On February 11, Trooper Hoffman responded to Mezzacappa's next door neighbor, a couple with a newborn infant. This baby needed milk, and dad was dispatched to the Giant to get some. When he started the car, Mezzacappa "appeared out of nowhere and was banging on his driver's side window." Dad said that Mezzacappa was "irate" and yelled at him to "get the F out" because his exhaust was too loud. She also said she'd take him to court.
Dad did as he was told and called Mom. She said that while he was on his way to the grocery, Mezzacappa began banging on Mom's front door "demanding that she get [Dad] out of the neighborhood."
Dad happens to be a black male.
Troopers then interviewed Mezzacappa. She told them that she had been returning home for the night when she was accosted by a black male who "pointed a gun to her head as she exited her vehicle ... ." She told Troopers "she then fired a round from her handgun, and the black male "fled the scene in a vehicle."
Clearly, she was attempting to railroad Dad.
At the request of troopers, Mezzacappa produced the gun she claimed to have fired. It was a Smith and Wesson MP-9, complete with a 17-round magazine. Trooper Hoffman noted that the magazine was full, with no round in he chamber. He indicated that the pistol was incapable of being fired even if the trigger was pulled.
Troopers began the laborious task of looking for a spent shell casing, and were unable to find one.They also conducted "multiple interviews" with neighbors. None heard anything that sounded like a gun being fired. There were also no calls of gunfire to the Belfast barracks.
Mezzacappa voluntarily relinquished her handgun, which was sent to a state police regional lab for testing. Dirt and debris were noted at the muzzle inside the barrel, but after one shot the dirt and debris were gone. Based on this and other tests, state police concluded that the weapon was never fired at the time and place Mezzacappa said it was.
Instead of charging Dad, as Mezzacappa had hoped, she is now a criminal Defendant. This is a third degree misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in prison and a fine of up to $2,500. Her preliminary hearing is scheduled July 22, 9:30 am, before Magisterial District Judge Richard Yetter. She is represented by distinguished Allentown Attorney John Waldron.
Several years ago, Mezzacappa had complained to police about another next door neighbor because a cabbie had beeped his horn when he stopped to pick her up.
At that time, West Easton was served by the Easton Police Department. According to a report prepared by Easton Patrolman Charles McConagle, Mezzacappa complained to him that her neighbors, who happened to be black, "should have stayed in the projects."
Officer McConagle spoke to the neighbors about this incident, learning that Mezzacappa had told one of them to "take your black ass back to Philadelphia." Mezzacappa also used the word "niggers," and the Easton cabbie later told the patrolman that he heard her use this term, too.
In addition to examining court documents, I filed a Right-to-Know with West Easton for any correspondence from or by Mezzacappa during this time. I received a copy of an email she sent a few days before to the Borough's Emergency Management Coordinator. He made the mistake of knocking on her door to warn of a snow emergency. She complained he "was banging my door down, like a hysterical drug addict in need of cash for his next fix. Last time a drug addicted addict [sic] appeared on my porch doing same, he was greeted with a semi automatic rifle." .
He's white, so she just threatened him.
An online petition seeking her removal as a Constable already has 50 signatures. Unfortunately, thee is no mechanism for removing her except impeachment or conviction of an infamous crime. She could be required ti resign in any plea deal she reaches with prosecutors.
Updated 2:20 pm: Mezzacappa's preliminary hearing has been continued again. It is now scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, 1 pm. before Magisterial District Judge Richard Yetter in Wilson Borough.
From the stigma keeping people from seeking, to the actual delivery of care, the mental health system in this country is a disgrace. Many patients get caught up in the legal system where they don't get the help they need...sad. MAGA
When will you leave this poor, young woman alone? She has suffered so much at the hands of men.
I think if she gets ARD she'll have to admit guilt. Once admitted, the young man Bealer should sue her scrawny ass for everything she owns! She is....what did she call someone...."A piece of shit. A disgusting, gruesome creature." She tried to ruin the life of an innocent man. She has no conscience and must be a psychopath.
@ 3:19
Daddy issues.
poor child just needs a big black stick
looks like the constable posted a well worded public service announcement on her facebook page. I am wondering if king spry wants to tangle with this she seems a bit unstable and not afraid of big man john freund.
This women loves animals. She adopted a pot bellied pig. Who will care for this delicious creature? anyone who loves animals can't be all bad. Whoever made the infamous quote "hell has no fury like a women scorned" never fucked over a blogger. The women is obviously deranged and needs help. She shouldn't have a gun.
A normal person would keep a low profile with a history like hers. She keeps putting herself out there. She wants to be the focus of attention and she got it from the PSP. She can't recognise her hate for everything around her is ruining her life. Maybe the judge can give her a court appointed psychiatrist who can find out what her problem is and prescribe medication. She must have a mental problem of some kind.
PSP and the courts seriously frown on having to conduct full investigations of false charges. This won't go well for her, nor should it. This should also be the basis for PA and federal Human Rights Commission investigations, as she is a public servant. PHRC gets involved for less serious offenses than this.
so why were they looking for a shell if the gun was fully loaded with 17?
maybe she used the 50 caliber hand cannon with an illegal silencer she sometimes carries, and just told the PSP she used the MP-9. Saw her drop it in walmart a couple months ago
@7:35 To cut off another possible lie she added another round to her clip to keep her clip full. This wasn't the first rodeo for the PSP visiting Mezzacappas fantasy world.
these irate italiens do it once, and do it right. the body is never found
PSP gave her a gift
jimmy hoffa
Are any of her fingers inside of that piglet? That's what I hear sick people do for comfort...
yep, hillbilly mezzacappa uses this to hunt for big government democrats. its payback for steve scalise. guess the PSP missed it. this must be the noise everyone hears on ridge from time to time
looks like someone who was rejected 10 years ago still has a nut to crack and cant kick his twisted obsession. who's mental? no ace in the game, but I call a spade for a spade. Its like a broken record that needs to be thrown against a wall already.
The West Easton hate blogger needs to grow the fuck up too
"so why were they looking for a shell if the gun was fully loaded with 17?"
Duh, because she said she fired it.
@8:33 Miss Mezzacappa, shouldn't you be busy preparing your defense?
"looks like someone who was rejected 10 years ago still has a nut to crack and cant kick his twisted obsession. who's mental? no ace in the game, but I call a spade for a spade."
Yes Tricia, it appears that you prefer the N word. Get over yourself. You should be ashamed. People are on to you now. Your days of false accusations are over, at least with the PSP. Even now, you are over on your official "West Easton Borough Constable Facebook page," braying about the poor EM coordinator. His sole offense is that he is part of my story.
Mezzacappa, This is not about Terry Houck or your bizarre attempt to railroad him. It is all about you. Why not enlighten us on the suit your sisters have filed against you in Jersey? Think I don't know? Wrong.
Please do an article about the lawsuit in Jersey PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Crazy eyes !
she changed her constable facebook photo to wild boar i think shes celebrating her humungous OOR win sandbagging every public employee in the state and telling john freund to bring it. they will try to have this reversed
she should change it to a horse.
Welcome aboard Tricia's Crazy Train!
Looking forward to the new episodes of "Tricia's Crazy Train"... cannot wait for the next chapter. Keep us informed !
Tricia, remember whem you were on craigslist? I still have those thong photos.
Its hard to believe that a town the size of West Easton manages to spend more on legal fees each year than the City of Easton, and consumes more court time than Easton and bethlehem combined . Its that "wow" moment when an ant consumes an elephant's meal each day, and no one notices until the ant becomes the elephant in the room. Sounds like these bozos need to be abolished by forced merger, so its put out of its misery, like a rabid dog chasing its tail 24/ 7 until someone is kind enough to put it down.
12:53 let’s see should they merge with Easton at 24.5 mills or should they merged with the Wilson Borough at 19.5 mills. You’re as bad as dumb as she is, dumb ass.
Maybe read something other than her facebook ravings u would learn somethin.
It looks like she runs up the bills. Sued West Easton 2x and lost. That costs money and she doesnt care. judge had enough and she has to ask permission from a cort now. Only bozo is u for believing a lying pig.
"Its hard to believe that a town the size of West Easton manages to spend more on legal fees each year than the City of Easton, and consumes more court time than Easton and bethlehem combined"
It's no wonder at all. The driving force behind these legal fees is Tricia Mezzacappa. She is also the reason that Easton Police wanted a vast increase in its contract to continue providing police coverage. She is the reason Wilson Borough was unwilling to get involved. Even now, she unduly burdens that tiny borough with incessant RTK requests.
It's like summer reruns of my mother the car. This is truly a saga of epic proportions. It's like you could have a master copy with blank spaces and just fill in the crazy for the current story.
"It's no wonder at all. The driving force behind these legal fees is Tricia Mezzacappa. She is also the reason that Easton Police wanted a vast increase in its contract to continue providing police coverage. She is the reason Wilson Borough was unwilling to get involved. Even now, she unduly burdens that tiny borough with incessant RTK requests."
For someone who has infested himself in all matters West Easton for the last 10 years straight every day of the week, like an obsessed psycho, you're not doing a very good job at watching who is filing what against whom, and its not Tricia Mezzacappa. I guess the local dallies took a pass on this story since they took one look at the source and ran in the opposite direction. Or its just your false narrative that you portray ad finitum like the broken record you are. Or you choose to believe the two nitwits you puppet for, whose combined IQ is less than 50.
West Easton's perceived burdens are self inflicted because they refuse to follow the law at every single turn. When your VP of council embarks on a statewide smear campaign in favor of government secrecy, you cannot fix stupid, or repair it. You abolish it through merger.
If your seething sickness is so uncontrolled that you have to molest a court matter in a separate state because it allegedly has her name on it, the person who needs psychiatric attention is you. I guess you've lost sight of your David Letterman stalker style disorder, and don't care how deranged you are.
In any other county stalking charges would have been filed a very long time ago.
Does anyone get how dangerous this woman really is? What is it gonna be? Body bags before a court does something about the West Easton Menace!
We'd love to merge with West Easton. But we won't consider until they've removed their loony pest.
Sincerely and with Peace and Love,
and Tenafly NJ
3:32 - Mezzacoocoo
John Law finally got you. You got one of your accusations challenged and you should do jail time. Dan DePaul is a great Mayor and what you put on your facebook about him makes you an idiot. He does more for the borough than anyone. He has saved West Easton money with getting a police station and cars and more. Putting his face on somebody wearing an ICE shirt is childish. When you get found guilty only the openly racist people will have anything to do with you. Apply to the KKK. You will have supporters with them.
Word on the street is The Ridge Street stunner will have the assistance of the Mediterranean manslab. Since he successfully took on the MAN in his own defense in his criminal proceedings, he will help our local freedom fighter.
Bernie, you must get over this woman. She rejected your amorous intentions and has moved on. Let us all go forward into a Better future filled with love not hate.
”If your seething sickness is so uncontrolled that you have to molest a court matter in a separate state because it allegedly has her name on it, the person who needs psychiatric attention is you. I guess you've lost sight of your David Letterman stalker style disorder, and don't care how deranged you are.
In any other county stalking charges would have been filed a very long time ago.”
Mezzacuckoo, you seem to have forgotten that you have had me in front of a judge no less than seven times on bullshit stalking claims, and were thrown out seven times.
I've seen enough photos. I refuse to stalk her. You might as well kill me first.
Warm regards,
Every Stalker In The World.
Anonymous willie horton said...
"poor child just needs a big black stick" for real some BBC would make her feel better about life!!!
Dear Stalker,
You don't like my crepe paper skin with the feel of dry leather? Your loss.
”For someone who has infested himself in all matters West Easton for the last 10 years straight every day of the week, like an obsessed psycho, you're not doing a very good job at watching who is filing what against whom, and its not Tricia Mezzacappa. I guess the local dallies took a pass on this story since they took one look at the source ”
Actually it is Tricia Mezzacappa. So much so that the court has barred you from filing additional frivolous motions without express approval. Also, you have perverted the state RTK to harass a tiny borough and tie up staff. You’ve even bragged about it. You are a disgusting person.
When a Borough cannot figure out what the laws are after suing someone 8 times on the same subject and losing 8 times in a row, the problems isnt the resident, its the Borough. They are doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Same borough is getting their asses handed to them by a local business developer because they have no regard for laws, don't follow them, then retaliate when they lose, just like they've done to the same resident for 10 years running, so you can save your false / fake narrative that there is one problem person, it's a defective town beyond any repair and beyond any change in leadership. They will be merged.
A similarly situated mental disease is writing 2,000 hate blogs about the same person for 10 years in a row and not being able to figure out why no one comes within 20 feet of you voluntarily. You must love being a sickening radioactive piece of garbage that everyone runs from.
Mezzalunatic, why you posting as anonymous when everybody knows it's you. You are the only one who believes what you write.
Tricia Tricia Tricia, you really need to stop lying. You haven’t won shit against W Easton since Council changed and Steve Goudsouzian became Solicitor. Instead you had your ass handed to you in court a few times, have been found in contempt and are barred from filing additional bullshit claims.
The only thing defective about West Easton is that you live there.
As for me, I expose bullies like you. And boy have you been exposed. You are an adjudicated liar who know is facing criminal charges for being dishonest to state police, and in a way that attempted to railroad some poor black bastard getting milk for his baby. In addition to beings liar, you are a bigot.
I don' t expect a disbarred attorney who hasn't held a job or formed a civilized relationship with anyone in 35 years to sound rational or even logical, let alone truthful. All I asked for in 2016 was an apology from the "new" West Easton (that did not cost a dime) after having my life upended by an unscrupulous Solicitor who forced me to defend 5 lawsuits, 3 at appeals level, on the same topic, for 5 years in a row. I won all actions at all levels pro se. I was told I'd never be in court again, I'd never have to file a RTK again, and I'd be treated like every other citizen is treated. Saving the details of the when, where, why and how for the attorneys in this matter, that apology and the other promises never came to fruition . West Easton chose litigation, again. What else never came to fruition (and why) isn't going to be told on a disgusting hate blog .
So as you rant and rave and idolize what is basically a schizophrenic Borough who can't stay out of the court system for even 10 days over a decade , I'll just sit here and watch you repeat history , as you make a mockery out of my case, just like you did in 2015 when I beat those charges. You've been banging your head against a brick wall for 10 years because you were rejected , and still cannot figure out how to move on with your life. I pity how sick you are and hope you find a way out of your miserable existence.
Tricia, you attempt to deflect criticism of your own behavior onto others. Hence the criticism of me. My family loves me. Yours is suing you. I have a few close friends. You have none. I have held a responsible job since 1985, even now, and am well respected. You have not held a job for more than a few weeks at a time.
The courts have not barred West Easton from filing more frivolous motions. They have barred you. The courts have not found West Easton in contempt. The courts found you in contempt. No criminal charges involving dishonesty or deceit have been filed against anyone in West Easton government. They have been filed against you. You have also been convicted at least twice of harassment and were very nearly convicted of fraud for hiding your car when it was the subject of a judgment. One of the cases included a threat to drag a Council President to the river and drown her. As if that is not bad enough, you actually penned a letter defending mass murder Rockne Newell, who killed three people at a Ross Tp meeting. You've posted comments fantasizing about putting hollow point bullets in my skull.
You are also an adjudicated liar, a decision that was affirmed by the Superior Court.
And as has been made abundantly clear, you re a racist who actually tried to railrooad some guy because his car was too loud. That blew up in your face.
You know what a disgusting person you are, which is why you are trying to change your name. You don't want unsuspecting employers to find out what you are like until it is too late.
So long as you continue your bully tactics and blatant lies and violence, I will be there to point it out.
It's called the First Amendment. Remember that? It's what you claimed to be speaking about when you slammed me recently in front of Bethlehem City Council.
"You've been banging your head against a brick wall for 10 years because you were rejected" Bahahahahahaha. People would believe that because, after all, I am gruesome. But then you follow it up with the ridiculous claim that I kicked your pig. That's what cRaZies do, and that's what you are. The truth, as you well know, is that there was nothing to reject because no overture of any kind was ever made.
I wonder how many times you have made up that lie about different guys.
Bernie, itZ one of the many threatening 4th of JULY events across this great nation? The picture doesn't have her fingers diddling the piglet she's stuffed a 1/4 stick up itZ rear for the festivities as a diversion in West Easton!
I am grateful I was able to eject a sociopathic rage-aholic like you out of my home almost 10 years ago when I realized (too late though) what a sick and abusive person you were, and what kind of damage you were capable of. I was gifted with that sixth sense feeling that the person sitting across the dinner table from me was a rabid jackal , not fit for a civilized society. All done without weapons of any kind. I did not own a weapon then. But I do now, because the courts won't issue a deeply necessary restraining order against a very twisted sick soul who has been obsessively and hatefully following my every move in two states for 10 years, terrorizing my life, my animal, and my family. I am very grateful I am allowed to possess and carry that weapon. A privilege that still would not be lost, even if I lost this case. So I am still winning, and you're still angry at the world . Get help.
I want to add that the apology she wanted was a council resolution she drafted herself saying she was a wonderful person who was wrongly harassed. That was 2016 when Mayor DePaul was council president and tried to smooth things over with her but when he was told that the resolution exposed the borough to a lawsuit he had to let her know it couldn't be done. She went crazy again and started going after Dan DePaul. He didn't deserve that because he really tried to mend fences with her.
”So I am still winning, and you're still angry at the world . Get help”
You have no job for more than a few weeks, no friends and even your own family is after you. You have several harassment convictions and have been barred from further pleading by the court on two separate occasions. You have lost every election in which you were on the ballot. You routinely make homophobic remarks and have been caught being a racist. You have a strange way of winning.
You are a pathologically and terminally toxic race baiter that needs constant conflict to feel alive, and in my entire 20 years of working in healthcare, I have never once, on any level, seen anyone who is as gravely ill as you are, except your West Easton side kick, who is worse than you are. You have never been part of any solution, but are always part of a problem. You hide behind a keyboard all day like the coward you are writing hateful, obsessive hit pieces on anyone and everyone because you've accomplished nothing. You are not interested in self improvement on any level, and you don't meet the criteria for me to call you a human.You are uglier on the inside than you are on the outside. Let that sink in rabid jackal. Everyone has your number, and every time you open your mouth, its another win for me. Just keep right on going.
ItZ called baconfest x2 bernie only the piglet could only handle a 1/4 stick the other one on the other hand could handle a gross with room to spare!
Reflect much, whackadoodle? You just described yourself. I don't see O'Hare facing prison time.
I heard her family is going after her because they found out how much money mom 'loaned' her over the years and drawers of missing jewelry. There goes the inheritance.
”in my entire 20 years of working in healthcare, ”
In that entire 20 years, you worked about two months, lol.
”every time you open your mouth, its another win for me. Just keep right on going.”
As I pointed out, you have a strange way of winning.
But don’t you think it’s time you addressed the charges? You have been accused of false statements. Please enlighten us. Did you fire your pea shooter? Why was no shell found? Why were no reports made of gunfire? What kind of car? Or did you finally admit that you lied? Did you calL PSP that night? What did you tell them? How many drug addicted addicts [sic] have knocked on your door? How many have you greeted with a semi-automatic rifle? Enlighten us all.
Come on Mezzacappa! We're waiting. You got nothing because all we are hearing is crickets. You got no explanations for your attempt to put an innocent man behind bars.
Tricia you really need to seek professional help. You look for a commonality in events and you're it. You're nuts.
You are a prejudice pathetic human being. Your day is coming and your gun privileges will be no more
Comments defending Tricia continue to be deleted while ugly comments are allowed to remain. Who is the monster here?
Not here. She left when she got challenged to explain why she tried getting an innocent young black man arrested.
The monster is her. Who would defend such a person and the life she tried to ruined of and innocent person?
Did BOH ever get her car?
Is the fact that TM is a racist a new revelation?
Back when I worked for the Court System, we had a "catch-phrase": If you're charged with a crime and you're innocent, hire any lawyer. If you're guilty, hire John Waldron.
"I was at the West Easton meeting when Ms Mezzacappa asked Matt Dees for his DD214. He threatened to punch her in the face and shove a pole up her ass during the meeting. That wasn't very nice. Members of the public shouldn't be threatened with violence when they ask questions. You should hand over the DD214. Its the right thing to do. "
This is untrue. That meeting was videotaped and is online. I watched it. Dees did no such thing. Once again, Mezzacappa is spewing absolute lies in an attempt to smear Dees.
She has learned nothing, and is now facing criminal charges as aa result of these kinds of false statements.
I was actually forced to call the police since she was banging on my front door like a psychopath the night I brought my newborn home from the hospital. She had to come up with her lie when they questioned her about the incident. Sadly I’ve seen the other neighbors come and go because of her evil ways. Hopefully something is done about her this time around.
Most irrational person I have ever met. Had the opportunity to ask her to leave my property while she attending an uninvited political rally in front of my office. Did not appreciate the open carry in front of my business on the lawn that I take care of. Carry whatever you want to, just not on my land. She is completely unresponsive to reason.
Sounds like Republicans against Mezzacappa, that’s really a showstopper.
I would get a PFA order against her and that would remove her firearms
@ July 5, 2019 at 7:50 AM
A PFA in Pennsylvania is not applicable in her situation. Also there are no restraining orders. Hopefully when she is criminally arraigned the day of her hearing Judge Yetter will make it a bail requirement that she relinquishes all firearms to the Sheriff and that she is not to possess any while on pre trial supervision.
Actually .... They should SHUT THE FUCK UP TWICE!!!
Boy ........ I have so much to say....... But .......... Im going to let karma say it...... Ot will b funner watching u squirm as the hammer falls....AND BELIEVE ME .... IM HAMMERING HANK..... I KNO HAMMERS......DO U HAVE ANY CLUE WATS CONING DOWN THE PIKE??????????? ??? ?
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