Local Government TV

Monday, October 08, 2018

LV Congressional Candidates on Kavanaugh

The three Congressional candidates for Pa-7 (Lehigh Valley) are Republican Marty Nothstein, Democrat Susan Wild and Libertarian Tim Silfies. WFMZ-TV69 has reactions of Nothstein and Wild, and I contacted Silfies.

Marty Nothstein: "My supporters were energized before the Kavanaugh debacle but I have seen an increase of support since the Democrats turned the confirmation hearing into a circus. The nomination is Exhibit A when it comes to a hyper-partisan atmosphere that hard working Americans detest about Washington DC. I pledge to be a voice of reason when it comes to making decisions that affect our citizens.”

Susan Wild: "In his hearings in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Judge Kavanaugh displayed a complete lack of judicial temperament and this type of behavior does not befit a Supreme Court justice and suggests a lack of impartiality and respect that is very troubling."

Tim Silfies: "It was a complete, pathetic fiasco. This is the embodiment of why we need something different than these two parties. The willingness of politicians to destroy people's lives just to get a win for their side never ceases to amaze me."


  1. Silfies nailed it. Dems definitely wailed and thrashed over this, and in some way I can sort of understand their anger, but in the end I think they lost the plot a little bit with their over zealous approach.

    That said, Republicans aren't without partisan sin here and may ultimately pay a longer term price for it. This country is NOT conservative (nor liberal for that matter) and despite polling #'s and past election results nominated and appointed an unpopular SC Justice.

    They did nothing to improve our country overall with this. They did improve things for their party and base, which obviously will make some folks happy. But they've lost the plot as well.

    Country over party.

  2. Wild may be anti Catholic !

  3. Or you may be anti-Wild. By Kavanaugh's own admission, he may have over-reacted to the numerous ugly attacks. I personally think he acted the way an innocent person acts when confronted with outrageous accusations, as he was.

  4. While I intend to vote for Susan Wild (I learned my lesson voting for Ralph Nader over Al Gore in 2000), I believe that Tim Silfies statement "trumps" the other 2 positions. I didn't pay too much attention to Kavanaugh's confirmation process because a) Merrick Garland should be on the Supreme Court and b) I knew he would be confirmed regardless. Sadly, my party overplayed its hand. And, moreover, Michael Avenatti went completely bat-sh*t crazy.

  5. Gary W. Gorman. Agreed.

  6. I am disappointed for an apology from the Supreme Court Justice. It is is innocent till proven guilty and Ford set back the victims with this nonsense. I do not remember does not fit the MO of 99% of victims and it does not take 36 years especially with pics with Bill Clinton and your family having has careers with the CIA to see right thru what went on.

    Even further is the letter being sent to the "democrat Feinstein" and not to law enforcement takes it over the top of something underhanded at work. If she was in fact a victim of a crime why would she go to them instead of the law enforcement. Its BOGUS. I have investigated alot of sex crimes and these actions are not normal from an alleged victim and no way would any jury nor prosecutor even take charges on this fiasco. It is what it is- BOGUS. Bernie O'Hare, you have been accused yourself of bogus just with the west easton pig fiasco and everyone saw right thru it. Bogus

  7. After reading this- I WILL NOT VOTE FOR WILD! I hope she has alot of her friends that dress in vagina costumes to vote because me and my family are voting for the R

  8. Wild seems to fit in with the far left anarchists of her party. The Democratic party needs a good cleansing to be a real alternative party.

  9. There was a day when the Republicans and democrats offered a choice of paths to the same end. We now have a Democratic party that is intent on destruction and chaos. What has happened here? What is their plan for the future?

  10. 11.25
    "By Kavanaugh's own admission, he may have over-reacted to the numerous ugly attacks."

    so the reason he acted the way he did can fall into various categories.

    A)he was an drunk arrogant jock in his youth and he feels that "little people" have no standing to judge him.
    B)He has been a judge for some time and a lot of them adopt an attitude of their shit does not stink and they only have immaculate excretions.
    how dare anyone question the holy judge of all things.
    C) He wants something and is annoyed that mere peasants stand in his way.
    D) he was told he should crap on Senators and threaten revenge so he could appear more of a tough guy
    E) he was just a weight lifting, hard praying. white boy who only existed to help others.he was shocked anyone could even think he would do such things.and he is totally innocent
    take your pick

  11. 2.49
    "What is their plan for the future?"
    removal from office those "Morons Are Governing Again" politicians

  12. Will be a sad day for America when a visious, organized attack like this one finds success. Now we read many from the disappointed side plan to ramp things up even more!

    The ugly mob failed to get its way this time. Good. I do hope it hurts them at the polls. This was abhorent and must never be rewarded.

  13. SCOTUS Associated Justice Brett KavanaughOctober 8, 2018 at 3:23 PM

    2:51, call a waaahmbulance. It's over. I'm on SCOTUS for life. #moveon

  14. 3.23
    I am sure he will tap another keg in victory.
    He will merely be a thug who happens to sit on the Supreme Court

  15. Hell, I'm tapping a keg for Kav! An Irish lawyer who drinks beer and ascends to a lifetime position on the highest court in the land? There's hope for all of us. And I never read your complaints about RBG sleeping off last night's chardonnay while cases are being argued. Judges are humans. The left used to say stuff like that. They even tried to nominate Ted Kennedy for president! Lighten up.

  16. Anon 1:27, I would hate to be a victim of sexual abuse you were investigating. I call BS on you. Traumatic events in life are remembered in different ways deepening on the individual. The idea that you have a perfect cinematic and vivid memory of events is BS. You may want to actually read up on cases of sexual abuse before you claim to be a professional claiming that you know how real victims act.

    That statement in and of itself shows you are not what you claim.

  17. Wild looks as if she could have been a pussy hat wearing party favor in her hey day. Her and Ford solicited some of the very same frat boys and are now claiming rape when fact is there was a payment for there task excepted. That could be the reason behind all this as the collection was only a nickel.

  18. democrats is the party of mob rule how can one vote for a democratic --higher taxes more crime poor foreign affairs look at the cities run by demos look at the states in financial trouble run by the demos they want no borders they are anti police democrats are evil--look at how they act A VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT IS A VOTE TO DESTROY THE USA.

  19. Wild is an ultra liberal left wing radical trying to portray herself as representing working class Dems. She is a phony who is a legal partner in the firm that represents the Morning Call. The Morning Call tried to deep six Nothstein with Kavanaugh kind of allegations with zero substantiation. This was a hit job that Wild orchestrated & she needs to pay the price for false accusations.
    She is a socialist that will take away the benefits of the Trump tax cut for middle class working Americans averaging $1000/year.

  20. wild and the left morning call wow

  21. I am sure she will be advertising Allentowns factory mishap as a positive and than a state award of merit will be given by her colleague representatives in Harrisburg. Better than a black whitewash of the hole facade upon the entrance from the parkway?
    just redd

  22. This alt-right wing self praise is actually entertaining. Heaven help us if Donald Trump and his octogenarian Congress ever leave us. How could America cope without them. You guys are really funny. Read your own words and try to understand why women have always been hesitant to come forward. You don't get it and for now you are large and in charge but you are not the future. Don't worry by then you will be in Nursing homes sipping your dinner and trying to grab ass the nurse assistants.

  23. Wild needs to be exposed & Marty has not been tough enough on her. The outside the Valley money she has behind her should tell you about her political connections to the Socialist wing of the party. Time to expose her Washington DC connections & the Pawlowski criminal administration. Shame on her for her Morning Call low blow attack on Nothstein. Typical lawyer!!

  24. See something, say something, was put through the test with Kavanaugh, all things considered, it's probably best for the individual to keep it to yourself.

    Conservative represents order, tradition, and rigidity.
    Progressive represents chaos, change, and flexibility.

    No change can happen without progressives, but change is chaotic, and tradition will disappear without conservatives, but order can be limiting.
    We need each other to have order and change moving forward.

    Democrats and Republicans have become a societal auto-immune disease seemingly intent on destroying the ideology and people they represent.

    Tim Silfies may or may not be the one, according to local MSM Tim doesn't count, and that best represents me.

  25. Hilarious all the people here praising Silfies' statement when it was clearly deliberately phrased to seem favorable to your side no matter which side you are on. It is effectively meaningless. He's playing you people for dupes.

  26. Silfies nails it.

  27. Justice Kavanaugh is now on the Supreme Court. Stuff it Susan..

  28. 12:05, Silfies actually slammed both sides and his answer was given to me over the phone without hesitation. In other words, it was his spontaneous reaction.

  29. "Heaven help us if Donald Trump and his octogenarian Congress ever leave us."

    Average age of D party House leadership = 72
    Average age of R party House leadership = 48

    Average age of D party chairs and ranking members = 68
    Average age of R party chairs and ranking members = 57

    Joe Biden is cranking up his Depends and masking his old guy smell for a 2020 run. He'll be 119. His hair will be 30.


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