Local Government TV

Thursday, October 04, 2018

The Devil and the Law

Kavanaugh bashers would do well to drop the histrionics and listen to the words of St. Thomas More.


  1. Yes, very relevant, the democrats have been claiming that trump is an authoritarian that should be feared, yet they are willing to change the standards of millenniums of just law for a short term victory. While I dont believe Trump is to be feared, I do believe any attempt to change legal standards is a threat to us all.

  2. Heard it a thousand times. Has nothing to do with advise and consent. Unless of course you believe when an Executive appoints someone the legislative function is to only confirm.

  3. As an Irish Anerican,Kavanagh was railroaded.He has a strong wife and I'm hosting a Kavanagh victory party on a Saturday night.The accuser has crazy eyes and is lying.Love you Bernie !

  4. Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Thursday said beer-loving Brett lacks the temperament to sit n the Supreme Court. Everyone seems distracted by the shiny object that is the sexual assault allegations. Unless you don't believe your lying eyes, the entire nation watched Brett's televised dry-drunk binge, and bare-naked partisanship. None of which has to do with due process.

  5. Old white men make me want to puke.

  6. The future belongs to girlz, dykes, queers, tranny’s, Queens and fags.
    Die old white men, do us all a favor.

  7. No hats for Amy Shumer !

  8. Kavanagh's a partisan poor choice for the Supreme Court. Even before the Dr. Ford situation he was supported by all republicans and opposed by all democrats. Before someone says something stupid about how the democrats are mean, remember the republicans they blocked Garland from even a hearing. So the knife cuts both ways.
    I said I don't like though guy based on his ultra pro-life position and his temperament. Frankly the guy should have just been upfront and stated as a youth he indulged a lot and loved to party, no big deal. Instead of freely admitting his youth was consumed by the Irish curse of drinking, he prevaricated and lied. He could have stated that was when he was a kid in HS and college, I have grown a lot since then. He played the choirboy card and flopped. Then, he played thee Trump card and attacked any and all who questioned him. That only works for Trump.

    As I said I don't think he should be a Supreme court Justice based on his Heritage Foundation roots and his positions. his whack temperament is just icing on the icing on the cake.

  9. @ 12:35
    Presumably you mean the Heritage Institution, the people who gave us Obamacare?

  10. The Republicans ran circles around Obama and the inept Democrats during the Garland non-starter.
    Now the gang that couldn’t shoot straight gets another butt hurt.

  11. All SCOTUS picks are partisan. Thats the way the system works. Look at Obama's picks. Look at every president's picks. This is about abortion and nothing else. It's the civil war of our time. Roe v Wade is like the 2/3 compromise. The issue is divisive and far from settled. It's finally coming to a full boil. The RBG replacement will bring civil war. This is just the opening salvo.

  12. Anonymous @ October 4, 2018 at 7:01 PM

    "Old white men make me want to puke."

    Does my father make you want to puke? He is an old white man. Seems like an ageist racist post from an anonymous hater.

  13. "and go he should if he was the devil himself until he broke the law" It needs an addendum: "unless it's Perjury and then who cares? Because cutting down that first little sapling in the forest really doesn't mean that much when we have all the other trees to protect us from the Howling Trumpian winds." Perjury. Claimed he knew nothing about the allegations of Ramirez.

    --On Tuesday, Kavanaugh testified that he had not discussed or heard of Ramirez's allegations from The New Yorker report before its publication.

    "All right," an interviewer said in a redacted Judiciary Committee report. "My last question on this subject is since you graduated from college, but before [The] New Yorker article publication on September 23rd, have you ever discussed or heard discussion about the incident matching the description given by Ms. Ramirez to [The] New Yorker?"

    "No," Kavanaugh said, according to the transcript.

    But Kavanaugh later appeared to contradict himself by saying he'd heard that Ramirez was "calling around to classmates trying to see if they remembered it."

    "And I, at least — and I, myself, heard about that, that she was doing that," Kavanaugh said in the transcript.--

    Just own it. Let the forest burn.

  14. Anonymous @ October 5, 2018 at 12:35 AM

    "ultra pro-life"

    Ultra pro-life = a little pregnant

    You either are or you're not

  15. Old white men invented electricity and automobiles and spaceships and indoor plumbing and antibiotics and birth control and tampons. You're welcome, ladies of all ages and colors.

  16. Refutations of the perjury claim can be found here: https://twitter.com/charlescwcooke/status/1047117492584361984

    Actually, you forget to mention a few of the other supposed instances of perjury. These claims are all spurious, just like he sexual assault claims. I decline to dignify them any further.

  17. Jeff Fox, I believe that person was being sarcastic. Either that or is himself an old white man trying to stir up other old white man. I have seen some women and young people on facebook attacking "old white men." I've also seen attacks by mostly white women in my Facebook circle aimed at "entitled white men." There is some ugliness out there. I am thankful for it. It helps me understand better what my young black brothers endure.

  18. Looks like we have a new SCOTUS well after 3 pm EST


  19. As I said I don't think he should be a Supreme court Justice based on his Heritage Foundation roots and his positions. his whack temperament is just icing on the icing on the cake.”

    No, you thinkhe should be selected on the basis of Emily’s List, Moveon and NextGen America. Tribal politics is prevalent.

    And that is what the whole crusade against Kavanaugh is based on - tribal politics. Youdon’t Give a shit about Dr. Ford or victimsvof sexual assault. It is all politics. I am deeply offended at the Groupthink and mob mentality by both sides.

  20. Lol offended by the group think? I don't remember any outraged blog posts when Garland was dumped down the garbage chute by the right wing.

  21. That's bc you're stupid. Go back to your tribe.

  22. Please,Obama abandoned Garland.
    Not an ounce of fight.

  23. Are the Democrats hyper-inept or passively colluding?

  24. The ultimate test of reasonableness is that Lindsay Graham respected the fact that Obama got to appoint Sonta Mayer & he voted for her knowing he didn’t support her political philosophy. The dems in the Senate failed to respect the fact that Trump got to appoint a constitutional judge who is more qualified & less political than Obama’s appointee. Thank goodness for Joe Manchin from WVa as the only gentleman Democrat in the entire Senste.,


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