Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Constable's Defense to Lying to PSP? She Was Framed

Last week, Magisterial District Judge Richard Yetter ordered West Easton Borough Constable Tricia Mezzacappa to answer in county court on charges that she lied to Pennsylvania State Police in a twisted attempt to frame a black man for having threatened her with a gun. She offered no defense at her preliminary hearing. She has has instead attempted to deflect attention away from her own behavior by pointing at others. On the day after her preliminary hearing, however, she claimed she herself is being framed by a state government intent on ridding us of constables. Here's what she said on her nutty Facebook page:
"Today I will be paying respects to Tom Carroll whose father recently passed into heaven. Please pray for Tom , our next Northampton County District Attorney during his time of grief. Additionally, I am praying for my 6 fellow Constables from Monroe, Lehigh, Chester and Northampton who have been rounded up this year, falsely charged and prosecuted, with full vindications and/ or pending charges. Our Commonwealth has defunded the office of Constable, and is trying to eliminate us, one by one through false prosecution. Sadly, but truthfully, I will also be praying for those who have chosen to walk in Satans' path, and harass people when they are grieving for the loss of loved ones."
Alrighty then.

Mezzacappa has been "falsely" charged again, this time with disorderly conduct by the Pennsylvania State Police. On the day before her preliminary hearing, her neighbor's mother-in-law stopped in the early morning to pick up the neighbor for babysitting. Mother-in-law beeped her horn to alert mom and that was all Mezzacappa needed to come flying out of the house and start screaming and using obscenities. The mother-in-law gave it right back, and Mezzacappa began filming. Mom eventually ripped the cell phone out of Mezzacappa's hand. She's been charged with harassment. 


  1. Bernie with this story you should use the picture that Matt Dees used with her giving the finger. She is totally out of control and that picture shows her attitude is that of a psychopath.

  2. Bernie, is it the mother or wicked one that is changed with harassment?

  3. Only you would applaud violence. No one has the right to strike another. You and Dees at 12:14 should be ashamed of yourselves. The crazy woman who struck her should be arrested. You cannot hit someone for taking a video. If you could O'Hare would be in trouble as he has constantly recorded people against their will.
    'Leave this poor young woman alone and work on your own pathetic loser lives.

    1. The phone was knocked from her hand. No one touched her. She's lucky


  4. I'll take, "Pennsylvania State Constables for $200," Alex.

    "This cRaZy constable has the longest rap sheet of any constable in Pennsylvania."

    Who is, Tricia Mezzacappa?

    That is correct. We also would have accepted, "Who is Tricia Phillips."

  5. Constables by and large are a rouge element. Some are real cowboys.

  6. What a shame it has come to this. There was a time when Constables provided a beneficial service to the community. They served legal papers, served warrants, processed evictions, transported prisoners and carried out other legal services needed by the minor judiciary as well as attorneys. They also provided protection and kept order at voting places because the law prohibits uniformed police officers from having a presence at the polling place. They provided most all these services with no cost to the taxpayers. They paid for their own medical insurance, paid for their own vehicles and insurance, paid for their own equipment including uniforms, and paid for there own pension programs. They were not a drain on the taxpayer. Unfortunately, there are always a few rotten apples that destroy the whole barrel. Most Constables are honorable people.

  7. Why do people insist on blowing their car horns to get their ride to come out of a house? 600-630am and whenever else. Read the law about car horns. And "unnecessary"...
    And, there is confusion. Who was cited? I'm thinking neighbor.

  8. Tick,Tick, Tick. The lights glow deep into the night in the tiny enclave just north of the spanking new WEPD vehicle storage facility. Who knows what danger lurks in the future of the worried neighbors of Ridge Street? I'm less than a block away, but I'm gittin' the hell out before the clock hits 00:00. Goodbye West Easton, Hello, West Ward. At least there, the crazies usually only kill their own kind. This pistol-less, pig-less, shotgun packin' not-a-mama is gonna try to kill'em all.

  9. Why do nuts insist on going cRaZy when someone gives a couple of quick beeps of a horn? This isn't the first time cappacrazy has acted like a lunatic. Sound like she was looking for an excuse to harass her neighbor again.

  10. Bern thanx for not putting that pic of it that would make me vomit!

  11. Love the finger picture, but she doesn’t look like she just turned 49 years old.

  12. Don't agree with her behavior in the least. Honking a horn is to alert others of a hazard or the approach of the vehicle (when its about to impact another). A horn is not to be used by lazy people that cannot get out of their car. It's ignorant and rude at any hour. Have some pride for Christs sake.

  13. "Only you would applaud violence. No one has the right to strike another. You and Dees at 12:14 should be ashamed of yourselves. The crazy woman who struck her should be arrested."

    Neither I nor Matt Dees has in any way spoken in favor of violence of any kind. I have reported, and quite accurately, that you have been charged by PSP with disorderly conduct for your behavior on the day before your preliminary hearing. I added that your neighbor was charged with harassment for grabbing the phone out of your hand while you were filming. I at no time applauded this. The PSP played no favorites and charged you both, as it should have done.

    Maybe it's time for you to stop terrorizing your neighbors and see a shrink.

  14. "is it the mother or wicked one that is changed with harassment?

    Mezzacappa is charged with disorderly conduct while the mother who lives across the street is charged with harassment.

  15. "A horn is not to be used by lazy people that cannot get out of their car. It's ignorant and rude at any hour. Have some pride for Christs sake."

    Your statement assumes a lot of things. It is far more rude and ignorant to charge out of your house and start screaming obscenities at people who dare to beep their horn. You have some sort of irrational hatred of beeping cars and cabs, as demonstrated here:


    and here:


  16. Curious? Legally speaking, Bernie, what's the difference/threshold for Disorderly Conduct versus Harassment? Which has more gravity?

  17. Bern. You failed to read my first sentence. "Don't agree with her behavior in the least" The behavior was Ms. Tricia's.
    Don't care how much hatred you have for her but i stand by my statement. Get out of the car you lazy bastard and knock on the door. My children are sensitive to noise and a lazy human being honking a horn at any hour is inconsiderate. You have a problem with being considerate to others, including children that may be on the spectrum? Neither one is innocent so quit trying to paint the neighbor as some type of hero.

  18. I believe the charge in this instance are both summary crimes, making them equal.

  19. 9:45, I at no time portrayed the neighbor as a hero. I pointed out that she was charged for her behavior. Regardless how you feel about beeping horns or worry about your "sensitive" children, you aggravate the situation by charging out of your house and screaming at people. And frankly, as I said before, your statement assumes a lot. You assume people are being lazy. That's untrue. There could be no parking, people could be pressed for time, a person may have no desire to use a phone in the car. your hatred of beeping horns is irrational. Where I live, there is a fellow who has a horn set yo to play DIXIE very loudly and he blows it frequently. No one runs out into the street and screams at him.

  20. 9:45,
    I have neighbors who have had a visitor honk a horn. I've honked my horn to let someone know I'm waiting. Nobody on my entire block has ever come storming out of their house about it. I'm willing to bet money if you are completely honest you have done the very same thing at some point. I'll bet you weren't attacked for it. Maybe you were in a hurry, or you thought it would be more rude to double park and block a traffic lane if you weren't a "lazy bastard" and got out of your car. Don't feed us BS about your children being sensitive to noise of a car that honks a horn. Mezzacrazy is not normal.

  21. I don't see the harassment charge against the mother sticking. My understanding of harassment is that an action has to be repeated. I suppose the basis for the charge will be revealed to Yetter, but if it was about her honking her horn my money is on a dismissal. cRaZy on the other hand, probably recorded herself using vulgar language and proudly showed the Trooper her "evidence." She isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. cRaZy's attorney must think he found a gold mine defending this lunatic. I wonder if he knows she is broke and the credit cards are maxed out.

  24. 10:33, This has nothing to do with Ron Angle, Mezzacappa.

  25. Conunstable cRaZy needs a mandatory visit to Norristown State! Been can you make it feel the burn with the help of a unvolentary commitment for the eXtended stay?

  26. Blowing your horn as a doorbell is rude when one person does it.

    Blowing your horn as a member of a group, no matter how loosely affiliated, with the intent to be purposely rude and disrupt another individual, that is a micro-aggression within a the larger purpose of non-prosecutable group harassment. I don't think the RICO act was ever used is horn blowing campaigns.

    Misuse of a vehicles audible safety device is not exactly like yelling fire in a theater, or pulling a fire alarm, but it is publicly crying wolf and setting unintended others at alert.

    This is true even if you're as crazy as a shithouse rat.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. @312:. Wow! Afew times, I've smoked some good medical marijuana and may have temporarily had a delusional thought, but damn girl, you've lost it

  29. @ 3:26 Lmaooooooooo. Thank you!!!!! She's a loose cannon and should be locked the hell up before she truly unravels and hurts someone

  30. Maybe Mezz should get a J.O.B. and get some of this free time off her hands so there's less time to be a menace to West Easton. Oh wait.... no one in their right mind will hire crazy ass. Get an inpatient stay Tricia!!!! Help yourself and leave us TF alone!

  31. 3:26pm
    "I've smoked some good medical marijuana and may have temporarily had a delusional thought.."

    It's common for unstable and paranoid people to have this reaction to marijuana.

    You should tell your prescribing physician about these effects and possibly try a different mood stabilizer. In the interest of public safety and because of your admitted delusional tendencies you should relinquish any and all firearms and weapons.

  32. 1:20 AM, 6:20 AM, 9:18 AM, 9:45 AM, 10:33 AM, 3:12 PM, 3:24 PM, 5:52 PM. See the pattern? In the AM we wear our law enforcement costume. In the PM hours, we wear our medical costume.

  33. The downfall of yet another childless old women. Let this be a lesson to the young.

  34. Somehow I missed this story. Mezzalunacy is losing it at about the same rate as our imbecile president. Perhaps ESP on her part.


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