Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Accused Palmer Tp Murderer Waives Extradition

From Palmer Tp PD: Edgar Himel, has waived extradition in Colorado and will be brought back by Palmer Police Investigators to Pennsylvania  from Colorado for arraignment on charges of Criminal Homicide and Theft ofMotor Vehicle.

A video arraignment has been scheduled for 9:30am Friday morning at the Northampton County Central Booking Center located at Northampton County prison in Easton.

Blogger’s Note: Himel is accused in the July 4 slaying of his wife. Her body was discovered at the couple’s Palmer Tp residence three days later. 

On July 4, the victim had called 911 to report an “emergency.” Two police officers responded, but there was no answer at the door. One officer went around the home and could see a man who appeared to match Himel’s description in the bedroom, where the victim’s remains were eventually discovered. Police cleared the area without making contact.

An internal investigation is underway, and right-to-know requests have been denied because of both the civil and criminal investigation.



  1. Please drop the Irish surname ,you Lebanese clown =your family did not suffer from the Famine !

  2. Rest assured that Palmer Twsp will eventually announce that an internal investigation on police conduct in this case was completed but no results will be released since it is a "personnel matter". Case closed. One can only hope that when the expected lawsuit is settled the townships check is not long enough to hold all the zeros in the amount box.

  3. 8:09/6:12/7:10,

    How many times do you need to be told nobody gives a shit about your son not making the all star team.

    Start your own blog and write about it. All your accomplishing is being an annoying turd who is trying to hijack the comments section.

    Get over it. NOBODY CARES!

  4. Bernie:
    I don't know or care who this asshole posting everyday is; but my advice to him/ her is to stay squeaky clean as regards to committing any little offense than a parking ticket. They say justice is blind, but it has an excellent memory and connections throughout the PA / NJ region. He should check his lights every time he moves his car, because we uhh, they, look for those things to justify a stop. What car does this asshole drive, anyone know?

  5. Yes I know , what he bought. Wait I’ll send .

  6. Bob Ryan of KDDI was left by his wife due to erectile dysfunction and a crippling alcohol addiction, he stands no chance against the geriatric stud Petey J Cocktails

  7. Paddy Flaherty your boy couldn't make the JV team as a water boy get off this nonsense and book a room at passages MALIBU!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Registered White Audi I have vin number, other perchaces from Brown Daub Jeep when he lived in PA. He drinks vodka early possess a ranch home ,in. N.J. the grass is high and garage door is getting rotten on bottom .This info is over 6 months old now . . I have posted about him in past . I considered him a “ risk” to NoCar Judge and promised to stick to J. if needed. Sheriff should keep tabs on his comments., get a handle on him and post his photo in security areas . But I’m a nobody. So nobody does. Just for reference I have in courage Mr.Ryan to seek psychiatric help and counseling..

  9. Lets intro Mr. Ryan to the West Easton Constable. What a beautiful couple they would make!

  10. Gee and here I thought the topic was about the capture of this alleged killer. Glad he is in custody and may justice be served.

  11. Bob Ryan cut your lawn and fix your dilapidated hovel, also go to an AA meeting and have bernie take you straigh to the 13th step !

  12. If I had to to take Cuvo in ,during my old days the cuffs would have gone him .,just like Others before him. He was a great athlete,no question,but the cuffs would have gone on , no question. So stay away from the Judge at this point , and if I were you stop posting about him .

  13. This is amazing and disturbing at the same time. My brother Pete, you have got to stop stalking this man. You are not in law enforcement and there is no such thing as citizen arrest, He can take you to court If you continue to harass him. Time to back off.

  14. delusions of grandeur

  15. Anon 11:00 would you , or do you roll over after derogatory remarks are made here . Many comments he made here are now not visible because Bernie has deleted them . . Everything has been via ,what’s available to anyone. Perhaps you don’t see what he post. Racists remarks about a NoCar Judge along with attempts to broadcast alledged integrity issues.,his obvious challenge against me a citizen,taxpayer ,for coming to a good person s defense. Not different than what others do for, Trump,Obama or the right to have Santa Visit a private school . I never got out of my chair for this guy. End.Thank you for your concern however. Delusional ? No ,Anticipatory,Yes .

  16. Unrelated,to subject matter , I predict Dems loose the House after Muller proceceedings . Muller can’t say under constitution that Troump issue was “an unusual case” and presumption of innocence from beginning. .

  17. By the time we get to the next election the economy will be in the tank. I can see all the gun-loving thugs from the NRA at the Republican Convention cheering on Trump while they wear their "Make America White Again " hats.BY then Trump will have touched off a civil war in this country.IN my neighborhood the neighbors aren't even talking to each other.

  18. Negative , when Trump administration settles the trade deals with China shortly the economy will explode. Business we have brought back will expand and take off at an an exuberant rate. Minorities in this country are employed at a record rate now . The shit will hit fan alright, country will pay off debt and NATO and contingency will be stronger against the eval was of slavery and suppression. Don’t forget ,it was the Dems that held slaves after the Rs were attempting to deplete it here. American History is not taught in schools on purpose. When Patton got to the French / German boarder in WW11 he said these monuments are a tribute to human stupidity.

  19. Peter, when you have a chance, give me a call. 610-533-7379. Your skill with a firearm has been recognized.

  20. Damn Bernie, you look great! Hard work and discipline pays off. Keep it up!


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