Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Mezzacappa Uses RTKL to Harass West Easton

Pennsylvania's Right-to-Know Law, first adopted in 2008, has dramatically expanded public access to government records. They are now presumed to be public. If a local government resists a request for information, it must prove that what is sought is not a public record or falls within one of the exceptions to disclosure. Governments must respond timely, too, or face sanctions from the state Office of Open Records. Although this law has increased government transparency, it is being abused by some to harass and overburden government workers under an obligation to respond. The most chronic offender here in the Lehigh Valley is none other than Constable Tricia Mezzacappa. Yes, the very same person who's been charged with false reports to the Pennsylvania State Police has done her best to bring the government of tiny West Easton to its knees with incessant requests.

Since the beginning of this year, she has slammed the small staff with 40 Right-to-Know requests.

West Easton has joined about 60 other communities and adopted a Resolution asking the state legislature to change the law to provide some way to protect it from vexatious requesters like Mezzacappa.

She's also a vexatious litigant who has been barred from filing incessant motions against West Easton (and me) without leave of court. 

This resolution should be considered by Northampton County. County officials tell me that one Assistant Solicitor's time is almost exclusively spent responding to requests.

Just because you have a right to do something does not mean you should. I always resented when Lehigh Valley Live would post all the salaries of every public employees, even this paid a pittance or who work seasonally. While I get the idea of posting high salaries paid to cabinet officials or those sucking up overtime, there is little to learn from those at the lower end of the scale. It just embarrasses the worker.

To that end, Mezzacappa has sought and regularly posts the wages paid to one IU-20 bus driver. This is done mostly to harass and embarrass him after he defeated her for a seat on borough council. 

West Easton's resolution is below.

t Easton RTKL Resolution by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. RTK is both a tool and a weapon. You have gone after people you want to go after and not pursued those you like. Also the courts get used as Well. Your UMB buddy would use them in the past as a slap method against people to silence them.
    Is not that so?

  2. Why is there a West Easton anyway? Merge it with Easton and be done with it.

  3. "Your UMB buddy would use them in the past as a slap method against people to silence them.
    Is not that so?"

    That is complete nonsense. Ron has never filed a RTK request.I file them when I need to for information I would not otherwise get. I have not filed 40 in my lifetime,let alone in six months against one municipality. This is abuse.

  4. 40 is only the amount of forms she submitted to West Easton. On many of the forms are multiple and numbered requests. Over 100 different requests since January and each of those has to be answered.

  5. She's the exception that proves the rule. Complaints by government about the cost of openness are to be expected. You've had requests ignored, half fulfilled, and slow walked. I get that she's a lunatic causing problems. But we should be careful not to throw the baby out with the swamp water.

  6. "Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you should"

    The people complaining about the woman in this article need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

  7. If a government detests providing information to the public it serves, then those people probably don't belong in jobs that serve the public .

    You've spent your entire life using public info to harass, annoy and smear people on a daily basis.... I guess Tricia found out some inconvenient facts about someone.

  8. @5:22
    What needs to be understood is that these Resolutions aren't being adopted with the intent to close down transparency. It's hoped to put the brakes on somebody like Mezzacappa and there are a number of people like her throughout the state, which is why so many communities are looking for the law to offer a venue for a review of a requester and their purpose.
    PA only offers the ability to argue an individual request through the OOR. One at a time. The OOR does not look at the broad picture of whether the requester is seeking information for the public benefit, or just trying to harass and overburden an agency, or an employee they have a personal grievance with.
    Connecticut solved this problem with a change to their law in 2018. They now have a Commission that will review requests from an agency who feels they may have a vexatious requester. The commission, if it decides to convene on a complaint, holds a hearing with all parties submitting testimony and evidence. The evidence can include verbal statements made, social media postings, correspondence between parties, how the information was used, total requests submitted and the type of information requested, appeals filed, past history between parties, etc.
    Mezzacappa wouldn't do well in front of a commission like that. She has promised to bury West Easton in RTKs and has asked for some bizarre and useless information, like "metadata" on emails, browsing history of computers, and info on encryption software used by our bank. All these requests require a sincere effort to obtain and provide, which takes time away from our Borough Manager doing her job of managing the borough.
    As for me, I couldn't care less about my pay and retirement contributions being posted online. Having steady employment and a retirement plan is more than Mezzacappa can say.
    She has pissed off over 100 bus drivers though, some retired and some having been brief employees, who will have their information posted online when she requested from CIU 20 end of year pay of every driver from 2015-2018. As third parties to the request every one of them were notified of Mezzacappa's RTK asking for their info.
    That's over 100 people throughout the Lehigh Valley talking to friends and relatives, who in turn, give their opinion of some woman named Mezzacappa from West Easton.
    She wonders why she is a pariah.

  9. The current Northampton County Assistant Solicitor RTK Officer always uses the 30 day extension for all RTKs even if the request is easy. I believe that there needs to be an exception to do so, not just understaffed because the office is not. This should be reported to the Office of Open Records. I would like to know how many RTKs the current RTK Officer does compared to past RTK Officers. Please report Bernie.


  10. says the borough who has installed more spy cams in its boundaries than any other town in the state.

    oh, thats right, no one in west easton's government uses the internet to harass people or businesses. no that must be glendon.

    no west easton never harasses people. not west easton. its never west easton's fault. its always someone elses fault. west easton never does anything wrong.

  11. Its 10 pm, do you know where you're child is?

    No but Dandy Lion and Deeznuts do. They have spy cams set up every 10 feet.

    Mom, can you tell them to stop spying on me?

    No Waldo, I can't. They're the government. They're allowed to spy.

    But MOM.......

    No buts Waldo, they're the government and they're here to help...now stop asking question and be a good boy.

  12. 6:45 Pig,

    Two cameras were added to the Borough Hall building. One in the back. One on the side of Memorial Park. Both were without coverage previously.

    Along with those cameras are field cameras placed in areas where illegal dumping has occurred.

    If they hadn't been added you'd be complaining that West Easton took no preventive action to deter vandalsm or dumping. When action is taken you bitch about it.

    Do something productive. Feed your flying monkeys.

  13. It was the credit cards, wast it matt? How much did you have to pay back the borough?

  14. lets go for the 2 decades instead of one to see who wins the harassment game. just keep harassing somebody in hopes she'll get so sick of it she'll just move away. Yeah..lets just pile on, gang up, and use our borough website to harass her even more. there's power in numbers. we have cops coming. lets tell everyone else in the state we have a pain in the ass here. lets call Lisa Boscola and tell her too. We'll tell Bob Freeman. We'll tell everybody. these are all good, positive tactics that will definatley get her to stop filing RTKs

    Barabara Streisand got her panties all up in a bunch when a drone took an ariel photo of her beach front mansion and published it. It has 4 logged views. She sued the publisher for invasion of privacy. 2 weeks later it had 5 million views.

    yeah, lets just keep telling everyone in the state there is a pain in the ass on Ridge Street. That will solve all our problems.

  15. Pig,
    You know Dees isnt authorised to use boro credit cards and never has because it was one of your right to knows, but you wasted plenty of boro time wanting all the Mayors purchases and found nothing.

  16. Mezzacappa should file a RTK concerning the number of outdoor cats DD214 boy has captured and dropped off at the SPCA, Inquiring minds want to know...

  17. Matt, you were asked to stop defaming her deceased mother on your blog months ago and refused to stop. You were taken to court and wasted taxpayer money, when you could have removed the hate blog in seconds. Please stop complaining about what this woman does, and posts on the internet about you. You look like a stalker. The judge said were you allowed to keep post the post up because you published it prior to signing your non-disparagement agreement with Ms. Mezzacappa, so the hate blog about her Mom didn't count.

    What's in the public domain is always fair game, but just because you are allowed to do something, doesn't mean you should. I think the person without boundaries is you. Take a long hard look at yourself , and realize that what comes around goes around, and if you want to act like a playground bully, be prepared for miss trumpster to hit back harder. that's what happens to people who throw sucker punches. Either deal with it or step aside.

  18. I was at the West Easton meeting when Ms Mezzacappa asked Matt Dees for his DD214. He threatened to punch her in the face and shove a pole up her ass during the meeting. That wasn't very nice. Members of the public shouldn't be threatened with violence when they ask questions. You should hand over the DD214. Its the right thing to do.

    1. I was there and he never said that at the meeting. Maybe after the meeting he did.

  19. I would like West Easton to adopt a vexacious spy cam resolution. As the laws are now, there are no limits to how many spy cams the agency is allowed to install. They dont have to have a reason to install them, and I think they're doing it to spy on people they don't like and to harass certain people who are annoying to them. We cannot be expected to live in a world where every time we turn around we are getting caught on camera. Its not fair. We need this resolution to keep government in its place so it does not get out of control.

    We need to be able to go before a commission , like in Connecticut , where people can present evidence and social media blogs about government officials who post all kinds of nasty things and hateful crap about people on their websites. Until I get my way, I'm just going to take the law into my own hands , and put covers over those nasty spy cams. When I don't like the laws as written, I don't have to obey them. Its not fair.

  20. I've lived in West Easton for 3 years now, and I think they need to adopt a vexacious public decorum resolution. One member of council runs a hate blog to defame area residents and businesses, and screams at people when they appear at council meetings. They even sent out a newsletter and told us to stop showing up. One resident is banned from Borough Hall. I know about the 1st Amendment and all that, but since he's an elected official of the Borough, I don't think he should be allowed to serve the citizens and defame them at the same time. I think the resolution is necessary to make him stop pissing people off so badly that they file federal lawsuits and other court actions. The Borough really needs to step in and do something about this menace. It sets such a poor example for the town when its Vice President of Council harasses people like this. Its just not fair to the citizens.

  21. Tricia,
    You can continue making up lies, calling me names, and posting juvenile pics. It has you proving to everyone your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.

    Your problem is you can't see where you are headed. My guess is you suffer from Persecuted Personality Disorder. Anyone who looks it up will see you match all the criteria. Everyone - and I mean everyone - who has disagreed with you becomes a mortal enemy. How do you keep up with such a long hit list of people you intend to ruin with lies and distorted truth?

    The video shows exactly what I said to you. The court record shows a link to public document regarding the position YOU put your mother in when you transferred your house to her to avoid paying O'Hare his judgment against you, didn't defame anyone. Now, your family is suing you? Did your attorney sister find out about the money you got over the years? Your mom having to settle with O'Hare and what that cost the estate? Undo influence?

    Your latest lie (allegedly) now has you facing possible prison time and to all of us it is abhorrent that anyone would provide false witness to try and get anyone (black, or otherwise) prosecuted because their exhaust was loud.

    Are you unable to recognize your hate is ruining your own life and nobody else's?
    Take a step back and look at what you had, where you are now, and where you are headed. It's nobody's fault but your own.

    For your own sake, seek professional help.

  22. I've lived here 10 years and I think they need to adopt a vexacious litigation resolution. They keep wasting taxpayer money filing lawsuits against people and losing. Its not fair to the people who have to keep paying for it. Every month for the last 10 years they have to go into Executive session to discuss litigation at the meeting ... I think the public has a right to know why they keep filing lawsuits against people. This should be done in open session so people can see why the Borough keeps using our money to bully people.

  23. Matt Dees,

    as a citizen of this town who has been watching the insanity remotely for a number of years, you need to stop posting things about other citizens that defame them, their families, hurt their employment, and that diagnose people with mental diseases. That's called libel. You seem to enjoy the fruits of the First Amendment without any restraints, and quite honestly, the more you insult and degrade other people, the better they look . You keep giving out psychological advice to people you've hated for years, but the facts are, you're a bus bus driver who can barely read and write. I saw the deposition she posted about you , and you don't have the credentials to be diagnosing people with diseases. Some words of advice, ...instead of complaining about the people and the businesses here, try doing something other than wasting taxpayer funds on your petty bullshit. I'm getting ready to retire soon, and I don't want to finance the tax increases its going to take to keep funding all these petty wars you get the Borough involved in.

  24. Tricia,
    I tried. Obviously, there is no reasoning with you. Nor, can you accept advice. Wherever you end up, you got there by yourself.

  25. Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!

    Is it true her old Toyoty was sold and the proceeds donated to an African-American, LGBTQ owned pork processing start up located in a gun-free zone with 700 security cameras?

  26. Repeal the First Amendment.

  27. People who look up mental diseases on the internet then match the criteria to people they hate and post it it in public forums might be the reason why webmd is booming and Obamacare is failing. oink!

    Donald Trump holds the guiness book of world records for the number of times a mental midget diagnosed him with having a mental disease.

  28. 8:36 Tricia,
    Are you talking about the young woman who witnesses verified that she entered my empty bus looking for a child she forgot to pick up from daycare and punched me?

    The young woman under the influence of drugs, who was charged with aggravated assault, resisting arrest, escape, possession of cocaine, intent to distribute?

    The young woman who you mentioned in a letter to my employer telling them you believed I was dangerous and I assaulted her?

    The young woman I agreed to reduce charges on from aggravated assault to simple assault so she could qualify for drug treatment offered by the County?

    The young woman who approached me after the agreement with tears in her eyes thanking me for the chance to get her life back on track?

    Just curious if this is the woman you are referring to.

    You really need to stop, Tricia.

  29. Tea Party Foot SoldierJuly 3, 2019 at 9:06 AM

    Matt Dees-grace and mayor Fonzarelli should stop be investigated by an PSP for their conspiracy to deprive citizens of their first and second ammendment rights, also it should be illegal to wear wigs or other disguises on the dais what's next a hijab?

  30. why is a Borough who has never followed the right to know law, suddenly trying to get legislation passed to change the law ? The law, as its written is optional, because there is no built in mechanism for enforcement.....the OOR has no ability to fine the habitual offenders for not coughing up the records, and unless you have unlimited time and money to fund the fight through Common Pleas, you'll never collect the records you fought for. I'd be in favor of fixing this loophole. Judge Zito did a great job teaching this Borough that the RTK law is self policed by the agency who lost the case.

    Its like more legislation for stricter gun laws. Criminals don't follow laws.

  31. Does Deespicable have the nuts to face Mezzacappa at Mezzalunas for Cocktails and a debate of the facts to be live streamed on Twitch?

  32. I heard the WAWA on Schoennersville just passed a vexacious donut resolution. You can no longer take how many you want , pay for them and leave. Now you have to have a reason, and you are audited monthly, with 5 being the most you can have in 30 days time. These pain in the ass cops use all our resources keeping the donuts fresh and ready. These cops really need to be exposed. I think I'mm gonna tally it up and post it on the city web page. That'll show em...yeah, that'll show 'em...he won't be buying those donuts no more.

  33. I think we need a law about how many times in a month you're allowed to run a west easton weed whacker...people who use them frequently annoy all of us weed heads who just want to toke in peace.

  34. worst president* ever!

  35. while we're at it, I think we need a vexacious toilet resolution. Council people should' t be allowed to take toilets home, and if they do, we need a max flush of once a week. That'll show 'em, ...I wonder if Deesnuts included the toilet he took on his statement of financial interests as a gift?

    Its really not fair to all the residents in this Borough when one person in town is allowed to take toilets home, but others aren't.

  36. This is the type of town that can get sued every day of the week, and still shout that they are not the problem.

  37. As of 10 AM we only need eight more signatures on the on line petition to get rid of the West Easton Constable.

  38. "No but Dandy Lion and Deeznuts do. They have spy cams set up every 10 feet."

    These names are twoof the nicknames that Mezzacappa,andonly Mezzacappa, ises forMayor Dan DePaul and Council member Matt Dees. Rather than defnd herself under her own name,she slithers anonymously.

    I am still waiting for you to answer the false complaints accusation, Mezzacappa.

    Don’t you think it’s time you addressed the charges? You have been accused of false statements. Please enlighten us. Did you fire your pea shooter? Why was no shell found? Why were no reports made of gunfire? What kind of car? Or did you finally admit that you lied? Did you calL PSP that night? What did you tell them? How many drug addicted addicts [sic] have knocked on your door? How many have you greeted with a semi-automatic rifle? Enlighten us all.

  39. To Matt Dees: Beautiful reply!!!:

    8:36 Tricia,
    Are you talking about the young woman who witnesses verified that she entered my empty bus looking for a child she forgot to pick up from daycare and punched me?

    The young woman under the influence of drugs, who was charged with aggravated assault, resisting arrest, escape, possession of cocaine, intent to distribute?

    The young woman who you mentioned in a letter to my employer telling them you believed I was dangerous and I assaulted her?

    The young woman I agreed to reduce charges on from aggravated assault to simple assault so she could qualify for drug treatment offered by the County?

    The young woman who approached me after the agreement with tears in her eyes thanking me for the chance to get her life back on track?

    Just curious if this is the woman you are referring to.

    You really need to stop, Tricia.

  40. "This is the type of town that can get sued every day of the week, and still shout that they are not the problem."

    It is not the problem. You are the problem, Mezzacappa. You are the problem everywhere you go. It's why you can't last at any job. It's why no magistrate would ever use you. It's why your own family has sued you.

  41. Mezzacappa, everyone knows you are commenting here anonymously. Start using your name.

  42. " we should be careful not to throw the baby out with the swamp water."

    Agreed, but something needs to be done about vexatious requesters whose sole goal is to harass.

  43. I like the RTK law, because it protects the citizens from a vexatious Borough who refuses to follow the laws.

  44. Is there a doctor on board? Anyone ? I see medical terms being thrown around diagnosing the Constable with mental diseases...will Dees be showing us his MD license or is trishy goin to have to pry it from his dead cold hands like the DD214 sitting behind his borough toilet?

    dont tell me that big orange pig in her photo is hers that page is hilarious

  45. That page is many things. "Hilarious" is not one of them. You have used it to engage in homophobia, disdain for obese people and all kinds of other ugly remarks.

  46. We're waiting for you to respond to the false claims charge, Mezzacappa. Quit deflecting.

  47. Trish is a RTK heavyweight who can spar with the biggest and the best in courts across the land. Give the lady some credit for all her talent and time spent perfecting transparency for all the rest of us. She did not get paid to make sure all these sleazy little towns cannot play dirty anymore, she is doing a great service for public records and transparency. Afterall you do not get to be a Serina Williams by hitting a few tennis balls a month. This is a well honed skill, so let her practice in West Easton and stay there.


    City of Allentown's finest, cell block D

  48. Blogs, lawsuits, and RTK requests. Boomers warring with each other is fun to watch.

  49. Still waiting for answers from Messy. Still hearing crickets. It's difficult making up a good lie when there is so much evidence. That pesky, pesky evidence.

  50. There aren't too many people who enter the hot dog eating contest to see who eats the most the fastest, without a little indigestion along the way, but my bets are all in 100% for Trish she keeps the gold medal winning streak in the RTK arena even when up against the King Spry super star John Freund. She may turn him into a hot dog pinnata, like she did to poor Peter Layman.

  51. West Easton Realty AssociationJuly 3, 2019 at 12:04 PM

    We put in a bid for the Ridge Street house as is with the CNN fake news sign, $200K, but she refused. She must really like her neighborhood.

    Crusty MP-9 who dove into the mud

  52. University of MonroevilleJuly 3, 2019 at 12:32 PM

    I recognize this name as adjunct faculty in our school. Professor Mezzacappa teaches the Sovereign Citizen class in government transparency I and II Spring Semester, and Tax Avoidance III and IV, Fall Semester. She has the highest ratings in the school and has produced many valedictorians who went on to become vexacious RTK requestors. Bless her soul.

  53. Glad I live in Pen Argyl and not West Easton.

    1. Glad I live in the western side of the county.

  54. Permission to refocus the discussion:

    Trish, did you file a false report with PSP stating you fired your weapon, when, in fact, you did not? A yes or no will be fine, and should clear all this up in seconds. Thanks.

  55. does anyone keep seeing that movie clip scene from Silence of The Lambs where the tranny puts the lotion in the basket and lowers it down to the prisoner in the hole....

    Prisoner: Mr. ...please...I'll do anything...my parents have money.....

    Tranny (Trisha) : Don't you hurt my dog!

    Prisoner: Don't you make me hurt your dog!

    Tranny: YOU DONT KNOW WHAT PAIN IS! ...(10,000 more RTKs filed )

    food for thought? What a shame

  56. Speaking of taking a concoction of drugs, maybe the county can assist 2:29 and same person 2:33 with drug rehab.

  57. Mezz is in the upper echelon of Tea Party hotties sitting alongside Lara Looper, Anne Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Sarah Palin.

    This Hard R would eat the corn out of her droppings, she also shoots half inch groups at 25 yards with a S&w model 29.

  58. Hi, this is John Waldron, Ms. Mezzacappa's attorney. Can everyone please stop being mean to my client. She has called me a few times crying because of all the comments here. Please try to be a little more kind with her.

  59. MezzaKKKappa should move to Mississippi. She'd have lots of friends and they'd provide the first hood for free.

  60. I found a video of Tricia terrorizing borough hall with RTK requests. It was taken from one of the 16,546 video cameras installed at Borough Hall. This is no laughing matter. Its a public service announcement. Please be warned, this video is not for the faint at heart. There maybe extreme violence . You've been warned.


  61. So we have a disbarred attorney and a school bus driver telling this poor, young woman what is wrong with her. You boys are really tough. Do either of you have a girlfriend?

    Tricia, hang in there girl. you are not alone in being victimized by bullies. Men with no real lives get off on taking down strong women like yourself.

  62. That's right, Tricia. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe they'll give you conjugal visits with B.O.B.
    When is everyone going to hear your explanation of trying to railroad that poor young black man?

  63. I am now deleting comments from Mezzacappa, posted anonymously and pseudonymously, attempting to deflect attention away from herself with idiotic attacks at others. Tricia, you can explain that you are not a vexatious requestor or explain whether you made a false report to the PSP. Other than that, don't bother.

  64. Mezzacappa quit deflecting. Respond to the topic or the criminal charge.

  65. 3:17 that was a great video. I can definatley see why West Easton is terrified of this woman. This person needs to be committed to an asaylum. She forced them to put the request in the basket. Its just deplorable. A shame.

  66. West Easton CouncilmanJuly 3, 2019 at 6:03 PM

    We have a total of 68 spy cams installed in and around our Borough of 0.5 sq. mile, not 16,000. That was an exaggeration. We think its its necessary to watch our citizens as they walk, eat, socialize, cook, mow lawns, weed, paint, (change their clothing if near enough to a window) drive, repair vehicles, prune bushes, enter and exit their homes, put their trash out, sit on their porches, bring their trash cans in, pay bills at Borough Hall, attend meetings , run errands, sit in the park, play in the park, leave the social hall, leave the bar on 5th st, walk in and out of the fire department , walk in and out of the convenience store, and especially the jail. Over a dozen near the jail alone. We have to watch them too. We watch peoples pets, we watch families, we watch all friends coming and going, so its basically a fortress not unlike various surveillance systems seen in communist China. We think its best to know everything about everyone , at all times of the day, evening, nights and weekends. This is our right, and this is our privilage as a government. I suggest the people complaining about learn how to deal with it or just move away.


    author of vexatious RTK requestor resolution.

  67. Oh my . I just read the constable page. King Spry just died and went to heaven....a new revenue stream for that lawfirm. Trish, boy, she's a sure thing. The townships, cities and Boroughs don't want her, but their Solicitors do. Looks like shes jamin' RTKs over at the IU 20.

  68. Tricia MezzacappaJuly 3, 2019 at 6:39 PM

    West Easton's perceived RTK "burden" of course is not a burden at all, but if it were a burden, its been self inflicted. I have estimated that each request would take only minutes to fulfill, because it is a matter of attaching a file to an email. West Easton filed a lawsuit against me back in 2012-2013 for being a "burdensome requestor" but of course I defeated them on that issue straight up to the Commonwealth Court. I addressed their concerns in a June 14th email, so I've copied and pasted the email in this response. I also noticed that upon Mr. Dees insistence, a letter had to be drafted to our District Attorney for comments put up on facebook, that I never published in any public forum at all. This was done to humiliate me, and is just another form of government gaslighting by proxy. I was finally able to drill down the cyber -breach within my operating system a few days ago, 1 hour after I scored two BIG wins at the OOR, which made Councilman Dees very mad. The cyber-breach came in the form of a massive malware dump to my email (same one that happened in January after I filed my motion to open/strike) , and when I had everything back up and running again, the system detected and removed 4 separate malware/spyware/adware programs. SO now that the spyware is gone, I shouldn't be having anymore surprises on the facebook Constable page, or my own. The malware detected and removed is documented and preserved for future needs. The orgin of it would need a forensic exam, so I am working on that too. When I find the orgin (if) I'll turn it into the the State Police, or DA, who will likely be Tom, since Terry is using you to do his dirty work. This is what I sent to West Easton:

    From: Tricia Mezzacappa
    Subject: Vexatious Requestor
    Date: June 14, 2019 at 7:01:32 PM EDT
    To: Peter Mammana , Jeffrey Breidinger , dbolash@gmail.com, Paul James , BOB LEWIS , Robert Lewis

    Dear Council,

    The attached letter from Mr. Dees’ statewide disparagement / smear campaign is more of the same gas lighting, cat n mouse toddler style games that are becoming such an embarrassment to this Borough, not to mention, in full violation of the non-disparagement clause signed last year. If any of you believe that providing public information to the public (one member or others) on a daily basis, , is something that is a burden to do, then I think its time that you re-evaluate what it is government is supposed to do. My requests have all been legitimate requests for mostly financial records and some other documents , and are not “nonsense” to me. I read all of them, and have begun posting some on the Constable Facebook page that Mr. Dees habitually trolls. Now its chock full of good info for him to troll. Thank you.

    Mr James approached me on election day, and asked me to give it a rest. I rested for 4 full years until I was pulled out of a peaceful RTK law retirement , by my own contemptuous Borough who attempted to re-litigate the same issue it lost at 3 levels of court battles over 4 years, in January of this year. When I am comfortable that my Borough is doing what it supposed to be doing, you will see the requests stop. Until then, I will be watching the money.

    BTW…Mr. Dees can kick and scream and continue to kick hornets nests all he likes, then cry again when he is stung. It will not change my status as a member of the public who has a right to follow public monies. I have been reading the minutes and am once again in awe. Has there been any meeting this year where all matters Mezzacappa was skipped over for some other important business?


  69. Tricia MezzacappaJuly 3, 2019 at 6:55 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. Mezzacappa, your second comment is an off topic attempt at deflection and hence is deleted. Your first comment, insanely insinuating malware from Easton, is mostly off topic as well. I allowed it only bc it does touch on the subject of this post. You have yet to explain the circumstances surrounding the false report charges lodged against you by PSP.

  71. ...a letter had to be drafted to our District Attorney for comments put up on facebook, that I never published in any public forum at all.

    That would be your constable page where you called him vulgar names and said he sucked O'Hares cock. Your initial statement to the Judge was "Hate speech is free speech." When the Judge told you the borough not supporting your hate speech was also protected by the 1st Amemndment, you went to the "hacked" claim and nobody checked with you to see if you posted it. The Judge knew you were full of shit and so does everyone else. How's that investigation coming along?

  72. Tricia MezzacappaJuly 3, 2019 at 7:40 PM

    The charges are discussed with my attorney, and since your not anyone's attorney, and never will be again (this is a great thing) because you never passed your mental exam for reinstatement , its only discussed with the attorneys. The malware files are being turned over to the attorneys at time of trial. As far as being a disgusting self entitled sick asshole, your only a few millimeters under Dees...its close, but he beats you .

  73. MezzaKKKappa,

    Don't forget to ask Gregory if he remembers any prison talk on which cell is best on the womens side. Make a reservation early.

  74. In other words, you’re guilty as hell, Your defense is to attack everyone over everything, including penis size. I’m sure that will get you far.

  75. ”Don't forget to ask Gregory if he remembers any prison talk on which cell is best on the womens side. Make a reservation early.”

    I’m beginning to think you are right. Though she has posted numerous comments she has failed to express an ounce of remorse to the father she attempted to railroad or to the four state troopers who were taken off their usual duties to respond to a false claim of gunfire. Her irresponsible behavior endangered everyone in the jurisdiction of the Belfast barracks.

  76. Come on people it’s 8:20 only need three more votes to hit 100 signatures on the online petition to remove West Easton Constable.

  77. Imagine having this travesty as a neighbor! To do something like this to a neighbor - the US should deport her to an unsuspecting country. Not Canada - I like Canada. You lie to the PSP that you fired your weapon - what the heck is she using for a brain, cat litter?

  78. West Easton has spent several tens of thousands of dollars on RTK requests coming from this individual. How do her neighbors feel about their tax dollars being abused in this manner?

  79. Anyone think MezzaKKKappa cares?
    If she had been successful and had this young man convicted she would have been braying about how she took on a gang member, defended herself with her pea shooter, and is cleaning up Section 8 housing across the street from her, where all of "them" live. No remorse and no regrets. She'd be looking for a medal and newspapers to write a story about her "brush with death."

    West Easton residents are invited to the first annual Wicked Witch Festival to be held the day following the conviction of Mezzacappa.
    Free Admission
    Dress as a witch or flying monkey and get a "CNN Is Fake News" banner for your door.
    Cool off by taking a seat on the Dunking Stool where you will be submerged in the Pool of Lies.
    Ride the Spin Master at speeds that will have you believing you are making sense as you blabber incoherently upon exiting.
    Enter The House of Horrors where you will be harassed, threatened, defamed, and disparaged by residents of a psychiatric hospital.
    Match wits against PSP Troopers - Fabricate a story and watch how they determine you made a false report.
    Take a ride in "The Honking Taxi" and yell racial slurs at those waiting to ride next.
    Spend time in a real prison cell. (Orange jumpsuits available for purchase at the vendors area.)

  81. WOW! You are claiming anything positive about Tricia is her so you delete it as deflection. You then turn around and allow and applaud the most heinous personal attacks against her.

    You need to look into you own soul before you judge another.

  82. FYI she does NOT represent the good and professional State Constable's in this county or state who serve the courts and citizens with respect. We need her gone from this profession and despite what Bernie has stated there are mechanisms in place within the law to have her removed by the Courts, DA or citizen, period!

    Title 44 Law and Justice Chapter 71



    § 7172. Incompetence.

    (a) Inquiry.--A court of common pleas with competent jurisdiction may inquire into the official conduct of the constable if any of the following apply:

    (1) A surety of the constable files a verified petition alleging that the constable is incompetent to discharge official duties because of intemperance or neglect of duty.

    (2) Any person files a verified petition alleging that the constable is incompetent to discharge official duties for a reason other than intemperance or neglect of duty. This paragraph includes an act of oppression of a litigant or a witness.

    (b) Determination.--If the court determines that the constable is incompetent to discharge official duties, the following apply:

    (1) The court may:

    (i) require additional security from the constable; or

    (ii) remove the constable from office.

    (2) Upon removal under paragraph (1)(ii), the court may appoint a suitable individual to fill the vacancy until a successor is elected and qualified. The appointed individual must have a freehold estate with at least $1,000 beyond incumbrance or furnish security.

    Signed -

    Very Concerned Northampton County Constable

  83. Very Concerned Constable,

    I agree the vast majority of constables perform their duties professionally.

    I would hope you will agree that there needs to be a better structure in PA law with regard to eligibility, oversight, and review to hold the elected position. Troopers, local police, and even sheriffs have a chain of command structure that is available to citizens with complaints.

    It appears Mezzacappa is a rogue who doesn't fall under the oversight of the Constable Complaint Form because she is not employed by the courts.

    Since there is no chain of command for constables, there is no superior constable to submit a complaint.

    Her and the few others like her give all constables a bad reputation, especially when they are finally brought to justice and the news media highlights the shortcomings in the law regarding your independent status.

    I believe there are three different constable organizations in which a constable can become a member. Whoever is president of your organization should release a statement to the press that Mezzacappa is not representative of constables and should the allegations levied against her be proven in court, she should be given the maximum sentence imposed.

    While your comment on a blog is appreciated, it still has a limited audience and needs to reach the entire state of Pennsylvania.

  84. *allegations should read "charges"

  85. "WOW! You are claiming anything positive about Tricia is her so you delete it as deflection."

    I have received nothing positive about Tricia. What I have received are ugly attacks at others. Those are clearly from her. That is how she defends herself. She deflects. I know it to be her after years of reading her nonsense. In fact, the nicknames she uses for certain people are only used by her.

  86. Very Concerned Northampton County Constable,

    The office of constable is an elected and constitutional office. Removal would require impeachment or conviction of an infamous crime. The Pa. CONstitution trumps any statute.

    Courts can remove constables from performing judicial duties but are unable to remove a constable from office absent a conviction of an infamous crime.

  87. Is there anyone in this love story that doesn't cash a government check?

  88. Most of her victims cash no government checks but have the misfortune of living near her.

  89. Alternate ConservativeJuly 4, 2019 at 1:04 PM

    MezaKKKappa leeches off the government for free healthcare. That should qualify as a government check.

  90. Is she disabled?

  91. 1:31 Never happen, she left the meeting after her nutty request hours before it ended. It’s on the meetings taped video. She had to check her on line dating site “one night stand”.

  92. Alternative ConservativeJuly 4, 2019 at 2:04 PM

    Mentally disabled. She qualifies for free healthcare because she makes less money than an illegal immigrant.

  93. Looks like Mezzalunatic only likes RTKs when it is used on others. Hypocrite. Minutes from an Easton council meeting:


    "Tricia Mezzacappa, 817 Ridge Street requested that the City do something to prevent Mr. Bernard O’Hare from receiving any copies of police reports involving her."


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