Local Government TV

Monday, January 21, 2019

Are Pa Schools Testing Lead in Drinking Water?

Last year, a group of concerned and angry parents crowded into Northampton County Council to demand that elections in Bushkill Tp be moved from an elementary school to a nearby volunteer fire company. They were unmoved by an elections law that requires voting to take place in a public facility if possible. They were concerned about the safety of their children, who might be exposed to child molesters, mass murderers or even worse, Democrats. The popular thing would have been to just move the polling place, but the County refused during a crazy session in which the Elections Commission Chair actually cursed at these parents, many of whom had brought their children for a lesson in government.

They got one.

Conducting an election at a school while class is in session is a traffic hazard. Super voters are mostly old farts like me. We are bad drivers, as evidenced by a fatality in Forks Tp. last election cycle. The other concerns are remote.

Though unpopular, county officials are right to say No. The elections code requires that voting take place in a public facility if at all possible, and specifically mentions schools. The right thing to do is close schools on election day. Moving one polling place away from a school might open the flood gates and embolden parents everywhere else to demand the same, which would make elections more expensive and more unsafe for voters.

This refusal has already prompted one of these Bushkill Tp residents - Korry Franke - to declare his candidacy, as a Republican, for County Council.

It is perfectly understandable that parents would worry about their children. While raising dangers that are practically nonexistent, these parents should be concerned about what their children are drinking. Pennsylvania has no real protections in place to test the water school children drink for lead.

A law just enacted last year requires schools to test for lead in the drinking water or discuss the issue in a public meeting once a year. Schools with unsafe lead levels must be listed on the Department of Education webpage.  I see no schools listed.


  1. So what is this guys platform? County Council really doesn't do any of this. Maybe he can join Zirinski in pushing pointless laws.

  2. “While raising dangers that are practically non-existant.” Life is full of risks. Older structures mostly had lead pipe intakes ,but all children should be tested for lead exposure at some point because the exposure could be from the building they live in. Well Bernie,here are some other exposures to the safety of children that are a greater risk than voters . Bus drivers and route Supervisor s that fail to possess defensive driving habits. Obisity -CDC points to 1 kid in 5 ,age 6-19 yrs . old. Security issues in high schools Vs grade schools. Your point is well taken . The “voter” not likely to be much risk. But other issues slide away unnoticed.

  3. Ye, you should watch out for voters, remember, a lot of them voted for trump.

  4. Perceived risk.

    Childhood deaths on election day, ever: 0
    Childhood deaths from texting: 10 PER DAY
    Childhood deaths from lead in water: unknown if they won't test

    Solution: test for lead, as required. And ban cell phones for all minors who wish to have a drivers license.

  5. From your first post. You should have heard Zirinski at the woman's conclave on woman's day in Bethlehem. She once again wrangled the microphone and went on and on screaming and hollering about the evils of the man. This guy may well get along with her.

  6. Was she also at the DC women's march were a lady reached out and grabbed a set of balls?

  7. We should all be this disruptive about a football stadium project in Easton.we should demand a NO to costs . Figure the’ ass seat cost ‘ per game - it’s astronomical. Hoursecrape! Reject this stupid project. Tax payers are being screwed and somebody is pushing this project that has an adjenda . Better to stop project s in Easton School District because they are nubmskulls .

  8. I agree , The college admissions rate of football players is less than other activities that are subsidized by the PARENTS.

  9. Are you attending Sam Murray Haddad's crony Mike Fleck sentencing ?.

  10. I think her VJJgina has gone green like the straw and turtle thing-


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