Local Government TV

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Congrats to SGT Laubach on His Pregnancy

Unless you have a reserved parking spot, it can be pretty tough to find a parking spot around Northampton County's Courthouse. It sits atop a hill, too, which means those who arrive late get plenty of aerobic exercise as they scale the mountain. Executive Lamont McClure has reserved a few spots for expectant mothers at the main parking lot. That's actually a very good reason for getting pregnant. I have tried, but have thus far been unsuccessful. In that vein, I wish to congratulate SGT Jason Laubach, a Deputy Sheriff on his recent pregnancy.

Deputy Sheriffs are assigned the responsibility of enforcing the parking rules at the county courthouse. Most offenders get warnings. Anyone who parks in a judge's spot, however, is subject to summary execution.

I have written before about county employees parked in the "30 minute" spots reserved for courthouse visitors. I have stopped short of naming names. But SGT Laubach is an exception.

SGT Laubach's white pickup
Is this because he is a hypocrite who fails to follow the rules he is paid to enforce? Not at all. I'm naming him because his pregnancy is nothing short of a medical miracle. The world should know.

I hope I'm invited to his baby shower.

When I inquired about this, someone in the Sheriff's office told me SGT Laubach was actually in a 30-minute spot, not one of the spots reserved for pregnant people.

If that were true, it would mean Laubach is mocking the very rules he is paid to enforce. So it's pretty clear to me that SGT Laubach is in a family way.

I hope he names the baby "Little Bernie," after me.


  1. Omg Bernice---- you like the sugar queen fairy with all these accolades for the Nor Co staff... before long you will be awarded the key to the emerald city by the wizard of OZ himself!

  2. For him to be pregnant some would have to respond positively to his harassment.

  3. I'm the father. Stop harassing my baby daddy/momma. The child is the result of the deepest, most passionate encounter you can never begin to imagine.

    Your in medical miracles,

    Dirk Diggler

  4. Good work Detective O'Hare! Now let's investigate the real problem which has been the growth of "reserved" parking spaces for wannabe VIP's. Former Executive John Stoffa used to park with the unwashed masses. Aside from the Judges, Sheriff, DA and the disabled all spaces should be available for public parking. Maybe you should do a RTK and expose who all has private parking at the CH.

  5. Who’s the father?

  6. Sheriff Hawbecker used to walk up the hill, every day from his parking spot in the lower lot. I guess the Sheriff's Department does not emulate service anymore. That's a cultural issue, from the top of the ladder, down.

  7. This is impossible. You Can't park, walk to the Courthouse, go through security, walk to the elevator, find the office you want,, do your business and get back to your car in 30 minutes. If you do your business in the ladies room or men's room for sure you won't make it. Those 30 minute spots are ridiculous. They should get rid of them.
    As for the deputy sheriff who got himself pregnant, you can't get pregnant from spit.

  8. Reel um in Mr O'Hare. Only the tip of the Iceberg of problems in Northampton County Government.

  9. Not sure if you're being humorous, but there is no law that allows reserved parking for expectant or new mothers.

  10. Who said there is? It is a courtesy extended by the county for expecting mothers like SGT Laubach.

  11. Even Giant Food Stores has parking areas near the doors for expecting mothers. County parking for expecting mothers should be on the street close to the doors. How many of the current Handicap Sites along the street are County Employees. Should be changed to Expecting Mothers and County Business less that 1 hour.

  12. Laubach you punk how's it feel to be exposed by a power bottom feeding blogger? Now that Bernie is in shape don't even think about messing with him Dat has been teaching him Kung-Fu!

  13. Maybe the Sherrifs Department brought back Brian Kunkle. Remember him? If so, they took the pre-hire physical process to a whole new level!

  14. Lamont's the father and Charles the uncle ? lol

  15. Kunkle was a pervert who saved time in jail and his boss was gay and covered up Kunkles dastardly deeds.

  16. Uncle Charlie? I like that.

  17. To be fair, these "reserved" spots are ridiculous. Parking is at a premium, especially since the milledes (?) lot closed, and half the garage sits empty.

    And I don't know this guy but he may expect to be a parent in the future...the sign doesn't say "pregnant women parking". As a middle-aged, childless woman myself I consider myself to be an "expectant parent" and bet your ass I'm parking there next time it rains and I have to appear before Judge Roscioli.

  18. Gender reveal: boy? girl? inconsiderate asshole? Please stay on this.

  19. Forget it. McClure has reserved spots for all his insiders. O'Hare now loves McClure, so he is just fine with that. It is all about lover and hate and not the actual parking spaces.

  20. Lamont couldn't walk up that hill if there was a million dollar retainer waiting for him.

  21. Where are the neutral gender parking spots ?

  22. It looks like his truck is parked in a 30 minute spot, NOT an expectant mother spot, so do a little more investigation before you post you fake news and slander him

  23. I think the bigger question here, is how did you get the picture from the camera feed?

  24. He would never park in the 30-minute zone set aside for the PUBLIC. That would be wrong. So he must be pregnant.

    Lighten up.

    And it’s libel, not slander, damn it.

  25. "McClure has reserved spots for all his insiders."

    This isn't Russia. Is this Russia Danny? This isn't Russia

    a reserved parking spot, when parking is at a premium, can be a perk of a job, just like higher salary.

    if you qualify for a higher salary, then it stands to reason you MAY also be able to negotiate reserved parking. take that egaltarian "we're all the same" horseshit back to communist Russia.

  26. I'd be willing to bet a camel with two humps is the babydaddy, that makes sheriff Joe babymomma?

  27. Bernie, there are 4 30 minute spots, he was parked in the 3rd one. And the sign says 30 minute parking. So, as long as that person doesn't stay past 30 minutes, it doesn't specify who or it doesn't say "public only", so anybody can use them, public or employees.

  28. Bernie ,this issue was brought to you by somebody that wants to blow smoke on this deputy and you know it. So he parked in front o sign. A sign that is probably never used. I will tell you this , if there is ever a real live or death issue in court house Deputy Laubach in my opinion is more capable than most to handle issue . He is a good man and does not deserve this parking issue to discredit his years of fine work .He is squared away and a disciplined individual. To smear him of a parking issue is desperate work from some other individual,that you bit into with. The only way to make the sheriffs office better is to have them report to me for shooting shills so I may save one life. —other than that they are better than “rubber gloved Kunkle” The judges hired me the because the sheriffs office became disfunctional for a time after Kunkle . The county paid several young men to “go away “ at $10,000 each because they allowed Kunkle to give them a “”physical inspection “ get it. Yes I said this ,because it should be lessons learned.

    1. Again all you talk about is your shooting skills. This group of Deputies are well trained in that area. They don't need you

  29. Peter, those spots are used all the time, and many of them are used by the elderly. If this guy was 1/10 as good as you say, he would NEVER park, not even for five minutes, in a visitor spot. It sets a terrible example.

  30. If you wear a badge, you better be above reproach.

  31. "Lamont couldn't walk up that hill if there was a million dollar retainer waiting for him."

    LMAO!! Best Post of the day!!!

    Include Der4tingt3r in that. See which one drops first.

  32. Bernie I don’t agree with more ,above reproach. But this article was not promeped by you , someone has a hard on here.and there no evidence you can show the elderly usethis space .

  33. Go interview him ,he’s a professional. It’s just a vehicle issue not an integrity issue. It may have been a fast park on county property to Pichij in on that day only . Go interview him , he’s fine . We need him here

  34. Bernie, 7:45 pm doesn't see the elderly women's shadow driving away because she couldn't fit between the truck and other car. Parking is a curtious act when doing as your mother taught you to color between the lines, now that would be above reproach!

  35. Peter anyone who is at the courthouse frequently, as I am, knows those spots are frequently used by the elderly. The evidence is my own eyes. And yes, I have a hard on for anyone in a position of authority who thinks he is above the law, from constable to deputy sheriff to president.

  36. So somehow you were able to obtain the photos of his alleged vehicle.? Who provided that? There is something else attached h.

  37. The Sheriff is a fine man too ,and this stuff may be an attempt to degrade him. I have known his mother -in -law longer than he has . I hope this article is not going to wind up beating up up the Sheriff . I would support him ,myself based on his background,he doesn’t know me but I was in his mother- in -laws home in Bethlehem Twp .whan I i was grade school .i know that family. He wouldn’t know it . Find somebody ,some crock in politics to go after. Good night.

  38. If you wish to attack Peter, sign your name like I do. He's a good man and is standing up for what he thinks, while you lack the integrity to say who you are.

  39. McClure put Bernie up to this. The administration is setting up several codemnation ordinces trying to justify taking property around the courthouse and paving more parking lots for Dept heads.

  40. It looks like the picture is a cell phone pic of the security camera screen, so obviously you got the pic of him parked in a 30 minute spot from another Deputy...

  41. I was once a pregnant county employee and those spots were a life saver around 7 months until the end, especially in the summer. No male should park there regardless of reasoning.

  42. The guy was wrong parking there. End of discussion. Many, many more problems with the Court House and staff.

  43. 7:03, You have no way of knowing how I got that pic. I find it amazing that you are obsessing over this instead of the actual offense. Says something about you. Vindictive much? Power control freak?

    Not long ago, you had a real mystery when a local lawyer dropped a baggie of meth in courtroom one. You were surprisingly unable to figure that one out though everyone knows and even destroyed the drug despite having security cameras up the ass, a zillion deputies on every floor and a bomb sniffing K-9. Hmmm.

    Now you want to figure out how I got a pic of an illegally parked deputy.

    Your priorities are messed up.

  44. Bottom line it was NOT illegally parked, it was in a 30 minute spot, NOT in an expectant mother spot. You would be able to see that if you wouldn't have conveinantly cropped the picture to prove it. Typical libtard fake news..

  45. How can you tell the pic was cropped?

  46. It sounds like this might only be the tip of an ice berg. What else are they hiding. Who are they protecting and why

  47. You cant see the sign in front of the truck, which would prove it was in a 30 minute spot.

  48. I identify as a pregnant transgender, so no problem for me !!! great news !

  49. Ok Bernie, he’s not a transgender. So he parked there,have parked there,but believe me he would not turn in the wrong direction if there was gun fire . I really am critical of places like Lafayette College.for example,just an example. One day I ask a security guard “ what is the manufacturer of your rifles you have? He can’t tell me . So me being a rated U.S.Army combat shooter in the old days I know if they don’t know their equipment they can’t be professional in an event that is an active shooter event ,an event we shot mulitiple times . I did it in once in MOOP 4 , - that is full chemical suit and passed the U.S.Army Expert quification in this posture. These people have not a clue..I would gladly help them but —-I m just a guy on college hill retired.

  50. Schools and the area collages are so far behind curve on security it’s not funny anymore. . Want to see for sure ,hire some of Veterans from my legion post , average age 72 and we will Check your gates . Combat vets with the right attitude can help school districts get stronger on security and social problems. You don’t what you don’t know ,until you have probed and tested.

    1. College
      Unless you mean those art pictures are behind the curve

  51. i am enabling moderation bc the weekend trolls are out.

  52. But remember this , Evan tough we disagree on stuff , your a valuable assist.i promise that I will protect your body and nobody will get you . If it comes to that . We are sometimes political opponents but I pledge ,if your ever threatened I will step up just like I did with the Judge . him and I live there, if people like you and the the Judge should live without threats in this country. I got nothing else to do but figure out problem s.

  53. Peter, you and I disagree from time to time, but you are a good man with a great deal of personal integrity. I would expect you to stand up for someone you know and respect.

  54. I once worked alongside Laubach. During a warrant service, the suspect ran out the back door. Laubach drew his firearm and told the suspect to stop. The suspect ran past him and still has not been caught.

  55. "I once worked alongside Laubach. During a warrant service, the suspect ran out the back door. Laubach drew his firearm and told the suspect to stop. The suspect ran past him and still has not been caught."

    If this is true, it is totally improper. An officer should never draw a weapon unless he has good reason to believe that he or someone else is in mortal danger. Fleeing from a warrant does not justify deadly force.

  56. I did warrant service . Constabulary are paid by body count ,not salary . There is a big difference in how you approach your suspect,because of it. I don’t expect anyone to understand this statement. But,I payed my mortgage off early ,and saved more in intrust than I made as Constable. Now retired from U.S.Army and City of Easton so I get 4 pention checks a month . And I teach LE s and others free how to bring groups down at the range ,free. I will help any armed LE free . Increase their abilities above what they were thought at academy .

  57. Bernie you were there when Laubach pulled firearm ? Well I was out with Tony Bassell today in the 10 o block of Washington Street and some character was walking around wth a metal pipe ,like he’s a gladiator or something . Oh, nuts . If he would have advanced towTony he would have a surprise . If he was still breathing. Cops need to get down there . Bad stuff .

  58. I never said I was there. I said if true, Laubach acted improperly.


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