Reality TV Show Star turned President Donald Trump has managed to make himself the center of attention again. This time it's for his weekend tweetstorm on Baltimore Congressman Elijah Cummings. He chairs a House Oversight Committee that has been giving quite a bit of scrutiny to our immigration policies on the Mexican border. Trump called Cummings a "brutal bully" who should take care of the "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in Baltimore, adding "no human being would want to live there." I have since read numerous news accounts that just automatically conclude Trump is a racist. Democratic presidential candidates have been quick to join this chorus. Readers of this blog know I consider our President unfit for any office. He may very well be a racist. But what he said about Baltimore is all-too-true. In fact, it can be said of most of our urban centers, including Trump's New York City. It's an inevitable result of one-party rule and the corruption that follows. The solution to this problem is opening up our primaries.
I've been to Baltimore a few times. I've run a marathon throughout the city streets and also participated in a bike tour. I have even sailed there a few times. The Inner Harbor is magnificent. The rest? Not so much. During the marathon and bike ride - about ten years ago - I passed by more than a few dead rats rotting in the middle of the road. In addition, it's plagued by a huge homeless problem.
Then there's crime.Here's an observation from The New York Post:
Among the largest 30 American cities, Baltimore has the highest crime rate, and is a close second to Detroit for the highest rate of violent crime. But for murders, Baltimore is second to no other city, with more than 50 homicides per 100,000 people. That puts Charm City in the ranks of Jamaica, Venezuela, and El Salvador in terms of lethality.But The New York Post is biased, you might say, and it is. How about what Trump calls the "failing" New York Times? It reached a similar conclusion in The Tragedy of Baltimore, and no one called that story racist.
Certainly, there are many reasons to like Baltimore, and it does have pockets of wealth and hard-working people. But like any urban center, it has become rotten from the inside, mostly as a result of corruption that has included several recent Mayors. It's what happens under one-party rule. We've seen the corruption in Philly, Allentown, Reading, Harrisburg and Scranton.
In Philly, two City Council seats are for members of a minority party. According to Governing, those seats may be going to Democratic Socialists this year, a pattern that has started in other cities as well.
The solution to one-party rule,as well as the corruption that inevitably follows, is an open primary in which Independents can vote. Amazingly, the state senate has passed a bill providing for open primaries, and the matter now sits in the State Government Committee.
If Governor Tom Wolf were really interested in stopping corruption, he'd get behind this bill.
Don't hold your breath.
So the plan is to unseat democrats in the ecities. Is this the newest Russian plot? Seriously, can we have the same thing in corrupt republican counties and townships?
By the way if Baltimore is a shithole can we blame Jared Kushner whom owns some shithole apartments in Baltimore. As an absentee slumlord doe he have any responsibility?
The Baltimore Sun wrote an editorial criticizing Trump for the "insult" to Baltimore. The Sun is owned by the Tribune, which also owns The Morning Call. If the Sun now has as much "institutional knowledge" of Baltimore as the Call has of Allentown, Trump may indeed know more about that city.
Trump is right most of the time the dems are clowns and assholes
Trump ,I believe is really saying,Fix your local problems first ,before you start telling us at National level “how to run “ the country. Who elected some of these bird brains? Right ,Trump not too smooth sometimes.
Trump is a bore.
Trump is right about Baltimore.
so Comrade trump got to dog whistle his white supremacist fans and turn the story away from conditions in trumps camps.he gets to side step the use of US military in police actions near the border.
how independents getting to vote in a primary is going to fix a murder rate is a pipe dream.
open primaries just allow say a hard core republican to vote in a primary and pick the worst democrat.or vice versa.
so the problem becomes worse not better.
ala operation "chaos"
Bernie Sanders and The Baltimore Sun have also called Baltimore terrible things in the last few months. It's remarkable that Bernie Sanders became a sheet-wearing bigot over the weekend. Trump simply restated their conclusions in his usual, coarse way.
The problem is not corruption - that exists everywhere, as correctly noted above. It is socio-political philosophy. One-party urban areas represent the full, unfettered manifestation of the liberal agenda. One party townships represent the full, unfettered manifestation of the conservative agenda. In all areas, the elected class enjoys so much support that they've almost completely purged their opposition and created their own versions of paradise.
Different strokes for different folks. But you get the government and quality of life you deserve.
One party rule inevitably leads this? That’s funny. All these cities are democrat created. Show me a City with one party rule republican that is like this. No you can’t. You can’t face the truth about what democrat policies do to those who embrace them and everyone else in the process. And open primaries will only make it worse, removing any hope of ever coming back to sanity, and leading to quicker decay. It’s sad to see that people get so invested in their pride that they can’t stop digging even when the evidence is obvious that they are digging their own graves. This is a consequence of man’s nature and will never be solved politically. Our founders knew that removing the basis for morality would lead to an unworkable system. That’s why we were created one nation under God. It is the Democrats who want to undo this.
Baltimore is a symptom of the Detroit plan for city management, raise taxes, drive productive citizens to the suburbs, raise taxes more to make up the loss, a continuing escalating decline to disaster.
Now the newest plan is to encourage as many illegal immigrants as possible to build up the numbers to qualify for more government money.
So they are willing in effect to continue their destructive management and spread it to the whole country.
We see very little real management in government at any level, from local, school boards to the federal government. their answer is only to raise taxes, borrow more and spend more.This is not limited to just democrats.
As long as they can get a rush and the benefits of more contracts and spending and spread the taxpayer money around to friends, supporters and family.
Of course any criticism of the cities management is bigoted and racist.
3:46 and 6:06 do not face reality the democrats are bad at anything they do they are really taking America down with their idiot policy HOW CAN ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND SUPPORT A DEMOCRAT?
Truth is, the usual liberal/Democrat strategy is to bully their opponents out of the way. To frighten them with the race card, shout them down, and lie. No more!
During the border tour, Cummings maligned federal officials and border patrol troops in criticizing their handling of an overcrowding problem he (Cummings) largely created with his Democrat friends who resist solving/funding any solution.
With Trump, this same bully tactic does NOT work! Trump is a counter-puncher who fights back hard when necessary. Good for him.
Suck it up, Democrats/Socialists/Communists, too many Americans are waking-up to your misplaced priorities and incompetence. They elected Trump who fights hard to protect our families and SAVE this nation. Yes, save YOUR future from becoming one giant Baltimore.
Trumps's New York City??????
Last time i saw, a racist, cop hating democratic mayor was in charge. That's when he's even in the state. Remember, Trump won't be welcome back. Tells me someone is afraid.
Just another insult to deflect criticism, everyone knows Baltimore is a mess.
7:37 is right. This nation has reached its tipping point. If Trump is not re-elected to continue a thorough "House Cleaning," we're doomed. ALL Democrat candidates, and some Republicans, must be rejected. Do your research. Our nation is under attack like never before.
Baltimore needs Rudy Giuliani to clean it up. Cummings is a race baiter wanting to bash Trump for everything & then when Trump lashes back he can cry foul!!
Trump was right in asking the black community what they have to lose as he represents their best hope for inner city jobs investment & jobs. Watch these Opportunity zones take off just in time for the elections to put Trump over the top .
"Show me a City with one party rule republican that is like this"
People who live in cities tend to be Democrats, while people who live in the 'burbs tend to be Rs. There is plenty of one-party rule (and corruption) in te 'burbs. Neither party is intrinsically corrupt It is the concentration of power that makes it seem that way.
Why do I get the impression that the multiple "Trump is our savior" and "Dems are Satan's children" comments are coming from one person? Seems unlikely so many brainwashed idiots decide to post within minutes of each other.
The Democrats are obsessed with removing Trump any way they can. Now in control of the House of Representatives, they are setting aside legislating, directing all of their energy to bringing down Trump. So, this is what our tax dollars are paying for?
While the Democrats continue their tantrum over losing an election, they choose to allow a weakening of our nation. All to protect their little fiefdoms back home. Doesn't matter the territories under their management are rotting away right before everyone's eyes. Amazing.
Is this the kind of political party you want back in the White House? Not me.
If you can't bring yourself to vote for anyone but a Democrat, at least stay home on Election Day.
9:04. Why? Because it is true. Trump is our savior and big cities are all shitholes. I won’t go to NYC Baltimore philly. Look at Allentown now, you can’t even go to a ballgame without getting shot. Crime is rampant in Allentown even in Rileyville.
"Why do I get the impression that the multiple "Trump is our savior" and "Dems are Satan's children" comments are coming from one person? Seems unlikely so many brainwashed idiots decide to post within minutes of each other."
There are about two or three.
A comment at 8:50 has been deleted. The person who wrote it gave himself away as a bigot.
From the original post:
"It's an inevitable result of one-party rule and the corruption that follows. The solution to this problem is opening up our primaries."
This is an attempt to use a real problem (one-party rule) to push a bad idea (opening up our primaries).
Opening primaries will not solve this problem, or others that supporters of the proposal are claiming it will solve. Opening primaries will lead to further problems, many of which have already been stated in the above comments.
I will note that anyone in PA can currently vote in the primary of their choosing. They just have to lawfully change their party affiliation to the primary they wish to vote in. Doing so eliminates many of the problems that opponents of open (free-for-all) primaries have.
Going a step further, I find it interesting that some believe that allowing those who don't believe in either of the major parties and have CHOSEN not to be affiliated with them to now vote in party primaries will make the parties better . That seems like flawed reasoning. I somehow doubt that allowing Board members of Coca-Cola to vote on company policies for PepsiCo would make PepsiCo a better company. That's a quick example, but you get the point.
In addition, the supposition is that allowing those not registered in major parties would somehow temper the extremists in each party and give the moderates (who are presumably the independents) a voice. I think that's a major misread of who independents are. For every one independent who is legitimately in the middle and fed up with both parties, there are two or more independents who don't consider either party extreme enough.
So if anything, I think a free-for-all primary would make the extremes worse. And again, if someone in PA truly wants to vote in a party's primary, they can. It just can't be a knee-jerk decision on Election Day.
some people can not face the truth democratic policies are bad for our country how can you support baby killers people who want sanctuary cities no border protection health care for illegals, the failed Obama HEALTH CARE PLAN more and more taxes more and more foolish spending look at the cities run by dems including Baltimore among many including Allentown weak military and not backing ice and our police the democrats are truly anti American
Open primaries, one party rule..etc, etc...its not going to ever stop public corruption.
People get elected and instantly have access to the taxpayer till, hiring and firing, immunity from basically everything, and free legal representation.
What could possibly go wrong? The system itself breeds corruption.
9:29, Opening up our primaries is a solution to one-party rule. It will enable independents to vote, either on the Dem or the R side. What this means is that extremists, either on the left or the right, will lose.
Imagine what would have happened had Allentown's independent voters been able to vote in the last Mayoral primary. Many would have gone to either Ray O'Connell or Nat Hyman. Pawlowski would have been defeated.
Opening the primaries allows for centrist candidates instead of tea-party types and Democratic socialists.
So I disagree with you.
Bernie O'Hare wrote at 8:12:
"People who live in cities tend to be Democrats, while people who live in the 'burbs tend to be Rs. There is plenty of one-party rule (and corruption) in te 'burbs. Neither party is intrinsically corrupt It is the concentration of power that makes it seem that way."
I don't believe that any party has a lock on ethics (so I agree with you there), but you should be concerned about the statement above.
Democrat corruption (and policy failures) has thrived in major population centers where there are large numbers of people and usually a major media presence in those cities. Yet the corruption ends up being tolerated by citizens, voters and the media for years and (in some cases) decades.
Corruption in the 'burbs tends to occur because of a lack of a media presence or concerned residents in those areas. I'd also note that corruption in the 'burbs is usually quickly dealt with by the voters once it's discovered, but corruption in the cities seems to be tolerated and excused with an "everyone does it" attitude. This is how people like Marion Barry and Ed Pawlowski won re-election despite their crimes.
Finally, I believe the question originally asked was to show a city with one party Republican rule that has conditions like Baltimore. Assuming that it is indeed correct that there are no major cities with one-part Republican rule, why not name the 100% Republican-run suburb with similar conditions (or even just not as bad of conditions as Baltimore).
I'm sure they are out there, and I'm curious how long such conditions have been tolerated as compared to that in Baltimore and other major cities.
"People get elected and instantly have access to the taxpayer till, hiring and firing, immunity from basically everything, and free legal representation.
What could possibly go wrong? The system itself breeds corruption."
Corruption is inevitable in any form of government, but one-party rule exacerbates the problem. The evidence is Baltimore, Allentown, Reading,Harrisburg, Philly and Scranton. It is pretty clear.
Bernie O'Hare said:
"Imagine what would have happened had Allentown's independent voters been able to vote in the last Mayoral primary. Many would have gone to either Ray O'Connell or Nat Hyman. Pawlowski would have been defeated.
Opening the primaries allows for centrist candidates instead of tea-party types and Democratic socialists."
I think you mean the previous (2017) primary, and not the last primary (after Pawlowski was put in prison). In that race, Hyman was running as a Republican.
Assuming you're talking about the general election, I think you're talking about a unique situation. O'Connell ran as a sore-loser candidate to deny Hyman a victory and maintain the status quo in City Hall. He was successful and what's really changed other than the name on the office door?
And FYI - Independents were able to vote for any candidate in that election.
"Corruption in the 'burbs tends to occur because of a lack of a media presence or concerned residents in those areas. I'd also note that corruption in the 'burbs is usually quickly dealt with by the voters once it's discovered,"
I agree partially. The lack of media coverage is an invitation to corruption. Unfortunately, that is beginning to happen in our cities as well. I disagree that 'burbs swiftly deal with corruption once it is pointed out. My experience is quite the opposite. When I first began blogging, Chris Casey was fighting unethical conduct in one of Lehigh County's townships. It took several years to end it, if it has ended. I live in a tiny borough in which an admitted thief is on Council, as well as another person who wanted cops to dime out an undercover agent.
"I think you mean the previous (2017) primary, and not the last primary (after Pawlowski was put in prison). In that race, Hyman was running as a Republican."
I am. In that race, had there been open primaries, Hyman could have run as a Dem, which he happens to be. If independents could have voted, I believe that Fed Ed would have lost.
Similarly, in the 2018 Congressional primary, John Morganelli would likely have defeated Susan Wild. Many centrist independents would have voted for him.
These are taxpayer funded elections. membership in a political party should never be a prerequisite to the right to vote. Yet 800,000 independents in Pa are denied that right in every primary.
I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but I think his comments about Baltimore are truthful. The comments are also politically brilliant.
I would love to have the ability to track the Cummings' time and break it down as to how much he's spent during the last two years going down the phony road of Russia collusion/impeachment vs. improving the conditions in his own district. I suspect such a breakdown wouldn't reflect well on Cummings, at least in terms of what he's done to improve his district.
Also, I'm not sure how long Cummings has been in office, but I suspect it's been quite some time and wonder if there's been a net improvement or net deterioration over the years. Certainly, the last decade hasn't been good. Yet the same people continue to get voted into office making the same promises they haven't delivered on.
That's pretty close to the definition of insanity, and it's understandable why democrats would rather endlessly attack Trump instead of checking the scorecard on how things are going in our major (and Democrat-run) cities.
Bernie O'Hare said:
"Similarly, in the 2018 Congressional primary, John Morganelli would likely have defeated Susan Wild. Many centrist independents would have voted for him.
These are taxpayer funded elections. membership in a political party should never be a prerequisite to the right to vote. Yet 800,000 independents in Pa are denied that right in every primary."
Anyone of those independents could have voted in either of those primary elections, they just would have had to register for the primary (in the party of their choice) ahead of time.
You're also presupposing that Pawlowski and Wild had no support from independents. I don't think that's the case, and I think it's a mistake to try to assign a single position (or candidate to support) to a group of people that by definition don't want to be affiliated with any particular set of positions or beliefs.
The last time I visited Baltimore 10 years ago, it was restricted to the Inner Harbor area with Camden Yards, the Aquarium, and water taxis to fine restaurants. Very charming. But on our way home we drove through inner city, which was frightening. The Gray incident and forced resignation of a corrupt mayor has ruined the image of "Charm City" even worse. The school system is spitting out illiterates and drugs and blight are everywhere. Inner Harbor alone cannot save Baltimore. Trump's tweets went over the top, but his basic beef is true. Politicians like Cummings have a lot of nerve blasting our border agents when his own distinct has been neglected for years.
Wow you must be watching CNN and seeing that they are moving slightly right of extreme left regarding their coverage. When either Party gets into power on the local level (County on down). Transparency is non existent. Lack of voter participation at local government meetings and lack of meeting coverage is the problem. Oh the hot issues are covered, but not the day to day acts that allow the them to do whatever they want for "the good of the people". The silent majority needs to voice their opinions. The actions and lack of enforcement at the Federal and State level show Local Government they are allowed to get all they can.
Right about Baltimore? Well no shit, that was the plan for Baltimore.
This is like calling the Warsaw ghetto ...a ghetto. duh.
I think Trump's point is that these Democrat policians spend evey waking hour hating Trump and ignoring the needs of their constituents. You think Ilhan Omar has done anything for her constituents in Minneapolis? How do they benefit from her anti-semitic and racist lectures and interviews she gives to Al Jezeera?
People in Allentown deserve a huge tax increase and more and more crime they voted for the democrat O'Connell people who vote for him in November want more taxes and continued crime in the future
Just for thought, Trump just criticized Nancy Pelosi (Caucasian)in the same manner in which he pointed out problems in Cumming's district. He also lambasts New York Mayor deBlasio (Caucasian) for his misplaced priorities. Any race-baiters care to explain this?
Look, attack Trump in a way he thinks unfair and he'll respond back. I admire him for that. Hope he continues.
"You think Ilhan Omar has done anything for her constituents in Minneapolis? "
She represents her constituents perfectly, like her, nobody cares about them either. They only pretend to care about her constituents to justify attacks on her.
Charlie Dent represented Allentown in Harrisburg and Washington for decades.
When was he ever told to shut up about national issues because Allentown is a mess that he failed to fix?
Trump is absolutely right. You show me a city run by Democrats and I’ll show you a shit hole
My industry moved an annual Baltimore conference to Virginia Beach four or five years ago when rioting and violence broke out. We haven't returned. It's a shame to see decades of hard work on Inner Harbor revitalization, wasted, because they took developer money and neglected neighborhoods. Easton and Allentown should take heed. Shiny buildings don't stop kids from getting shot at your fancy baseball park.
It's not about political party, it's about individuals. People have no pride or shame and don't care if they live in filth. Let's take a look at the coal region poor white folk living like pigs. Last time I checked it was a heavy R area. My dutchy great grandparents lived in Allentown in a house they ordered from Sears. Poor just like all of their neighbors. Yet you could not find a thing out of place or any trash in the neighborhood. My great grandmothers favorite saying, "Mops are for people who's houses have no corners" She would scrub the floor and baseboards on her hands and knees. Poor yes, but they were proud of what they worked so hard to attain.
No one is mentioning the fact that the orange man didn't mention the parasitic vermin sitting in chairs representing the public. He is literally writing about the rat, roach and bedbeg infestation in the areas these parasites represent in Washington DC.
This is just Trump calling out the swamp creatures in DC that seem to love these parastic verminious things that live in the represented quadrants? There is no mention of the CDC and there facts of the desiesees spread to these inhabitants.
Those shiny buildings and fancy ballparks are as helpful as corporate vacations disguised as conferences. It's possible we are all full of shit and Trump represents that perfectly.
12:55 Yes, while the politicians in power should stand up to developers like J.B. Reilly and Sy Traub who are the real problem, they are pressured from all sides e.g. the press, monied interests, to grab the brass ring of promise that they (the developers) purportedly bring. What we need are people in office who are actually knowledgeable about what makes for smart urban development and law enforcement. No matter what party they hail from, politicians who follow examples of smart development should be sitting in urban and rural governments all over the country. Allentown is a prime example of developers calling the shots and politicians too ignorant or weak to be the real leaders of their community's best interests (the best interests of ALL the people in Allentown).
2:15 -
Nope. That's exactly the problem.
We don't need politicians pushing "smart" development, "green" development, liberal development or conservative development. I'm sure every considers their favored style development "smart" and in the community's best interests, just as developers always build "luxury" apartments no matter what income demographic they're actually targeting.
Just set up a fair zoning code and enforce it ruthlessly.
No favors to anyone, and certainly no TIF's, LERTA's, NIZ's or CRIZ's. Just a level playing field for all, not just those who can buy favor with politicians.
We don't need politicians and government picking winners and losers. That's what got us into this mess.
I had to chose a party and the tie was the tipping point. The Dems toes there like the flipfloop realestate world they hang with. Now the R's tie there with the more dignified Windsor knot that will not fall apart.
Shitty knot tieing leads to shitty house keeping this breeds all types of verminious infection spreading gnats?
I am less inclined to read this blogs more and more as posts are deemed to be written by bigots. Most of these posts are slanted in favor of Republicans and Trump. So i believe they are all racist comments and the bigots who wrote the comments should be banned. I miss free speech.
Take me out to the ballgame.
On second thought, better not.
Bernie, open primaries are a good thing, but they are not a solution to one party rule in cities, or rural areas for that matter, which just as often have one-party republican rule. There is just not a plausible mechanism by which Independents voting in primaries would result in republican candidates that Philadelphians or Baltimorians want to vote for. Especially since all politics is now national.
The solution is for minority parties to mount candidates and modify their platforms to appeal to people in the areas they traditionally don't do well in. Both republicans and democrats have basically abandoned districts they think they are less likely to win to avoid losing the resources necessary to back those candidates. This results in republicans not bothering to appeal to minorities, and democrats not bothering to try to win over fiscal or religious conservatives (normally I would argue that they shouldn't bother with the latter in any case).
By the way, you should know that the author of that NY Times piece understands Trump's tweets as being racist, as should anyone who has been following anything that Trump has said, ever (https://twitter.com/AlecMacGillis/status/1155249781100429314). This is the modus operandi of Republicans since the civil rights movement. The GOP has spent the past 40-50 years trying to convince racist that they are not racists, that the policies they like just happen to hurt black people or that black people are just dumber and lazier or more violent than white people. Stop giving bigots excuses.
Ever been to Baltimore? He is $1000% correct! And Obama should not say a word... Look at Chicago were he crawled out of
"Operation Chaos" is in effect and working well. Russian operatives and trolls are succeeding. Even O'Hare has taken the bait. This open primary concept is about more and more chaos. It will result in Parties blaming lost elections on other party operatives. Many will become "independents" not as the result of any convictions but as a safe place to operate form.
Operation Chaos is in effect and will be another spike in the Republic. Comrade Trump is serving Putin well.
Term limits now for all sate and federal offices. Also one six year term for a President so he/she can get to work immediately and not pander for four years
4:36, your comment is self-contradictory. Any comment reflecting a real prejudice will be deleted. Though I detest the guy, I will not delete pro-Trump comments. His supporters are as welcome as anyone. We all should learn from each other instead of continuing this divisiveness.
Jared Kushner is deep in Baltimore real estate, according to the New York Times. I would like to hear Donald Trump's comment on that.
Still wondering why nobody told Charlie Dent to shut up and fix Allentown when he spoke out on national issues.
Could it be because black politicos are responsible for the sins of other black people in a way that white politicos aren't responsible for the sins of other white people?
the problem is our system breeds corrupt politicians this will not change as a result the usa is in big trouble we are going downhill if the radical dems get in their will be no USA as we know it
Canary, that’s a possibility but a stretch. I know some of Charlie’s opponents did take him to task for conditions in his district. Also, you assert pols like Charlie are not held responsible for the sins of other white people. That ignores the reality that Allentown is a majority minority city, and Bethlehem is getting closer. So your analogy is a bit off. But when you raise such a question as you did, I suggest that it is you who is thinking about race.
This is still a liberal leaning blog, 4:36. Our host, Bernie is a Democrat with many liberal ideas. The entire Lehigh Valley is heavily Democrat, too. Bernie DOES allow other views and that's where the blog earns it value as a place for citizen discussion. I'm a conservative and am grateful my alternative thoughts are posted. But, by and large, the majority of posts here are in support of Democrats.
Much of the tension these days is frustration on the part of Democrats. That party is being forced to deal with someone (Trump) they can't run off. He's talented and tough, a fighter. Unlike the normally weak Republicans the Democrats have been used to.
Bernie, my comment is off subject. It’s about another random shooting. This disturbing to me because I think about how to fix stuff. The shooting was at a garlic festival. We have one in Easton,but there are no fences. I have preached personal defense in the past nobody listens . . The issue is ,anytime a mass of people get together there should be a discreet desigiinated counter shooter. That person has to be trained and have had time on range with real great coaches a documented NRA expert . If not ,it’s again watered down . Marksmanship is like golf , it’s disapline . Great golfers and great shooters started at age 7 - not 25. The police that shot this 19 yr old sent about 50 rounds to him before he stopped breathing. Issue is here ,the public ,the rounds that didn’t hit the bad guy. Where did they go.
Lafayette College has rifles ,but the average security guard does not know what kind they are ,if they don’t know the nomenclature they don’t kon the subject matter.. Ahhhh this really gets me as a Rifleman that they don’t know. That mean if they go out to an issue they are automatically a liability to the college and the security director does not Evan recognized it ,because he’s not at that level as a shooter. Guys I shoot with would have had this character at the garlic festival dead in his shoes, dead, in less than the time it takes you the reader to take out your Visa card. This can happen here. Cops are historically poor shooters ,it’s not their fault ,that start at 25 years old and are “handicapped”.problem is they don’t know it.SchoolDistrict security in a joke ,it’s at a point but we’re paying for it. They don’t know ,what they don’t know.
Ratsamore has become a dumpster fire over the years, thanks to incompetent and corrupt Democrat mayors, and an equally clueless congressman. Worst murder rate in the country. Double that of Guatemala. Horrible school system where 0% of high school students are proficient in math. 60% of children are being raised in one-parent households. 22% unemployment in a country that is seeing record low employment in all demographic groups. Trash and abandoned buildings everywhere. Freddie Gray riots 4 years ago. What business would want to invest in Baltimore under fear that their store or headquarters could be set on fire? God-awful leadership at all levels. Trump was coarse, but woke people up to how poorly-run a major city can be under Democrat control. Cummings is a hypocrite bloviating to DHS about the border situation when his own district is, in Bernie Sanders own words "a third world country."
Trump's son-in-law Jar4ed K. Is a slumlord in Baltimore. So I guess he is part of the problem?
Crickets from the right.
Trump’s son-in-law is responsible for decades of mismanagement, neglect, crime and corruption in Baltimore. So I guess he is responsible for the problem.
Crickets from the right.
”By the way, you should know that the author of that NY Times piece understands Trump's tweets as being racist, as should anyone who has been following anything that Trump has said, ever ”
Oh there is no doubt in my mind that Trump is a racist, xenophobe and misogynist. But his statements about Baltimore are not racist. In fact, Bernie Sanders said much the same thing.
His tweetstorm was designed to get exactly the reaction he got. No one inBaltimore is voting for him but people in rural America will love it. The media made the mistake of falling for his nonsense ... again.
To be clear this isn't about Baltimore. It's another diversion Trump is taking to attack Cummings investigations of him on the oversight committee. The same thing he did to Comey,Sessions, Mueller and anyone else he views as a threat.
Why can't you recognize Trump's attacks are not racist based? He responds forcefully to anyone (of any color) who he believes attacks him unfairly and lies about his accomplishments? So many examples out there that prove he is not signaling out just non-Caucasians.
Examples include Trump calling out DeBlasio, Nadler, Schiff, Tester, Ryan, Flake, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Weismann, Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Epstein, Clinton, and the list goes on and on.
Time to advance from "anything and everything" is about race. Makes you look uninformed and unable to respond with any depth of knowledge. Besides, that race card just don't work anymore. Many Americans just ain't buying it, including millions of Americans from every race.
Do some research!
Anon 5:19 said:
"By the way, you should know that the author of that NY Times piece understands Trump's tweets as being racist, as should anyone who has been following anything that Trump has said, ever (https://twitter.com/AlecMacGillis/status/1155249781100429314). This is the modus operandi of Republicans since the civil rights movement. The GOP has spent the past 40-50 years trying to convince racist that they are not racists, that the policies they like just happen to hurt black people or that black people are just dumber and lazier or more violent than white people. Stop giving bigots excuses."
To further prove his racism, this week Trump commuted the sentence of a black man convicted of a drug crime whose wife is dying; and re-instituted the federal death penalty, starting with a murderer who is a white supremacist. All while presiding over an economy that has brought RECORD low unemployment numbers to black and Hispanic Americans.
Yeah, what a racist!
Because some leftist at the NY times said so. That would be the same NY Times that is fine with the conditions in parts of Baltimore and NYC as long as democrats are in power, and the same NY Times that wrote glowingly about Hitler when he was gaining power.
It is the Democrats that have spent the last 40-50 years trying to FALSELY claim that Republicans are racist, while democrat policies on abortion allow minority babies to be killed disproportionally; while democrat policies destroy minority families; and while democrat policies ravage inner-city minority neighborhoods. All in the Democrat-created and 100% Democrat-run utopias of their own creation.
It should be abundantly clear who the racists are, and it's NOT Trump or the Republicans. The last thing that the democrat establishment wants to have exposed is what they've done TO minorities, not for them.
"Makes you look uninformed and unable to respond with any depth of knowledge."
And Trump does? He is the most ignorant, uninformed President in modern history. He reacts like a schoolyard bully. This worked on his TV show but not here. You people love the attacks because it is a low IQ way of life. He is President of the entire country and leader of the free world, not just king of his goofy prearranged love fest rallies. A carnival barker blowing his hateful whistle.
He is no real national leader.
Bernie Sanders said the same thing about Baltimore in 2015, and not a peep from anyone, media included. In fact, he said, "the life expectancy is greater in some 3rd world countries."
3:41, All I can say is, you are not taking advantage of all the solid information that's out there. You are simplifying the matter by being hung up on Trump's New York style personality and methods.
You don't like his style but the positive impact he is having here and around the world are SPECTACULAR. The list is long. It's a result of his intellect, experience and courage. Best economics in over 50 years! To be expected from a Wharton graduate and having been a global negotiator his entire professional life.
Here's why you're missing out. You watch/listen to just liberal-focused national news outlets. Probably swear by whatever you read in the Morning Call or see on TV69.
Factual information is really just found on small, independent, internet news sites. There are damn good ones out there, but you must seek them out. Real, fully supported and developed facts. References you can read for yourself, etc. Even places like Conservative Treehouse. Go ahead, I dare you!
Annon 5:22, don't be so full of yourself. The earlier poster was right on the mark. Trump is an idiot. Your excuse of his "New Your" style is ludicrous and insulting to many of my NY friends and colleagues. They have said so themselves. Trump would be an asshole no matter where he is from.
His successes are imaginary. A stock market free of any regulations will purr along until it once again crashes due to its own greed. The losers will be Main street as the big boys will again skate. The economy was moving along nicely when he took office. His tinkering is merely an illusion that will cost us down the road. His jobs are part-time low wage. His negotiating skills have created trade wars and farmers needing government subsidies to survive.
I am sure your "sources" of real news like "Grassfire" and other rightwing and neo-Nationalist websites are interesting but I prefer my News come form more well rounded and learned sources and not from Russian Trolls and Corporate hacks.
Your welcome
*you're welcome^ self corrected.
Geez, 1:37. At least help others reach your level of factual knowledge by listing a couple of website suggestions where truth can be found. I'll check them out and promise not to accuse them of anything without proof.
Or, maybe, just go all in and name a Democrat Presidential candidate you believe would do better, and why.
Since Comrade Trump is a liar, racist and white nationalist. It would be harder to list who would be worse. Health care and economic equality are only to things that are at the top of pols for Americans and not even on Trumps radar.
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