Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How About Medical Marijuana at Gracedale?

One problem plaguing Gracedale and other nursing homes is the high use of psychotropic drugs, condemned by some as a chemical restraint. This is just one of many topics Gracedale Interim Administrator Jennifer D. Stewart-King discussed with NorCo Council last week. But they all began to laugh when Council member John Cusick asked if any consideration has been given to the use of medical marijuana. "No!" said Stewart-King.

Medical professionals there should reconsider. According to the Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, "Studies examining older adults that are utilizing medical cannabis legally have demonstrated significant decreases in prescription medication use, most notably a reduction in opioid analgesic usage. As such, medical cannabis should be viewed as an additional option in the clinician's toolbox of therapeutic interventions for symptom relief."

Most nursing homes, however, prohibit medical marijuana because of their reliance on Medicare for funding. The feds prohibit marijuana.

One New York nursing home gets around this by refusing to purchase or store medical cannabis, but allowing residents to store their own stash in a locked container. cannabis medicine. Residents must purchase their cannabis medicine on their own and self-administer or have it administered by family.

If you want to increase Gracedale's census, this is one way to do it.


  1. Look, the country's been paying heavily for the lost pot-head generation of the 60's.

    First they were dropping out of society to do their own thing, but we had to develop - and pay for - numerous social programs to deal with the consequences of their choices.

    Over time, they've infiltrated the government and are now running one of the major political parties in America to spread their asinine policy ideas further.

    So is it really surprising that they still want their pot when they get older? And don't worry, once they get it then the push will be for us - not them - to pay for it.

  2. Hey if they have to live in a place that is so sub standard let them smoke a little weed if it makes them happy. They can forget for a minute where they got dumped by their loving family.

  3. County Council laughed and the DN dismissed it offhand, what fools they all are

  4. Most insurance hasn't caught up with this and this medication a out of pocket treatment.

  5. Yes, medical marijuana is not covered.

  6. Even after it becomes legal the government screws it up, as only it can. Whether it's medical or recreational, the cost is high and the quality standard inconsistent. Black markets are still reliable and thriving. If the system is impeding you from taking care of your loved one, ask around. There are alternative distribution channels and lower risk, as punishments are going the way of the halfhearted Volstead Act enforcement.

  7. 10:05 That was one of the most well written posts I've read here in a long time. Ignorant, but well written.

  8. 10:05 thinks pot leads white women to cavort with negroes and jazz musicians, as was the rationale for laws still in place today. He'd like to keep fighting the multi-billion dollar war on drugs because it's working so well. He thinks propping up a criminal justice system jobs program to fight the smashingly successful, though spectacularly expensive drug war trumps better elder care that can curb costs. At least he's thought it all through. Wonder what's in his amd mom's medicine cabinet? Most who malign pot are running for the shelter of some other mother's little helper to help you on your way and get you through your busy day.

  9. Annon 10:05 is on pointy. That is how we ended up with the republican Party.
    That is why Bernie writes up and praises every goofy comment Cusick makes on council. He treats the guy like some political brainchild. Christ O'Hare can you write a story without making a Cusick quote the centerpiece as if he was the only brainiac to think of something. You working his reelection campaign?

  10. O'Hare loves Cusick. Others say many of the things Cusick does but O'Hare wants to make Cusick look good.

  11. Bernie, the inmates at Gracedale should have a horticulture activity. This way while treating thereselves with weed the inmates could help cut medication costs.
    This isn't to mention the many addicted nurses stealing inmates oxi for there home use and party favors. This kind of stuff never makes local news as they have partnered with with the local drug administers.

  12. The partisan assholes want me to trash Cusick bc he is an R and a potential threat to McClure. I will cover him fairly. Just last week, I slammed him for moving a health contract at the jail and then voting No.

    I pretty much hate everyone.

    Except Peg, lol.

    1. Only your buddy Ron Angle could make Northampton County great again.

  13. Angle and Stoffa created the "dump Gracedale" attitude. They worked to sabotage the place with their policies while in office. That is the opinion of those at the time. Now it is still suffering due to their actions.

  14. He certainly could make it grate again!

  15. No one has looked at the lung cancer problem with smoking pot. Why is that?

  16. Set up a room at Gracedale like Cigars International so residents can smoke their weed. No oxygen allowed in that room or boom goes Gracedale.

  17. as well as to make known what can be obtained from an ancient plant that has been used and worked the marijuana plant for thousands of years. We do not incite to consume and plant, we only inform about the good and bad of marijuana seeds and the marijuana plant.


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