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Mark Salvas, disgrace to Dems |
The Facebook post found to be so offensive is this: "I Stand For The Flag, I Kneel At The Cross."
“I’m not ashamed of my patriotism, not one bit. I fought for this country. I think I have a right to have a voice and be patriotic,” Salvas told CBS.
He has no problem with NFL players who want to take a knee, saying "That’s part of what the flag stands for. It gives them the right to do that.”
His wife asked for donations to help a white Pittsburgh police officer who has been charged in the shooting death of a black teenager. He's been held responsible for her actions because the New Democrats all know women can't think for themselves. They just pretend they can.
Democratic party officials are very upset and have a zero tolerance policy for Executive Directors who are religious and patriotic.
To make matters worse, Salvas is a white male. In 20 years, he'll be an old white male.
Preemptive strike.
Why wait until he’s old?
The party of tolerance once again shows its left-wing intolerance.
Neither of the posts you mentioned warrant being pushed out in my opinion, but the third one mentioned in the triblive article might:
"A third post featured an image of a Confederate flag with the message, 'A crazy guy shoots up a church and you ban a flag. People stomp on the American Flag and you say it’s their right?!? That’s a special kind of stupid.'"
Meet the new undesirables......Those who think for themselves.
Id he is promoting the confederate flag then I can understand his removal. Sorry, veteran or not, the confederate flag is a symbol of traitors to the US.
Political patriots had no problem when Trump professed POWs were not heros becuase they were captured. They turned the cheek abd showed this is not about the flag or patriotism at all.
Lets not forget how trump suggested the ambush in Niger was a sucxessful mission until the facts came out about abandoning our troops and then he blamed it on"rogue" soldiers. They were now abandoned twice by this administration.
Now, an Americsn resident journalist goes missing and he provides cover for the Saudi prince and blames "rogue" interrogators. Saudi played us on 9/11 and they are doing it again.
Welcome to patriotic double speak.
so this guy claims that the players have a right to kneel--after he posts the stand at flag and kneel at cross.
so he was blowing a dog whistle and got caught at it.
then he wants to become a martyr by wrapping himself in the flag and religion.
then he has the absolute gall to claim that shooting up a black church by an avowed racist should not keep anyone from enjoying their traitor flag?
good riddance.
as to the claim of him being held accountable for his spouse?
i remember a woman (trapp) being held to account for her husband's comments.
I remember that Bernie did not believe it was him and it did not matter if it was him--it was her responsibility to be held to a high professional standard.
to make sure that such comments did not appear. i remember he thought she should resign over the issue.
Quite correct.
or horribly unfair as Bernie since has had time to think about it.
perhaps this is just a special case to support the theme of the story.
as to his wife funding the cop charged.
the case caused plenty of outcry by even white folks.
maybe he should ask his wife what side Jesus would be on, before looking for donations.
being the highly religious veteran blowing the racist dog whistle, that he is
What happened to my party?
If he called for cops to be murdered (e.g. "pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon"), he'd be a Democrat hero.
once again what can you trust --government what A JOKE but I know its not a joke can you trust the business world sure they will rip you off ant chance they get maybe you can trust the religious world the catholic church or the tv preachers they are trustworthy.....or you nuts they are corrupt for the most part how about health care the whole system they are ripping people off left and right including the insurance companies how about the drug industry should I say more---maybe the left wing democrats will fix these problems
12:43, The third incident, which he posted, is somewhat troubling. But not enough to fire the guy.
6:47, This post has nothing to do with government.
5:44, Since when do we hold people responsible for the sins of our wives, husbands, sons and daughters? The wife apparently knew the officer. Love the sinner, hate the sin. As for Amy Trapp, I never held Trap responsible for her husband's comments. I believe she made those comments herself bc those are the precise words she used when talking to employees.
5:32, There is nothing inconsistent with standing for the flag while respecting the rights of others who decline. He is right. That is precisely what the flag stands for.
2:55, I certainly do not excuse Donald Trump for his disgusting statements about McCain. This man really is a patriot - a Marine who served in the Gulf War, not someone who sought five deferments.
I bet there's more than this going on here, but you DO love to oversimplify.
That aside, now Salvas and his wife can exercise their First Amendment rights without being encumbered by trying to represent a broad coalition, many of whose members don't get why they are intent on publicizing divisive imagery that can reasonably be taken as supporting Republican issues. It's called staying on message.
Stay on messages,
Methinks you are trying to oversimplify. How dare he support a man who shot an innocent black kid.
After the tragedy at Nickle Mines the Amish community set up a fund for the Roberts family. Now tell me how that is wrong in the eyes of a merciful God?
9:53, He didn't support the officer, his wife did. Are you saying women can't think for themselves?
9:21, I note the smug and condescending attitude, another of the many problems of the New Democrats.
More accurately, I should say this is one of the many problems of SOME New Democrats.
The new democrats will ride their party into the ground, they will not even allow any diverse opinions to be heard. Do they really believe they can convince more people of their policies by silencing opinion in education campuses and even within the party. Obviously they fear that their arguments are losing.
You have to cleanse the party of the reactionaries.
my comment at 9:53 may have misled you and i apologize. It seems that the officer in question was and is well known to both husband and wife as per the newscast you embedded in the post. I do understand that the wife posted the plea for help not the husband. So cool your jets Bernie I never said or implied that fact. In fact I'm married to a successful executive and my own career has taken a backseat to the success of my wife. So yeah I'm just fine with women thinking for themselves and I'm sorry you burned so many calories jumping to the wrong conclusion.
Stop being such a dick, O'Hare.
Bernie, baby...time to jump ship and vote republican.
O'Hare are you saying that all old white men that are democrats should leave the party? Are you saying they are stupid?
If they're still voting D they are.
"He has no problem with NFL players who want to take a knee, saying "That’s part of what the flag stands for. It gives them the right to do that.”
That's the rub... God, the one he worships, gives him the right to sit or stand, and are from where all his rights come.
Linking the iconography of the church with the symbols of state is an indication of Christian Fascism.
That being said, he should not be fired for this, and something tells me he most likely was not.
Something tells me you're looking for excuses to justify this bigotry bc it is indefensible.
"Bernie, baby...time to jump ship and vote republican."
I believe in most of the principles of the Democratic party, but some of my fellow Democrats need to stop demonizing people and get their priorities straight. I am actually an independent and would register as such, but then I would be unable to vote in our closed primaries.
"O'Hare are you saying that all old white men that are democrats should leave the party? Are you saying they are stupid?"
I am actually saying the opposite. I am telling some of my fellow Dems to knock off the old white men bigotry or they will find old white men voting R.
Ya Bernie , “ the fixed All Stars guy needs to be looked at by some Law enforcer s . His comments indicate that this person is after the Judge . So, I make this statement , I peter J. cochran , former U.S.Marine ,Infantrymen and Vietnam Veteran will defend the this judge and his family at his home at no charge . And if invasive measures occurred, I will handle it. I promise.
Oh ya , I could show up in your bedroom at 03:00 and you would wouldn’t know it . I said nothing about shooting anyone. I my life is in control and the Leftover s like you are spineless ameba s . The old days are experience that wack jobs like you don’t have. Come after me at your our risk. I sign my name and I have a guy that can I’d you on the internet. So take heed .
Peter, I know who this asshole is. His name is Bob Ryan. He lives in Jersey, and his wife dumped him bc he is both alcoholic and nutz.
Repeating a crusading jingoistic bumper sticker slogan on a public platform to express your godly patriotism ain't as bad as recalling a 32 year old sexual assault before congress, that lady was crazy, godless, liberal, traitor.
Facebook is a bad tactical decision. Sad.
I don't always agree with Peter J. Cuchran but, when we agree we really agree.
I don't think the guy is dangerous but someone might want to do a welfare check.
Your party is leaving you my friend.
Unbelievable, 10 months away from the county and far away from the entitled spoiled brat government employees and you still can’t let Trapp go! You’re sick O’Hare
Nobody agrees with me all the time ,and I don’t agree with enough. But, This character is in effect ,threatening to a judge in our courts by his comments. I voluntarily agree to defend him but I know the NorCar Sheriff would be doing so . The Sheriff is a seasoned person of great intelligence and integrity. . Nevertheless , I will take care of this judge or any others that were threatened . Because I can. I’m a citizen that’s wants a bully to know that our judges are not to stand alone ,but with citizens that will back them personally. So- have at or sease and desists .. Coward.
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