehigh River.

    I do wish to win the Supervisor seat in this majority Republican Township, This former Allentonian ought to have his answer late this evening … If this be a good sign I already received a notification from the Pennsylvania Townships Supervisor association concerning its 3 session boot camp for New Supervisors in December and later months.

    So on to the field of dreams taking time to enter the Township Social Hall to vote on their new written ballot system and a scanner to record the vote …

  5. For District Attorney you have someone who's worked in the County for 13+ years, against someone who spreads their work over how many counties?

    County Controller isn't much of a discussion. You have someone with controller experience and someone without.

    I'm not sure if Giovanni did any canvassing or sent out any mailers, but I did get mailers from Engle. He has a lot of ideas on his page too, where Giovanni only had pictures at events.

    Morganelli will win hands down so it's really between Kasiss and Scomillio.

    Marsy's law is unconstitutional so regardless of whether it passes at the ballot it'll be shot down in court anyway

  6. Hit the R buttons. Make them all see red. MAGA! KAG! Trump 2020 landslide!

  7. Matteo Deeznutz is suffering from a extremely debilitating outbreak of #TDS he needs to be committed to the psych ward and held until the results of the 2020 presidential election are in!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I voted at almost 8 a.m. in Pen Argyl. There were machine issues, and I was only the 3rd person to be able to use the new ExpressVote XL at my ward due to this. The first folks were relegated to paper until they got the issues ironed out. According to the poll workers, some of the judges were not selecting when pressed.

    Voting using the new machine was a piece of cake to me, but I had practiced on the new machine over at Blue Valley Farm Show this summer and that really helped.

  10. Vote for Constable Mezzacappa the Ridge St Stunner she will clean up the cesspool of addiction that is NorCo

  11. James Fuller told me that he doesn't want to be elected. This is truly the pinnacle of a public servant. A man who doesn't want to be elected but is still running for office. Fuller 2019!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Voted in Catasauqua Borough this morning. Pretty quiet at the polling place: Probably only about 4 other people in there during the 10 minutes I was in and out. Voting was easy and straightforward. No concerns for me with the system in place for Lehigh County.

  14. Vote Bassil over Hayden
    Vote Kassis over Scumilio

    Scomilio should be ashamed of the bad example he is setting with that Robo Call. No potential judge conducts himself this way

  15. Bassil for sure, he is the only one running qualified with 40+ years

  16. Choose Kassis the only canidate with the morals for the job

    Scomolio doesn't have sound judgement and this is proven.

  17. Voted Bassil he is a class act and very humble man and phillips has a record of raising taxes

    I think phillips is related to that cook comstable in west easton

  18. Whats in the water in E. Penn Twp?

  19. Scomilio fired a employee who sued the county and WON. Life long R voting either Kassis or Morganelli

  20. I like my politicians when they act like politicians and don't pretend about public service and other nonsense nobody really believes. I want crooks who are crooks for me. I expect liars, but want lies that advance my interests. I'm voting for the best of the worst. God bless this great land.

  21. Hillary 2020
    Ken Heffenfarter for sheriff
    Don Ringer for dog catcher
    Glenn Hunsicker for bean counter
    Tom Hahn for warden of the insane asylum

  22. Allentown Mayor:

    O'Connell- experienced, don't like the tax increase, don't like the 11:59 budget proposal to prevent council review

    Ramos- don't like the lack of experience, like the itemized expense review...unsure about having a rep from each ward as we barely have people that even run for council from anywhere other than west end mostly

    Other points I should consider?

  23. I voted in Lower Nazareth Twsp. at 9:25 and I was 155 and my wife 156 with a line starting to form behind us. That is a very good turn-out for this time of day. Not many poll workers for candidates.

  24. Why doesn’t Ed White run for Allentown council instead of being the mouthpiece and ventriloquist for Hoffman? Basically it appears White tells Hoffman what to do or think, just look at the Facebook badge as it’s all written in the 3rd person. What a joke.

  25. Voted a paper ballot for the 1st time in my life … Had to Scan the paper ballot before it counted … I must have done something right as the machine accepted by scanned vote the first time I tried … My wife said it took 4 scans to have it counted...

  26. JCC Allentown at 10:40 AM I was number 95. The person said it didn't matter how I fed scanner. I put it in front side up (top to bottom). The scanner though otherwise and called it an error. Reinserted back page down (bottom to top) and it liked it just fine

  27. Two words...Jill Mancini
    Sorry Vic No Vote For You

  28. At 8:30 a.m. Constable Mezzacrazy was not in her clown shirt or at her assigned post in West Easton. Who is in charge of her pay? Dock her for time missed. Its not like she had another job to do.

  29. I saw Constable Mezzanuts pulling in around 9:00. She must have found free wifi at 8:01 because they shut her off at home.

  30. 9:38 vote O'Connell next year you are going to get another major tax increase no doubt about it.

  31. Vote for Vic and John Mahgenelli!!

  32. Bassil was a lifelong R until five minutes ago. I like that he's super right wing (shhhhh don't tell the D sheep; they don't pay attention when they're zombie-voting, anyway). Tony will support tax increases if he's ordered to do so by his party masters. He's a good boy and sits and rolls over, too. Hayden Phillips is a Marine veteran who has the GUTS to be honest. Tony has not been honest. But he's been a verrrrry good boy. Who's a good boy? Tony. Tony's a good boy. Ruff.

    1. Hayden your setting a bad example by acting like a child because you know you lost. There is always next time buddy. Hayden raised taxes and hayden is associated with his boss Tom Carroll.

  33. Ed White and (pee) Hugh Gallagher for geese shit clean up crew.

  34. As a lifelong West Easton resident who endured the tyranny of the Gross family cartel for decades it is so refreshing to have the polls guarded from shenanigans by a duly elected constable. Mezzacappa projects force with body language and attention to detail when she comes up for retention it will be a landslide in her favor.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Whats in the water in E. Penn Twp?

    Sounds like you disfavor the possibility of me winning the six year seat for Supervisors by regular vote …I note By write-in I also can win the 4-year seat which has no candidates on the Ballot

    But I thank you anyway for your comment with its seemingly lack of support … Unknown friends like you makes life interesting …

  36. Just got my 8th robocall from Houck to remind me to vote for him today. The unions are really putting a lot of money into the DA race. I wonder why. Oh, union owned democrats on county council, union owned democrat judges, and now a union democrat owned DA. Yeah, I get it now but can see where soon I (and you) will get it in the end...if you follow my drift.

  37. These new Northampton County machines suck big time. sorry, Bernie but they are nothing but BS. Hope McClure got something out of buying those turkeys. Cozze proves she doesn't know anything.

    Numerous complaints.

    1. I'm a middle aged techno bonehead. And the new NorCo voting machine worked like a charm for me.

  38. I’d vote for Joe Hoffman for county coroner!

  39. Voted in Allentown with the new ballot. No waiting, but have to confess the bilingual ballot slowed me down just a tad. Had to make sure my eyes didn't skip a vote/ballot question as I jumped through Spanish. No big deal with no crowd, but may take folks an extra 30-60 seconds, which could be an issue for bigger turnout elections.

    Also, the poll worker helpfully put the ballot in the scanner for me. He had an easy view of the front page of my ballot.

    If he saw by Bernie O'Hare write-in vote for coroner, he didn't mention it.

  40. @2:19....
    Pee Hugh Gallagher....LMAO!

  41. Voting in my rural district was pretty brisk, for an off year. They had 178 at 3pm, and I think in an off year they may have only 70 by the same time of day. In a presidential election year, around 300.

  42. @3:28 what "complaints" were there about the machines? Wrong color, didn't talk to the voter? I found it easy to use.

  43. I didn't want to vote for Morganelli, but there was no way in heck I would vote for John Brown-stained Scumillio. By the way, Brownie interviewed last month for *town manager* in UMBT! He had great aspirations, and winds up begging to be twp manager of Mayberry RFD. lol

  44. I found the machines easy to use. The paper ballot has a cut corner which matches the input slot area. I like the fact that the paper ballot appears for review before you touch "Cast Vote." I didn't go to any demonstrations and it took me less than a minute to make my selections and answer ballot questions.

  45. Based upon the candidates' advertisements, they are all sick, twisted, sociopaths who survive by sucking the blood of small children and the elderly. Why would anyone vote for any of these lowlife ghouls? And if FaceTwit Instawhatever have to remind you to vote, you should just stay home, smoke weed, and loudly bitch about things you are too stupid to actually change.

    1. I did all of that. And still managed to get the vote out!

  46. Re the new NorCo voting machines, I am not a fan. After I voted, it printed my ballot and spit it out and the screen said it could not read my ballot. So the poll worker took my printed ballot and gave me a new paper and asked me to vote again, saying I get three tries. It worked on the second try. I don't know what happened to my first printed ballot. One of the several voters in front of me had the same issue. Other voters called in the poll worker with questions. At first I was excited that I had to wait in line, until I realized it was not because of a rush of voters, just a much slower process to vote, and have it actually count. This should be fun next year in a heavy presidential year.

  47. Oven, we have only had one spoiled ballot in our district and only bc the voter changed his/her mind. All spoiled ballots go in a spoiled ballot envelope. They should spoil ballot in your presence.

  48. Dee Dee Two Four TeenNovember 5, 2019 at 5:11 PM

    Voting in west easton was amazing the constable stationed there had an aura of power and dominance that our other elected officials totally lack as most are beta males.

  49. I had trouble with my touchscreen in NC. Every time I selected one judge the other judge next to it turned off (it was choose two) I called an poll official over and after trying 6 times we finally got both selected.

    I expect the undervote will be much larger than usual if other people had similar problems.

  50. 6pm at my polling place in North Bethlehem and probably the highest turnout I've ever seen for a local election, either here or while I lived in Massachusetts. Encouraging to see!

  51. West Easton issue..reported to me by my daughter that election officials there announce your name and party before allowing you to enter voting machine enclosure. That is highly inappropriate especially for a general election!

  52. If a primary election..I can understand them needing to bring up the proper party candidates list. Announcing your name seems inappropriate also.

  53. 5:34, the undervote will be large bc judges made no effort to tell voters who they are. One voter who said she was pro-life declined to vote bc she knew nothing about their general views. People like to be asked.

  54. 6:09, entirely proper and necessary. This is so other voters and watchers can challenge a voter.

  55. 40 minute lines. New machines at great cost have delivered ridiculous long lines amd delays. Our government is retarded and wasteful. Nice work, assholes.

  56. 9:38 O'Connell 50 years what did he do????

  57. I don’t think any republicans will win in Allentown.

  58. Hour wait in Bushkill. Nice job election gang for choosing the ENIAC system. The 50s called ........

  59. The long waits have nothing to do with new machines and everything to do with the unexpectedly high turnout.

  60. What is with the griping about the lines? My gosh, if there had been no wait, people would have complained that nobody cares. For crying out loud, it is a GOOD thing when people vote in a democracy.

  61. Showed up a little before 7am. Was number 8 by the time I got signed in. I thought the lay out on the new voting machine was a little strange. I can see people missing the ballot question and the judge retention sections. Other then that I thought the process went smoothly.

    Was shocked by the number of people in line for 7 am in an off year. Was happy to see people out to vote.


  62. I'm always interested in little known issues at the polling place. Today an election official told a man he could not be in the polling place because he was wearing something that supports a candidate. I reviewed election handbook for Lehigh County poll workers, and this was incorrect. Poll workers may not wear anything supporting a candidate or issue. But this does NOT apply to voters. It states a voter may wear this, as long as he is in and out in the reasonable time it takes to vote (not loitering). I think it's reasonable to expect that poll workers know the "election basics" - there are only 11 of them in this handbook.
    After I placed my paper ballot in the slot, the election worker hit something and congratulated me, saying I was ok - I was not given the chance to review the ballot and press "Cast Vote" as I read someone reporting above. The election official must have done that for me - not sure that's a good idea.
    My concerns are trite, but I think it's important that election officials follow the guidelines diligently.
    That said, voting at my polling place with the new paper ballot seemed to be going well.

  63. No wonder McClure did a rush job on the voting machines. The McClure machines are a disaster. They were problematic all day long. The judge votes need you to smack the machine. Deb Hunter was right all along. The fix was in.

    Time for a change!

  64. Kassis has zero votes. Since the machines are the latest hot shit, his campaign seems to have failed, miserably.

  65. I see recount on the horizon. Machine issues .k

  66. Wfmz not in real time

  67. Turnout in local elections is definitely higher due to social media.

  68. Looks like Ed White and Pee Hugh Gallagher and fellow groupies had a long night crying in their drinks. EVERY ONE of their candidates lost LMAO

  69. 7:59- same thing happened with me in West End Allentown. I filled out the paper ballot, election worker scanned it, and said I was good to go! I felt very uncomfortable not being able to verify that the results I intended were counted.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.