Local Government TV

Friday, November 22, 2019

Bethlehem Police Chief Issues Parking Ticket ... To Himself!

Yesterday, I reported on the strange goings on at Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure's fundraiser at Bethlehem's upscale Edge restaurant. While no UFOs were sighted, that's only NorCo Council member Tara Zrinski was elsewhere. Things were still pretty strange.

First, judge-in-waiting John Morganelli was there. He and McClure have been friends for years, so it's understandable John would want to support Lamont. It's still a violation of the Canons of Judicial Ethics because it creates an appearance of impropriety completely undermining public confidence in our judicial system. In John's defense, he sought out and obtained an opinion from Judge Ed Reibman, concluding John can basically do whatever the hell he wants until he officially ascends to the judicial heavens. But as I explained to Morganelli yesterday, "Who you gonna' believe, a distinguished Lehigh County jurist or a disbarred lawyer?" The answer is clear.

My second problem concerns one of the guests, who parked his unmarked police car in a "no parking" are on Broad Street because he was too damn lazy to walk from the nearby parking garage. So this morning, I fired off an email to Chief Mark DiLuzio, asking him to dime the scoundrel who thinks he's above the law.

Turns out it was the Chief! Here's what he told me:
"Bernie that is my vehicle. I arrived at the event after it began and left before it was over. I drove from BPD HQ on Church Street to Broad Street and then home. You know my address.*

"You got me. I’m guilty to a parking violation. I will have my Deputy Chief issue me a City parking ticket and I will pay it. Feel free to follow-up with BPA to verify.

"When I learned of your blog article, I notified the Mayor and advised him how I was going to respond to this issue."
I want to take this opportunity to thank Chief DiLuzio for both responding and acknowledging that the law applies to him, too. His action in having a ticket issued to himself demonstrates his own personal integrity and sets a great example.  I wish a certain person in Washington would recognize the law applies to him, too.

*) Lol, I know the Chief's address because I was in his neighborhood when his wife ran for DA, trying to reach a next door neighbor. This person could confirm or deny the existence of a Trump sign on the DeLuzio property.


  1. His wife was with him. Was she at his work place as well?

  2. Yes, he acknowledged the law applies to him ... AFTER he got caught. How many other times has he flouted the law and not thought twice about it?

  3. What a joke. He's a clown. Lot of stories on this guy. What are he and the Mrs. gonna do next?

  4. 6;15 - just like most of the Donchez administration, particularly the dced

    5:00 - BINGO

  5. He did not apologize. He simply acknowledged getting caught. There's no way he reports himself and pays a fine, otherwise. He gets ZERO credit for acknowledging he's not above the law - AFTER HE GOT CAUGHT. There's a reason public official dirt bags are held in such contempt. He was absolutely above the frickin' law and would continue to be, had he not been embarrassed. Turns out, he's an embarrassment to himself and his profession and what's left of public servants' reputation.

  6. Well a parking ticket is issued to the vehicle NOT him so Bethlehem's own parking authority will write a ticket to it's own vehicle and get it's own money back. He should have told you to go pound sand. Lol


  8. integrity is doing what you should when nobody is looking.

  9. Yes he will pay than it will go on his expense report as a parking fee and will get it back.

  10. Annon 1:47. Interesting point. Since his wife, McClure's employee was with him how did he rush straight form work? Yeah, you caught him and he is doing damage control with you. By the way isn't Bethlehem one of the prime offenders with all its officials getting to drive city cars on the taxpayers dime?

  11. Just yet another one of the many local dummied down democrats ignoring the rule of law!

  12. Parking in a clearly marked No Parking area is really a dick move. What that says is, I can park anywhere I want. Not cool.

  13. In the spirit of Judge Hurdle, I hope he gave himself a 50 minute lecture.

  14. I am sure McClure, Morganelli, and crew will still meet up for drinks at Blue Grillhouse after he is sworn in as judge.


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