Local Government TV

Thursday, October 04, 2018

NPR Poll: The Rs Are Awake

During the mob mentality of the French Revolution, over 40,000 "entitled white men" were executed during the "Reign of Terror." French physiologist Gustave Le Bon would later attribute what happened to "crowd psychology," manifested by characteristics that include "impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others..." With the dawn of the Internet and 24-hour news cycles, this type of Groupthink is becoming increasingly prevalent.  Authoritarian Donald Trump has used this tactic to appeal to the dark sides of his base. But now it is happening to people who should know better. Thanks to the histrionics of partisan Democrats and the breathless reporting from an increasingly partisan press, it is increasingly likely that Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. This is especially so as news reports begin to trickle in, rebutting Ford's claims. What's worse for Democrats, they've managed to awaken sleeping Republicans. The blue wave is collapsing a month ahead of the mid-terms.

According to NPR, hardly a conservative outlet, "the wide Democratic enthusiasm advantage that has defined the 2018 campaign up to this point has disappeared." This is based on a poll of 1,183 adults on October 1, including 996 registered voters.
In July, there was a 10-point gap between the number of Democrats and Republicans saying the November elections were "very important." Now, that is down to 2 points, a statistical tie.
"The result of hearings, at least in the short run, is the Republican base was awakened," noted Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll.
Well done, dumbasses.

You can only shriek nonsensical things like "All victims must be believed" so many times before it starts getting old. I agree that someone who claims he/she was sexually assaulted 36 years ago should be heard. But so should the person who allegedly assaulted her.

It's called due process. It's a cornerstone of American government, embedded in our Constitution. Twice.

In the meantime, Dr. Ford.has already picked up $700,000 for her expenses. The movie should be a hoot.


  1. When someone is arrested and charged with a crime they must get due process. It is essential to the American way of life. This is not that situation, he is not being arrested. He has applied to be a supreme court judge. He was selected by Trump but he accepted so he applied for the job. He should be evaluated by any standard they want. It is not a courtroom. So unless you claim he is being hauled off to jail without due process, your argument is bullshit.

  2. Bernie doesn't care that his argument is bullshit. He's invested in it now, so he no longer cares if it is accurate. He also declined to mention that both of the gofundme sites that were set up to cover Ford's expenses have stopped taking donations, and one of them has suggested that people instead donate to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network), Time's Up Legal Defense Fund, or a scholarship in Ford's name. Certainly doesn't seem like a cash grab to me.

    He also ignored the fact that despite this one poll NPR mentioned, 538's generic ballot model (which includes many polls) still has the Democrats up 8 points, which about 9% undecided.

  3. By the way, there is also a gofundme for Kavanaugh that has raised over half a million $.


  4. Your over-zealous counterpoint argument just proved the point of this blog thread. Dumbass!

  5. Trump is not sending his best...these people have a lot of problems, they're rapist, criminals, Nazi's, alcoholics....and I'm sure some are nice people.

  6. In what way was it over-zealous? Please be specific.

  7. Agree with anon 12:51, O'Hare is being a dumbass!

  8. "In the meantime, Dr. Ford. has already picked up $700,000 for her expenses. The movie should be a hoot."

    To bad for Kavanaugh they already did Animal House. Bart O'Kavanaugh butt guzzling beer and serving the ice would made Bluto look tame.

    As if kids over drinking in college isn't bad enough there's new beer game called the Lindsey, you do a shot every time Lindsey Graham says "gang rapist" while defending Kavanaugh.

  9. They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind

  10. "over 40,000 "entitled white men" were executed during the "Reign of Terror."
    so none of those men had it coming?
    All of them were merely nice but misunderstood entitled white men?

  11. Now, get in those voting booths on November 6 and let’s give President Trump supermajorities in BOTH houses of Congress.

  12. Lots of salt in the comments here. The fact is that Bernie is on to something. The left is overreaching and all the R's will have to do is give them enough rope to hang themselves. I don't think that the R's will hold the house, but there is real motivation here behind them. It's events like the Kavanaugh hearings where the mask slips and the left really comes out as a bunch of manipulative whack-jobs. Keep tearing down men, tearing down whites, tearing down bedrock concepts like due process and the presumption of innocence, and you will reap the whirlwind.

    The R's have already won this, even if they lose the house. It's clear that even if the Dem's take a majority, their leadership and hardcore voting base are unhinged, and whatever platform they gain will continue to alienate more of the population and solidify a radical right wing. It's a shame the state the country is in. The Boomers really blew it over the past few decades. They inherited a largely unified and prosperous nation, and now we have a bankrupt, fractured society. Either the younger folks will clean the mess up, or press on the accelerator. Either way, my generation is cut out for some interesting times.

  13. It all boils down to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Every senator that votes No with regards to Judge Kavanaugh should have false charges brought up against his or her daughter or son, just to give them a taste of their own evil medicine

    If the polls say canidates are even then why would we not believe Republicans are 50 points ahead.

    Every person I come in contact every day I tell them how important it is to vote and register a friend and not go to the polls alone.

    We will need everything to overcome the Democrat “Party of Hate”

  14. I'm not a big Bernie fan, but at times he is correct. Some people do not understand Due Process. Thanks for a good article Bernie.

  15. Why would anyone admit that they support the sick kind of lawless Anti-American crap we are witnessing with Kavanaugh? You can watch this man be destroyed on nothing more than a 36 year old uncorroborated story where even Dr Ford named witnesses say it didn't happen and still call yourself a Democrat?

    Serious question: What is it that people who identify with the Democrat Party expect to achieve that has not already been achieved? In other words, what exactly is it that makes you a Democrat? Habit? Tradition? You don't know? Your hate for Trump? Or something else? I really want to know.

  16. Reality is, throughout this ordeal, Cavenaugh was not truthful on the stand about basic things. This undermines his credibility to serve on this court.

    What kind of investigations does not interview key people surrounding the alleged events. Not even the college roomates. Nothing but a sham.

  17. I remember back during Kerry's presidential run, a Democratic senator named Zell Miller announced his retirement and resignation from the party. I believe his words were, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party; it left me."

  18. Is NPR sure that Russia didn’t cause the collapse of the “blue wave”?

  19. When the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton pay more than $10 million to create a fake dossier to take out Trump. Then the Obama administration, Justice department, intelligence agencies, Democrats, and the media themselves collude to use this document to create the illusion of Russian collusion with Trump. They continue to pretend the story is true today. They even used the fake document as an excuse to spy and then have used an investigation into the fake collusion to destroy people who knew Trump.

    Destroying peoples' lives has no meaning to the Democrats. Power is all that is important . That is not only appalling and soulless, it is despicable.

    1. This is nothing new. Ted Kennedy actually left a woman to die in a submerged car and he was a held in the highest esteem within his party. Bill Clinton raped and assaulted women for sport. Bill Cosby raped women like you and I tend to our household chores.
      And let’s not forget the silky pony John Edwards. Moral bankruptcy and honor deficiency is a cornerstone within the same party that claims their opposition is morally bankrupt and without honor. It is maddening.

      Lindsay Graham was correct to proclaim fear that these people gain power. They are truly frightening in their destructive behavior fueled by a profound lack of basic impulse control.

      Hopefully we’ll see some of the sane democrats like Zell cross over.

  20. When the opposition party has no platform except we will prosecute Trump for his platform, we will exterminate white men for being white. We will open the borders and promise benefits to the world. While many don't like Trump for his uninhibited speaking, he has not hurt anyone. His policies are being successful. If you want to ask who should people fear? It is a no brainer. The Socialist and anarchist takeover of the Democratic party should be feared by anyone who believes America is great for the system of law that we have, at least until now. For the opportunity to succeed. And the right to live without fear of the government or the mob.

  21. It looks like Bernie will now become the focus of the unleashed mob. Because he dared to be objective in his blog.

  22. The Kavanaugh hearings are a historical low point in American politics. This was all about politics, not Kavanaugh.

    If there was any doubt before, there is no longer: the Democratic party of 2018 is malevolent. They has demonstrated for all to see just how soulless it has become. The Democrats on the committee disgraced themselves. The two youngsters, Harris and Booker, are callow, shallow, rude, and power-mad. We have seen what they are made of: pure narcissism.

  23. I'm glad I don't have ownership of a vagina costume nor have family nor friends that remotely look like the dems. Guilty till proven innocent. Let's not start burning suspected witches yet.

  24. So now we see that the plan should be to endlessly investigate everyone in the country for anything amiss in their life. Investigations in search of a crime or even a case of bad judgement even in adolescents. How far back should we go, 17 is ok why not 7, someone pulled a girls hair in school in the third grade and called her a fatty. What a creep. Lets investigate every women who has lied to boys to get to the prom. What about women who have used sex as bait to get a job, a promotion, a role in a play or film. Are we about to consume the country in unending investigations.

  25. When Justice Ginsberg croaks, that might be the spark that sets off widespread anarchy instead of the brush fires we see now. The Democrats have taken us too far down the road now. They must have bloodshed and they will get it at all costs.

    As far as me and mine go, I'll repeat the words of the fictional philosopher Harry Callahan to our leftist pals "Just be careful where the dog s***s ya".

  26. Well said Bernie- this mob mentality has to stop!

  27. Our president has institionalized lying so brilliantly that when the senate does it nobody thinks twice about the consequences. Democrats are no angelsl either. The real problem lies with those people who believe the lies and treat them as the truth. For every Zell Miller quote there is an offsetting republican quote. they mean nothing because they are just one mans opinion. When an born and raised judge in Indiana is reviled because he is mexican and when a legal immigrant medical doctor from england can be deported becuse he mistakenly voted in a school board election, that should give us pause to look arond and see just what freedoms we are giving up. Both parties have their bad seeds, I honestly can't remember any democratic government deliberaltly deconstructing our society. The closest i can find is FDR trying to stack the supreme court with his stooges. Incidentaly he failed and hopefully so will Trump.

  28. Also really bad for dems.

    FiveThirtyEight (often accused of being a liberal site, but really they are down the middle accurate) has Dem chances of taking the Senate down to 20%. It's fallen significantly very recently.

    I think this has little to do with Trump. People's opinions on him are formed. For partisans it's strong one way or another. Not moving no matter what.

    This has to do with the Democratic party just being terrible at politics. What I mean for that is they are just bad at being an opposition party. The narratives they push right now do not resonate with the independents and moderates who determine close races. The fringe left wing is much scarier than Trump populism to moderates and independents. Sure large groups of folks think the President is a boorish slob, but many still see and feel the economy humming. I think they are much more nervous about leftist mobs verbally assaulting people on the streets over identity politics. Sure, the alt right plays this identity politics game as well. But creepy alt right mobs have their little torch parades get roundly condemned and fade back into the woods again. The fringe left is getting more in your face and aggressive. Just recently video of mobs verbally assaulting Senators in airports. People are un-nerved by this.

    The democrat overreach on Kavanugh also. Dr. Ford needed to be heard. So that happened. But there is NO evidence that would hold up in a court. So the dems instead of acknowledging this just keep moving the goal posts. So they are playing into the Presidents narrative of "witch hunt". That the democratic party is irrational. In fact they play right into his hand constantly. Can't help themselves.

    The Democratic party in their divisive pursuit of victim politics is alienating voters. This is why the blue wave is in the process of completely fizzling. Whatever you think of Trump the policies of his administration is winning the blue collar union vote. Because buffoon or not he's getting results by literally stealing the liberal playbook of pandering for union votes with protectionism through tariffs. PIcking winners and losers through trade policy. That was the liberal play for decades. Trump is just much better at it.

    Such strange times right now.

  29. So you people are telling me that if someone applied to work for you, and a woman came forward saying that he tried to rape her, you would shrug and hire him anyway? What a bunch of creeps.

    Also, for the record, the Democratic party left Zell Miller because he started off as a segregationist. Good riddance.

  30. The Democrats have ceded control of their party to radical, nut-job Leftists. Not very appealing to hard-working Americans who believe in law and order and fair play.

  31. Kavanaugh has not been charged with breaking any laws, therefore due process is not at play. The Senate hearings were a job interview. He was asked uncomfortable questions and told demonstrable lies in response. Under oath. He was is an entitled prep school jock who drank a lot in high school and college. That is not a deal breaker. Lying about it is a deal breaker for someone interviewing for the highest court in the land. This is not about whether or not Dr. Balsey Ford was assaulted. It's about how Kavanaugh handled being questioned about it, and he had an epic meltdown. Like a snowflake - I think that's the term that the right loves to toss around when they think Liberals are being overly sensitive. Kavanaugh's meltdown resulted in him perjuring himself in a Senate hearing (again, a JOB INTERVIEW). He sobbed and screamed partisan accusations at Senators questioning him. I'm sure Kavanaugh would not have tolerated outbursts like that from witnesses in his current appellate courtroom. Americans have every right to demand a SCOTUS nominee who is not a perjurer, who remains composed under stressful professional situations, and who does not have a history of working as a partisan lawyer, first for Ken Starr then for the Bush White House.

  32. @8:26 Yes you should still hire the guy because you can't base your opinion of someone on unsubstantiated allegations. Otherwise we would have an entirely toxic, backstabbing society. The soulless, corporate/liability culture that would drop a hire because of a smear is a perfect example of this. They don't care about people or due process, they care about worker units and PR. I don't want to live in that world, and the pushback you are seeing to this character assassination attempt on Kavanaugh is a sign that lots of others are fed up too.

  33. It’s not a trial but a job interview.
    The rapist frat boy deserves nothing but a jail cell. Old cis white man don’t run the show anymore.
    I believe all victims.

  34. There was no rape,and the judge wasn’t a real jock . This “witness “ is mentally ill. Dr.Ford has fueled the Red Team ,and some of these half baked senators that have intrigued the media are going to the dogs after the 16 votes .

  35. @9:32 "Old cis white men don't run the show anymore". Yeah, and that surely has brought the nation together, hasn't it? Too many tribes in this nation now to hold it together. As others have said, sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

  36. Scott, Brett Kavanaugh has been tried and convicted in the press and has been subjected to the torment of a full-day confirmation hearing viewed by millions in which he was presumed guilty and even the ACLU said the burden was on him to prove his innocence. He most certainly is entitled to due process when being considered to an appointment to public employment and it has been denied.

    Like Robespierre, you and your fellow citizens have subjected him to the guillotine, not because he's done anything wrong, but because of his views.

    In the process, you've managed to energize Rs and fair-minded independents who detest the way you're behaving. You will pay the price at the polls when ALL the people speak.

  37. Kavanaugh has repeatedly committed perjury. He is a drunk who has gang raped teenage age girls. It’s time for Judge Garland to get the chance he deserves while little Brett faces sexual assault charges in a Maryland court. Only pigs and old white men support rapist drunks.
    Victims deserve support and justice.

  38. "Kavanaugh has not been charged with breaking any laws, therefore due process is not at play."

    Where the fuck did you go to law school? Due process does not apply only when you are charged with a crime. guess what? It does apply when you are applying for a public job. It does apply when he federal government subjects you to humiliation and scorn. Your knowledge of the Constitution is very limited and you are apparently just repeating what others have told you. hey and you are very wrong.

  39. " Certainly doesn't seem like a cash grab to me."

    700 large in her pocket is a cash grab. She can build a third door.

    END OF STORY!!!!!!!!

  41. "When someone is arrested and charged with a crime they must get due process. It is essential to the American way of life."

    You are completely wrong. Due process most certainly applies in civil situations. You know neither the law nor the constitution. Break out the guillotione.

  42. 5:47 now defends the mass executions that occurred in France during the Reign of Terror. Disgusting.


    I cannot tell if this Anon is a right wing troll trying to make the Dems look even worse, or just a sincere unhinged leftist.

  44. Mr. Alderfer: please list the confirmed lies that Mr. Kavanaugh said under oath? I'm not being a smart-ass, I honestly want to know because I am aware of many statements from people saying he lied, and also many statements from people saying he didn't lie. I have yet to hear what CONFIRMED lie(s) he told, not just someone else saying it is a lie.

    On a related note, I respect your opinion that Mr. Kavanaugh had an "epic meltdown" but I fail to see how zealously defending oneself is comparable to being a "snowflake." If anything, Mr. Kavanaugh should be praised for taking Mr. Obama's advice from many years ago: "I want you to argue with them and get in their face."

  45. When the absurd allegations against Kavanaugh were first made,andwere treated as gospel by partisan Dems, I warned there would be a backlash. In addition to the NPR story, there's now this:

    "[I]t’s increasingly clear that Democrats and the media establishment made an enormous miscalculation by waging total war against Kavanaugh and his family."

    and this:


    "For the first time since Donald Trump entered the political fray, I find myself grateful that he’s in it"

    and this:


    "Top Republicans tell Axios that they're seeing a surprising and widespread surge in GOP voter enthusiasm, powered largely by support for Brett Kavanaugh and his Supreme Court nomination."


    "Republicans have been favored to keep the Senate all along. But their position has improved quite a bit over the last week... "

  46. Just reading Alderfer and others is the best evidence that the new Democrats can not be trusted with any power, they for sake of the country should never have any power over anyone. They have proved to not believe in any law or justice.

  47. No Bernie O'Hare, the Democratic enthusiasm advantage has not evaporated. Here's the update on the issues from fivethirtyeight:

    Democratic advantage still at an 8% advantage, where it's been for a long time. And the data includes the Marist poll. In addition, poll after poll has shown the public to have found Ford far more credible than Kavanaugh. As to due process, if Kavanaugh was being charged with a crime, that would be one thing. But this is a job interview and politics, pure and simple. If Kavanaugh's nomination fails, he goes back to his lifetime appointment to the powerful 3rd Circuit. He has if nothing else shown a complete lack of judicial temperament in his testimony. You're bias is to excuse it, but mine is most definitely not to do so. I have zero faith this guy will even attempt to put aside his political biases in his future rulings.

  48. An illegitimate president pushing for an illegitimate supreme court justice.

  49. Two years of assuming all Trump voters like him and calling them idiots and worse have not swayed anyone to their philosophy. They need to read how to win friends and influence people.

  50. I tried to defend due process several times on local friends Facebook posts.
    I got accused of being a defender of rapists and worse.
    I’m going to shut up.

  51. @11:10 Don't shut up, we're out here with you and support you. Not everyone can speak openly anymore, which is telling as to where we are at as a nation. We need to stay active and push back against these tactics.

  52. I don’t see why white rapists deserve the presumption of innocence.
    Perhaps a few public executions would slow down the rape culture.
    It’s worth a try.

  53. 11:30 What if he didn't do it?

  54. 10:50. " Rape victims don’t lie and that is a fact."

    Re: Duke LaCrosse players falsely accused of rape.

  55. I don’t see any need to vote for straight white men, ever.

  56. "I tried to defend due process several times on local friends Facebook posts.
    I got accused of being a defender of rapists and worse.
    I’m going to shut up."

    I refuse to be cowed by bullies on the left or bullies on the right. I also detest Groupthink and mob mentality.

  57. Ah, yes, it's all the "Authoritarian" Trump's fault. Of course. Great literary hit piece, as usual.

  58. If I stand up for the principles of due process and innocence until proven guilty this week I believe I will lose my job.

  59. "1 Rape victims don’t lie and that is a fact."

    It's also af act that many people lie about being rape victims. The numbers is 10-40%, not the 2% claimed by Ford apologists. And I got news for you, Ford is not a rape victim. But she has 700 large.

    Dumb ass.

  60. Fritz Walker, I thought you were all about good government, but have proven yourself to be just another partisan Democrat incapable of independent thought. Wake up! I know you can do it. Be fair.

    You are repeating legal nonsense. Due process applies in the civil arena too. It is fundamental fairness. A federal job applicant who is treated like shit by government officials is denied fundamental due process. Now it's true that the mainstream media and public have no obligation to be fair, but that's where we've most often been wrong. Your argument boils down to the assertion that you have no obligation to be fair to others. That is unAmerican. It's not the first time.

    You are caught up in a lynch mob mentality instead of thinking for yourself.

  61. Group think = political party

    Democrats and Republicans got us here.

  62. I thought going back 36 years was a stretch...but the French revolution?

    Now we are just being silly.

  63. K said under oath that the first time he heard about the story of his pulling his junk out in a girl's face was when the NY times story was released. And yet, there is ABSOLUTE PROOF that he was texting friends about the incident the day before the story was released. This is perjury. No ifs, ands, or buts.
    Whatever else you want to say, how you can support a Supreme Court Justice candidate who is a proven perjurer is beyond me. Maybe this is the new norm which some of us just will never adapt to.

  64. Shakespeare's famous line, " Hell has no fury like a women scorned" is famous because of it is eternal truth.

  65. Now, it is not the accusation that is the problem, it is a strong defense against an unjust charge that shows just not the right temperament. It is time for group therapy for the whole new democratic party, they are so far off track that I would not trust them with anything. I never thought that insanity was contagious.

  66. " Hell has no fury like a women scorned"

    Shakespeare never seen Lindsey Graham.

  67. “Rape victims don’t lie ,and that’s a fact.” Dr. Ford is probably being treated for mental illness. Ford, having been trained in social issues knows how to. act out just like a victim. She is probably mentality unstable and-really believes she is whom she broadcast. She is Rod Sterling’s movie material. Additionally,the poster that repeatedly post redundant nonsense,is doing so to discourage reads on Bernie’s forum. Poster thinks people will not bother after awhile. I post my name because I can defend it ,have defended your rights as a Veteran,and believe in the 1st Amendment. Time to vet political people before they put on ballots. What a circus.

  68. After the next election we won’t need old white men in our new progressive party.
    Good riddance.

  69. Peter,

    Why wouldn't they use a trained bullshit professional? Seems using someone that is mental ill would be counter-productive.

  70. Don't be ridiculous, Bernie. You're acting incredibly partisan in this. It's a he said, she said that's 36year old. That's true. But how come Kavanaugh didn't take a lie detector test? How come he didn't call for a complete investigation when he had the chance? How about being fair to Ford, who exhibited incredible bravery to tell her story?
    e notion that what's going on is unAmerican is absurd. We been levelling charges

    Clearly, you are caught up in a lynch mob mentality yourself -- but in this case lynching Ford. What I'm advocating for is a real, thorough investigation, including interviewing dozens of witnesses that under Whitehouse direction the FBI has failed to do. Wake up, Bernie. I'm sure you can do it if you try, and advocate for getting as much information as we reasonably can before confirming this guy for life.

    And your lead story that the Democratic advantage in the upcoming election has evaporated is a total crock.

    As for being biased, I admit it. That makes one of us.

  71. Stop being so critical of Bernie and get a sense of humor.

    He is writing about a woman testifying about of a violent act in her life 36 years ago is not credible, while at the same time defending the position citing the French Revolution of the 1790's.

    Lighten-up, learn how to laugh. Bernie's comic juxtaposition is genius.

  72. It doesn't matter my or anyone's preference or what opinions they may have at this point. Face it the Democrats were outplayed when Republicans refused to hold hearings for Obama's nomination of Garner hoping voters would keep their party in power. AND that is exactly what happened. If the majority of voters were disgusted by what Republicans pulled they sure didn't act like it in the last election. Maybe voters won't be this time either. We shall see.

    Till then everyone needs to zip it and let Brett's nomination move forward through the Senate no matter the outcome. That's how we do things in this country. Enough already. Save your protests for the voting booth.

  73. Partisan? I am a Democrat. I don’t like Kavanaugh’s positions. But he is entitled to fair treatment and never got it. It is idiptic to call me partisan for refusing to subscribe to a Reign of Terror mentality.

    As for you, you are incredibly misinformed., Kavanaugh did submit to a lie detector test, and not on the date of his grandmother’s funeral. You and your fellow citizens will subject him to the guiilotine because he has failed to
    Prove he did not do something, a logical impossibility. As for Ford, I have at no time suggest Ed she is evil. I just don’t believe her.and I resent her profiting from her false accusations.

  74. Dr. Ford is not a healthy person.

  75. 1:57PM

    That's how the communist do it.

  76. Judges should have no positions, just read the constitution and the law, and do what it says, if you dont like it, propose an amendment and change it. Trouble is Dems cant get the law changed or constitution amended, so they want judges that pervert the meanings. This is one big reason why the country is so divided, if we would obey the law as written we would have far less problems.

  77. "You and your fellow citizens will subject him to the guiilotine"

    Finally we're talking about the importance of having a job.

  78. Before I go, anon1:21 I wouldn’t use her. The Dems ran with because they failed to actually vet her and I would say that That most likely ,only staffers actually saw this woman and they pushed her in this to their boss .The Dems figured that her Ph-D and teaching employment would be enough to roll the dice . Nothing came up about her relationship with pharmaceutical company on a compound that if used early,apparently it will cause a early pregnancy to self abort. I said here he acted like a 14 year old in testimony. Her speech was radically different than her normal voice . Her go fund me was an after issue that the IRS will be onto like any of her attorney s and will predict her husband if normal will bail out shortly.

  79. Peter, I think you're under-estimating the evil machinations of both parties.

  80. Might be , 2:09 different ball room ,same country club..

  81. "As for you, you are incredibly misinformed., Kavanaugh did submit to a lie detector test, and not on the date of his grandmother’s funeral."

    Bernie, I have no idea where you come up with the the notion that Kavanaugh submitted to a lie detector test, particularly regarding the alleged incident with Ford. With the exception of this report: https://worstpot.us/ever/breaking-kavanaugh-passes-lie-detector-test-liberals-in-a-frenzy/

    And you know what it says on the top line of this web site? "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE JUST NOT HERE - HERE THERE BE SATIRE"

    This reference fact checks their claim that Kavanaugh has passed a lie detector test and says it just ain't so. Yeah, there is a web site that claims this happened. But that website has a disclaimer that states everything there is satire.

    This article in the Washington Post further confirms the above report, by asking that one be conducted.

    Could I have been duped in what I've read? Of course. But at least I cite my information to be examined. So, show me a credible source that backs up your assertion that he has passed a lied detector test on the Ford allegations and his history of drinking. Otherwise, who is the one who is incredibly uninformed?

  82. Peter, dont you think conservatives have some level of doublespeak? First they fault Feinstien for holding on to the letter. Then they fault dems for releasing it. Now you suggest she was not vetted. Then there are some who question who paid for the lie detector exam. My guess is that there was some level of hesitation before the results of the level detector was understood. If the letter was shared from day one, the same rehtoric would be used.

  83. The Republican resurgence is a desperate gasp of a large number of people from a sick and dying generation trying to hang on to a version of life that sounds good to them no matter how inaccurate a description of reality it might be. The NPR survey results may be accurate and at least part of the cause may indeed be the ineptness of the Democratic Party and it's group of followers from the same sick and dying generation. Demographics are however rapidly changing. As an older man myself I can only hope that younger people take over as soon as possible. My generation has failed miserably.

  84. I am a boomer and ashamed to count O'Hare amongst my ranks. He hate independent women. His motives always stem from his various hatreds. The guy is miserable and loves to share his misery. If he loves you, you are always right and if he hates you he sill be on the attack. He hated Brown in the county and loved when council questioned what he did. he loves McClure and hates when council questions what he does. It is his way.

  85. Fritz, Apparently, I was fooled by the myriad of fake news sites out there. But having said that, I know that had Kavanaugh taken and passed a polygraph, you’d claim it’s unreliable and is not acceptable in most courts. You’ve lost all sense of fairness and that’s bc you don’t like his positions. I don’t like them either but believe everyone is entitled to fair treatment. I do not presume someone is guilty until he proves his innocence. I believe these things precisely bc I am no partisan.

  86. Bernie, these assklownZ claiming rape couldn't even get a sympathy sex parterner yet are like jock itch to the nation! I personally pity mr blasey ford having to wake up to it daily, that is really a scary nightmare that just won't go away.
    If small children had some how sen this in the media they will be suffering a lifelong trauma of night terrors. It's soon Halloween and Steven king doesn't have to produce any scary movies this year.

  87. It's got nothing to do with his opinions or any of Dr. ford testimony it's about judicial temperament.

    He showed his ass simple as that, he didn't understand the sugar cookie drill.

  88. @4:44
    It’s about what ever talking point you swallow when you drink your latest dose of KoolAid.

  89. I hate all white men.

  90. 4:53PM

    Have you "boofed" yet?

  91. 2:53 I’m sure your correct about your last statement. However , the clinical mentality Ill can beat a lie detector test and is reasonable assertion that ,this is one of the unknown about why your not required to submit to one for occupational or criminal reasons..(good thing not me eather). Now if you show up at the CIA and want a job - you may be asked in certain job classifications,so you submit , or no hire. That’s a litmus test .

  92. Polygraph testing is do on DOD people in certain occupations to get an idea about certain traits. Polygraph examiners with a lot of experience will state a question maybe differently than one certified 15 months ago.,How a question is asked ,like taking polls in public changes the outcome. My first one done at age 15 at Pa..State Police barricks in Bethlehem as a Scout . I tried to lie to him and he cought me after some non threatening questions as a baseline. Ifwas fun. How many of us on here would like to have imposed question s about income tax s or infidelities? Or what you take from your employer? Well that’s what I’m talk n about. But Jeff Dawmer the dinner guy , he was clinical .

  93. You know Bernie, objectively you throw around very personal attacks at other people that they've lost all sense of fairness. Try sticking a little more to facts and at least try to minimize the personal attacks, and you've leveled many of them at me in this exchange. If I occasionally lapse into them myself, my apologies, but that's been in response to what you've said. I don't see anything that indicates you're being more fair than anyone else. You're saying "I'm a Democrat, but I stand up for principle here" - "I'm not Partisan." I've heard that type of argument many many times to claim "I'm more fair than the other person," and I never buy it. If by partisan you mean a diehard for one political party, maybe that's true, but you certainly are biased (and very opinionated). You and everyone else. But the general definition of partisan is not connected soley to party in the political sense, but is "a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person." Clearly you are a partisan in the cause of the Kavanaugh defense.

    I don't presume Kavanaugh is guilty AT ALL. To claim that I don't care about him being treated fairly is deeply insulting. I wish we had a perfect world and could settle these things based on facts. That ain't gonna happen. This is a very screwed up situation. But I did watch pretty much all of the hearings. Ford came across as far more believable to me. Now what's that - an opinion, pure and simple. What's you're belief based upon that Kavanaugh is being honest? At the end of the day, it's an opinion as well. And this is not a trial, it's a battle for public opinion.

    And now for the second time you're admitting you've been wrong about something factual, that I was right about (the other one being that people had refuted Ford's testimony). Yet despite that you personalize the attacks on what I say. "You've lost all sense of fairness and that's bc you don't like his opinions." "I don't presume someone is guilty until he proves his innocence." I think you should examine yourself and question if you might not have a somewhat inflated judgment of your innate fairness. Sorry Bernie, but you have no more of a crystal ball here than anyone else and you're just as subject to biases as anyone else. And you have no more insight into my thought processes than I have into yours.

    And again, you're applying a standard of guilt/innocence that is inappropriate to this process, which is not a trial. This is a political fight, period. A polygraph test or lack thereof is perfectly relevant to public opinion.

    Go ahead and take the position that Kavanaugh has not been afforded due process in the traditional legal sense and he's not being treated fairly. It's a reasonable point-of-view. But neither has Ford been afforded due process, if that would be taken to include a meaningful and fair investigation. And to take that position you don't have to make comments like: "Fritz Walker, I thought you were all about good government, but have proven yourself to be just another partisan Democrat incapable of independent thought. Wake up! I know you can do it. Be fair" with which you started this exchange.

  94. Fritz, I am fundamentally fair, and that is the only reason why people put up with me. I tend to attack people who are full of themselves and have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. You have demonstrated to me for the second time that you are nothing more than a rank partisan. Fundamentally unfair. You demonstrated that when you complained about judicial districts in the gerrymander debate, and have demonstrated it again with your ridiculous objections to a distinguished jurist whose main problem is that he belongs to a different party than you.

  95. "It's also af act that many people lie about being rape victims. The numbers is 10-40%, not the 2% claimed by Ford apologists"


    " A review of research
    finds that the prevalence of false reporting is between 2 percent and 10 percent. The following
    studies support these findings:"

    so where does the 10--40 percent figure come from?

  96. "Fritz, I am fundamentally fair, and that is the only reason why people put up with me"
    overall you try. however you have your own biases and prejudices.

  97. Bernie, would you check my figure s of rape victims while at college ? I was criticized about my figures I think last month . Please repost them . If you can find it .

  98. Saw this somewhere. Many people are of this mindset:

    We elected Trump to jab a sharp stick in the eyes of deeply-embedded Liberals and RINOs in Washington, and Trump has delivered on a daily basis since his election. Not only is the Lliberal establishment shrieking and stumbling about in agony, it is being provoked to reveal just how bigoted, hate-filled, desperate and violent it really is, on a daily basis.

    As importantly, we elected Trump to drastically change the Supreme Court to a much more conservative slant; and, again, Trump is delivering in a way that will color high court decisions for decades to come. We couldn't be more thrilled, I can tell you.

    Point is, we're no longer interested in "bipartisan" politicians and "impartial" justices. We've suffered under the Democrats' lockstep partisanship and the Supreme Court's sinister liberalism for many decades, and the pendulum is now swinging back. Trump, Goresuch and Kavanaugh are only the beginning, you may rest assured.

  99. Can you just imagine the monumental brouhaha {brew-ha-ha} when Ruth shuffles off her mortal coil...

  100. 6:31,

    There are no studies quantifying the percentage of false sexual assault allegations based on an incident decades old. But the low percentage cited is a myth, as made clear in a 2000 Loyola Law Review article, written long before the circus came to town.

    "One highly respected legal academic, elected by her peers as
    president of the prestigious Association of American Law Schools,
    recently reported that "the overwhelming consensus in ... research
    relying on government data is that false reports account for only
    about 2 percent of rape complaints." 9 It is indisputably true that,
    largely through the efforts of legal dominance feminists, there now
    exists a consensus among legal academics that only two percent of
    rape complaints are false.' 0 This purportedly empirical statement is
    ubiquitously repeated in legal literature. Dozens of law review
    articles reiterate that no more than one in fifty rape complaints is
    false." This empirical fact, however, is an ideological fabrication. 12

    FBI Rape Investigations: "[C]ommencing in 1989 in cases of rape and rapemurder
    where there has already been either an arrest or an indictment,
    the FBI has conducted large numbers of DNA tests' 9 "to confirm
    or exclude the person. In 25 percent of the cases where they can
    get a result, they excluded the primary suspect.' '20 "

    For percentages, here are a few sources:


    "A meta-analysis by Rumney (2006) suggests that between 10-50% of rape allegations are false. Kanin (1994) arrived at an estimate of 40%,"



    According to Bazelon and Larimore, while some of the research on the frequency of false rape accusations is "careful, ... much of it is questionable." A majority of the "good" studies indicate a rate of about 8% to 10%, the columnists write, though they note that the research "isn't quite definitive enough to stamp out the far higher estimates." In addition, "even if we go by the lower numbers, there's the question of interpretation," they add. Bazelon and Larimore ask, "If one in 10 charges of rape is made up, is that a dangerously high rate or an acceptably low one?" Based on figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics that show about 200,000 rapes in 2008, "we could be looking at as many as 20,000 false accusations," they write.

    Bazelon and Larimore examine several studies and legal articles on the subject, starting with a 1952 Yale Law Journal article that took a suspicious view of rape survivors. They also cite Susan Brownmiller's 1975 book "Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape," which said only 2% of rape accusations are false. Brownmiller cited findings by female police officers in a New York City rape squad. However, the "problem" with her figure is that although they have been "widely repeated, ... no one has ever tracked down its source," Bazelon and Larimore write. They also examine a 2006 Columbia Law Journal article by Philip Rumney that surveyed research "at the other end of the spectrum," including studies purporting false rape allegations from 40% to as high as 90%. Bazelon and Larimore examine a group of U.S., British, Canadian and New Zealand studies indicating a rate of 8% to 10%.

  101. Since we are at 103 comments, and I have stories to write, I am closing down this comment section. I think we've reached the point of diminishing returns. Don't worry. I'm sure I'll be writing about Kavanaugh after the confirmation vote. You can weigh in then.
